DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 Release Notes June 4, 1997 Copyright (c) 1997 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1992, 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains information not included elsewhere in the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 documentation. This infor- mation includes information about software problems, fixes and documentation changes. IMPORTANT Please read these notes before installing or using the software. Revision Information: This is an updated document. Operating System Version: OpenVMS V6.1, or DIGITAL UNIX V3.2C DECnet Version: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS V6.2, or DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 Software Version: DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 Copyright (c) 1997 Electronic Data Systems Corporation Contents 1 DESCRIPTION 1 2 NEW FEATURES AVAILABLE WITH V2.1 2 2.1 Support for OpenVMS Alpha systems as management and load hosts 2 2.2 Distributed Name Server (DECdns) is no longer a prerequisite 2 2.3 Enhanced TN3270 Server (DIGITAL UNIX Load Hosts Only) 2 2.4 The TRACE command is restored to function in the system default way 3 3 SUPPORTING SOFTWARE 3 3.1 DIGITAL UNIX 3 3.1.1 Using MOP on DIGITAL UNIX 3 3.2 OpenVMS 4 3.3 DECnet 4 3.4 TCP/IP 4 3.5 VTAM and NCP 4 3.6 VTAM PTFs 5 4 UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES 5 4.1 Multiple Session Support in DTF 5 4.2 Maximum RU Size 6 5 KNOWN PROBLEMS AND RESTRICTIONS 6 5.1 Time Display On ChannelServer II (DESNB) Incorrect When Loaded From DECnet-Plus 6 5.2 DIGITAL UNIX Access Routine support 6 5.3 NCL Compilation Errors 7 5.3.1 DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-CT 7 5.3.2 DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-ST 7 5.4 SNAP displays not aligned with cleared tab stops 8 5.5 XID password encryption not supported 8 5.6 Reconfiguration required if DECnet load host changes 8 5.7 SNAP not fully supported on xterms 8 6 PROBLEMS FIXED IN THIS RELEASE 8 6.1 Version 2.0 Post ECO 2 Fixes 8 6.2 Version 2.0 ECO 2 Fixes 9 6.3 Version 2.0 ECO 1 Fixes 9 iii Contents APPENDIX A NOTES FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES A-1 A.1 NEW FEATURES ADDED WITH V2.0 A-1 A.1.1 Support for DIGITAL UNIX as management and load hosts A-1 A.1.2 Support for TCP/IP based networking connectivity A-1 A.2 NEW FEATURES ADDED WITH V1.1 A-1 A.2.1 New Hardware platform for SDLC support A-1 A.2.2 Session Managers A-2 A.2.3 LMF Licenses A-2 A.3 UPGRADING FROM DOMAIN GATEWAY V1.1 ON A OPENVMS VAX SYSTEM A-3 A.4 PROBLEMS FIXED IN V1.1 RELEASE A-3 A.4.1 Version 1.1 ECO 2 Fixes A-4 A.4.1.1 Abnormally terminating a session may cause a crash A-4 A.4.1.2 The SNAP display does not show the correct UPTIME A-4 A.4.1.3 Event blocking included in Optional NCL file does not work A-4 A.4.1.4 TG numbers greater than 16 not being accepted A-4 A.4.2 Version 1.1 ECO 1 Fixes A-4 A.4.2.1 VTAM V4R1 local SNA devices were not unbound properly A-4 A.4.2.2 VTAM CDRM-CDRM session deactivation SAVESESS support added A-4 A.4.2.3 DOS and Ultrix 3270 TE abnormal termination after UNBIND-02 A-5 A.4.2.4 MOP entity cannot be shown or enabled A-5 A.4.2.5 Decnet connection to PCs running Pathworks are intermittently dropped A-5 A.4.2.6 Domain Gateway-CT crash after IBM system IPL A-5 A.4.2.7 CHPID offline caused crash A-5 A.4.2.8 DOS and Ultrix 3270 TE not returning to USS screen A-5 A.4.2.9 SNAP with screen size less than 24x80 A-6 A.4.2.10 SNAP incorrectly displayed ER states A-6 A.5 PROBLEMS FIXED IN V1.1 RELEASE A-6 A.5.1 Version 1.0 ECO 3 Fixes A-6 A.5.1.1 SNATRAPRE.MAR and SNATRATBL.MAR not copied to SYS$LIBRARY A-6 A.5.1.2 Terminal Emulator may return %SNA-F-FATINTERR A-6 A.5.1.3 Sense codes not reported correctly to VTAM A-6 A.5.1.4 NSP Remote Protocol Error A-7 A.5.1.5 Domain Gateway-CT supports Resource Requested Notification A-7 iv Contents A.5.2 Version 1.0 ECO 2 Fixes A-7 A.5.2.1 File Protection A-7 A.5.2.2 URC field not sent in the Bind from Domain Gateway-CT. A-7 A.5.2.3 Extended BIND and Extended UNBIND A-8 A. DCA/Irmalan TE A-8 A.5.2.4 Wrong SNA Sense Code used when logical link to PLU is lost A-8 A.5.2.5 Users unable to change Block Buffers TG Characteristic A-8 A.5.3 Version 1.0 ECO 1 Fixes A-8 A.5.3.1 Potential Domain Gateway-CT Crashes A-8 A.5.3.2 Session Setup Problem A-9 A.5.3.3 Incorrect Status for Active Explicit Routes A-9 TABLES A-1 Supported hardware and configurations A-2 v 1 Description The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway (Domain Gateway) is a member of Digital's family of DIGITAL SNA network transport prod- ucts. This