Hewlett-Packard Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6 SPD 46.96.06 This Software Product Description describes the following two prod- ucts: o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.6 o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Integrity Servers (I64), Version 1.6 The Description section describes features common to both products. Any differences in product features are explicitly indicated. DESCRIPTION DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 is the Korean version of DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS V1.6. When used in conjunction with OpenVMS/Hangul, it extends the standard DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS V1.6 to provide internationalized windowing services for using and developing inter- nationalized DECwindows applications. It also extends the local lan- guage capabilities to support Korean character input/output handling, to provide a Korean language user interface, and to offer a Korean lan- guage platform for developing Korean DECwindows Motif applications. DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 supports Korean data that conforms to the KS C 5601-1987 character set standard of Republic of Korea. It also supports DEC Hangul & Korean EUC encoding. This SPD describes only the internationalized and Korean specific fea- tures which are extensions or additions to standard DECwindows Motif August 2006 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 for OpenVMS. For a description of the base functionalities of DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS, please refer to Software Product Description (SPD 81.70.01). INTERNATIONALIZATION FEATURES Locale Switching DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 provides a platform for de- veloping locale-independent windowing applications. Applications de- veloped using the technologies of X11R6 and CDE Motif 1.0 toolkit (Mo- tif Release 1.2.5) can exhibit different local language behavior ac- cording to the locale setting. DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 is based on the XPG locale model. Users can switch the language of an application by specifying the locale at startup time. This locale switching mechanism is also designed to be interoperable with other DECwindows Motif products, such as HP Tru64 UNIX and ULTRIX Worksystem Software. DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 supports a coexistence of different language variants on the same computing system, with the pos- sibility of changing easily from one language to another. CDE Motif toolkit/UIL CDE Motif 1.0 toolkit (Motif Release 1.2.5) is incorporated in DECwin- dows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6. The Motif R1.1.3 runtime library is also provided for backward compatibility. The CDE Motif toolkit is fully integrated with X11R6 Xlib and Xt to provide internationalization functionalities such as locale-encoded string supports and input methods. Some of the X11R6 international- ization features can be invoked via the CDE Motif toolkit, such as in- put methods with different interaction styles. CDE Motif 1.0 toolkit 2 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 The CDE Motif 1.0 toolkit (Motif Release 1.2.5) provides the capabil- ity of processing local languages. The following widgets of the Mo- tif Toolkit library provides international character input/output ca- pabilities and local language message display: o Command Widget o FileSelectionBox Widget o Label Widget o List Widget o MessageBox Widget o SelectionBox Widget o RowColumn Widget o Scale Widget o BulletinBoard Widget o Text Widget o TextField Widget DECwindows Extensions to Motif Toolkit The DECwindows Extensions to Motif Toolkit library is enhanced for in- ternationalization. The following widgets of the DECwindows Extensions to Motif Toolkit library provide internationalization character in- put/output capabilities and local language message display: o ColorMix widget o CSText Widget o Help Widget o Print Widget o Structured Visual Navigation (SVN) Widget Motif Release 1.1.3 3 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 Motif Release 1.1.3 runtime library is also provided for backward com- patibility reason. All the applications compiled under previous re- leases of DECwindows Motif can be executed without recompiling. Programming Examples To help programmers to develop international DECwindows applications, several programming examples are provided: o Periodic - an example to illustrate Motif toolkit widgets. Local language text can be entered through XmText widget. o ximdemo - an example to illustrate how to do low level programming with X11R5 internationalization functions. o DECburger o HelloWorld User Environment, Out-of-the-box Applications and Examples All out-of-the-box (OOTB) applications and utilities (with the excep- tion of Notepad and DECwindows Mail which are based on Motif R1.1.3) supported by internationalized DECwindows Motif are based on Motif Re- lease 1.2. Input Server Local language input methods have been implemented according to the X11R6 X Input Method specification at the Xlib layer. The input server supports applications developed on X11R6 X Input Method (R6 XIM) and X11R5 X Input Method (R5 XIM). The X11R6 XIM specification defines the following interaction styles: o Root window - pre-edit data is displayed in a window in the input server. o Off-the-spot - pre-edit data is displayed in a fixed location of the application window, usually right under the application win- dow. 4 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 o Over-the-spot - pre-edit data is displayed in a child window of the application which is placed over the current insertion point. o On-the-spot - the input method directs the application through call- backs to display the pre-edit data. X Library X11R6 Xlib supports internationalization in the following features. o X Input Method o Text Drawing and Measuring Functions o Inter-client communication o X Resource Database X Toolkit Intrinsics This product incorporates the X.Org Release 6 (R6) Intrinsics (X Toolkit). The X Toolkit has been extended for internationalization to provide a new convenient routine to establish locale at initialization time. The internationalization additions also define event filters as a part of the Xlib input method specifications. KOREAN LANGUAGE FEATURES DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 provides the follow- ing Korean language processing