NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.4 Release Notes The following release notes for NetWorker Save and Restore Version 4.4 describe enhancements, features, and restrictions for this release. These release notes are included in your distribution kit. The PostScript file is titled and the text file is brx440_relnotes.txt. These release notes are also included in the Release Notes and Documentation subset and are located in the directory /usr/opt/BRX440/usr/doc after installation. The release notes are included in this location to ensure that they are accessible from the product directory after the distribution disk is unmounted. Mandatory Update To run this version of NetWorker Save and Restore, you must be running DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A (or higher). This version of NetWorker is incompatible with earlier versions of DIGITAL UNIX. Before you install this version of NetWorker Save and Restore, you may need to update your operating system with a patch. Instructions for acquiring and installing the appropriate patch are included in the Steps for Updating DIGITAL UNIX section of this Release Notes document. If you are running the Database Module for Oracle (DMO) Version 1.0x, you must upgrade to DMO V2.0 to be compatible with NetWorker V4.4. Each version of DMO requires specific versions of other software for compatibility. Refer to the Miscellaneous section for additional compatibility information. Steps for Updating DIGITAL UNIX NetWorker V4.4 requires functionality not available in the base operating system distributions of DIGITAL UNIX V4.0A, 4.0B, and 4.0C. It is mandatory that the appropriate patch be acquired and installed on all server systems before installing NetWorker V4.4. In addition, the appropriate patch must be installed on all clients running HSM. [C] Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. The patches are available via the following URL: To locate the appropriate patch, follow these steps: 1. From the Software Patch (ECO) Access page, choose the Public Access button. 2. Choose the Search and Download Utility option. 3. On the Digital Service Patch Search Utility page, highlight the Digital_UNIX _Readmes item in the selection box. 4. Enter the word NetWorker in the query box and choose the Submit Query button. The Database: DIGITAL UNIX page will display a list of patches for several versions of DIGITAL UNIX. 5. Choose the link for the version of DIGITAL UNIX you have installed on your system. 6. Choose the .tar file and follow the instructions included to download the patch(es). Enhancements and New Features o Support for Cluster Server Failover -- The major feature of this release of NetWorker (Version 4.4) is support for cluster server failover. In the ASE environment, you can configure the cluster members to allow the NetWorker server to migrate between the members by defining NetWorker as a highly available application. By installing the NetWorker server on each cluster member and configuring cluster members as NetWorker servers, NetWorker will automatically fail over as directed by the ASE manager. o Support for NONE Mountpoint ASE Services -- With this release, the NetWorker cluster client will allow saving and recovering of ASE services with "NONE" specified as the mountpoint. The following conditions apply: - The client must be running at least DIGITAL TruCluster V1.5 and DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D or above. - If using a scheduled save, any filesystems mounted from this service must be explicitly called out in the client definition for the service (specifying All for the saveset will not work). - Saves using the rawasm command for such storage will still be indexed using the name of the host currently serving out the storage, not the service name. 2 NSR Release Notes o NetWorker will now prevent the administrator from defining a rewind-on-close device when using either the GUI or the jb_config command. Attempts to mount such devices, in the event that the NetWorker database already contains a rewind-on-close device, will fail. Notification of Loader Support Retirement Starting with NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 4.3, support for the use of sequential access loaders is no longer provided. Starting with NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 4.2A and continuing through Version 4.2C, sequential access loaders were supported with the purchase of a Jukebox Tier-1 license. If you are currently using a sequential access loader and choose to upgrade to NetWorker Version 4.4, the installation procedure will remove the loader resource. You must redefine the device as a jukebox and run it with the proper license. Some sequential access loaders cannot be used as jukeboxes. Consult the device documentation to determine whether your loader can be defined as a jukebox. Problems Resolved Since the Last Release The following problems and restrictions were resolved: o The use of mixed case (combination of upper-case and lower-case alphabetic characters) in host names is now permitted. o With the release of DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A, the atimeasm command no longer needs to be issued