family consists of hardware and software products that connect suitably configured Digital networked systems and IBM(c) systems in an Systems Network Architecture (SNA) en- vironment. When used with appropriate OpenVMS, DIGITAL UNIX, ULTRIX, WINDOWS-NT(c), MS-WINDOWS(c) and MS-DOS(c) access routines, users can exchange information and share resources between Digital and IBM networked systems. The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product addresses SNA networked 3270 and PC connectivity to: 1. Standard off the shelf OpenVMS VAX applications that nor- mally run on a VTxxx terminal. This is done in conjunction with the MEP VT for DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services product. 2. OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX DECforms applications. This is done through the blockmode support of 3270 terminals that is built into DECforms. 3. Custom OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX applications. The applications are written using the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services programming interface. 4. Custom DIGITAL UNIX applications. The applications are writ- ten using the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services program- ming interface. The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway with the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services Print Symbiont also provides the ability to print from OpenVMS systems to SNA networked printers. The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway is part of both the DIGITAL and the IBM SNA networks. Architecturally, it is a DECnet-Plus end node to DECnet, an IP end node to the IP network (RFC 1122) and a Physical Unit Type 5 (PU T5) node to SNA. The Domain Gateway appears to the SNA network as an SNA Domain that contains one subarea. It provides bi-directional access between DIGITAL and IBM SNA networks. Connecting directly to an Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) and an IBM S/370 Block Multiplexer channel or an IBM Front End Processor, the Domain Gateway provides SNA connectivity to any Digital supported DECnet Phase V or Phase IV system in the DECnet network and any TCP/IP based system in the IP network. 1 Because the Domain Gateway is a PU T5 implementation, it en- ables DECnet or TCP/IP based applications to be either Primary Logical Units (PLUs) or Secondary Logical Units (SLUs) when communicating with IBM applications and peripheral devices. This means that suitably configured DIGITAL-based applica- tions can be interactively accessed from IBM SNA networked 3270 devices and PCs. This 3270 connectivity to DIGITAL applica- tions is achieved by the Domain Gateway in conjunction with the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services and MEP VT for DIGITAL SNA 3270 Application Services products. 2 New Features available with V2.1 The following list the new features introduced with the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 release. 2.1 Support for OpenVMS Alpha systems as management and load hosts This release of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway enables OpenVMS Alpha systems to act as Domain Gateway load and management hosts. 2.2 Distributed Name Server (DECdns) is no longer a prerequisite Prior versions of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product re- quired that OpenVMS or DIGITAL UNIX nodes running DECnet/OSI enable the DECdns clerk and have access to a Distributed Name Server (DECdns). This release of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway does not require access to a Distributed Name Server (DECdns). Nodenames may be defined in the LOCAL: namespace. See the DECnet-Plus documenta- tion on the DECNET_REGISTER utility for details on how to set up and populate a LOCAL: namespace. On OpenVMS VAX load hosts the DNS CLERK entity must be created and enabled in order to compile a CMIP script from an NCL file created by the SNAPU5$CONFIGURE utility. On OpenVMS Alpha or DIGITAL UNIX load hosts the DNS CLERK entity need not exist nor does it have to be enabled. 2.3 Enhanced TN3270 Server (DIGITAL UNIX Load Hosts Only) This release of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway adds an enhanced TN3270 (TN3270E) mode to the TN3270 server shipped as part of the Domain Gateway kit for DIGITAL UNIX load hosts. Refer to Appendix J of of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway Management manual for more details. 