PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes December 1997 Revision Information This is a revised document. Software Version: PATHWORKS V6.1B for DIGITAL UNIX (Advanced Server) PATHWORKS V5.0D for DIGITAL UNIX (NetWare) Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts First published, March 1994 Revised, March 1995 Revised, March 1996 Revised, October 1996 Revised, December 1996 Revised, February 1997 Revised, March 1997 Revised, August 1997 Revised, December 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation and other parties. Possession, use, or copying of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Copyright (c) 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha Station, AXP, DEC, DECnet, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PCSA, VAX, and the Digital logo. The following are third party trademarks: AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. 3Com is a registered trademark of 3Com Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. LaserJet is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. SCO is a registered trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Netscape is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, Microsoft WordPad, and Microsoft Access 97 are copyrights of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document was prepared using Microsoft WORD Version 7.0. Contents 1. PATHWORKS FOR DIGITAL UNIX GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS 1.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software 1.1.1 Automatic Sharing of NFS filesystems from /etc/exports file 1.1.2 net access Managing File and Directory Permissions 1.1.3 It is Not Valid to Delete an NFS Automounted Share 1.1.4 PATHWORKS groupadd and groupdel commands to be retired 1.1.5 DIGITAL UNIX Disk Quota Compliance 1.1.6 ServerWorks does not support full Management of PATHWORKS V6 1.1.7 Missing PATHWORKS Tools Icon after Install 1.1.8 pwlsadmin Displays a Maximum License Count of 65535 1.1.9 Unable to Control Services on an NT Server with pwadmin 1.1.10 Unable to set permissions on a shared resource on an NT server 1.1.11 Installing the Man Page Subset 1.1.12 Unable to Install a Backup 5.0G Server 1.1.13 NetBEUI Clients Lose Connections 1.1.14 Accessing Servers Defined by the lmhosts File 1.1.15 Sharing the OSFQUEUE Print Queue 1.1.16 Using Links to Shared Directories 1.1.17 Using net Commands to Manage Local Groups 1.1.18 Deleting the Admin, Administrator or Guest Accounts 1.1.19 Using pwadmin Buttons 1.1.20 Using DIGITAL UNIX to Grant PATHWORKS File Rights 1.1.21 Setting Up Trust Relationships 1.1.22 Remote Boot Configuration Requirements 1.1.23 Unconfiguring a Streams Driver 1.1.24 NETPASS Requirements 1.1.25 Closing Client Connections 1.1.26 pwadmin and pwlsadmin Menu Displays 1.1.27 Using pwadmin for Pipes Permissions 1.1.28 Saving print filter files before Deinstalling a prior PATHWORKS version 1.1.29 Empty Share Directories are deleted during upgrade 1.1.30 Net Share Command Limitations 1.1.31 Windows 95 User-Level Access Control 1.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Software 1.2.1 New Licenses supported 1.2.2 PATHWORKS transports will not start with a bootlinked kernel 1.2.3 Unable to Logon with Terminal Disabled Error 1.2.4 PATHWORKS in a BASE or ENHANCED Security Environment 1.2.5 Access Denied When a NetWare Client Opens a PATHWORKS Advanced Server File 1.2.6 Configuring Browsing 1.2.7 International Character Set Mapping 1.2.8 Displaying Free Space on the Server 1.2.9 Turning Off native_locks to Improve Performance 1.2.10 Unable to See PATHWORKS Advanced Server Files From NetWare Clients 1.2.11 Configuring the License Server for PATHWORKS Token Ring Clients 1.2.12 Start the PATHWORKS server from a directory that won't need to be unmounted later 1.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software 1.3.1 nwprint 1.3.2 Increased Client Support 1.3.3 Increased Volume Support 1.3.4 Setting NWConfig Parameters 1.3.5 Configuring Packet Burst 1.3.6 NCP Signature Errors and Performance 1.3.7 Setting Permissions for NetWare Directories and Files 1.3.8 Enabling NVT 1.3.9 Disk Space Requirements for NetWare Printing 1.3.10 Setting Processes on a NetWare Server 1.3.11 NetWare Quotas 1.3.12 Starting the NetWare Transport After a stopnps Command 1.3.13 Starting and Stopping NetWare Transports on the License Server 1.3.14 Booting PATHWORKS NetWare Over Token Ring on the Host System 1.3.15 Using sconsole to Stop and Start the Server 1.3.16 Supervisor Login Fails From sconsole 1.3.17 Using sconsole to Modify Configuration Files 1.3.18 Using sconsole to View Volume Statistics 2. PATHWORKS FOR DIGITAL UNIX PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS 2.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software 2.1.1 Using joindomain after a system failure or reboot 2.1.2 Removing Files with Long Names 2.1.3 Error Unconfiguring a transport can occur if any Connections Remain 2.1.4 Client behavior during DECSafe/TruCluster Failover can get unexpected results 2.1.5 Correcting Browsing problems seen in system event log 2.1.6 Using blobadm to Debug PATHWORKS Database Files 2.1.7 File Replication 2.1.8 Using the Windows 95 Explorer to Copy Files 2.1.9 Remote Boot Restrictions 2.1.10 Unavailable pwadmin Options 2.1.11 Using pwadmin to send broadcasts causes problems with arrow keys 2.1.12 Obtaining Client Licenses Over Token Ring 2.1.13 DosOpen API 2.1.14 NetServerAdminCommand API 2.1.15 NetFileEnum and NetFileEnum2 APIs 2.1.16 Unsupported Print Destination APIs 2.1.17 Share permissions are altered after acladm -C, or a PATHWORKS upgrade 2.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Software 2.2.1 Remote Boot Error Messages 2.2.2 Configured Remote Boot Workstation Boots as Default Workstation 2.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software 2.3.1 Using the Escape Key in sconsole 2.3.2 sconsole Keypad Restrictions 2.3.3 Executing DOS Commands within Windows for Workgroups 2.3.4 "Process Memory Exhausted Error Message" on PATHWORKS NetWare Server 2.3.5 Using pwsetup kernel to Modify Configuration Files 2.3.6 OS/2 Requester 2.3.7 Modifying the Alert Notification List 2.3.8 NetWare Client 32 3. PATHWORKS FOR DIGITAL UNIX PROBLEMS FIXED Since V6.1 3.1 Problems Fixed in the Initial Release of 6.1A 3.1.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software 3.1.2 PATHWORKS NetWare Software 3.2 Problems Fixed in the ECO1 Release of 6.1A 3.2.1 PATHWORKS DIGITAL UNIX Software 3.2.2 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software 3.2.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software 3.3 Problems Fixed in the Initial Release of 6.1B 3.3.1 PATHWORKS DIGITAL UNIX Software 3.3.2 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software 3.3.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software 4. DOCUMENTATION 4.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Documents 4.1.1 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX (Advanced Server) System Guide 4.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Documents 4.2.1 PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX Server Installation and Configuration Guide 4.2.2 Using PC Based On-line Documentation 4.2.3 PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide 4.2.4 Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses 4.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Documents 4.3.1 NetWare System Administration Guide Release Notes This document describes issues that impact this release of PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX software. Please review the PATHWORKS cover letter before you begin installation. You can view the cover letter by using the cdmenu utility on the DIGITAL UNIX Software Layered Products CDROM. This document uses the following product names: - PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Refers to the most recent version of the product, which includes both PATHWORKS Advanced Server software and PATHWORKS NetWare software. - PATHWORKS Advanced Server Refers to the Advanced Server subsets and features included in PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. - PATHWORKS NetWare Refers to the NetWare subsets and features included in PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. - PATHWORKS for DEC OSF/1 Refers to a prior version of PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. This version includes both PATHWORKS LAN Manager and PATHWORKS NetWare software. 1. PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Guidelines and Requirements This section describes guidelines and requirements for using PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. This release of PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX requires DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 with any associated patches. 1.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software This section describes the guidelines and requirements that impact servers with PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. 