Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) DESCRIPTION DECelms (DEC Extended Local Area Network Management Software) is a VMS layered product that allows users, at a VAX host, to configure, manage, monitor, control and observe any LAN Bridge and FDDI Wiring Concentrator in the ``Extended LAN'' and FDDI network environment. The term LAN Bridge is used to refer to Digital's LAN Bridge 100, LAN Bridge 150, LAN Bridge 200, DECbridge 500, METROwave, and Chipcom's Ethermodem[TM] Broadband Bridge. The LAN Bridge products are the primary building blocks of the "Extended LAN" (Local Area Network) architecture. An Extended LAN is a collection of LANs that are interconnected and logi- cally appear as one large Local Area Network. The DECconcentra- tor is the primary building block of the FDDI network environ- ment. Together these environments are physically and logically attached and extended via the DECbridge 500. The DECbridge 500 is the device which allows Ethernet and FDDI networks to trans- parently communicate. The LAN Bridge products operate at the data link level, and the FDDI DECconcentrator operates at the physical link level. Both product sets are transparent to upper level protocols. DECelms resides on a VAX host. Corresponding management firmware resides in the LAN Bridges and FDDI DECconcentrators. The man- agement protocol is used to communicate between the VAX host and the target LAN Bridges and FDDI DECconcentrators. DECelms pro- vides additional functionality to support the actual control and observation of the target LAN Bridges and FDDI DECconcentrators. DIGITAL December 1990 AE-PAJZB-TE DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) The general characteristics of DECelms include: o A superset of RBMS V2.0 functionality. o Remote management capabilities for FDDI and Ethernet devices. o Allows for observation, monitoring, and controlling of inter- operable FDDI and Ethernet networks. o Ability to display and modify devices, lines, physical ports, and forwarding database characteristics. o Ability to enable and disable lines and physical ports. o Automatically build a host registry of all reachable FDDI DECconcentrators and LAN Bridges within the ``Extended LAN'' and FDDI environment. o Automatically or manually poll the devices stored in the host registry for faults, errors, and changed information. o Errors are displayed to the alarms window of the user's display while more detailed information is being recorded in the error logfile. o Ability to process the logfile keying off time or type of faults. o Ability to use standard VMS utilities such as print, type, search, etc. on the ASCII formatted versions of the DECelms error log file. o Displaying data-link counters, status and characteristics. o Modifying parameters: operational state, forwarding database, and spanning tree characteristics. o Remotely invoke a device's self-test capabilities. o Providing for the association of ASCII names with specific device physical addresses; for ease of use in management commands. o Simultaneous management access by multiple users. o On-line help facility. 2 DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) o Command line recall. o Improved display formats including the ability to scroll up and down through the output. o Similar display formats for all manageable devices. o Password protection for setable parameters (LAN Bridge 150, 200, 500, and FDDI DECconcentrator). o Load and modify source address and protocol filtering tables LAN Bridge 200 and DECbridge 500. o Displays network utilization statistics (LAN Bridge 200 and DECbridge 500). o Displays the physical FDDI network topology through ring mapping capabilities. DECelms is comprised of five major conceptual functions which exist within two processes. The Bridge and DECconcentrator UI (User Interface) is one process. The Bridge and DECconcentrator Management Layer; the Registry Listener; the Background Poller; and the message mux functionalities all exist within the NImux process. The User Interface process allows for multiple user access. It is responsible for the parsing of the user's request, de- termining what protocol messages should be sent to execute the request, mapping ASCII names to physical addresses, forwarding the message to the NImux process and displaying the reply in user-readable format. Output can be directed to the terminal or to an ASCII file which can be printed using the standard VMS PRINT commands. The NImux Process contains code which queues the management requests to the devices. It is responsible for handling all timeouts and retries to devices. The NImux Process includes the message mux functionality which demultiplexes device responses and forwards the responses to the appropriate User Interface. 3 DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) The Registry Listener of the NImux process automatically builds a host Registry file of all reachable FDDI DECconcentrators and LAN bridges within the Extended LAN and FDDI environment. The Background Poller of the NImux process polls the devices stored in the Registry and determines if there has been a change in the state of a device. If a change has occurred, the Back- ground Poller performs the following: o Write an informational message to the alarm window o Keep the state of attributes on that device in the DECelms Registry, and o Log an error in the DECelms log file The Registry Listener and the Background Poller can be setup independently to run at installation time, at specific time intervals, or at the DECelms users command. DECelm also allows the user to remotely downline load Digi- tal's LAN Bridge 100 and 150 with LAN Traffic Monitor software, thereby changing the device from its default state as a bridge. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, or VAXserver configuration as speci- fied in the System Support Addendum (SSA 31.79.01-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS* VMS Operating System * Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 31.79.01-x) for availability and required versions of prerequisite/optional software. ORDERING INFORMATION 4 DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) Software Licenses: QL-YFPA*-** Software Media and Documentation: QA-YFPAA-** Software Documentation: QA-YFPAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-YFPA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able licenses, services and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and poli- cies, contact your local Digital office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT This layered product supports the VMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on a CPU-capacity basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the VMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the VMS Operating System documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and poli- cies, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available. For more informa- tion, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY 5 DECelms, Version 1.1 SPD 31.79.01 (DEC Extended LAN Management Software) Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [TM] Ethermodem is a trademark of Chipcom Corporation. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, VAX, VMS, MicroVAX, VAXserver and VAXs- tation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 6