DEC SNA Access Software Version 1.0 Release Notes June 10, 1994 Copyright (c) 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All rights reserved. This document contains information not included in the DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 V1.0 documentation. It includes information about software problems and documentation changes. IMPORTANT Please read these notes before installing or using the software. Revision Information: This is a new document. Operating System Version: DEC OSF/1 V1.3 or later Software Version: DEC SNA Access Software V1.0 Copyright (c) 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Product Overview 1 2 SUPPORTING SOFTWARE 1 2.1 DEC OSF/1 1 2.2 DECnet/OSI 1 3 INSTALLATION NOTES 1 3.1 Removing Prior Versions 1 3.2 Configuration File Reuse 2 4 KNOWN PROBLEMS AND PRODUCT RESTRICTIONS 2 4.1 Installation and System Configuration Restrictions 2 4.1.1 Products do Not Work With Current Version of Domain Gateway 2 4.1.2 No HLLAPI Run-time Kit 3 4.1.3 Using the product from an NFS mounted disk 3 4.1.4 Default .profile file overrides PATH definition 3 4.1.5 Setting the PATH environment variable 3 4.1.6 csh User Setup 4 4.1.7 Startup Operations Must be Executed by root 4 4.1.8 Exconfig Crashes When Deleting Invalid LUs 4 4.1.9 Engine Will Not Start if Gateway Not Available at Startup 4 4.2 3270 Terminal/Print Services Notes & Restrictions 4 4.2.1 Setting TERM when using File Transfer 4 4.2.2 Session MUST Support Query Bit for File Transfer 5 4.2.3 DECterm Window Shrinks when Switching between Session and Menu 5 4.3 APPC/LU6.2 Notes & Restrictions 5 4.3.1 Use of '#' character in LU or Mode names 5 4.3.2 Named Pipe Files Not Always Deleted6 4.3.3 Independent LUs Must Be Started Before Starting External Connection6 4.4 Remote Job Entry Notes & Restrictions 7 4.4.1 dc3770 Command Output Error Message7 iii 1 Introduction These release notes are for Version 1.0 of the DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 product set. 1.1 Product Overview The DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 product set is a family of products that provide the following functions for the OSF/1 environment: o 3270 Terminal/Print services o HLLAPI o APPC/LU6.2 o 3770 Remote Job Entry 2 Supporting Software You must have the supporting software installed before you can install the SNA Access software. This includes a sup- ported version of the OSF/1 operating system and, optionally, DECnet/OSI for DEC OSF/1 AXP. 2.1 DEC OSF/1 The DEC SNA Access Software products can be installed on sys- tems running DEC OSF/1 V1.3 and higher. 2.2 DECnet/OSI The SNA Access Software can use both TCP/IP and DECnet networks. If you plan to use DECnet, you should have the DECnet/OSI for DEC OSF/1 AXP layered product installed. Note that there is no requirement that the DECnet layered prod- uct be installed on the system. 3 Installation Notes 3.1 Removing Prior Versions If you have field test versions of any of the Access Software products installed on your system, these must be deleted prior to installing the V1.0 software. To see whether a previous version is installed, issue the command 1 setld -i | grep "^SNA" and delete any of the following subsets (this list can also be found in Appendix A of the DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 document): SNABASE100 installed DEC SNA Base Subset SNACSRV100 installed DEC SNA Communication Server SNAHLRT100 installed DEC SNA HLLAPI Run Time SNAHLTK100 installed DEC SNA HLLAPI Tool Kit SNALURT100 installed DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 Run Time SNALUTK100 installed DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 Tool Kit SNANL100 installed DEC SNA National Language SNAPR100 installed DEC SNA Printer Init SNARJE100 installed DEC SNA Remote Job Entry SNATPS100 installed DEC SNA 3270 TPS 3.2 Configuration File Reuse If you previously installed a field test version of the soft- ware, then existing configuration files will be retained and can be reused. However, you should recreate any LU6.2 Communication Manager configuration database files by rerun- ning the pncp script used to create it. If you do not have a pncp script file, then take a dump of the file using the dbd command before deleting the field test version of the product and recreate the configuration file from that after installing the V1.0 product. This only applies to users of the APPC/LU6.2 product. 4 Known Problems and Product Restrictions Known restrictions existing in the V1.0 software are detailed in this section. 4.1 Installation and System Configuration Restrictions 4.1.1 Products do Not Work With Current Version of Domain Gateway The DEC SNA Access software products do not work with either V1.0 or V1.1 of the DEC SNA Domain Gateway. The next release of the Domain Gateway product will include support for these products. 2 4.1.2 No HLLAPI Run-time Kit Unlike the ULTRIX versions of these products, there is no sep- arately orderable HLLAPI run-time product; this product is included as a component of the 3270 Terminal/Print Services product. Appendix A of the installation manual erroneously references the HLLAPI run-time product, and this should be ignored. 