1.1.1 Automatic Sharing of NFS filesystems from /etc/exports file This release supports the automatic sharing of NFS filesystems from the /etc/exports file. The extent of the support is determined by keywords in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file. The enablenfsbrowsing keyword enables the automatic sharing feature when the ignoreunix keyword is no. The default value for the enablenfsbrowsing keyword is yes. The following shows how NFS restrictions on file systems are handled with the Advanced Server auto-share feature when enablenfsbrowsing=yes and ignoreunix=no: NFS File System Option How PATHWORKS Advanced Server Mounts File System -ro Mounted as read only. rw=client:client2 Uses the defaultnfsaccess keyword to determine how to mount it. -anon=-1 Not automatically mounted by PATHWORKS Advanced Server. -access=client:client2 For any of these cases, uses the -access=client1 client2 restrictnfsshares keyword to client1 client2 determine if these shares are automatically mounted. A new keyword in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file is restrictnfsshares. restrictnfsshares Determines whether or not the PATHWORKS AS/U server will automatically offer restricted NFS mount points. Restricted NFS mount points are those that have an access list associated with them. Values: yes Do not automatically mount restricted NFS shares no Automatically mount restricted NFS shares using the default access permissions Default: yes For information on the enablenfsbrowsing and defaultnfsaccess keyword, see Appendix D of the PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX (Advanced Server) System Guide. 1.1.2 net access Managing File and Directory Permissions net access with a directory path name manages file and directory permissions. These permissions are different from the share permissions. Unless explicitly set, default file and directory permissions are inherited from the parent directory. UNIX file system privileges and ownership rules will still apply provided the lanman.ini parameter ignoreunix is set to no (the default). Any directories where explicit permissions were applied through net access will continue to have those permissions. The /usr/net/servers/lanman/shares directory is created allowing Everyone to have RWCXDAP permissions to that directory. Any directories created under this directory will inherit these permissions. Shares which are created outside of the /usr/net/servers/lanman/shares directory will inherit the permissions of the directory tree in which they are created. This means that the more restrictive default of Everyone:RX will be used if no explicit permissions have been set . If more open permissions are desired, they must be set using net access on the directory where the share was created. The default access permissions for the Advanced Server root directory is Everyone:RX. If you are using NFS Auto Shares (enablenfsbrowsing=yes and ignoreunix=no) this can cause problems with users writing to these Auto shares. To remedy this you can do one of the following: - Set an individual access record on each directory using: net access C:/path-to-directory /change Everyone:RWCXDAP - If all of your NFS shares are off the same root directory: net access C:/nfs-root /change Everyone:RWCXDAP - Change the root default access record by the following command: net access C:/ /change Everyone:RWCXDAP 1.1.3 It is Not Valid to Delete an NFS Automounted Share NFS volumes in the /etc/exports file are automatically added as an Advanced Server share. Since these shares are automatically shared, you are not allowed to delete them using the net share /delete command. If you try to delete an automatically mounted NFS share you will get the error: NET2310: This shared resource does not exist. More help may be obtained by typing NET HELPMSG 2310 1.1.4 PATHWORKS groupadd and groupdel commands to be retired The PATHWORKS commands groupadd and groupdel will be retired in a subsequent release and the Operating System commands groupadd and groupdel will be used instead. 1.1.5 DIGITAL UNIX Disk Quota Compliance DIGITAL UNIX disk space quotas are enforced on PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX systems for both the UFS and AdvFS file systems. Quotas are enforced by a new parameter in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file. The new parameter is enforcequotas and the default value for this parameter is yes; thus ensuring that quotas will be enforced if no action is taken by the Administrator when configuring PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. 1.1.6 ServerWorks does not support full Management of PATHWORKS V6 ServerWorks (formerly ManageWorks) does not currently support the full management of PATHWORKS for UNIX V6.0 or V6.1. The most obvious restriction is the managment of global and local user groups. There are plans to correct this in a future version on ServerWorks. 1.1.7 Missing PATHWORKS Tools Icon after Install If after installation, the PATHWORKS Tools icon is missing from the Application Manager, you can logout and login again and the icon will appear. 1.1.8 pwlsadmin Displays a Maximum License Count of 65535 If a license count is greater than 65535, then pwlsadmin will show the count as 65535. When the count is greater than 65535, the number of available licenses shown will be 65535 minus the number of licenses in use. 1.1.9 Unable to Control Services on an NT Server with pwadmin If you try to use pwadmin to control services on an NT server, you will get the error: NET2142: The requested API isn't supported on the Remote Server. 1.1.10 Unable to set permissions on a shared resource on an NT server If you try to set permissions on a shared resource on an NT server with pwadmin you will get the error: Network request not supported. 1.1.11 Installing the Man Page Subset You must be able to write to the /usr/share/man directory to install the PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX man page subset. If the /usr/share/man directory is not writable, a screen message displays during the installation procedure, indicating that /usr/share/man is not writable and that the subset is not installed. If you suspect that this has occurred, enter setld -i to see a list of installed subsets. The display will indicate that the man page subset is corrupt or is not installed. Enter DIGITAL UNIX commands to make the /usr/share/man directory writable, and then reinstall the man page subset. 1.1.12 Unable to Install a 5.0G Backup Server If you install a backup 5.0G server in a domain where the primary is configured without an Admin account, PATHWORKS is unable to create a remote account on the primary controller, and displays the following error message: ERROR: Creation of remote account failed - Access Denied. The account or password is invalid or "Admin" is not an administrative account. To install the backup server, you must administer the primary controller using the User Manager and add or enable the Admin account. When this has been completed, stop and start the backup server. 1.1.13 NetBEUI Clients Lose Connections There is a problem in the 802.2 service class implementation on most clients causes NetBEUI clients to lose their links to some fast SMP servers. The problem is aggravated by the ability of some SMP servers to send out of order packets to the client. If you receive an "Abort, Fail, Retry?" message, you should issue a retry or abort to reestablish the link. If the problem is persistent, reconfiguring the client and server to use TCP/IP is recommended. 1.1.14 Accessing Servers Defined by the lmhosts File Servers that use an lmhosts file and include more than one entry for a domain controller, on the same domain, must consistently include or exclude the #PRE keyword. If you have trouble resolving servers in the domain you may need to add the #PRE keyword for all servers in the domain. The following lmhosts file contains more than one entry for the marketing domain. This file is coded correctly because each entry for the domain includes the #PRE keyword. MAKO #PRE #DOM:MARKETING.DOM ABALONE #PRE #DOM:MARKETING.DOM The last lmhosts file is incorrect because one entry for the domain includes the #PRE keyword and one entry does not. Servers with lmhosts files that use this syntax will experience difficulty during domain to domain communications, causing errors during account database replication and similar activities. MAKO #PRE #DOM:MARKETING.DOM ABALONE #DOM:MARKETING.DOM 1.1.15 Sharing the OSFQUEUE Print Queue PATHWORKS displays the following message if you try to share the OSFQUEUE print queue: NET2150: The printer queue does not exist. More help may be obtained by typing NET HELPMSG 2150 The OSFQUEUE print queue is the queue defined by PATHWORKS so that print jobs, submitted outside of PATHWORKS, can be reported. However, you cannot share this queue. 1.1.16 Using Links to Shared Directories Directory permissions, although correct, may appear incorrect if you use links to configure shared directories. This is because, by default, the permissions of a directory are inherited from the parent directory. For example, the directory \work\testshare, on the host system, has the following permissions. These are inherited from the parent directory \work: net access C:\work\testshare Resource Permissions Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- C:\work\testshare *Administrators:RWCXDAP *Everyone:RWCXDA *Server Operators:RWCXDA *SYSTEM:RWCXDAP Administrator:RWCXDAP If you create a softlink from \usr\net\servers\lanman\share\testshare to the directory \work\testshare, the directory permissions for \usr\net\servers\lanman\share\testshare are different. This is because the directory permissions are inherited from \usr\net\servers\lanman\share, the new parent directory. For example: net access C:\usr\net\servers\lanman\share\testshare Resource Permissions Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- C:\usr\net\servers\lanman\share\testshare *Administrators:RWCXDAP *Everyone:RX 1.1.17 Using net Commands to Manage Local Groups The net commands on the PATHWORKS Advanced Server do not support the management of local groups. Use client tools and utilities to manage local groups. 