2 2.4 The TRACE command is restored to function in the system default way On OpenVMS systems prior installation of either the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT or DECnet SNA Gateway-ST product incorrectly redefines the TRACE command to invoke NETTRACE instead of CTF. If this DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product installation detects that the TRACE command has been redefined in this way it warns you and automatically restores the TRACE command to its default functioning. The impact of this change is that to initiate protocol tracing of the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT or DECnet SNA Gateway-ST products you now need to use the TRACE/SNA command rather than the TRACE command to invoke NETTRACE. To initiate protocol tracing of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product you should use the TRACE command, without specifying any qualifiers, to invoke CTF. 3 Supporting Software You must install the supporting software before you can install the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway software. 3.1 DIGITAL UNIX The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway management and load host soft- ware requires DIGITAL UNIX V3.2C or later. 3.1.1 Using MOP on DIGITAL UNIX On DIGITAL UNIX systems that are not running DECnet ensure that the system is set up correctly for downline loading. In order to do this follow the instructions in the documentation for defining the MOP client entities. The MOP circuit entity must also be defined and the datalink circuit that the MOP circuit uses must be correctly setup. For example the datalink circuit and mop circuit could be set up as follows: create csma-cd create csma-cd station csmacd-1 communication port ln0 enable csma-cd station csmacd-1 create mop enable mop 3 create mop circuit circuit-1 type = csma-cd set mop circuit circuit-1 link name = csma-cd station csmacd-1 enable mop circuit circuit-1 function = { - load server, dump server, load requester, loop requester, console requester - } 3.2 OpenVMS The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway management and load host soft- ware requires OpenVMS V6.1 at a minimum. 3.3 DECnet The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product requires DECnet-Plus (DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS V6.2, or DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2) if DECnet connectivity is desired. Please note that the use of DECnet-VAX Extensions is no longer supported by the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product. 3.4 TCP/IP The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product support for TCP/IP is targeted mainly for the DIGITAL UNIX operating system access routines. In particular, OpenVMS will require a DECnet-Plus license since the management utilities that are used are not available on OpenVMS over a TCP/IP transport. Additionally, on DIGITAL UNIX platforms the event logger is not supported when the gateway is configured with TCP/IP only. Digital recommends that for complete management of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway product a DIGITAL UNIX DECnet/OSI license be purchased. If only NCL access and downline load support is re- quired then a DIGITAL UNIX DECnet/OSI license is not required. 3.5 VTAM and NCP See the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway software product description for the list of supported VTAM and NCP versions. 4 3.6 VTAM PTFs The following are VTAM PTF's that may apply to your particular installation for the Domain Gateway. _______________________________________________________________ VTAM____________________________PTF_and_APAR___________________ VTAM 3.3 MVS/ESA PTF UY75092 for APAR OY50459 VTAM 3.4 MVS/ESA PTF UY74414 for APAR OY49092 VTAM 3.3 MVS/ESA PTF UY78280 for APAR OY51909 VTAM 3.4 MVS/ESA PTF UY78281 for APAR OY51909 VTAM 3.4.1 MVS/ESA PTF UY78282 for APAR OY51909 VTAM 3.4.1 MVS/ESA PTF UY77351 for APAR OY51601 VTAM 3.3 VM/SP PTF UV54334 for APAR VM48994 VTAM 3.3 VM/ESA PTF UV54335 for APAR VM48995 VTAM 3.4 VM/SP PTF UV55569 for APAR VM53026 VTAM 3.4 VM/ESA PTF UV55398 for APAR VM52644 VTAM 3.4 MVS/ESA PTF UY79270 for APAR OY54008 VTAM 3.4.1 MVS/ESA PTF UY79271 for APAR OY54008 VTAM_3.1_MVS/ESA________________PTF_UW03270_for_APAR_OW01683___ 4 Undocumented Features 4.1 Multiple Session Support in DTF The Domain Gateway supports the use of multiple sessions on a single Logical Unit between any DIGITAL SNA Access Routine and the IBM application, provided the DIGITAL SNA Access Routine supports this feature. The DIGITAL SNA Data Transfer Facility (DTF) product supports the use of multiple sessions. In order to configure DTF to use this feature do the following: o Create an Access Name in the Domain Gateway that has only one Logical Unit in its LU List. o Configure the LU in the Access Name's LU List to have the following characteristics: - Maximum Active Sessions = 0 (or any number which will limit the number of sessions used for this DTF applica- tion) - Capability = Secondary 5 o Define the DTF APPL definition to VTAM with PARSESS=YES. 4.2 Maximum RU Size The largest RU size supported by this version of the Domain Gateway-CT and Domain Gateway-ST is 30720 bytes. 