before issuing the compressasm command. o With the release of DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D, zero- filled files contained in Advanced File System (AdvFS) cloned filesets are no longer recovered as sparse files. Known Problems and Restrictions in This Release The following sections contain information on known problems and restrictions in this release. Workarounds are provided where available. In addition to the information presented here, see Chapter 7, Troubleshooting, in the NetWorker Addendum for further information on configuring and operating NetWorker. NetWorker Release Notes 3 Cluster Server o Restarting the NetWorker Cluster Server Unassigned Tape Service -- If a NetWorker tape service status is reported as unassigned, do not place the service off line until you determine which error caused the service to be unassigned. Under some circumstances (specifically, if the shared disk could not be unmounted), changing a service status from unassigned to off line can result in a system panic. Refer to the TruCluster Software Products Administration Guide for details. Commonly, if the NetWorker tape service is reported as unassigned when the service attempts to relocate, it is because the shared disk is being accessed. This can happen if someone accessed (cd) a directory in the filesystem. In this case, the disk cannot be unmounted and the relocation/failover fails with a disk busy message. To correct this problem, follow these steps: 1. Identify and remove the program(s) accessing the shared disk. 2. Manually unmount the disk. 3. Use the asemgr command to place the service first off line then on line. 4. Use the asemgr command again to relocate if it is still necessary. Note In this situation, failure to manually unmount the shared disk after all references to it are removed could result in a system panic of one or more of the cluster nodes. Consequently, some data in the /nsr directory may be lost when the service is placed back on line. If data is lost, follow the instructions in the Disaster Recovery section of the Addendum to recover the lost data. o Cluster Server Relocation Will Restart the syslogd Daemon -- When the NetWorker tape service is relocated, the NetWorker action scripts will restart syslogd. This is done to allow syslogd to switch from pointing to the local /nsr directory log files to pointing to the NetWorker server log files located on the storage disk and vice versa. Every time syslogd is restarted a new subdirectory is created in the /var/adm/syslog.dated directory. (This directory is where the operating system log files are located.) As a result, you may need to check multiple directories for system log information. 4 NSR Release Notes If you want to prevent NetWorker from restarting the syslogd daemon, perform the following steps: 1. Make sure that the local /nsr directory for each cluster node follows the same path. 2. On each cluster node, make a copy of the following files: /etc/syslog.conf /bin/NetWorker.start /bin/NetWorker.stop 3. Use the asemgr utility to set the NetWorker tape service off line. 4. On each cluster node, edit the entry in the /etc/syslog.conf file that was written by NetWorker during the installation, to force the syslogd daemon to point to the local log files. For example, if the path to the local /nsr directory on each cluster is /var/nsr, you would edit the /etc/syslog.conf file to replace the following lines: daemon.notice /nsr/logs/messages local0.notice /nsr/logs/summary with the following: daemon.notice /var/nsr/logs/messages local0.notice /var/nsr/logs/summary 5. On each cluster node, edit the NetWorker action scripts, /bin/NetWorker.start and /bin/NetWorker.stop, to remove references to syslogd. This is achieved by commenting out the following: a. In the /bin/NetWorker.start file, comment out both calls to restart_syslog: # restart_syslog (lines 64 and 114) b. In the /bin/NetWorker.stop file, comment out all of the following lines: # echo "Sending a HUP to syslogd daemon" # if [ -f /var/run/ ] # then # echo "Restarting syslog daemon.." # pid='cat /var/run/' # kill -1 ${pid} # else # echo "Can't restart syslog daemon" # echo "Restart syslog manually" # exit 1 # fi NetWorker Release Notes 5 6. On one of the cluster nodes, perform the following steps: a. Manually mount the NetWorker storage disk and create soflinks from the NetWorker server /nsr directory (located on the shared disk) to the local /nsr directory. In the following example, goofy is the name of the NetWorker service: # ln -s /var/nsr/logs/messages /goofy/nsr/logs/messages # ln -s /var/nsr/logs/summary /goofy/nsr/logs/summary b. Manually unmount the NetWorker storage disk. 7. On each cluster node restart the syslogd daemon. 8. Run the asemgr utility and replace each action script. This will force ASE to acknowledge the modified files. 