1.1.18 Deleting the Admin, Administrator or Guest Accounts PATHWORKS does not allow you to remove the Admin, Administrator, or Guest accounts. This is because users in these groups perform basic operations, without which PATHWORKS would not be operational. If you try to remove Admin, Administrator, or Guest accounts from the server, PATHWORKS displays an error message similar to the following: Error 1371 has occurred. SYS1371?: This error, although correct, does not contain text that describes why the error occurred. 1.1.19 Using pwadmin Buttons On a pwadmin screen that contains more than one scroll box, you must sometimes use the accelerator keys, rather than Tab followed by Return, to activate a command button . This is because using the Tab key automatically toggles between scroll boxes, and sometimes deactivates the command button you wish to use. 1.1.20 Using DIGITAL UNIX to Grant PATHWORKS File Rights You cannot use the group rights for a DIGITAL UNIX file to grant file access to PATHWORKS users. This is because the PATHWORKS Advanced Server already uses DIGITAL UNIX groups to store file attributes. When you plan access rights for DIGITAL UNIX and PATHWORKS files, you must use the DIGITAL UNIX Owner or Other permission. 1.1.21 Setting Up Trust Relationships Follow these guidelines to establish and manage trust relationships: - If you use pwadmin, ASTOOLS on a Windows 3.x system, Windows for Workgroups, or Windows 95 to add a trust relationship, the software displays a message indicating that you must contact the administrator of the added domain to ensure that the trust is added. This is because these utilities are able to add, but not verify a trust relationships. - You can not use pwadmin or ASTOOLS to manage a remote trusted domain. This is because these tools do not allow you to logon to the remote domain. 1.1.22 Remote Boot Configuration Requirements To configure the Remote Boot service on a PATHWORKS Advanced server, follow instructions in the PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Server Installation and Configuration Guide. When installation and configuration are complete: 1. Set up directory access permissions for RPLADMIN group: net access C:/usr/net/servers/lanman/rpl /grant RPLADMIN:RWCXDAP net access C:/usr/net/servers/lanman/rpl/rplfiles /grant RPLADMIN:RWCXDAP 2. Use Windows NT client tools to add the user logon name, from the client where you plan to run the Remote Boot Manager, to the RPLADMIN global group and the Administrators local group. 3. Full Control is granted to Everyone on the RPL and RPLFILES shares. To allow only members of the RPLADMIN group to have write access, use Windows NT Server Tools on a Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 workstation, or Windows NT Administrative Tools on a Windows NT workstation. Complete the following steps: 1. Using the Server Manager, access the RPL share from your remote boot server. 2. Change the access type for Everyone from Full Control to Read Only. 3. Add the Full Control permission for the RPLADMIN group on that server. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the RPLFILES share. 4. From the Windows 3.1 client where you plan to run the Remote Boot Manager, execute UPDATE SERVER, and then follow all other procedure described in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide. 5. Add the following lines to the corresponding fit files which are located in the /usr/var/net/servers/lanman/rpl/fits directory. There is a fit file for the default remote boot profile and one for each version if DOS. C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG\CHKNET.EXE (BINFILES)\LANMAN.DOS\BASIC\CHKNET.EXE C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG\MINSES.EXE (BINFILES)\LANMAN.DOS\BASIC\MINSES.EXE 6. Check to see that the server has the Remote Boot service running before invoking a remote boot operation from the client. If you do not follow the above steps, the UPDATE SERVER procedure may fail. This is because the client does not have the appropriate access rights. If this occurs, you must remove the access control database file and the accounts user database file, and then reconfigure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. Be sure to save these files to a different directory, so that you can restore your original configuration if you wish. To remove files and reconfigure the server: 1. Logon to the host system as root. 2. Stop the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. 3. Copy /usr/net/servers/lanman/datafiles/acl file to a new directory. This file contains the access control database. 4. Copy /usr/net/servers/lanman/datafiles/lsa to a new directory. This file contains the user accounts database. 5. Remove the access control database. Enter acladm -R. 6. Remove the user accounts database. Enter samadm -R. 7. Run pwsetup configure to reconfigure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, including the Remote Boot service. This creates a new access control database file and a new user accounts database file. 8. Follow steps 1 through 5, at the beginning of this section, to complete remote boot configuration. 1.1.23 Unconfiguring a Streams Driver If you use sysconfig -u to unconfigure a PATHWORKS streams driver, ensure that sysconfig -u completes by entering the sysconfig -s command . This is because, if sysconfig -u fails, removal of the drivers is not complete, and you must unconfigure them completely before you can begin reconfiguration. You can use the PATHWORKS transport start and stop scripts to reconfigure drivers. To reconfigure a NetWare driver, enter /sbin/init.d/pwknwtran start. To reconfigure a KNBTCP/IP driver, enter /sbin/init.d/pwktcp start. To reconfigure a NetBEUI driver, enter /sbin/init.d/pwkdllink start followed by /sbin/init.d/pwknbelink/pwknbelink start. If the drivers still don't come up properly you may need to reboot the machine. 1.1.24 NETPASS Requirements The following are guidelines and restrictions for using the NETPASS command. - The NETPASS command requires an activated guest account on the server with a null password which is active (i.e. not expired). - The NETPASS command changes both a user's DIGITAL UNIX and PATHWORKS Advanced Server password if the hostpasswordsync keyword in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file to is set to yes. The default value for this keyword is no. - The NETPASS command, on DOS machines, works only when the password is entered as a quoted string, or when you let the NETPASS program prompt you for the old password. This is because DOS automatically converts the old password to an uppercase string, and DIGITAL UNIX is case sensitive. To use NETPASS on DOS, you must use the following syntax: NETPASS \\system_name user_name "oldpassword" 1.1.25 Closing Client Connections PATHWORKS Advanced Server software takes the following actions when closing client connections: 1. If you turn off a TCP/IP client without first logging off the network, the server does not know the client is shut off until it is turned on and logged into the network again, or until the TCP/IP keepalive timeout has expired. The TCP/IP keepalive timeout value is approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes. When the server determines that the client is not responding, the client connection is closed. This includes closing any files opened by the client and freeing any file or record locks held by the client. 2. If the server is configured using the autodisconnect parameter in the lanman.ini file, the server closes the inactive client connection when the autodisconnect occurs. When the server closes the connection, all files opened by the client are closed and all locks held by the client are freed. 3. The server automatically updates the "session error" statistic if you reboot a LAN Manager client without first closing the connection by entering the NET LOGOFF or NET USE command. 1.1.26 pwadmin and pwlsadmin Menu Displays The pwadmin and pwlsadmin interface requires that the TERM environment variable match the type of terminal where the menu screens display. If the TERM environment variable is not set correctly, menu screens display improperly. Using TELNET to access pwadmin and pwlsadmin may create a situation where the TERM environment variable is incorrectly set. If this occurs you must set the TERM environment variable before you run pwadmin or pwlsadmin. 1.1.27 Using pwadmin for Pipes Permissions You can not use the pwadmin interface to set permissions for pipes. You must use the Net Admin interface or Net command to set pipe permissions. 1.1.28 Saving print filter files before Deinstalling a prior PATHWORKS version The following Operating System print filters must be saved before you deinstall any PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX version prior to V6.1: /usr/lbin/epsonof /usr/lbin/hplaser4psof /usr/lbin/hplaserof /usr/lbin/hplaserpsof If you did not save these files and they are deleted by a deinstall of PATHWORKS, they can be restored again by reinstalling the OSFPRINT400 subset. 