features in addition to the base and internationalization functionalities of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS V1.6. Korean Input Methods The following input methods are supported for the input of Korean char- acters: o Hangul o Hanja o Row-column 5 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 o Phrase HangulDECterm HangulDECterm utility is the extended version of standard DECterm to provide terminal emulation of Korean terminals. Emulation of the fol- lowing Korean terminal is currently supported: o VT382-K User Environment The following features in DECwindows Motif have been enhanced to ac- cept input of Korean characters and/or display of Korean data: o CDE Login Manager o CDE Session Manager and Window Manager o DECwindows Session Manager and Motif Window Manager Applications The following applications in DECwindows Motif have been localized to support Korean input and/or display: o CDE desktop applications o DECwindows OOTB applications Obsolete Features DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6 does not include the fol- lowing features: o XUI/Hangul Toolkit o XUI/Hangul UIL Compiler o XUI/Hangul Window Manager o XUI/Hangul Server-Based Input Methods 6 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS DECwindows Motif /Hangul runs on any of the supported processors but requires a workstation display. Supported Alpha Processors DECwindows Motif /Hangul supports all the Alpha processors listed in the OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and Integrity Servers Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx), with the exception of those listed in the Unsupported Processors section. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) o For Alpha Systems: 120,000 blocks o For I64 Systems: 120,000 blocks Memory Requirements The minimum required to install, boot, and log in is 64 MB; 128 MB is highly recommended for more robust performance. Remote execution of applications requires an additional system that runs the application while the application is displayed on the local workstation. OpenVMS I64 is supported by the minimal memory requirements of the spe- cific Integrity Servers. The performance and memory usage of OpenVMS Alpha systems running DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha depend on system configuration and win- dow and applications usage. Please note that memory requirements may change in future releases of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS. 7 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6 is supported on the following operating systems and DECwindows Motif: o OpenVMS/Hangul Version 8.3 o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS V1.6 o DECwindows Motif Internationization for OpenVMS V1.6 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Please contact your local HP office for optional software products. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 is available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library (Consolidated Software Distribution) on CD-ROM. DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS I64 is available as part of the OpenVMS I64 Layered Product Library on DVD. It is bundled into an Op- erating Environment (OE) Update on DVD, which is one of the DVDs in the OpenVMS I64 Layered Product Library. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses for DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha: Personal Use: QL-MV44*-2B Unlimited Use: QL-MV44*-AA * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, contact your local HP office. Software Licenses for DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS I64: 8 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS I64 is available as part of an Operating Environment bundles. It is bundled into the OpenVMS I64 Lay- ered Product Library on DVD. No order is required. SOFTWARE LICENSING A software license is required in order to use HP DECwindows Motif soft- ware. For the Alpha platform, HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul is offered with Concurrent Use, Personal Use and Traditional 'capacity' licenses. For I64 platform, it is offered under the HP OpenVMS Operating Envi- ronment License, such as Foundation (FOE), Enterprise (EOE), and Mis- sion Critical (MCOE) Operating Environments. No additional license for DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS I64 is required. Rights to use future revisions of HP DECwindows and HP OpenVMS /Hangul are available only through a Support Agreement or through a new li- cense purchase. For more information about OpenVMS license terms and policies, contact your local HP sales office, or reference the Soft- ware Licensing site at: This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about HP's licensing terms and policies, contact your local HP office. HP provides a DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha license Prod- uct Authorization Key (PAK) with the purchase of an Alpha workstation. Media and online documentation kits are not provided with Factory In- stalled Software (FIS) systems. License Management Facility Support DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha supports the OpenVMS Li- cense Management Facility. License units for DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha are allocated on an Unlimited System Use and Per- sonal Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified in- dividual to use the layered product. For DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS I64, the license is offered through the Operating Environment Package. No PAK is required. 9 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 For more information about the License Management Facility, refer to the HP OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and Integrity Server Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx) or the OpenVMS Alpha operat- ing system documentation. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software product is provided by HP with a warranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your local HP office. Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP and/or its sub- sidiaries required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Soft- ware Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial use. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing here in should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. 10 HP DECwindows Motif[R] /Hangul for OpenVMS, Version 1.6SPD 46.96.06 11