POLYCENTER Capacity Planner Release Notes March 1997 This document describes new and changed software features, problems and restrictions to the software for POLYCENTER Capacity Planner V4.0A for OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS VAX, Digital UNIX, HP-UX, and IBM AIX. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX V5.2-5 through V7.1 Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 to V7.1 Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX V3.2c to V4.0 Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX V3.2c to V4.0 Operating System and Version: HP-UX V10 Operating System and Version: IBM AIX V4.2 Software Version: Capacity Planner V4.0A Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________ 10-June-1997 __________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Cor- poration. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Gov- ernment is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. __________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. __________ The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document re- quest your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documen- tation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC DIBOL UNIBUS DEC/CMS EduSystem VAX DEC/MMS IAS VAXcluster DECnet MASSBUS VMS DECsystem-10 PDP VT DECSYSTEM-20 PDT DECUS RSTS DECwriter RSX DIGITAL This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. CONTENTS Preface................................................... ix Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION................................ 1 1.1 Capacity Planner Usage................................. 1 1.2 Installation........................................... 1 1.2.1 OpenVMS, VAX and Alpha.............................. 1 1.2.2 Digital UNIX........................................ 1 1.2.3 IBM AIX............................................. 1 1.2.4 HP-UX............................................... 2 1.3 License Registration................................... 2 1.4 Data Collection - OpenAviator.......................... 2 1.5 UNIX Help Using HTML Browser........................... 3 Chapter 2 RESTRICTIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS.................... 5 2.1 Installation........................................... 5 2.2 Data Collection........................................ 5 2.2.1 Event Monitor for OpenVMS........................... 5 2.2.2 Digital UNIX FullSail Data.......................... 5 2.2.3 Digital UNIX Snapshot Data.......................... 5 2.2.4 POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data................. 5 2.2.5 SYSMON/OpenAviator Data............................. 6 2.3 Disk Configuration Information......................... 6 2.4 Processing POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data......... 6 2.5 Workload Analysis/Process Classify..................... 6 2.6 Sub-Classes............................................ 6 iii Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for all Capacity Planner users. Please read this manual before you install Capacity Planner V4.0A. This document contains information about new and changed features which are not yet documented in the users guide. Structure of this Document This document consists of several major sections: General Information Restrictions and Known Problems Preface ix CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Capacity Planner Usage The Capacity Planner is the manditory update release V4.0A. The The primary objectives of this version are to introduce fix bugs encoun- tered by V4.0 users. 1.2 Installation The Capacity Planner may be installed on five different platforms. In- stallation procedures vary and are described in the following para- graphs. 1.2.1 OpenVMS, VAX and Alpha To install in an OpenVMS environment, please use the VMSINSTAL util- ity. The savesets for OpenVMS will be of the form ECP040A.%. Both the VAX and Alpha OpenVMS versions of Capacity Planner are included in the same kit. Refer to the POLYCENTER Capacity Planner for OpenVMS Sys- tems Installation Guide for further details on how to install the Ca- pacity Planner. 1.2.2 Digital UNIX To install in a Digital UNIX environment, please use the setld com- mand. The savesets in Digital UNIX will be of the form ECP%%%%405. Re- fer to the POLYCENTER Capacity Planner for Digital UNIX Systems In- stallation Guide for further details on how to install the Capacity Planner. 1.2.3 IBM AIX To install in an IBM AIX environment, please use the following steps: 1. Login to the root account on the target system. 2. Create the directory /usr/local/ECP405 on the target system. 3. Untar the distribution to tape to the newly created directory 4. Run the script file install.sh. 5. Set the environment variable ECP_LIBRARY to /usr/local/ECP405. General Information 1 1.2.4 HP-UX To install in an HP-UX environment, please use the following steps: 1. Login to the root account on the target system. 2. Install the kit on the distribution media using SAM. For further details on using SAM, see your system administration guide. 1.3 License Registration On OpenVMS and Digital UNIX systems, the Capacity Planner requires the PAK with product name CAPACITY-PLANNER. For IBM AIX and HP-UX systems, the Capacity Planner requires the a special license provided by Dig- ital Capacity Planner engineering. This license may be obtained by call- ing 1-602-881-2510 and supplying the appropriate information. 