1.1.29 Empty Share Directories are deleted during upgrade When deinstalling a PATHWORKS version prior to V6.1, any share directories which are empty are deleted. For example, if the pccommon directory is empty when deinstalling V5.0G, the pccommon directory is deleted. When upgrading to PATHWORKS V6.1, PATHWORKS does not check if directories need to be created and therefore would not create the pccommon directory or any other directory that had been deleted in this manner. You can create any of these directories manually after PATHWORKS has been installed. The owner of pccommon should be lmxguest. 1.1.30 Net Share Command Limitations The NET SHARE command will display as many shares as can be fit into a 64K buffer. This will allow hundreds of shares to be displayed (the exact number will depend on the amount of data per share - remarks and length of share's pathname, etc.). 1.1.31 Windows 95 User-Level Access Control Windows 95 allows user-level access control to be set up to its local shares. The ability to extract a list of domain users does not work with Advanced Server for UNIX. An error window is displayed: "You cannot view the list of users at this time. Please try again later." This is a design limitation. 1.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Software This section describes the guidelines and requirements that impact servers with PATHWORKS Advanced Server software and PATHWORKS NetWare software. 1.2.1 New Licenses supported PATHWORKS now supports 4 new licenses. One called PWLMXXXCAmm.nn which is also known as NEW FP. The minimum accepted version of this license is PWLMXXXCA06.00. PATHWORKS also supports a new PWXXXWINAT07.0 license. The license server will give out this license to a client that requests it, but the license does not give the client the right to access the Advanced Server. Support was also added for PWLMASUCC04.00 client license. Server-based ASDU-CONNECT licenses have been added. 1.2.2 PATHWORKS transports will not start with a bootlinked kernel PATHWORKS transports require FFM_FS to be included for streams pipes support, but a bootlinked kernel cannot be checked for the FFM_FS module. 1.2.3 Unable to Logon with Terminal Disabled Error A terminal can become disabled when the t_failures value for the device has surpassed the amount of failures allowed for that device. This can happen if you upgrade your system to ENHANCED Security and the number of failures at the terminal has exceeded to the maximum allowed of 10 for ENHANCED Security. To determine if the t_failures value has exceeded the limit: edauth -g -dt"$name"" Check the t_failures field displayed for the device. To clear the t_failures field use edauth -d v :0. 1.2.4 PATHWORKS in a BASE or ENHANCED Security Environment PATHWORKS Advanced Server can now co-exist on a DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 system with ENHANCED Security enabled. - PATHWORKS Groups are not deleted PATHWORKS Groups are no longer deleted when PATHWORKS is de- installed. This is true in both BASE and ENHANCED Security environments. - Password management rules for DIGITAL UNIX users and PATHWORKS users of the same name are totally separate. The PATHWORKS Advanced Server and NetWare server each maintain their own database for passwords which also contains information on the password managment rules and restrictions. These restrictions are totally unrelated to the restrictions on passwords that are maintained by the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. For Example: A UNIX user, testuser, whose password has expired will not be able to logon to a DIGITAL UNIX system. The password of the Advanced server user of the same name, testuser has not expired and testuser can logon as an Advanced Server user. - In an ENHANCED Security Environment, a DIGITAL UNIX user created by PATHWORKS is created locked In an ENHANCED Security environment, when a PATHWORKS user is created, and it did not already exist in the DIGITAL UNIX database, the user is added to the DIGITAL UNIX database as a locked user with no password and a shell of /bin/false. The exceptions are the lmxadmin and novl users which are added to the DIGITAL UNIX database as locked with no password, and are set up to use the default shell. If a System Administrator want these users to be able to login to DIGITAL UNIX, then the System Administrator must explicitly give these users a password and then unlock that user before that user can login. - PATHWORKS Users are not locked if they already exist when the operating system is converted to ENHANCED Security. PATHWORKS Advanced Server and NetWare users are created as DIGITAL UNIX users that are not allowed to login to DIGITAL UNIX, and have no password. When these users are added in an ENHANCED Security environment, they are also added locked. However, if the users were created under a BASE Security environment, and the system is then converted to an ENHANCED Security environment, the users will still have no password and no shell but they will not be locked. 1.2.5 Access Denied When a NetWare Client Opens a PATHWORKS Advanced Server File NetWare clients that attempt to open a file that is already in use by a single PATHWORKS Advanced Server client may be denied file access. This situation can occur, for example, when a PATHWORKS NetWare client attempts to open a shared database file that is already opened by a PATHWORKS Advanced Server client. File access is denied because the PATHWORKS Advanced Server client, which opened the file first, uses an oplock to secure the file. PATHWORKS NetWare clients are unable to share files secured with an oplock. To access the file, you must free the oplock by opening the file by a second PATHWORKS Advanced Server client, or ensure that the file is opened first by a PATHWORKS NetWare client, so that the oplock is not granted. You can also turn off oplocks completely. To turn off oplocks, set the useoplock parameter in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file to no. In addition, oplocks should not be used to share files with a DIGITAL UNIX application. To share data without oplocks, use the fcntl() call and take out an F_WRLCK or F_RDLCK on the file. This allows for file sharing, but prevents PATHWORKS from using an oplock. 1.2.6 Configuring Browsing PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX now assigns a different name to a PATHWORKS Advanced Server and a PATHWORKS NetWare server that are installed on a single machine. This is so a Windows 95 Browser will correctly connect you to the server you want. Do not change these defaults. 1.2.7 International Character Set Mapping PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX can only support account names (Guest, Admin) and file names that conform to a common 7- bit character set. This limits clients from using characters in other character sets for filenames. 1.2.8 Displaying Free Space on the Server DOS client commands (such as DIR) can only display up to 2GB of free space on a PATHWORKS Advanced Server and 1GB on a PATHWORKS NetWare server. This is because of a DOS restriction on how free space is calculated and reported on the client. 1.2.9 Turning Off native_locks to Improve Performance If native_locks is set to active, and you use NetWare sharable locks to lock a large byte range, it may take a considerable amount of time to free the lock. If this occurs, applications running on the client will appear to hang when closing a file or releasing a lock. 1.2.10 Unable to See PATHWORKS Advanced Server Files From NetWare Clients Files created on a PATHWORKS Advanced Server share are not immediately visible to PATHWORKS clients using NetWare services. The PATHWORKS NetWare client must enter the DIR command, from the DOS prompt, to view files on the share before attempting to open the file. 1.2.11 Configuring the License Server for PATHWORKS Token Ring Clients If your configuration includes PATHWORKS clients that use Token Ring, you must specify which license server the client will use as an argument to the pwliclm command. This is because token ring clients that do not access a specified server are unable to obtain licenses. The pwliclm command is usually configured as part of the NETSTART sequence. Refer to client documentation for additional information. 1.2.12 Start the PATHWORKS server from a directory that won't need to be unmounted later If you run pwsetup configure from a mount point such as the cdmenu mount point and start the PATHWORKS server, you will not be able to unmount it while the PATHWORKS server is running. For example, do not run pwsetup configure after running cdmenu without changing the current directory to something like / or /usr/sbin. 1.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software This section describes the guidelines and requirements that impact servers with PATHWORKS NetWare software. 