Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS Version 3.2 SPD 26.D4.05 DESCRIPTION DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS V3.2 is the traditional Chinese (hereafter referred to as local language) version of standard DECforms V3.2 which offers a set of software development tools and a run-time environment for implementing powerful yet user-friendly human interfaces. DECforms/Hanyu extends standard DECforms to support local language characters under the OpenVMS/Hanyu operating system. DECforms is the Compaq OpenVMS implementation of the ANSI/ISO stan- dard for Form Interface Management System (FIMS). One of the most pow- erful principles reflected in the DECforms architecture is complete separation of forms and functions. With DECforms, user interface pro- cessing is completely removed from the application program and totally isolated within the form itself. The application program is only con- cerned with the processing of data, not with the gathering and dis- play of data at the user interface. This makes application programs much simpler to develop and easier to maintain. DECforms/Hanyu supports Chinese data representation that conforms to the Standard Interchange Code for Generally-used Chinese Characters (CNS 11643) character set of Taiwan, Republic of China, with an ex- tension area of 8,836 character positions. This SPD describes the local language specific features of the soft- ware product. For details of the DECforms V3.2 features, please re- fer to DECforms V3.2 Software Product Description (SPD 29.90.xx). November 2000 AE-PCLCF-TE FEATURES On top of the standard DECforms features, DECforms/Hanyu provides lo- cal language support to the following components: MOTIF Device Support With Motif device support, users will be able to use the mouse for ran- dom field navigation, modify appearance of both Motif and DDIF pan- els, and perform other screen functions. DDIF Device Support o DDIF output can be converted by the DDIF-to-Postscript compound doc- ument converter to produce high quality, hardcopy forms for print- ing on Postscript printers. o Proper replication of screen/panel forms to DDIF files through the use of DDIF layout One Single Kit for all (three) language versions o Asian DECforms kit contains three (Hanzi, Hanyu, and Hangul) lo- cal country variants. Users will be able to install and run any of the country product variants with a valid language UI PAK and a valid underlying OpenVMS or OpenVMS DECwindows MOTIF System. Forms Manager o local language character I/O and editing o leading space suppression when displaying 4-byte character o proper handling of display attributes - bold, reverse, underline, blink, double height, double width 2 o proper processing of field attributes - autoskip - active, conditional and unconditional highlight - uppercase conversion - minimum length validation - range validation - list search validation - validation against a general expression o proper replication of screen/panel images to files for printing o support for local currency and number signs o support for OpenVMS international date/time format definition in local language o proper handling of incomplete local language characters resulting from window and object overlay Panel Editor o local language character I/O and editing o proper handling of incomplete local language characters resulting from Window and object overlay o support for clipboard operations on local language characters Form Development Environment o local language I/O and editing o interface with HTPU 3 Independent Form Description Language (IFDL) Translator o support for local language string data Form Back-Translator o conversion of local language DECforms form files into IFDL source files FMS Converter o conversion of local language FMS forms User-Interface o English or local language (bilingual) text can be selected for: - menus and forms in Form Development Environment - help and error messages OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE: Form Compatibility o conversion of form files created by standard DECforms is not re- quired Additional Character sets o ISO Latin-1 and User Preference character sets will be supported by the Form Manager, the Panel Editor, the IFDL Translator and Back Translator 4 Optional DECforms/Hanyu Run-Time System for OpenVMS/Hanyu System An optional DECforms/Hanyu run-time system is separately available. The only DECforms component available in this option is the Form Man- ager. The run-time system allows the execution of applications using DECforms/Hanyu for terminal display and management on a machine other than the one used to develop the application. DOCUMENTATION In addition to the standard DECforms documentation set, DECforms/Hanyu includes the following documents: In Local Language: o User's Guide In English: o Installation Guide o Release Notes o Read Me First HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Please refer to DECforms V3.2 Software Product Description SPD 29.90.xx. 5 A minimum system configuration includes: DEC VT382-D or terminal emulator on PC or DECwindows Motif is required for local language input and display. Support of 80 or 132 column modes depends on the characteristics of the terminal. A workstation is required for Motif interface. A Compaq supported