4.1.3 Using the product from an NFS mounted disk If you install the products on one system and then use them from another via NFS, then you must either: o Mount the remote file system as /usr/commlink, or o Create a softlink from /usr/commlink to wherever the remote file system is mounted. In ALL cases, the COMMLINK and CL environment variables MUST be set up as /usr/commlink. 4.1.4 Default .profile file overrides PATH definition The default OSF/1 installation creates a .profile file for new users that overrides the setting of PATH if the Korn shell is used. Therefore any changes made to PATH in /etc/profile (for example executing the commpath script) will be lost. The solution is to modify /usr/skel/.profile To either remove the setting of PATH, or to add the setting of COMMLINK and running of commpath. 4.1.5 Setting the PATH environment variable There are a number of directories which must be added to the PATH environment variable in order for the DEC SNA Access Software products to function correctly. In order to ensure that the PATH is setup correctly, you must use the commpath or commpath.csh shell scripts, as described in the installation and configuration guides. 3 4.1.6 csh User Setup When running the csh, you MUST set up the COMMLINK environ- ment variable before running commpath.csh. In addition, you should define the CL environment variable to point to the same directory, as follows: % setenv COMMLINK /usr/commlink % setenv CL /usr/commlink % source /usr/commlink/bin/utl/commpath.csh 4.1.7 Startup Operations Must be Executed by root The commands that startup the Communications Server or Communications Manager processes must be executed by the root user. The commands that should only be executed by root are exstart and cm. In addition, commands that start processes that are shared between users should also be started by root; these include dc3770 and start3287 (if the printer emulation is to be shared between users). 4.1.8 Exconfig Crashes When Deleting Invalid LUs If you attempt to delete non-existent LUs from an engine PU definition, the exconfig program may terminate with segmenta- tion violation. 4.1.9 Engine Will Not Start if Gateway Not Available at Startup If the Peer Server or other Digital Gateway product that is providing the SNA connectivity cannot be contacted at the time the Communications Server is started (using either exstart or when starting the external connection with either pncp or stst), then the Communications Server will terminate and output the following message in the /tmp/exstartlog.NAME file: Can Not Establish a Connection to the Gateway !!! Will Terminate The SNA Engine !!! 4.2 3270 Terminal/Print Services Notes & Restrictions 4.2.1 Setting TERM when using File Transfer If you use the file transfer feature to send/receive files, the TERM environment variable must be set to the appropriate string for the terminal in use since the send/receive programs use the curses library. 4 4.2.2 Session MUST Support Query Bit for File Transfer If you use the file transfer feature to send/receive files, then the SNA LOGMODE used for the connection to the host sub- system (TSO, CICS or VM) must set the query bit in the BIND. To do this, the second byte of the PSERVIC parameter to the LOGMODE definition should be '80'H, for example: T3179M2 MODEENT LOGMODE=T3179M2, X05540000 FMPROF=X'03', X05550000 TSPROF=X'03', X05560000 PRIPROT=X'B1', X05570000 SECPROT=X'B0', X05580000 RUSIZES=X'8787', X05590000 PSNDPAC=X'04', X05600000 SRCVPAC=X'04', X05610000 COMPROT=X'3080', X05620000 PSERVIC=X'028000000000185018507F00' 05630000 If this bit is not set, then file transfer requests will hang. 4.2.3 DECterm Window Shrinks when Switching between Session and Menu If you use a DECterm window to run the 3270 Terminal Emulator and the TERM variable is set to VT300, then when you switch between the emulator screen and the menu, the DECterm window may gradually shrink. An example script file that creates a DECterm window running the emulator in such a manner that this problem is not seen can be found in /usr/commlink/demo/3270/dxterm-3270 This script file can be used with the same parameters as the start3270 and will create a DECterm running the 3270 emulator. 4.3 APPC/LU6.2 Notes & Restrictions 4.3.1 Use of '#' character in LU or Mode names The stst command currently treats the '#' character as the start of a comment. This means that you cannot use stst to con- trol LUs or mode names that use this character.This is specif- ically a problem with the predefined IBM modenames #INTER and #BATCH. The workround is to use pncp instead, for example: #!/usr/bin/ksh pncp </tmp/pncp.err 2>&1 2 3 3 5 USDEC101.OSFAPPC USDEC101.MVS0101 #INTER 2 1 1 - - 3 ! 4.3.2 Named Pipe Files Not Always Deleted If an LU6.2 application terminates unexpectedly, then the named pipe files used to communicate with the Communications Manager process are not deleted. These files are named: /tmp/PCOV* /tmp/PAPI* In addition, these files are not automatically deleted from the /tmp directory during system startup. Therefore, you should periodically delete any such files that get created. 4.3.3 Independent LUs Must Be Started Before Starting External Connection When using the LU6.2 product with Indendendent LUs (for exam- ple, when using it to communicate with an AS/400), you must start the LUs before starting the connection to the Peer Server. If you are using stst to start your configuration, this means that the strllu commands must be issued before any strecn commands, for example: 6 # # Commands for starting LU6.2 stst <