1.3.1 nwprint This version of PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX (NetWare) adds support for the nwprint command. The nwprint command allows a PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX user to submit a print request to a NetWare accessible printer from a DIGITAL UNIX server. SYNOPSIS nwprint options [file ...] If no file name is specified, input is taken from standard input. PARAMETERS To print to a NetWare accessible printer, the following options must be utilized: -s server The name of the server to which the print request will be addressed -u username The username of the user on the NetWare server -p password The password for the provided user’s account, if the account has an assigned password OPTIONS -q print_queue The print queue to which the print request will be submitted -b Omit the banner page -c copies The number of copies to print -e This option will suppress the printing of final trailing form feeds -n banner_name The name to use on the banner page -t tab_amount Alternate spacing for tab stops, in number of spaces per tab -d job_description Provides a string name for the print job submitted. This name will appear in the print queue when the queue is displayed, and on the banner page of the print request. -f control_file To save repetition in typing certain options, a control file can be specified with this option. The control file contains default values of one or more of the relevant print options. The file must contain one or more of the following lines, one command per line: for -s SERVER=value for -u USERNAME=value for -p PASSWORD=value for -q PRINTQ=value for -d PRINTDESC=value for -c COPIES=value for -t TAB=value Substitute “value” with the correct information as described above for each of the parameters or options included in the control file. Comment lines are marked with a # character in the first column. If an option is specified in both the command file and on the command line, the value given on the command line will take precedence. 1.3.2 Increased Client Support PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX supports up to 1000 client connections. Configuring more clients requires more swap space and shared memory. Follow the instructions in the PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Server Installation and Configuration Guide when configuring more than 250 clients. 1.3.3 Increased Volume Support PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX supports up to 250 volumes. This is an increase from the previous version of PATHWORKS, which provided support for 64 volumes. 1.3.4 Setting NWConfig Parameters You must not enable the read_ahead_cache parameter or the write_behind_flag parameter in the usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file. By default, these parameters are set to inactive, and resetting them to active may result in data corruption. 1.3.5 Configuring Packet Burst NetWare client VLMs occasionally get into a state where burst mode is improperly handled. This can cause loss of connections due to failed NCP signatures. In some cases, packet burst can degrade system performance. If this occurs, you can disable packet burst by changing the packet_burst option to inactive. Disable packet burst by editing the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file and changing the value of packet_burst = active to packet_burst = inactive. You must then stop and restart PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. Sites that have Token ring clients configured with packet burst enabled may be unable log in to a Native NetWare server on token ring via a DIGITAL UNIX router. You must disable packet burst, on the client, to log in successfully to the Native NetWare server. 1.3.6 NCP Signature Errors and Performance In general, NCP signatures incur additional overhead because of the calculations required for each packet. To improve performance, you can modify the use of packet signatures by editing the ncp_packet_signature_level option in the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file, as follows: - Set a value of ncp_packet_signature_level=0 to disable packet signatures completely. - Set a value of ncp_packet_signature_level=1 to use packet signatures only if the client requires them. This is the default setting. This setting provides optimum performance while still allowing clients to use packet signatures. Also, if your server is configured to use retail NetWare clients, DIGITAL recommends that you use this setting, and also set the packet_burst option to inactive. - Set a value of ncp_packet_signature_level=2 to use packet signatures if the client supports them. - Set a value of ncp_packet_signature_level=3 to use packet signatures at all times. NCP signature values can also impact sites with the following configurations: - Older Novell VLM clients may be unable to handle NCP signatures. This can result in disconnects. You must upgrade to the latest Novell VLMs to correct this problem. - netx clients may be unable to reconnect if the server is stopped and then restarted. If this occurs, the following message displays on the server console: ncpfdHandler: INVALID SIGNATURE: Reg=2222 xxx=22 This is because the client can not regenerate its ncp signature level. You must set the value of the ncp_packet_signature_level to 1, and then restart the server. 1.3.7 Setting Permissions for NetWare Directories and Files NetWare file and directory permissions are not restricted by the umask value that is set on the DIGITAL UNIX system. This means that the value you specify in the NWConfig file for file_mask and dir_mask sets permissions for files and directories created by NetWare users. Note that the file_mask and dir_mask values that you specify do not apply to existing files or directories. You must manually change the permissions for any files or directories created using PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. 1.3.8 Enabling NVT To enable NetWare NVT on the host system you must add the following option, on a separate line, anywhere in the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWUConfig file, and then stop and start the server and server transports. spx_network_rlogin=active Servers that are not enabled do not appear on the client's NVT Terminal List. 1.3.9 Disk Space Requirements for NetWare Printing Due to a limitation of the DIGITAL UNIX lpd daemon, you must allow twice the amount of disk space on the DIGITAL UNIX server as the size of the file you want to print. For example, if the file you want to print is 6MB in size, allow 12 MB of disk space. Allocate one half of the space required in the /usr/spool filesystem, the other half in the /tmp directory. 1.3.10 Setting Processes on a NetWare Server You can configure a PATHWORKS NetWare server to support from 1 to 50 processes by setting the max_procs parameter in the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file to the value you want. You can also use sconsole to configure the number of processes a PATHWORKS NetWare server will support. Menus within sconsole indicate that you can configure 1 to 255 server processes. This is incorrect. If you use sconsole to set server processes, and you use a value greater than 50 or less than 1, PATHWORKS NetWare resets the number of processes to the closest valid number and displays one of the following messages: Maximum proc ('n') too small; converted to 1 Maximum proc ('n') too large; converted to 50 If you use sconsole to reconfigure the number of processes, you must stop and restart the server to activate your changes. 1.3.11 NetWare Quotas PATHWORKS NetWare does not support the use of NetWare quotas on user volumes on the server. 1.3.12 Starting the NetWare Transport After a stopnps Command Occasionally, applications that use the NetWare transport fail to close their endpoints to the transport after you enter the stopnps command. If this occurs the following message appears on the console screen: NPSD: Unable to open /dev/streams/ipx0: Operations would block. To restart the NetWare transports, first terminate any applications that have not closed their endpoints. Then enter startnps, to restart NetWare transports. 1.3.13 Starting and Stopping NetWare Transports on the License Server If you stop and start the NetWare transports on the same server that you use to run the license server, you must stop and restart the license server before restarting the NetWare transports. To stop the NetWare transports and the License Server, enter: /sbin/init.d/lic_srv stop /sbin/init.d/nw_srv stop /sbin/init.d/pwknwtran stop To restart the NetWare transports and License Server, enter: /sbin/init.d/pwknwtran start /sbin/init.d/nw_srv start /sbin/init.d/lic_srv start 1.3.14 Booting PATHWORKS NetWare Over Token Ring on the Host System When you boot a host system that is configured to run PATHWORKS NetWare over Token Ring, Token Ring sometimes fails to initialize before the PATHWORKS NetWare transport accesses it. If this occurs, the following message displays on the console screen: DLPISet Broadcast enable failed. Ignore this message. The PATHWORKS NetWare transport will issue a subsequent command after Token Ring initializes. This command will succeed, and the system will boot correctly. 1.3.15 Using sconsole to Stop and Start the Server sconsole requires at least one NetWare connection to stop and start NetWare services. If no connections are available, sconsole will hang. If this occurs, press Ctr-c to exit sconsole. You must free a connection to run sconsole. You can do this by having a client log off. If the reason for entering sconsole is to stop the server, enter /sbin/init.d/nw_srv stop. This disconnects all client connections and stops the NetWare server. 1.3.16 Supervisor Login Fails From sconsole You cannot use sconsole to login, as supervisor, to PATHWORKS NetWare servers that have the NCP signature level set to 3. To use sconsole, you must specify an NCP signature level no higher than 2. 1.3.17 Using sconsole to Modify Configuration Files The sconsole utility does not provide file locking for the NWConfig, NWUConfig, PRTConfig, RPControl, and RPConfig files. This means that more than one user can open a configuration file, and sconsole retains only the last file saved. 