9. Use the asemgr utility to set the NetWorker tape service back on line. Note After making these modifications, the messages sent by NetWorker to these log files will be written to the local /nsr directory of the cluster node currently running the NetWorker tape service. When the NetWorker tape service relocates, only partial log files are accessible on the server /nsr directory. To view the other log file information, review the local log files on the other nodes where NetWorker was running. o Savegroup With Cloning Error -- If a savegroup with cloning process is running and the NetWorker server is relocated while NetWorker is writing to the clone tape, the savegroup will be restarted as expected and the backup part of the savegroup will complete successfully. However, under some circumstances, the cloning may not complete successfully but the savegroup completion message will still report full success. DIGITAL recommends that you periodically search the operating system log files to identify the times when the NetWorker tape service may have been relocated. In the event that a savegroup with cloning was scheduled to run around any of those times, use the nsrclone command to manually clone the savesets involved or rerun the savegroup. o Migration Savegroup Error -- If the NetWorker server is relocated while the migration or premigration step of a migration savegroup (with autorestart enabled) is occurring, the server may not complete the original premigration or migration step successfully. 6 NSR Release Notes DIGITAL recommends that you periodically search the operating system log files to identify the times when the NetWorker tape service may have been relocated. In the event that a migration savegroup was scheduled to execute near any of those times, use the following procedure to manually recover any files that were only partially migrated: 1. Mount the corresponding migration tape on a NetWorker device. In this example, the device is /dev/nrmt0h. 2. Use the scanner device_name command to determine the correct save set ID for the latest migration save set. In the following example, the migration saveset, /the_migfs, has save set ID (ssid) 27245: # scanner /dev/nrmt0h scanner: scanning tz88 tape TESTHSM:000 on /dev/nrmt0h client name save set save timelevel size files ssid mudbone.zso /the_migfs 11/21/97 11:31 mi 345273816337 27245 3. Run the scanner command with the uasm command to recover the files in a temporary area. For example: # scanner -s 27245 /dev/nrmt0h | uasm -rv -m /the_migfs=/mnt 4. Copy the relevant files (scanned into the temporary area in the previous step) to their original location. 5. Rerun the corresponding migration savegroup, if needed. o Upgrade Shared Device Firmware -- If NetWorker V4.4 is configured as a cluster server, backup devices must be located on a shared bus. The following supported shared devices must be upgraded with the corresponding firmware: - TZ88 drive with V90 firmware - TZ89 drive with V55 firmware Contact field service for assistance in getting the proper firmware version. NetWorker Release Notes 7 Devices and Media o Rewind-on-Close Devices Prior to NetWorker V4.4 -- Rewind-on-close devices defined and mounted with a NetWorker version prior to V4.4 must be removed from the NetWorker database and redefined as no-rewind-on-close devices. Failure to redefine the device will result in lost data if NetWorker chooses to use the tape mounted on that device. See the NetWorker Administrator's Guide for additional information on setting devices as no- rewind. o Stand-alone Device and Auto Media Management -- If Auto Media Management is enabled on a stand-alone device and a request for a tape for backup is pending, NetWorker will take exactly 1 hour to attempt to mount or relabel (as appropriate) the tape loaded on the device. After the tape is mounted or relabeled, the server operations on that device continue normally. If the tape in the device needs to be mounted, you can avoid the 1-hour waiting period by temporarily disabling Auto Media Management on the device and then mounting the tape manually. If the tape loaded in the device is not a NetWorker tape, the tape is labeled without any waiting period. o CLCMC312 Media Changer Device Driver Updated -- The SCSI CAM Media Changer Driver is required for jukeboxes with a SCSI interface control port. The NetWorker Installation Guide incorrectly identifies the CLCMC312 as the required device driver. This device driver has been updated. You must now install the CLCMC313 SCSI CAM Media Changer Driver. This driver is available from the DIGITAL UNIX operating system media. o Tape Block Size Incompatibility -- To improve performance, NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, V4.3 and later use a 256-Kbyte data block size for TZ89 tapes. This size is used to improve performance. However, NetWorker tapes written using the TZ89 device definition may not be readable by earlier versions and other types of NetWorker servers. For example, NetWorker for Windows NT on DIGITAL Alpha using KZPSA SCSI adapters may not be able to read data blocks this large. To ensure tape portability, define the tape drives on DIGITAL UNIX as TZ88. This will ensure the use of the more portable 32-Kbyte blocks. Note that there may be some performance cost when using the 32-Kbyte block size. o Selecting a Device When Defining Pools -- The device field in the pool resource does not completely limit use of devices as documented in the nsr_pool(5) reference page. 8 NSR Release Notes Do not attempt to manually label and mount devices not selected for a pool. The operations will not complete successfully, and you may or may not receive an error message (depending on whether the operation was initiated from the command line or the GUI). o Labeling Two Volumes Concurrently -- Attempting to label two volumes concurrently, while using the same label template, will cause a race condition with duplicate labels. The first label operation attempt will complete successfully, while the other attempt will generate an error message stating that there are duplicate labels, cancel the failing label operation, and require the user to choose another label. o Save Set Consolidation -- SaveSet Consolidation will write all sessions to one device, disregarding the Sessions/Device setting. Jukeboxes o Library Firmware Updates -- To work correctly with NetWorker, firmware for TL820 series tape libraries must identify the library as a TL820. Firmware for TL810 series libraries must identify the library as a TL810. The following libraries are affected: - TL820: TL820, TL822, TL826, TL893, TL896 - TL810: TL810, TL812, TL894 Use the inquire command to determine the library identity. If your library firmware is not set as required, contact field service for assistance. o Canceling a Jukebox Label Operation -- If you start a label operation using the nwadmin interface and then cancel the operation, NetWorker might not move the volume from the jukebox tape drive back into the volume's original slot. Attempts to label another volume will result in the following message: The drive is loaded with a volume from a different slot If this problem occurs, reset the jukebox or issue the nsrjb -u command to unload the tape drive. o Resetting a Jukebox -- For a jukebox with a tape that is mounted, issuing the nsrjb -H command is not recommended. It may not properly reset the jukebox, leaving it in an unstable state. The jukebox drive will be unloaded but the NetWorker Administrator window and the nsrmm command will continue to display the device as mounted. To avoid this problem, issue the nsrjb -u command to unmount the volume before issuing the nsrjb - H command. If the jukebox gets into the situation NetWorker Release Notes 9 described previously, use the nsrmm -u command to unmount the tape. o Sequence Number Mismatch Error When Updating a Jukebox Resource -- If the jukebox resource has been updated since the data was fetched for display in the Jukebox window, an attempt to delete a jukebox results in a sequence number mismatch error. Close the Jukebox window, then reopen it to display current information and allow normal operations. o Installing TL893, TL896, TL820, TL891, TL892, TL894 Jukeboxes -- When you run the jb_config command to configure a TL893 or TL896 jukebox and choose to not use the autoconfigure option, select 29) Digital TL820 Series from the Install an SJI Jukebox menu. To configure a TL894 jukebox, select 28) Digital TL810 Series from the Install an SJI Jukebox menu. To configure a TL891 or TL892, select 27) Digital TL800 Series from the Install an SJI Jukebox menu. Graphical User Interface o Archive Retrieve Window Problem -- In the Archive Retrieve window, the Change Server dialog is a modal dialog. No access to the main Retrieve window screen or help window is allowed until the dialog is dismissed. The Details dialog can be accessed independently of the Change Server dialog. o Blank Lines in the Indexes Display -- Occasionally a blank line will be displayed in the clients section of the Indexes display. This is a cosmetic effect of the GUI arranging the information for display. None of the save sets are lost. If a blank line is selected, no client information is displayed. Cloning o Automatic Savegroup Cloning with 4mm Devices -- In some circumstances, a 4mm device can hang at the start of an automatic clone operation. If this problem occurs, see the comments in the /sbin/rc3.d/S94nsrd file. Follow the instructions for a workaround and then restart NetWorker using the /sbin/rc3.d/S94nsrd start command. Do not make this change unless there is a known problem with this type of device. Firmware version 4BQH prevents this problem with the TLZ7L device. o Cloning Save Sets Using Jukeboxes -- For a server with two jukeboxes that each have only one device, NetWorker might hang while attempting to clone save sets that cross volumes from one jukebox to another. To avoid this situation, do not attempt to clone these save sets. Another way to avoid this situation is to label all of 10 NSR Release Notes the volumes in one of the jukeboxes for cloning pools only. If you want to clone some of the save sets on a volume, use the following command to determine which save sets are completely contained on that volume: # mminfo -avo t vol_name The output from this command provides the save set ID number for each save set. In addition, the fl column indicates whether only part of the save set is contained on the volume. The ch, cm, and ct columns designate the head, middle, or tail of the save set. Once you decide which save sets to clone, create a file containing the save set IDs of the save sets you want to clone, excluding the save sets that cross to a volume in the other jukebox. In the file, list one save set ID per line, leaving no