5 Known Problems and Restrictions The following are the known problems and restrictions that are not documented elsewhere for the Domain Gateway product. 5.1 Time Display On ChannelServer II (DESNB) Incorrect When Loaded From DECnet-Plus If a Channel Server II (DESNB) is downline loaded from a DECnet-Plus OpenVMS host, the time on the SNAP screen and the event logger time stamps will be displayed incorrectly. To correct this some logical names must be setup. You must define MOP$ENABLE_FILTER to be 1 before the NET$MOP process is started. The best way to do this is to define it /SYSTEM in SYLOGICALS.COM. $ define/system mop$enable_filter 1 Then, to actually set up the filters, the client name must be defined in table MOP$CLIENT_FILTER. This can be done at any time, even after MOP has been started. It is recommended to include this in the system startup procedure. $ if .not. f$trnlnm("mop$client_filter","lnm$system_directory",,,,"table") - then create/name_table mop$client_filter/parent=lnm$system_directory $ define/table=mop$client_filter gwy 3 !* gwy = gateway nodename *! Loading the gateway after this will result in the correct time being displayed. 5.2 DIGITAL UNIX Access Routine support The Domain Gateway supports all of the DIGITAL UNIX access routines available except the use of dependent logical units by the DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 V1.0 access routine. When using the Configuration Utility to configure logical units for use by the DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 V1.0 access routine enter "both" in response to the query: "Will these LUs be primary [N] ?" 6 5.3 NCL Compilation Errors The following are known NCL compilation errors on OpenVMS VAX platforms that appear due to the limitations of the compiler. However, the script generated will be processed correctly when executed by the gateway during the Domain Gateway load process. 5.3.1 DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-CT Set Node DEC:.XTAM MOP at 1992-06-25-13:10:23.97629 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: set list error Characteristics no such attribute ID: Verification Enable Node DEC:.XTAM Routing Circuit CSMACD-0 at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: process failure The Data Link specified for this circuit does not exist Rename Node DEC:.XTAM at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported Enable Node DEC:.XTAM at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported 5.3.2 DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-ST Create Node DEC:.RTKH34 Modem Connect at 1994-04-07-14:49:58.48000+00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported Create Node DEC:.RTKH34 Modem Connect Line SYN-0 at 1994-04-07-14:49:58.48000+00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported Enable Node DEC:.ZTAM Routing Circuit CSMACD-0 at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: process failure The Data Link specified for this circuit does not exist Rename Node DEC:.ZTAM at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported 7 Enable Node DEC:.ZTAM at 1991-12-24-09:02:59.87090 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Command failed due to: entity class not supported 5.4 SNAP displays not aligned with cleared tab stops SNAP display data is not aligned correctly if tab stops are cleared on VT type terminal devices. A work around is to set the terminal to /NOTAB ($ SET TERMINAL/NOTAB) before running SNAP. 5.5 XID password encryption not supported XID password encryption is not supported on SDLC switched con- nections for this release of the Domain Gateway-ST product. XID password encryption is coded in the VTAM Switched Major Node definition using the PRTCT parameter. If the PRTCT parameter is coded (ie, non-null), the switched connection to the Domain Gateway-ST will fail XID negotiation after a few attempts and break the connection. 5.6 Reconfiguration required if DECnet load host changes If the gateways load host changes physically then the Gateway must be re-configured and re-loaded since the DNS towers for the load host are no longer valid. 