1.3.18 Using sconsole to View Volume Statistics To view volume statistics for a PATHWORKS NetWare volume, the volume must be assigned a DOS namespace. To assign a DOS namespace to a new or existing volume, invoke sconsole and follow the steps below: 1. From the Main Menu select 2, Configuration Menu. 2. From the Configuration Menu, select 1, Services Configuration. 3. From the Services Configuration Menu, select 1, File Services Configuration. 4. From the File Services Configuration Menu, select 3, Add a Volume, or 4, Change a Volume Name and Namespace. 5. Enter the name of the volume, then enter DOS as the namespace. To view volume statistics, invoke sconsole and follow the steps below: 1. From the Main Menu, select 3, Statistics Menu. 2. From the Statistics Menu, select 5, Volume Statistics. 2. PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Problems and Limitations This section contains information about problems and limitations that impact PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX software. 2.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software These problems and limitations may impact servers that use PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. 2.1.1 Using joindomain after a system failure or reboot If while trying to use joindomain after a system failure or reboot you get the error: The PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Advanced Server configuration utility, joindomain appears to be running . This instance of joindomain will exit. Check all running processes and try again. Check that no other processes are running joindomain. If no other processes are running joindomain, then check the /tmp directory for a file joindomain.lock and remove it if it exists. 2.1.2 Removing Files with Long Names The PATHWORKS Advanced Server allows you to create files with names that are 255 characters long. However, you cannot delete this file using a Windows NT or Windows 95 client. 2.1.3 Error Unconfiguring a transport can occur if any Connections Remain When deinstalling PATHWORKS Transports, it is possible to get a 'device busy' error when unconfiguring the transport if any connections have been left open on that transport. Check that all connections on that transport have been closed before trying to deinstall the transport. 2.1.4 Client behavior during DECSafe/TruCluster Failover can get unexpected results Client software may not gracefully handle the errors that a server returns during a failover in a DECSafe/TruCluster environment. The client may not retry an operation which was in progress at the time of the failover resulting in data being lost. 2.1.5 Correcting Browsing problems seen in system event log If the Browser doesn't appear to be working completely, check the system event log for errors. Restarting the browser can usually correct the problem. The browser can be restarted using the following commands: net stop browser net start browser If the problem persists, the server should be restarted by: net stop server net start server 2.1.6 Using blobadm to Debug PATHWORKS Database Files Use the blobadm command to dump the contents of PATHWORKS database file, if you need to debug the PATHWORKS server. However, entering blobadm with the -LbcKSs options will cause blobadm to core. 2.1.7 File Replication Follow these guidelines to configure and manage file replication: - You can configure a down level server to import files from only one server. If your specify more than one server on the import list, file replication will not occur. - The integrity=tree parameter, in the repl.ini file, sets the stability requirement for file replication. All files and subdirectories must be stable, or unchanged, for the period of time specified by the guardtime keyword in the lanman.ini file. However, the integrity=tree parameter does not work correctly. If you use this parameter, replication will not occur. - Files and directories that you want to replicate must conform to DOS 8.3 naming conventions. File names that are longer than 8.3 characters, or that are composed of mixed characters, will not replicate. 2.1.8 Using the Windows 95 Explorer to Copy Files Windows 95, in order to provide multi-tasking for the Windows95 client , negotiates a smaller buffer size so that it won't block client transfers for a long period. Since Windows 95 transfers the file in smaller segments, this creates more network traffic and increases file transfer time for large files copied from the Windows 95 Explorer. To decrease file transfer time, initiate the transfer from a DOS window. 2.1.9 Remote Boot Restrictions The following are limitations of the Remote Boot service: - Remote Boot of OS/2 is not supported. - The PATHWORKS Advanced Server Remote Boot service will not boot default RPL clients for non-Microsoft versions of DOS. A default RPL client is a RPL client that has no defined workstation and profile record in the file. - The Remote Boot service exits if it receives a boot request from a network client before you run the Update Server program and complete Remote Boot configuration. If this occurs, you must first turn off any network clients making remote boot requests. Then, enter net start remoteboot to restart the Remote Boot service and complete configuration by running the Update Server program. 2.1.10 Unavailable pwadmin Options The following pwadmin options are greyed out and not selectable with this release: - The Replication command, from the Main Menu's View option. - The Events command, from the Main Menu's Status option. - The Local Groups command, from the Main Menu's Accounts option. - The Promote to Primary command, from the Main Menu's Computer option. - The Remove From Domain command, from the Main Menu's Computer option. 2.1.11 Using pwadmin to send broadcasts causes problems with arrow keys When a broadcast message is sent from pwadmin, the arrow keys become inoperable. To restore the keys exit pwadmin and then re-enter. 2.1.12 Obtaining Client Licenses Over Token Ring Token ring clients using NetBEUI and the Enhanced Redirector cannot obtain a license, and therefore cannot connect to the PATHWORKS server. 2.1.13 DosOpen API The DosOpen API with a specified file size does not open the file correctly. If the file does not exist, DosOpen creates a file of 0 length and opens it. 2.1.14 NetServerAdminCommand API The NetServerAdminCommand API does not return the proper value in the psResult parameter. It returns the value returned by the DIGITAL UNIX system(3) call rather than the exit code from the command that was actually executed by the shell, (that is, the value that appears when you type "echo $?" after a command). For example, if you execute the following call: NetServerAdminCommand("ls -l/tmp/nonexist") the value returned in psResult is 0. But the following command (typed at the DIGITAL UNIX system command prompt) shows an exit code of 2: ls -l /tmp/nonexist; echo $? 2.1.15 NetFileEnum and NetFileEnum2 APIs The NetFileEnum and NetFileEnum2 APIs return only open files. Open pipes and print queues are not returned. Also for these APIs, info levels 0 and 1 always return 16 bit file ids. For info levels 2 and 3, 32-bit values are allowed and NetFileEnum2 will return file ids larger than 65535 for the same open files for which it returned an id less than 65535 for levels 0 and 1. 2.1.16 Unsupported Print Destination APIs The following APIs are unsupported. These are used to add and control print destinations. DosPrintDestAdd DosPrintDestControl DosPrintDestDel DosPrintDestSetInfo DosPrintDestGetInfo DosPrintDestDestEnum 2.1.17 Share permissions are altered after acladm -C, or a PATHWORKS upgrade Permissions on a share may be lost after revoking permissions for "Everyone" from a share and by later upgrading the PATHWORKS installtion or running the acladm -C command. For example: net access \\sharename Resource Permissions Permissions ---------------------------------------------------------- \sharename *Everyone:RWDXCAP user1:RX net access \\sharename /revoke Everyone net access \\sharename Resource Permissions Permissions ---------------------------------------------------------- \sharename user1:RX After bringing the servers down and running acladm -C, or after doing an upgrade installation a net access shows the permissions have been altered. net access \\sharename Resource Permissions Permissions ---------------------------------------------------------- \sharename Everyone:RWDXCAP 2.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Software These problems and limitations impact servers configured with PATHWORKS Advanced Server software and PATHWORKS NetWare software. 2.2.1 Remote Boot Error Messages These error messages occur while using the Remote Boot service: - The following error message indicates that your lanman.ini file is out of date. This occasionally happens during server configuration. LANMAN.INI contains an invalid service program name. To update your file, restart the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. - When the Remote Boot service is started, the following error message is logged to the PATHWORKS Advanced Server error message file. NET2353: The file bblock/pw/dllndis.exe has been changed after initialization. Ignore this message. It has no impact on either the Remote Boot service or the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. - The following error occurs while the remote boot workstation boots the TCP/IP protocol. Invalid IP dot format notation Ignore this message. It has no impact on either the Remote Boot service or the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. 