Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: DEC FMS/Hangul for OpenVMS AXP SPD 35.10.00 Version 2.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION DEC FMS/Hangul for OpenVMS AXP Forms Management System extends the standard version of DEC FMS to support Korean data representation that conforms to Korean Industrial Code for Information Interchange (KS C 5601-1987), as announced by the Korean Standards Research Institute in January, 1987. DEC FMS/Hangul is designed to aid in the development of application programs that use Hangul and English video forms. While DEC FMS/Hangul manages English forms that run on DEC's VT100-, VT200- and VT300- compatible terminals, it also tackles the Hangul forms for application programs that use VT382-K. Forms defined using DEC FMS/Hangul provide the programmer with the ability to use the following features of VT382-K: · Individual character attributes of blink, bold, underline and reverse video · Line attributes of double height, double width and scrolling · Alternate character sets including the VT100 "special graphic character set" for line drawing Form data structures of DEC FMS/Hangul are used by the Hangul Form Driver during run-time to display forms, and to access and validate data entered by the terminal operator. Forms can be created and modified interactively with the interactive Form Editor (HFMS/EDIT) or they can be defined as a source form description with the Form Language and then converted to a form data structure using the Form Language Translator (HFMS/TRANSLATE). In addition to the basic field attributes, the following Hangul specific attributes can be assigned to each individual field in DEC FMS/Hangul: · Hangul default value for the field · Hangul help message DEC FMS/Hangul Facilities DEC FMS/Hangul consists of three Hangul specific facilities: Interactive Hangul Forms Editor - The HFMS/EDIT command invokes the interactive editing facility used by the form developer to create and modify Hangul and English video forms. The creation of forms with the interactive editing facility is accomplished in phases. Form Editor menus, questionnaires, help and error messages displayed on VT382-K can be in Hangul or English and this depends on the setup of the terminal attributes. FEBRUARY 1994 AE-Q41VA-TE DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION ASIA REGION The Layout phase is used to specify the visual appearance of the form, the background text, and what types of characters are to be valid input to the fields. Both Hangul and English background texts are acceptable in overstrike and insert mode. While laying out a form on the screen, one has available a set of 48 function keys and key combinations which perform the functions such as cursor movement, delete and undelete, cut and paste, box drawing, video attribute assignment, centering and displaying HELP. In addition, a newly-supported function, Gold M, is implemented to change dynamically the menus, questionnaires, and help messages from Hangul to English and vice versa. In addition to the basic DEC FMS functions in Layout phase, DEC FMS/Hangul has the following capabilities to handle Hangul: · Hangul character left and right cursor movement · Hangul character up and down cursor movement · Hangul character deletion and undeletion · Hangul character in block select · Hangul character in block cut and paste · Hangul character in block center · Tab function · End of line function · Video attribute assignment to a block of Hangul characters · Changing Hangul menus, questionnaires, help and error messages from Hangul to English and vice versa Additional phases are used to assign form and field attributes, to enter Named Data, and to assign field access order. Named Data and all form and field attributes, including user action routines, are specified by filling in questionnaires. Highlighting is used to indicate which field is being referred to during the field attribute and the field order assignment phases. Finally, the Test Phase allows the developer to interact with a form just as the end user would without exiting the editing session. Hangul Form Driver - The Hangul Form Driver is the run-time component of DEC FMS/Hangul which consists of subroutines to provide for terminal input and output, display of forms, manipulation of the screen, basic input validation and formatting, calling user action routines, and responding to the terminal operator's requests for help. In handling Hangul data, the Hangul Form Driver has the following capabilities: · Hangul character left and right cursor movement within a field · Hangul character deletion in a field · Disable uppercase attribute for Hangul fields · Hangul field truncation · Support for Hangul character input and output for fields with mixed picture types and/or field markers · Support for Hangul character input and output for Hangul fields in both Overstrike and Insert modes Hangul Form Language Translator - The HFMS/TRANSLATE command is used to convert the source form descriptions with Hangul background text contained in a text file to form data structures. The data structures created are equivalent to those created with the Hangul Form Editor. Existing form data structures can be converted back into Form Language source code for modificiation or documentation by using HFMS/DESCRIPTION/FULL command. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: · DEC 3000 Model 3XX · DEC 3000 Model 4XX · DEC 3000 Model 5XX · DEC 3000 Model 6XX · DEC 3000 Model 8XX · DEC 4000 Model 6XX · DEC 7000 Model 6XX · DEC 10000 Model 6XX Terminals: · VT382-K Terminal Requirements A VT382-K terminal is required for the creation of Hangul forms with the interactive Form Editor and the Form Language Translator. English forms can be created using a VT382-K or VT100-, VT200- and VT300-compatible terminal. The form test facility and application programs that use DEC FMS/Hangul can execute on VT382-K or VT100-, VT200- and VT300-compatible terminals depending on whether the form is Hangul or English. DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS: Disk space required for installation: 3,500 blocks - Full Development System 400 blocks - Run-time Only System Disk space required for use: 2,700 blocks - Full Development System 350 blocks - Run-time Only System SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS/Hangul AXP Operating System Version 1.5 or above. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM ORDERING INFORMATION Full Development (including run-time) System: Software Licenses: QL-MVS4*-** Software Product Services: QT-MVS4*-** Run-Time Only System: Software Licenses: QL-MVT4*-** Software Product Services: QT-MVT4*-** Media and documentation for this product are distributed on the consolidated OpenVMS AXP Layered Product Compact Disc (order number QA-03XA*-H8). * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of DIGITAL's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales. For more information about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY This layered product supports OpenVMS License Management Facility. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more information, please contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum.