DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC Ada Version 3.3 for Digital UNIX® Systems SPD 45.89.02 DESCRIPTION This Software Product Description includes the following two products: o DEC Ada Version 3.3 for Digital UNIX Systems o DEC Ada Version 3.3 Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems DEC Ada for Digital UNIX (formerly called DEC OSF/1) is Digital Equip- ment Corporation's validated implementation of the full ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983 Ada Language. As a result of meeting the ANSI standard, DEC Ada also conforms to the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS-119). The DEC Ada compiler runs on the Digital UNIX operating system and gen- erates highly optimized, shareable, and position-independent code. Ada is a powerful, general-purpose language that supports many mod- ern programming practices. The language was designed as the result of a competition sponsored by the United States Department of Defense. The purpose of the competition was to define a language suitable for programming-embedded computer systems. Among the requirements for the language were features that would reduce software costs by increas- ing maintainability, evolvability, reliability, and portability. Ada provides a modular structure for programs by allowing separate com- pilation of program units, as well as providing strong typing, task- ing, exception handling, and other standard language features that are supported across implementations. Ada provides a number of features that make it suitable for a variety of applications from general sys- tems to real-time applications. January 1997 Ada Language Features o Strong Typing - An object (variable) of a given type may take on only those values that are appropriate to that type, and only cer- tain predefined operations may be performed to data of that type. Because type checking is done at compile time, strong typing en- sures that any errors associated with incorrect data types are de- tected at compile time. o Data Abstraction - Also known as information hiding, data abstrac- tion hides implementation details while providing users with mech- anisms for using the implementation. Abstraction enables the user to focus on important characteristics while ignoring underlying de- tails. Ada provides various levels of abstraction through features such as private data types and packages. o Concurrent Processing - For many applications, it is important that a program be conceived of as a number of parallel activities, rather than serial activities. Most high-order languages provide little or no support for handling such parallel or concurrent activities. They rely on facilities of the host operating system. Ada uses tasks to enable parallel activities to be programmed directly within the language. o Separate Compilation - Ada's separate compilation feature enables a programmer to divide a large program into compilation units that may be compiled at different times. When a unit is compiled, the DEC Ada program library manager records information about that unit and other related units. This feature is unlike separate compila- tion features in other languages, where little information about separately-compiled modules is maintained. o Generic Definitions - A generic unit is a template from which spe- cific instances can be made at compile time. In many cases, the logic of an algorithm or a set of operations is independent of the spe- cific type of the values being manipulated. However, in a strongly- typed language such as Ada, all types must be defined at compile 2 time. Generic definitions enable the user to define a general al- gorithm or set of related operations and then create a specific in- stance of that algorithm or set of operations for each type to which the algorithm or operations must apply. o Exception Handling - In many operations, especially embedded com- puter systems, it is critical that a system recover quickly and ef- ficiently from error conditions. Ada provides the ability to raise and to handle exceptions. It includes predefined exceptions and per- mits the user to define exceptions. When an exception occurs in a DEC Ada program, normal processing is abandoned and control passes to the exception handler. DEC Ada Components and Special System-Related Features: o Ada compiler fully conforming to ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983. For de- tails see the DEC Ada Language Reference Manual. o Ada program library manager that provides support for programming teams through: - Program libraries that can be shared by many programmers - Powerful search list model for program libraries. This permits the following: * The relationships among program libraries can be changed eas- ily. * Individual programmers can establish different views of pro- gram library relationships. - Automatic recompilation of obsolete compilation units - Ability to share compiled Ada code either by reference or by copy o DEC Ada tasking support based on POSIX-compliant threads. Each DEC Ada task runs as a POSIX thread with thread scheduling provided by the Digital UNIX Operating System. 