local language printer is required for printing lo- cal language panels and forms. For details of terminals and printers, please refer to OpenVMS/Hanyu Software Product Descriptions (VAX: SPD 25.G7.xx, Alpha: SPD 46.74.xx). Restrictions Local language terminal emulators on personal computers are supported only to the extent that the emulator conforms to the respective lo- cal language environment it it emulating. For details of other standard restrictions, please refer to DECforms V3.2 Software Product Description (SPD 29.90.xx) Block Space Requirements: (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required for installation On VAX Full Development 41,000 blocks System (20.5 Mbytes) Run-time System 5,300 blocks (2.65 Mbytes) On Alpha Full Development 50,000 blocks System 6 (25 Mbytes) Run-time System 8,800 blocks (4.4 Mbytes) Disk space required for use (permanent): On VAX Full Development 39,000 blocks System (19.5 Mbytes) Run-time System 3,200 blocks (1.6 Mbytes) On Alpha Full Development 48,000 System (24 Mbytes) Run-time System 6,600 blocks (3.3 Mbytes) These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximatins; actual sizes may vary depending on the users' system environment, configuration, and software options selected. OPTIONAL HARDWARE Any device supported by the prerequisite or optional software. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS/Hanyu Operating System V6.1 or above DECwindows Motif/Hanyu V1.1 or above 7 VMS Tailoring: For OpenVMS V6.x systems, the following OpenVMS clsses are required or full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Programming Support o Utilities OPTIONAL SOFTWARE CDD/Plus V5.3 or higher Language-Sensitive Editor V2.3 or higher Any OpenVMS programming language that adheres to the VAX Procedure Call- ing and Condition Handling Standard. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum hardware and soft- ware requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA o 9-track 1600 BPI Magtape (PE) o TK50 Streaming Tape The software for DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS is available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distributed on CD-ROM. The documentation for DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS is available as part of the OpenVMS Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. 8 ORDERING INFORMATION OpenVMS Full Development System and Run-time: Software Licenses: QL-VCH3*-** Software Media: QA-VCH3*-** Hardcopy Documentation: QA-VCH3*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VCH3*-** Users of VAX FMS/Hanyu or VX TDMS that want to use DECforms/Hanyu de- velopment tools on the same system as VAX FMS/Hanyu or VAX TDMS de- velopment tools can order DECforms/Hanyu development licenses at a sig- nificant discount using the following order number: Software Migration License: QL-VUV3A-J* The order numbers for the media, documentation, and services are the same as the DECforms/Hanyu development system. OpenVMS VAX Run-time System only: Software Licenses: QL-VNS3*-** Software Media: QA=VNS3*-** Software Product Services: QT-VNS3*-** Users of VAX FMS/Hanyu or VAX TDMS that want to use the DECforms/Hanyu run-time system on the same system as a VAX FMS/Hanyu or VAX TDMS run- time system can order DECforms/Hanyu run-time licenses at a signif- icant discount using the following order number: Software Migration License: QL-VUW3A-J* The order numbers for the media and services are the same as the DEC- forms/Hanyu run-time system. 9 OpenVMS Alpha Full Development and Run-time: Software Licenses: QL-0J83*-** Software Media: QA-03XAA-H8 Hardcopy Documentation: QA-VCH3*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0J83*-** OpenVMS Alpha Run-time only: Software Licenses: QL-0J93*-** Software Media: QA-03XAA-H* Software Product Services: QT-0J93*-** SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of the Com- paq Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales. For more information about licensing terms and policies from Compaq, contact your local Compaq Office. This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for the Full Development System are allocated on an Un- limited System Use and Personal Use basis. License units for the Run- time Only System are allocated on an Unlimited System Use and Concur- rent Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX Software Product De- scription (SPD 25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS Operating System documenta- tion set. For more information about licensing terms and policies from Compaq, contact your local Compaq office. 10 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VMS cluster configuration without restrictions. The sec- tions on hardware requirements of this product's Software Product De- scription detail any special hardware required by this product. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, please contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day comformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. ©2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Of- fice. OpenVMS, DECforms, and VAX are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Motif is a trademark of The Open Group. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies. 11 12