2.2.2 Configured Remote Boot Workstation Boots as Default Workstation If, after you define profile and workstation information, the client boots as a default workstation, the problem might be an improperly defined profile record. Profile records are stored in the file. To check that the profile record you configured is correct, find the profile record with the name of the configuration that you defined. For example, if you defined a configuration named DOS500M, search the file for the following: . . . 000000000000 ProfileLine ~ FITS\DOS500 (RPL_SERVER_NAME) ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,, DOS500M RDOSM ~ M5523PW COMMENT ~ ~ ~ . . . If the profile is configured correctly, a corresponding name = entry is included in the rplmgr.ini file. The following example shows the rplmgr.ini entry for the DOS500M configuration: . . . name = DOS500 . . . Refer to Appendix B and Appendix D of the PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide for additional 2.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software This section describes problems and limitations that impact servers configured with PATHWORKS NetWare software. During installation of NetWare you will get the following output: Starting NetWare Server nw_srv: NetWare starting... Unable to log information to daemon.log: Missing arguments. <============ You can run the NetWare IVP (Installation Verification Procedure) now or later. To run the IVP manually, type nwivp at the system prompt. This error can be ignored. 2.3.1 Using the Escape Key in sconsole Because of problem with Curses support in the current version of DIGITAL UNIX, the Escape key does not work properly when you use it from sconsole. Normally, the Escape key causes you to exit the current sconsole menu. However, because Curses does not process the Escape key immediately, results are not predictable and depend on the sequence of keys that you enter following the Escape key. To use the Escape key to exit an sconsole menu, press Escape, and then press Spacebar or Return. This sequence causes Curses to execute the Escape key without entering additional keyboard information. 2.3.2 sconsole Keypad Restrictions You can not use the Find, Select or Remove keys from within the NetWare sconsole utility. These keys are not mapped to NetWare functions, and can disrupt sconsole menu displays or cause the sconsole utility to hang. 2.3.3 Executing DOS Commands within Windows for Workgroups Clients that use Native NetWare under Windows for Workgroups, and connect to a PATHWORKS NetWare server over Ethernet hardware, may have difficulty running DOS applications that use SPX (for example, PCONSOLE). The application may hang or fail to run if you execute it from within a DOS window. If this occurs, follow the steps below to specify a Workgroups for Windows frame type that matches the one used by the server: 1. From the Windows for Workgroups Network Program group, select Network Setup. 2. From Network Setup, select Drivers. 3. From Network Drivers, select IPX/SPX Compatible Transports with NetBIOS. Click Setup. 4. From Setup, select Frame Type. At the bottom of the menu, change the default from Not Present to the frame type used by the server. Click Set. 5. Return to the Main Menu. To activate your change, answer yes at the prompt to restart the client. 2.3.4 "Process Memory Exhausted Error Message" on PATHWORKS NetWare Server PATHWORKS NetWare servers that have volumes configured with large directories may occasionally fail to allocate sufficient shared memory. If this occurs, PATHWORKS NetWare displays a message similar to the following: Process Memory Exhausted (bytes wanted 204986) To allocate additional shared memory, you must increment the fs_shm_size parameter in the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file by the number of bytes displayed in the error message. For example, to allocate sufficient shared memory for the message above, you must increment the value of the fs_shm_size parameter by 204986 bytes. Note that you must stop and start the server to activate your changes. If the PATHWORKS Advanced Server is also running, both the PATHWORKS Advanced Server and the PATHWORKS NetWare servers must be stopped and restarted. 2.3.5 Using pwsetup kernel to Modify Configuration Files The pwsetup kernel utility only recognizes comments in the NWUConfig and NWConfig file that include a comment character at the beginning of each line. For example, pwsetup kernel recognizes that the following is commented out: /* *lan_1_network = 0x82C8F000 *lan_1_adapter = "/dev/streams/dlb" *lan_1_frame_type = "ETHERNET_802.2" *lan_1_ppa =1 */ The pwsetup kernel utility does not recognize that the following is commented out: /* lan_1_network = 0x82C8F000 lan_1_adapter = "/dev/streams/dlb" lan_1_frame_type = "ETHERNET_802.2" lan_1_ppa =1 */ 2.3.6 OS/2 Requester The PATHWORKS NetWare OS/2 Requesters prior to v2.10 have the following problems: - The OS/2 Requester does not support packet burst. - The requester does not support drive mappings to both NetWare v3.x and v4.x in the login scripts. To fix, map to one or the other type of servers in the login script. Do not map to both. 2.3.7 Modifying the Alert Notification List If you use sconsole to modify the alert notification list, and then exit sconsole, the modifications that you made are not always saved. To ensure that the modifications you make are saved, check the alert_notify_list= parameter of the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file. 2.3.8 NetWare Client 32 PATHWORKS NetWare software does not support NetWare Client 32 for either Windows NT or Windows 95. 3. PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Problems Fixed Since V6.1 The following describes problems fixed in PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX. 3.1 Problems Fixed in the Initial Release of 6.1A 3.1.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software Oplock Default Configuration Parameter The LAN Manager configuration parameter 'useoplock' is set to no as a default. Ustructs Lock Protection and oplock Race Conditions Added protection against various race conditions which caused dropped sessions, hung sessions, or sharing violation errors. WordPad on Windows 95 Was Not Able to Save to a Share The proper error code is now returned when the file exists. Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 Would Not Create a File on a Share The user is granted the access she/he requested for create. Microsoft Word and Excel for Windows 95 Failed Saving a File on a Share The SMBwrite code now adhears to the specification for extending a file when 0 bytes are written beyond the end of file. File Truncation When a file is reopened and a smaller amount of data was written out it is truncated. Browser with DECnet A net logon from a client on a server running DECnet and TCP but not NETBEUI now works. After the first DECnet login, net login over TCP now succeeds. NETBEUI Transport Reliability Corrected panic in NETBEUI after performance drop. Fixed a message-parsing loop to accommodate an unexpectedly small message. Removed never-functional test for message read pointer exceeding message write pointer. DECSafe/TruCluster Environment Supports a Client Connecting via a Wide Area Network The TCP/IP transport now binds to an alias. Maximum Client Logons The connect indication array has been enlarged to 2000, up from 256. Also, dynamic re-size of connect indication array has been added. Windows 95 Share Browsing Windows 95 will now pass a larger buffer size to PATHWORKS Advanced Server when the initial buffer is too small to hold the information for all the shares on the server. WordPad on NT 4.0 Saves to a Share WordPad on NT 4.0 can now succesfully save a file in Word DOC Format to a share. Netscape Mail Saves to a Share Netscape mail is now written correctly to disk. The Net Share Command Removed functionality to proportion the buffer size for share enumeration. PWADMIN Directory Permissions The proper share name is now set up for permissions for directories in PWADMIN. ASTOOLS share updated to NT 4.0 The ASTOOLS have been updated from NT 3.51 to NT 4.0. The default server name on the joindomain command While running the joindomain command, the default server is now correctly displayed as servername where servername is the hostname minus any '.' extensions (maximum of 15 characters). pwadmin Displaying Users pwadmin no longer crashes if there is more than 1300 users. It also no longer displays duplicate entries when listing users. 3.1.2 PATHWORKS NetWare Software NetWare Transport Reliability A Panic when NetWare transports start has been corrected. 3.2 Problems Fixed in the ECO1 Release of 6.1A 3.2.1 PATHWORKS DIGITAL UNIX Software Multiple Licenses in a Group The pwlsadmin utility now supports adding more than one license product to a license group. PATHWORKS Configuration Scripts The PATHWORKS configuration scripts have been localized. 