5.7 SNAP not fully supported on xterms The SNAP utility is not fully supported on DIGITAL UNIX xterms. In particular the Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Prev Screen and Next Screen do not work. All other keys work. The SNAP utility is fully supported on DIGITAL UNIX dxterms or DECterms. 6 Problems fixed in this release 6.1 Version 2.0 Post ECO 2 Fixes o NC-ER-ACT Max.PIU value was stored incorrectly. This could cause problems with PIU segmentation. This problem was seen as an incorrectly transmitted PIU segment which was to be a +RSP to SDT on the CDRM-CDRM session. The CDRM-CDRM session hung, Pending SDT. 8 o NC-ER-ACT-REPLY could be sent to the wrong adjacent Subarea in response to NC-ER-ACT. Prune RERN was not removing ER's that were not over the same transmission group as the NC-ER- ACT was received. In the Domain-ST case there can be greater than one adjacent subarea and this problem did occur. o SNAPU5$CONFIGURE would not accept Explicit Route Specifications in a PATH file that did not include an explicit TG number. Thus a statement such as: PATHA PATH DESTA=10,ER0=6,ER1=6,ER2=6, would be rejected with the error: %SNAPU5-E-EXPINT2, At line 5, near '6', Expecting a list of two integers %SNAPU5-E-EXPINT1, At line 5, near '6', Expecting a list of one or two integers SNAPU5$CONFIGURE now defaults the missing optional TG number to TG number 1. 6.2 Version 2.0 ECO 2 Fixes o Fixed a hang with access routines connecting to the Domain Gateway. The problem was seen from Digital UNIX V4.0 and Windows NT systems. The IP "Do Not Fragment" indication was incorrectly interpreted by the Domain Gateway. The complete IP datagram was treated as a fragment, thus the infinite wait. 6.3 Version 2.0 ECO 1 Fixes o Updated Operating System and Network software supported versions to include Digital UNIX V4.0 and OpenVMS VAX V6.2 with related DECnet/OSI supported versions. Please note, the minimum supported versions were not updated at this time. Support for older prerequisite releases of Operating Systems and Network software by the Domain Gateway is depen- dent upon the support of those products by their respective engineering groups. Bug reports may be answered by requir- ing software upgrades to the base Operating System and/or Network software. OpenVMS V7.0 has not been certified at this time. o DTF for Digital UNIX is now supported over the Doamin Gateway with TCP/IP connections. Several bugs listed below were repaired to allow for support. 9 o Fixed erroneous NSP "invalid message format" logging on sink node. o Fixed a problem with NSP connections using segment flow con- trol. The setting of the delayed acknowledgement flag was improper. This resulted in poor performance and retransmis- sions. o Fixed CTF tracing from DECnet/OSI on OpenVMS VAX. Live trac- ing would show "protocol error on link". o Fixed TCP/IP Domain Gateway crash seen when the OpenVMS access routines disconnected improperly. A LES LPD was deal- located twice. A subsequent LPD allocation would cause the crash. This could happen from other access routines as well, but has only been seen with DTF for Digital UNIX. o Fixed a TCP/IP potential memory leak in GASP. Freeing an LRB without first freeing all attached LPDs. o Fixed a TCP/IP hang on inbound file tranfers, seen with DTF for Digital UNIX. The TCP window would close to zero and never reopen. o Fixed a bugcheck in path control, SAPC, sending an LPD over a disconnecting channel, CDB. o Fixed a bugcheck in LUMGR, unbind processing did not set session terminated in all instances. o LES V3 access violation fixed. Sending LPDs over an alter- nate channel within a process mode ppi can not be inter- rupted as the channel could be deleted by an interrupt from a system mode ppi. LES will no longer interrupt until the LPD is sent. o DSRLST error parsing control vectors. Added support for receiving Session Services Extension Support (X'5A') Control Vector on DSRLST RU. 10 Appendix A Notes From previous releases A.1 New Features added with V2.0 The following are new features to the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.0. A.1.1 Support for DIGITAL UNIX as management and load hosts The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.0 adds support for Alpha AXP systems running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system with the required pre-requisite software to manage and downline load Domain Gateways. A.1.2 Support for TCP/IP based networking connectivity The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.0 adds support for TCP/IP based networking protocols. The gateway can now be configured to operate as a DECnet/OSI end node or an TCP/IP end node or a gateway