blank lines. Make sure there is a carriage return after the last entry. Then, issue the following command to clone the save sets (clone_pool is the name of an existing clone pool and ids_file is the name of the file you created containing the save set IDs): # nsrclone -b clone_pool -V -f ids_file HSM o NFS Timeout Error -- During the demigration of very large files, the operation that started the demigration of the file can terminate with an NFS time-out error such as the following: #./openfile file_name Reading 1 byte from file file_name NFS2 read failed for server pidxxx : RPC : Timed out Error reading file file_name # Disregard the time-out error. The demigration of the file will continue to a normal, successful completion. After completion, the file may be accessed normally. You can verify a file demigration is in progress by monitoring NetWorker activity with the administrator tools. o Superfull Backups -- DIGITAL recommends that you not run the superfull backup function at this time. With this release, the following problems exist with this feature: - The superfull backup will successfully build a clone tape containing the last backup and migration save set. However, migrated files cannot be successfully NetWorker Release Notes 11 recalled from the clone. Files can be restored from the backup clone normally. - The superfull backup does not identify or clone ad hoc or manual creations of migration save sets. Miscellaneous o Recovering Files Saved with NetWorker Version 3.2A -- If you recover a file saved under NetWorker Version 3.2A using NetWorker Version 4.4, the recover operation may generate a message such as the following: Unaligned access pid=22822 va=0x11fffe00c pc=0x120086760 ra=0x120086754 inst=0xb40a0000 Disregard this error message. The recover operation will complete successfully. o Cannot Retrieve a Saveset -- In certain circumstances, attempting to retrieve a save set may fail. This failure will occur when a client has never had an incremental, level, or full backup and has only saved its data through archiving. For example: # nsrretrieve -s sinclair -S 23653 nsrretrieve: SYSTEM error, No such file or directory To work around this problem, perform a single backup of the client of any amount of data. o Incorrect Client Machine Type for Windows NT Clients -- Versions of the NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX server up to and including NetWorker Version 4.2B incorrectly define newly created NetWorker for Windows NT, Version 4.3 clients as type Workstation rather than type PC. On NetWorker Version 4.2A or 4.2B, this causes a workstation license rather than a PC license to be allocated for the client. To work around this problem, on the NetWorker server, manually set the machine type field of the NT client resource to PC and make certain that the arch field is empty. This causes the correct license type to be allocated. o Large Sparse Files -- The NetWorker V4.4 client does not correctly save sparse files with holes greater than 4 GB in size. There is currently no workaround. o Retention Policies Greater than 26 Years -- Retention policies greater than 26 years do not work properly. If, going backward in time, the duration represented by the retention policy takes you prior to January 1, 1970, the volumes will be incorrectly marked recyclable. 12 NSR Release Notes o Head and Middle Volumes Not Marked Recyclable -- If multiple volumes are used for a single save set and one of those volumes is deleted, all the other volumes should be marked recyclable. Currently the volumes are not being marked recyclable by NetWorker, so the volumes must be marked recyclable manually. o Backup With an AdvFS Root File System -- If you are backing up a client running DIGITAL UNIX, V3.2x that has an AdvFS root file system, you may encounter an AdvFS bug that causes NetWorker to fail to properly back up mount points on root. If you encounter this problem, contact the CSC for a patch to the AdvFS file system. o Backup of AdvFS File Systems for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2C, 3.2D, and 3.2F -- If you are backing up a client running DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2C, 3.2D, or 3.2F, the AdvFS file system may not be saved properly. You can resolve this AdvFS problem by either installing the consolidated AdvFS patch that corresponds to the version of DIGITAL UNIX you are running or upgrading your DIGITAL UNIX system to Version 3.2G. Contact the CSC for information about how to obtain these patches. o Multiple Concurrent Savegroups -- NetWorker is designed to run one savegroup at a time. Running multiple concurrent savegroups will result in unpredictable behavior. If overlapping savegroups cause system problems, reschedule the groups or combine them into a single group. o DMO Version Compatibility -- If you are running the Database Module for Oracle (DMO) version 1.0x, you must upgrade to DMO V2.0 to be compatible with NetWorker V4.4. Each version of the Database Module for Oracle (DMO) requires specific versions of other software for compatibility. Refer to the following table: DMO Version DIGITAL NetWorker Oracle EBU UNIX V1.0/V1.0A V3.2C V3.2x V7.1.6 V2.0.10 V2.0 V4.0A V4.x V7.3.2.1 V2.0.12.4 o