3 o Debugging capability provided through Digital Ladebug and dbx, in- cluding support for debugging tasking programs and mixed DEC Ada and non-Ada code. o Strongly-typed DEC Ada bindings that provide interfaces for the fol- lowing versions of X Window System[TM] Motif® routines: - X Window System Version 11R4 X Windows and Motif Version 1.1.3 - X Window System Version 11R5 X Windows and Motif Version 1.2 o Support for the POSIX Ada Language Interface bindings as required by IEEE Standard 1003.5. o Support for the ISO Math Library packages GENERIC_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTIONS and GENERIC_ELEMENTARY_FUNCTIONS. o Support for passive tasking and pragma PASSIVE, that can signif- icantly improve the performance of rendezvous in programs. A task rendezvous (consisting of an entry call to a passive task) is ac- complished with no contex switching overhead. Instead, the accept body is executed in the context of the task making the entry call. o Support for running DEC Ada tasks within the same program on mul- tiple processors. If running on a Digital UNIX system that supports Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP), DEC Ada multitasking applications automatically take advantage of SMP. o Integration with the Digital UNIX Operating System including: - Conformance to the Digital UNIX calling standard, which allows DEC Ada code to call and be called by code written in other lan- guages, as well as to call Digital UNIX system routines - The ability to access files that DEC Ada cannot open, such as inherited files and pipes - The ability to link DEC Ada main programs with foreign code and link foreign main programs with DEC Ada code - The ability to share data with non-Ada code through pointers and direct references to memory locations 4 o System-Dependent Facilities - Different systems vary in such char- acteristics as the size of storage units, memory size, and the small- est and largest integer values supported. DEC Ada provides the pre- defined package SYSTEM to define system-related constants and to represent system-dependent information. o Representation clauses that allow the user to tailor the represen- tation of data to suit a particular system. DEC Ada provides: - Length clauses that specify the amount of storage associated with a type - Enumeration representation clauses that specify the internal codes for the literals of enumeration types - Record representation clauses that specify the layout of a record type, such as the order, position, and size of record components - Address clauses that specify required addresses in storage for objects, imported subprograms, or single entries o DEC Ada provides a number of pragmas (compiler directives) that al- low various system-related parameters to be set and changed and to control mixed-language programming. o Comprehensive diagnostic messages with references to the DEC Ada Language Reference Manual. This features helps the new DEC Ada users. DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems The DEC Ada Professional Development Option is a separately-licensed option that is available with DEC Ada on Digital UNIX Systems. The DEC Ada Professional Development Option includes the following capabil- ities: o Smart recompilation - This feature can significantly reduce the num- ber of recompilations that are needed to rebuild a DEC Ada program after some compilation units change. Smart recompilation allows the compiler to propagate changes quickly through a system, eliminat- ing up to 100% of the usual recompilations. 5 o Program Library File-Block Caching - This feature minimizes the ac- tual amount of disk input-output that must be performed by using an in-memory cache of file blocks. As a result, the elapsed time for compilations is significantly reduced. o Quick Link - This feature can significantly reduce, during incre- mental program development, the time to relink a large DEC Ada pro- gram after changes to a small number of program units. The DEC Ada Professional Development Option is designed so that it is compatible with libraries that are created without the DEC Ada Pro- fessional Development Option and libraries created with a previous ver- sion of DEC Ada. Once a program library is created, DEC Ada program- mers do not need to change any of their development procedures to ben- efit from the DEC Ada Professional Development Option. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported AlphaServer 400 Products AlphaServer 1000 Products AlphaServer 1000A Products AlphaServer 2000 Products AlphaServer 2100 Products AlphaServer 2100A Products AlphaServer 4100 Products AlphaServer 8200 Products AlphaServer 8400 Products AlphaStation 200 Products AlphaStation 250 Products AlphaStation 255 Products AlphaStation 400 Products AlphaStation 500 Products AlphaStation 600 Products 6 DEC 2000 Models 300, 500 DEC 3000 Models 300, 300L, 300X, 300LX DEC 3000 Models 400, 400S DEC 3000 Models 500, 500S, 500X DEC 3000 Models 600, 600S DEC 3000 Model 700 DEC 3000 Models 800, 800S DEC 3000 Model 900 DEC 4000 Model 600 Products DEC 4000 Model 700 Products DEC 7000 Model 600 Products DEC 7000 Model 700 Products DEC 10000 Model 600 Products DEC 10000 Model 700 Products Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required for installation: Root file system: /0 KB Other file systems: /usr 34,000 KB /tmp 0 KB /var 0 KB Disk space required for use (permanent): Root file