supporting both DECnet/OSI and TCP/IP. A.2 New Features added with V1.1 A.2.1 New Hardware platform for SDLC support In addition to the Channel interface to the IBM, the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V1.1 adds supports for an SDLC interface to IBM Front End Processors. Called the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-ST V1.1, this product is based on the current DEC MicroServer (DEMSA) and DEC MicroServer-SP (DEMSB) hardware. Any existing DEMSA or DEMSB hardware can be loaded with the new DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-ST software. Notes From previous releases A-1 The following table summarizes the hardware platforms and con- figurations supported by the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 software. Table_A-1:_Supported_hardware_and_configurations_______________ throughput max IBM data (or line ses- Software___________Hardware_________link_______speed)______sions Domain Gateway-CT ChannelServer Channel 1.2 Mb/s 520 I [1] [2] (DESNA) ChannelServer Channel 2.6 Mb/s 1020 II [2] (DESNB) Domain Gateway-ST MicroServer SDLC 256 Kb/s 32 (DEMSA) (4 ports) or 128 MicroServer-SP SDLC 56 Kb/s 32 (DEMSB) (1 port) or 128 _______________________________________________________________ [1]The ChannelServer I hardware is retired [2]The 1.2 and 2.6 Megabits per second throughput numbers rep- resent the peak performance measurements of end-to-end through- put with a properly configured Gateway and access routine. _______________________________________________________________ For the field test of this product the MicroServer-SP or MicroServer hardware platforms are *NOT* supported. A.2.2 Session Managers In addition to the support for the MicroServer hardware plat- form, the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 (both the -CT and -ST) now supports most types of session managers (for example, IBM's Netview Access and SAMON, Systems Center Inc's NET/MASTER MAI, and Candle's SUPERSESSIONS). A.2.3 LMF Licenses To successfully install and configure the Domain Gateway, a proper license must be registered and loaded. For the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-CT, an "SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY- CT" license is required. A-2 Notes From previous releases For the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway-ST, an "SNA-DOMAIN-GATEWAY" license for 32 or 128 concurrent sessions is required. The installation will not proceed if one of the above licenses is not found. The Domain Gateway configuration utility also verifies that the proper Domain Gateway license (based on gateway hardware type) is registered and loaded. Without the proper license, the configuration utility will not continue. A.3 Upgrading from Domain Gateway V1.1 on a OpenVMS VAX system The following steps need to be performed to upgrade an existing Domain Gateway V1.1 installation to Domain Gateway 2.0. 1. Install the Domain Gateway V2.0 software. Note that there are new SNAP and CTF files, so it is impor- tant to upgrade the Gateway management nodes as well as the load host nodes. 2. Run the load host configuration utility. On VMS systems the name of the Domain Gateway-CT system im- age has changed from SNAPU5$CT011.SYS to SNAPU5$CT020.SYS. On a DECnet Phase IV+ load host node, execute SNAPU5$CONFIGURE_ HOST.COM. On a DECnet/OSI load host node, execute NET$CONFIGURE.COM. Refer to Chapter 4 of of the DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway Management manual for more details. 3. Re-boot the Domain Gateway to load the new V2.0 image. NOTE The existing Domain Gateway V1.1 configuration does NOT need to be changed for V2.0 if the additional func- tionality that this release provides is not required. There is no need to re-run the Domain Gateway configura- tion utility when upgrading from Domain Gateway V1.1 to Domain Gateway V2.0. The existing configuration is fully supported without modification. A.4 Problems Fixed in V1.1 Release Notes From previous releases A-3 A.4.1 Version 1.1 ECO 2 Fixes The DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway V2.1 includes the following fixes since the last release (Version 1.1 ECO 2) of the Domain Gateway software. A.4.1.1 Abnormally terminating a session may cause a crash If a session's connection was broken or was abnormally termi- nated when connected to an IBM application with the ability to recover the session, the potential for a gateway crash to occur existed. This has now been resolved. A.4.1.2 The SNAP display does not show the correct UPTIME Once a gateway has run greater than 30 days, the UPTIME value shown in the SNAP