3.2.2 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software DECnet Default Controller The DECnet Default Controller is now accepted during installation (pwsetup kernel). Configured Import/Export List The import/export list configured in lanman.ini can now exceed 200 characters. Client Share Browsing All of the shares on a server can be displayed on a client computer. Server Logon Server Logon using the NET LOGON command or through the pwadmin utility will not hang the terminal window on the server. Installation of a new PATHWORKS kit will not require a system reboot for the TCP/IP transport to work. Admin Account on Backup Domain Controller Installation and the joindomain utility will no longer attempt to add an account with the username 'Admin' when configuring a Backup Domain Controller. SAM Database A memory mapped file, Blob files, will be synchronized before unmapping the file from memory. TruCluster USERS Share Creation The USERS share can now be created on a disk service that is shared by TruCluster systems. Lock and Locking&X SMBs An erroneous range check was removed from the Lock SMB and Locking&X SMB. Lmprobe Made corrections to the lmprobe utility that are specific to Advanced Server. Net Commands Unaligned Access The unaligned access messages from the net commands have been eliminated. TruCluster AdvFS Shared Disk PATHWORKS can now be on a AdvFS disk that is a TruCluster service. Net File Command The net file command outputs the correct file identification number for an open file. TCP/IP Transport Reliability The robustness of the TCP/IP transport, knb, has been improved. If the TCP/IP transport runs out of system resources a message will be logged in the /var/adm/messages file. Print Job User Identity The banner page of a print job now uses the correct username. Event Log and Controller Process (lmx.ctrl) A corrupted event log file will not cause the controller process to crash. TCON SMB The TCON SMB will be ignored when the password length contained in the SMB is invalid. Windows NT Multiple Session License Windows NT will generate multiple sessions on a single NetBIOS name. Only a single CU license will be required. Group Ownership of .ctrlpipe and System Log Files The group ownership of .ctrlpipe and system log files is now 'system'. NetBEUI Transport Reliability The robustness of the NetBEUI transport, nb, has been improved. If the NetBEUI transport runs out of system resources a message will be logged in the /var/adm/messages file. Microsoft Access 97 Using Access Security A database can be created on a share with Microsoft Access 97 using Access Security. Transport State Transition Information The utilities knbmon and nbemon output state transition information for TCP/IP and NetBEUI protocols respectively. Datagram Send Errors Asynchronous datagram send errors are now consumed. Memory blocks that are not needed are now free. Print Job Deletion Users are now allowed to delete their own print jobs from a print queue. Server Shutdown and Windows 95 and Windows NT Clients Timed-out NetBEUI control blocks will not cause a system crash when the Advanced Server is shutdown. 3.2.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software Maximum File Size The maximum file size that PATHWORKS NetWare supports is now 4GigaBytes (4294967295). Lmprobe Added NetWare information to lmprobe. Renaming or Moving a Folder (Directory) on a NetWare Volume A folder (directory) on a NetWare Volume can now be renamed or moved. NetWare Shutdown and RPRINTER A message will be output if a shutdown of NetWare is requested when the rprinter process is running. 3.3 Problems Fixed in the Initial Release of 6.1B 3.3.1 PATHWORKS DIGITAL UNIX Software Year 2000 Compliance PATHWORKS is now Year 2000 compliant. Full compliance requires the Year 2000 compliant version of DIGITAL UNIX. License Registrar The license registrar (pwlic.reg) has been made more robust. 3.3.2 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software The default value of stacksize lanman.ini parameter The default value for the stacksize lanman.ini parameter for lmx.ctrl has been increased to 60,000. SAM Database Creation Time The samcheck utility will now repair a SAM database creation time of zero. The replication account from a trusted domain A replication account can now be setup from a trusted domain. Enumeration APIs Corrected the number of entries returned when an error occurred with enumeration APIs. Block Write Performance The performance of a block write has been improved by eliminating the multiple byte write extension. Write in Read-Only Directories Users can now write in read-only directories when the lanman.ini unixdirchk parameter allows it. OSF Server Type Advanced Server will now indicate that it is an OSF server in addition to other server types. Support For ASDU Servers Recognition of ASDU and VMS 6.0 dialect strings have been added. 3.3.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Software The nvt utility The nvt utility has been made more robust. File Locking and Maximum File Size PATHWORKS NetWare supports locking a file up to the maximum file size of 4GigaBytes (4294967295). 4. Documentation The following describes limitations and modifications to PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX documentation. 4.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Documents 4.1.1 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX (Advanced Server) System Guide A new parameter for NFS Browsing support has been added to Appendix D: lanman.ini file [lmxserver] section. restrictnfsshares Determines whether or not the PATHWORKS AS/U server will automatically offer restricted NFS mount points. Restricted NFS mount points are those that have an access list associated with them. Values: yes Do not automatically mount restricted NFS shares no Automatically mount restricted NFS shares using the default access permissions Default: yes The default for useoplock is now no. useoplock To turn on oplocks, set the parameter in the [lmxserver] section of the lanman.ini file to yes. 4.2 PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX Documents This section describes guidelines and limitations that impact documents that include information about PATHWORKS Advanced Server and PATHWORKS NetWare features. 4.2.1 PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX Server Installation and Configuration Guide The list of subsets for PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX V6.1B are now of the form PWKXXX612 instead of PWKXXX611. 4.2.2 Using PC Based On-line Documentation The PATHWORKS for DIGITAL UNIX documentation is available on- line from your PC. You can view the documentation on a PC running Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or Windows 95. The Information Shelf is an on-line library that contains the PATHWORKS Advanced Server documentation, the PATHWORKS NetWare documentation, and the Guide to Managing PATHWORKS licenses. The Information Shelf also provide the following features: - A customized full-text search that recalls the previous search strings and saves searches from one session to the next. - A synchronization function that maps the topics to the Table of Contents while the user browses or searches the documents. - A Table of Contents that is fully expandable to display all topics. - A sorting function that allows the user to sort documents alphabetically, or by information type or component. - A Master Glossary that contains the definitions of the terms used in the documents. - A help file that is accessible from anywhere in the application. The following disk space is required: Task Disk Space Required (MB) ---- ----------------------- To copy the INFOSHLF.TAR file 20.2 For the untarred files An additional 20.2 To install the Information Shelf (application and documentation library) on a PC 18.8 To install the application only 7.5 To store the documentation library on a server 11.3 The README_SHELF file provides instructions for installing and starting the PATHWORKS Server Information Shelf on your PC. You have the option of installing the documentation library on the server, thus saving space on the PC. Once the documentation library is installed on the server, you can install the PATHWORKS Family Information Shelf on additional PCs, specifying a pointer to the documentation library on the server. For information about the location of the PATHWORKS Server Information Shelf for DIGITAL UNIX, refer to the cover letter for the product. 4.2.3 PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide The following server specific keywords and logicals are not included in the PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide: - The rpldir keyword in the lanman.ini file specifies the /usr/net/servers/lanman/rpl server directory. This area contains remote boot files and directories. - rplfiles keyword in the [remoteboot] section of the lanman.ini file specifies /usr/net/servers/lanman/rpl/rplfiles. This area contains remote boot files that are not accessible to a workstation. - The /rpl/bblock/pw directory contains the rplenv.exe file. The files listed for this directory in the PATHWORKS Remote Boot Guide are incorrect. 4.2.4 Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses The following are software changes and corrections to the Guide to Managing PATHWORKS Licenses. - Screen illustrations and text in Chapter 4 of this document show a "Groups New" button on some License Manager Screens. Although this button performs the same function, it now reads "Groups Add." 4.3 PATHWORKS NetWare Documents This section describes guidelines and limitations that impact PATHWORKS NetWare documentation. 4.3.1 NetWare System Administration Guide The default value for the dir_mask and file_mask parameters in the /usr/net/servers/netware/etc/NWConfig file are changed. The dir_mask parameter defaults to 750. The file_mask parameter defaults to 640.