1.4 Data Collection - OpenAviator The current release of Capacity Planner for the UNIX platforms is ca- pable of incorporating data from the SYSMON/OpenAviator data collec- tor from Spire Technologies/Australian Software Innovations. SYSMON data from the following platforms are accepted by the UNIX Integra- tor: Digital UNIX IBM AIX HP-UX Sun Solaris Sequent DYNIX/ptx Pyramid/SNI DC/OSx While an upcoming release of OpenAviator will provide appropriate dic- tionaries, currently the standard data extraction dictionaries pro- vided for SYSMON do not include all the fields required by Capacity Planner, such as per process paging I/O (hard faults). Digital sup- plies additional data dictionaries which are installed with the rest of the product in directory /usr/opt/ECP405 on Digital UNIX and /usr /local/ECP405 on IBM AIX and HP-UX. The file names are listed below: dict.digitalunix (Digital UNIX) dict.aix (IBM AIX) dict.hpux (HP-UX) dict.solaris (Sun Solaris) 2 General Information dict.ptx4 (Sequent DYNIX/ptx) dict.dcos (Pyramid/SNI DC/OSx) Before using SYSMON to collect data that includes these fields, up- date the System Data Collector installation on the system to be mea- sured. To do this, log in as superuser (login name root) and move the appropriate data dictionary file to the system to be measured. Then run the following commands, where opsys is replaced by digitalunix, aix, hpux, solaris, ptsx4, or dcos and pid is the PID of the sdc dae- mon: # cp dict.opsys /usr/asi/sdc/dict.src # cd /usr/asi/sdc # ./dictx # ps -ef | grep sdc # kill pid # /usr/asi/sdc/sdc Digital also provides an options file, decapi.options, for use with the Bsysmon command. This controls the statistics reported in the bi- nary output file. Copy this file to the system to be measured. To collect SYSMON data, use the Bsysmon command with - options decapi.options to create a Binary File. See the Bsysmon -help, and the collect_data script in the bin directory of your SYSMON distribution, for details. If you are collecting data on systems other than Digital UNIX, you need to move the Binary files to a Digital UNIX system. To improve the per- formance of the Data Integrator, Digital recommends the following con- ventions: - Place your files in a directory that contains only data files rel- evant to the current study. - Create a subdirectory for each node you are measuring, and place only files created on a single node in each subdirectory. - Name your files according to the year, month, and day (YYYYMmmDD) of data collection. For example: 1996Jul04 - Define the environment variable SYSMONDATAPATH to point to the par- ent directory of the nodes' subdirectories. The Capacity Planner Data Integrator automatically searches the directory pointed to by this variable. 1.5 UNIX Help Using HTML Browser In place of Bookreader help on UNIX systems, an HTML browser may be used if the environmental ECP_BROWSER has been defined with the full path name of the browser image. General Information 3 CHAPTER 2 RESTRICTIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS 2.1 Installation The ECPDC405 save set for Digital UNIX requires that the OSCACCTnnnn subset has been installed. Currently the installation does not check that it actually is installed. 2.2 Data Collection 2.2.1 Event Monitor for OpenVMS Support of the Event Monitor (EVM) will not be extended to OpenVMS V7.0 and V7.1. The data provided by the POLYCENTER Performance Advisor data collector for OpenVMS V7.0 and V7.1 has proven to quite adequate with- out the addition of EVM data. 2.2.2 Digital UNIX FullSail Data Device types such as CPU type and DISK types are not currently being collected by FullSail. The data integrator does not make assumptions about the device types, except for adapters. The data integrator will automatically add a SCSI adapter and put all disks on this adapter. 2.2.3 Digital UNIX Snapshot Data Snapshot may not see all disks if the device disk lines in the con- figuration file does not have the correct vector. The vector entry is the last field on the line. We recommend using doconfig to generate a config file with the correct values. 2.2.4 POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data The POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Collector will set the disk type for all disks attached to an HSZ40 to disk type RZ28. The user may change the disk types prior to model build using the disk statis- tics panel. Care should be taken to ensure that the PSDC driver is installed an running in order to collect transient process information. Failure of the PSDC driver will result in loss of transient process information which may result in inability to validate models. Restrictions and Known Problems 5 2.2.5 SYSMON/OpenAviator Data The ASI data collectors often do not collect CPU and disk type infor- mation. When .MERG files created from ASI data are read in, the ca- pacity planner will query the user for the the model type. The user may change the disk types prior to model build using the disk statis- tics panel or may edit the .MERG file and perform a replace of the HSC40 string to the appropriate disk type designation. ASI data currently contains no information on disk controllers or buses. The capacity plan- ner will assume that all disks are attached to a single SCSI bus. It is the user's responsibility to correct the configuration before model build. 2.3 Disk Configuration Information Currently none of the data sources provide accurate information on RAID diskset membership. In the case of host-based RAID sets, all disks should appear in the the reduced file. However, in the case of controller- based RAID sets, the entire diskset may be represented as one disk. In either case, the user must correct the configuration prior to model build. 2.4 Processing POLYCENTER Performance Advisor Data Reading a corrupt .cpd file may result in a segmentation fault. En- sure that all FTP copies of .cpd files is performed in the BINARY mode. The following error messages are always given, but can be ignored PSPA-E-ErrFNF Error message file (null) cannot be accessed %PSPA-E-C_errno No such file or directory 2.5 Workload Analysis/Process Classify All changes made to the process classifications and process transac- tion counts are immediately applied to the data structures and the Can- cel pushbutton does not reverse changes. Leaving and Re-entering this screen will cause edited transaction counts to be lost. 2.6 Sub-Classes The subclass functionally is currently enabled when running the Ca- pacity Planner for UNIX . However there is no support for subclasses when using data from a Digital UNIX system. This is due to the lack of detailed collected performance data. 6 Restrictions and Known Problems