display is not correctly incremented. This has now been fixed. A.4.1.3 Event blocking included in Optional NCL file does not work NCL event blocking commands that are included in the Optional NCL file were ignored and not being compiled. As a result these events were not being blocked. This has now been corrected. A.4.1.4 TG numbers greater than 16 not being accepted The NUMBER attribute on the TRANSMISSION GROUP entity and the TG NUMBER attribute on the SWITCHED PU entity were only accept- ing values in the range of 1-16. Any value greater than 16 was causing configuration errors during script compilation. This has been fixed. The correct range of 1-255 is now ac- cepted. A.4.2 Version 1.1 ECO 1 Fixes A.4.2.1 VTAM V4R1 local SNA devices were not unbound properly Logical Units which were defined to VTAM V4R1 (and only VTAM V4R1) which were SLU to a PLU in the Domain Gateway were not unbinding properly. This has been fixed. A.4.2.2 VTAM CDRM-CDRM session deactivation SAVESESS support added The Domain Gateway now supports the deactivation of CDRM-CDRM sessions by VTAM using the ",SAVESESS" option. This allows active LU-LU sessions between the two domains to remain active avter cross domain takedown has taken place. A-4 Notes From previous releases A.4.2.3 DOS and Ultrix 3270 TE abnormal termination after UNBIND-02 Users of the DECnet SNA MS-DOS 3270 Terminal Emulator or DECnet SNA ULTRIX 3270 Terminal Emulator would not be able to es- tablish sessions to applicaions which issued a CLSDST-PASS (causing an UNBIND-02 to be sent to the TE.) The Domain Gateway ST would crash. The Domain Gateway CT would have the CTCA con- nection re-contact, causing the loss of the TG. This has now been fixed. A.4.2.4 MOP entity cannot be shown or enabled Trying to show or enable the MOP entity in Domain Gateway v1.1 returned a Get List Error. This entity is used for setting the verification password and this problem has now been corrected. A.4.2.5 Decnet connection to PCs running Pathworks are intermittently dropped It is possible with high network activity for DECnet links between PCs running Pathworks and using the 3270 TEs (ie. Rumba or MS-DOS 3270 TE) to be disconnected unexpectly. This has now been fixed. A.4.2.6 Domain Gateway-CT crash after IBM system IPL The Domain Gateway-CT would crash with a bugcheck code of FF001822 whenever the adjacent IBM system was IPL'ed. Also, an exceedingly large number of System Resets events were be- ing logged whenever the CHPID on the adjacent IBM system was offline. Both of these problems have been fixed in V2.1. A.4.2.7 CHPID offline caused crash For the Domain Gateway-CT to successfully load, the CHPID on the IBM system that owns the channel connecting the Domain Gateway-CT had to be online and the physical path between the IBM system and the Domain Gateway-CT had to be available. Without this the Domain Gateway-CT was likely to crash with a bugcheck code of FF001806. This has been fixed. A.4.2.8 DOS and Ultrix 3270 TE not returning to USS screen It was not possible for users of the DECnet SNA MS-DOS 3270 Terminal Emulator or DECnet SNA ULTRIX 3270 Terminal Emulator to return to the Domain Gateway's USS screen when logging off an IBM application. This problem has been fixed. Notes From previous releases A-5 A.4.2.9 SNAP with screen size less than 24x80 The SNAP monitoring utility used to access violate when the terminal's screen size was less than 24 x 80 characters. SNAP requires at least a screen size of 24 x 80 to operate and will now display the error message "%SNAP-E-TINY, screen needs to be at least 24x80" when the screen size is too small. A.4.2.10 SNAP incorrectly displayed ER states SNAP was incorrectly displaying the Explicit Route protocol state on the Route display screen. The ACTIV1, ACTIV2, and ACTIV3 states were mixed up. This has been fixed. A.5 Problems Fixed in V1.1 Release A.5.1 Version 1.0 ECO 3 Fixes A.5.1.1 SNATRAPRE.MAR and SNATRATBL.MAR not copied to SYS$LIBRARY The files SNATRAPRE.MAR and SNATRATBL.MAR that are used for creating customized translation tables were previously shipped as part of the SNAPU5 kit, however they were not copied to sys$common:[syslib]. This has been fixed. A.5.1.2 Terminal Emulator may return %SNA-F-FATINTERR Due to the incorrect mapping of error codes by the Domain Gateway-CT the following error would under certain circum- stances be returned to the user. %SNA-F-FATINTERR, internal error in Gateway access routines -SNA-F-UNKMSGREC, unknown message code received from Gateway This problem has been fixed and the Domain Gateway-CT now re- turns the correct error message which caused the connection to