Using the nsrinfo Command -- The following errors can occur with the nsrinfo command: - The nsrinfo -N command works only for paths that are either root or a fully specified file (e.g. /var/tmp/foo.txt). The following error message displays when this command is used on any non-root directory: NetWorker Release Notes 13 WISS error, cannot find the key - The nsrinfo command will fail to generate a report for a client if you request the report using a name for the client other than the one used to define the client in NetWorker. For example, the client starbx was defined with the long name: If you request information using the long name, the nsrinfo command returns the requested information: root@comet[659]>nsrinfo -N /.login scanning client '' for all savetimes from the backup namespace /.login, date=877861848 Sun Oct 26 02:30:48 1997 /.login, date=877685445 Fri Oct 24 02:30:45 1997 .. .. If you request the information using the alias, starbx, the nsrinfo command cannot locate the information: root@comet[656]>nsrinfo -N /.login starbx scanning client 'starbx' for all savetimes from the backup namespace nsrinfo: cannot start session with server nsrinfo: SYSTEM error, No such file or directory o Recovering UFS Files with Inode 4 or 5 into an AdvFS File System -- Do not attempt to recover a UFS file assigned an inode number of 4 or 5 into an AdvFS file system. Such an operation will fail. AdvFS user quota files are assigned inode number 4 and group quotas are assigned inode number 5. These AdvFS quota files cannot be overwritten (NetWorker follows a special algorithm to save and recover AdvFS quota files). To recover a UFS file with inode 4 or 5 into an AdvFS file system, recover it first into a UFS file system and then use the cp command to copy it to the desired location in the AdvFs file system. o Recovering Large Numbers of Files -- When attempting to recover more than 300,000 files at one time, use the save set recover command: recover -S ssid If you attempt to recover more than 300,000 files using the nwrecover or recover commands, the following error will be displayed: recover: Not enough space recover: : Permission denied Nothing to recover 14 NSR Release Notes The Save Set Consolidation (SSC) function uses recover mechanisms to formulate the data to consolidate. Therefore, if there are more than approximately 500,000 files in a saveset, SSC will fail without an error message. There is currently no workaround to this situation. o Client Index Displays Blank Line for Client Name -- Occasionally, the nwadmin display for client indexes (Indexes hotbutton) displays a blank client name at the top of the list of clients. When you click on this blank line, a list of save sets is displayed. The workaround is to shut down and restart NetWorker. This is a cosmetic problem only. It does not affect NetWorker functionality. Licensing Errors o Multiple Client Creation -- If you are creating multiple clients and some clients are not created due to license failures, the list of existing clients is not updated with the successful additions until the window is closed and reopened. o SQL Server Savegroup Completion Error -- If the NetWorker V4.4 server license for the Windows NT Microsoft SQL Server has not been installed and a client has been set up to save using the NetWorker Module for Microsoft SQL Server, execution of a savegroup that includes that client will result in a savegroup completion error message similar to the following: * montlake:MSSQL:master 1 retry attempted * montlake:MSSQL:master nsrsqlsv: Internal system error, please see nsr\applogs\xbsa.messages on the client system for reason. * montlake:MSSQL:master nsrsqlsv: MS SQL error: severity=5, errno=10007, oserr=-1 * montlake:MSSQL:master nsrsqlsv: dberrstr=General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server. * montlake:MSSQL:master nsrsqlsv: oserrstr=(null) * montlake:MSSQL:master nsrsqlsv: previous DB-MSG=Write on dump device '\\.\pipe\sql\nsrdump4210' failed, vsn=884 return=-2 status=-2. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details. * montlake:index aborted To resolve the problem, run the nsr_shutdown command to shut down the NetWorker server, install the DECNSR-SVR- SQL license, and restart the server with the /sbin/init.d/nsrd start command. NetWorker Release Notes 15 o Exchange Server Savegroup Completion Error -- If the NetWorker V4.4 server license for Windows NT Microsoft Exchange Server has not been installed and a client has been set up to save using the NetWorker Module for Microsoft Exchange Server, execution of a savegroup that includes that client will result in a savegroup completion error message similar to the following: * montlake:MSEXCH:IS 1 retry attempted * montlake:MSEXCH:IS nsrxchsv: Internal system error, please see nsr\applogs\xbsa.messages on the client system for reason. * montlake:MSEXCH:DS 1 retry attempted * montlake:MSEXCH:DS nsrxchsv: Internal system error, please see nsr\applogs\xbsa.messages on the client system for reason. To resolve the problem, run the nsr_shutdown command to shut down the NetWorker server, install the DECNSR-SVR- EXCH license, and restart the server with the /sbin/init.d/nsrd start command. 16 NSR Release Notes