system: /0 KB Other file systems: /usr 34,000 KB /var 0 KB These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 7 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DEC Ada for Digital UNIX Systems o Digital UNIX Operating System (SPD 41.61.xx), Version 3.2G, Ver- sion V4.0, Version 4.0B o Developers' Toolkit for Digital UNIX (SPD 44.36.xx), Version 3.2G, Version 4.0, Version 4.0B DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems o DEC Ada Version 3.3 for Digital UNIX Systems o Digital UNIX Operating System (SPD 41.61.xx), Version 3.2G, Version 4.0, Version 4.0B o Developers' Toolkit for Digital UNIX (SPD 44.36.xx), Version 3.2G, Version 4.0, Version 4.0B OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o DEC FUSE Version 3.1 for Digital UNIX Systems DEC FUSE for Digital UNIX Systems is a Digital integrated development environment, based on UNIX commands and utilities and features a Mo- tif user interface. Note: DEC FUSE Ada Support is included in DEC FUSE Version 3.1 and does not require a separate license. For more information on DEC FUSE Version 3.1 for Digital UNIX Systems refer to the Software Product Description (SPD 44.71.xx). GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. 8 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available only on the Digital CD-ROM Software Library for Digital UNIX Layered Products. ORDERING INFORMATION DEC Ada for Digital UNIX Systems Software Licenses: Concurrent Use: QL-0HMAM-3B Personal Use: QL-0HMAM-2B Unlimited System Use: QL-0HMA*-** Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-0HMAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0HMA*-** DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems Software Licenses: Concurrent Use: QL-0VSAM-3B Personal Use: QL-0VSAM-2B Unlimited System Use: QL-0VSA*-** Read Before Installation Letter: QA-0VSAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0VSA*-** Note: The Software Documentation kit (order number QA-0VSAA-GZ contains only the Read Before Installing letter and must be ordered (at no cost) with all licenses for DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Dig- ital UNIX Systems. The DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems binaries are provided with the DEC Ada binaries. Purchase of a DEC Ada Professional Development Option for Digital UNIX Systems License (QL- 0VSA*-**) enables use of this capability. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 9 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Dig- ital office. This layered product offers Concurrent Use, Unlimited System Use, and Personal Use basis licensing. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available. For more information, con- tact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product. This means that Digital will rem- edy any nonconformance when it is reported to Digital by the customer during the warranty period. The warranty period is one year. It begins when the software is in- stalled or thirty days after delivery to the end user, whichever oc- curs first and expires one year later. All warranty related support for this software will end one year after release of the subsequent versions. Warranty is provided in the country of purchase. Digital will provide a service location which will accept reporting (in format prescribed by Digital) of a nonconformance problem caused when using the licensed software under normal conditions as defined by this SPD. Digital will remedy a nonconformance problem in the current unaltered release of the licensed software by issuing a correction information such as: cor- rection documentation, corrected code; or a notice of availability of corrected code; or a restriction or a bypass. The customer will be re- sponsible for the preparation and submission of the problem report to the service location. 10 WARRANTY EXCLUSION Digital does not warrant that the software licensed to customer shall be error free, that the software shall operate with any hardware and software other than as specified in this SPD, that the software shall satisfy customer's own specific requirements, or that copies of the software other than those provided or authorized by Digital shall con- form to the SPD. Digital makes no warranties with respect to the fitness and operabil- ity of modifications not made by Digital. If the software fails to function for reasons stated previously, the customer's warranty will be invalidated and all service calls will be billable at the prevailing per call rates. This Software Warranty is effective for licensed software products or- dered in the United States after October 1988 and supersedes all prior versions. The previous information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. [TM] AlphaServer, AlphaStation, DEC, DEC Ada, DEC Ada Profes- sional Development Option, DEC FUSE, DECstation, Digital, and the DIGITAL logo, are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ® Motif and OSF/1, are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ® POSIX is a registered trademark of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ® UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. 11 [TM] X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM] X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 12