fail. A.5.1.3 Sense codes not reported correctly to VTAM When a DEC Application exited with a sense code, the sense code was not being propagated to the IBM SLU. This problem has been fixed. Earlier the Domain Gateway-CT would always report the sense code 80200007. Prior to the ECO 3 kit the Domain Gateway-CT would report a sense code of 80200009. A-6 Notes From previous releases A.5.1.4 NSP Remote Protocol Error There was a problem in NSP where the following event is logged every 5 to 10 minutes: %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 19-FEB-1993 09:40:53.89 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on GWY Event: Remote Protocol Error from: Node GWY_NS:.DECSYS NSP Local NSAP %X490001AA000400030420 Remote NSAP %X490001AA000400040420, at: 1993-02-19-09:40:52.04000 + 00:00 I 28147497.67107 Reject Cause=Invalid Message Format, Erroneous Transport PDU=%X48105402 eventUid 8004842F-2D0E-CC11-8000-08002B259626 entityUid 411A3D3A-2A0E-CC11-8000-08002B259626 streamUid 40EAE534-2A0E-CC11-8000-08002B259626 This has been fixed. A.5.1.5 Domain Gateway-CT supports Resource Requested Notification When a DEC application initiates a session to an SLU with the initiate-or-queue (I/Q) option, the resulting session initi- ation request (CDINIT) will also request that any other LU in session with the SLU be notified that the session request has been queued. The resource requested notification feature is useful when using the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Print Symbiont with an IBM printer that is currently being shared with other IBM applications. A.5.2 Version 1.0 ECO 2 Fixes A.5.2.1 File Protection The command procedure snapu5$ was incorrectly setting the ownership of the sys$common:[sna$csv] directory. Ownership has now been set to SYSTEM. A.5.2.2 URC field not sent in the Bind from Domain Gateway-CT. The URC field from an Init-Self Format 1 sent by an SLU in the SNA network was not in the Bind sent from the Domain Gateway- CT PLU to the SLU. This caused a problem with some session monitors, (ie. Candle's SUPERSESSIONS) and any VTAM application which is an SLU with multiple session capability. This is now fixed. Notes From previous releases A-7 A.5.2.3 Extended BIND and Extended UNBIND In general, the Domain Gateway-CT did not send the same data to access routines as they would have received if the routine used a PU 2.0 Gateway. The SNA RU's involved were BIND and UNBIND requests. The subarea node adjacent to the the PU 2.0 Gateways would convert the Extended BIND & UNBIND requests to their unextended form before sending them to those Gateways at the time when the FID4 to FID2 conversion was done. Since the Domain Gateway-CT now performs this function, it needed to also unextend the RU's as well. This need only be done for access routines which are SLUs. This problem has been fixed. A. DCA/Irmalan TE The DCA/Irmalan TE would reject the Extended BIND with an 08210000 sense code. This is now fixed. A.5.2.4 Wrong SNA Sense Code used when logical link to PLU is lost The Domain Gateway-CT was using the sense code 80200009 when- ever the DECnet logical link was lost, for whatever reason, to an access routine. This was the case even when the access routine was the PLU. The sense code was misleading and has been changed to 80200007 when the access routine is the PLU. This is now fixed. A.5.2.5 Users unable to change Block Buffers TG Characteristic An NCL Set Transmission Group Characteristic Block Buffers would look as if it was successful when in fact, the value was never changed. This is now fixed. A.5.3 Version 1.0 ECO 1 Fixes A.5.3.1 Potential Domain Gateway-CT Crashes A Domain Gateway-CT crash occurred when LU-LU data was received with an UNBIND mixed in. This is now resolved. Domain Gateway-CT crashed upon receipt of BIND if the logical link for which the BIND was destined was lost while the BIND was en route to the Domain Gateway-CT. This is now resolved. A-8 Notes From previous releases Domain Gateway-CT crashed when an independent LU in a PU type 2.1 (AS/400) connected to NCP caused VTAM to flood search the Domain Gateway-CT (indirectly, via an unsolicited BIND to the NCP driving BFINIT to VTAM.) This is now resolved. A.5.3.2 Session Setup Problem The Domain Gateway-CT did not work properly when receiving a CDINIT requesting "Queue Only" (ie. as happens with some Session Monitors) when the PLU resides in the Domain Gateway- CT. This is now fixed. A.5.3.3 Incorrect Status for Active Explicit Routes SNA PU Services Transmission Group status Active ERs had a very, very large number for a value. This is now rectified. Notes From previous releases A-9