DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL[TM] Enterprise Mail Monitor is a management software appli- cation that allows network management staff to monitor and manage mes- saging systems and network applications across local and wide-area net- works from a central location. The application is based on the client/server model and runs on OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM], OpenVMS Alpha, DIGITAL UNIX[R], and Windows NT[TM] Intel[R] and Alpha. An easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) provides a color-coded real-time display of the current status of the systems and applica- tions. Operators can quickly pinpoint and fix potential or existing problems before they impact network performance and before users even notice that there is a problem. DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor includes the following components: o A client, which connects to one or more servers to obtain monitor- ing information, and displays the results to the user via the GUI. o A server, which handles client requests for information. The server triggers entity scanning activities and returns the results to each client that requested information about an entity. o Scanning modules, which monitor entities under the control of a server and return the information obtained. July 1997 AE-R6BCA-TE DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 FEATURES A Wide Range of Scanning Modules Scanning modules are provided for DIGITAL MAILbus products and many of DIGITAL's network applications. Operators can define scanning in- tervals to determine how frequently products are monitored and can also choose to monitor an entity continuously. In addition, a Software Developer's Kit (SDK) is optionally available to allow users to easily create and integrate new scanning modules. A Wide Range of Events Can be Monitored DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor can monitor the following types of event: o Message queue congestion, message trace details, and the existence of bad-message files o Message Traffic o Logical names and devices o Missing files and database records o Application counters and logs o Processes and batch jobs o DECnet-Plus event logging o Event logging and Performance Counter on Windows NT. Problems Can be Fixed Before Users are Affected An alarm module ensures that problems can be pinpointed before users are affected and action can be taken to fix the problems. Management Scanning Module The following Scanning Modules are included in the Server and are par- ticularly useful in an IP environment: o PING - Check host reachability; measure system performance. 2 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 o ISM - Check subnet consistencies. o DNS - Check DEC[TM] Distributed Naming Service. o CONTROL - Manages remote applications. Graphical User Interface A GUI allows operators to easily and quickly configure DIGITAL Enter- prise Mail Monitor. When configured, operators use the GUI to deter- mine problem areas at a glance. The display can be customized using filters. Color-coding and alarms highlight problems. Histograms show the number of problems and the severity of each problem. Detailed re- ports can be displayed on the screen. Detailed Reports Detailed reports provide a snapshot of the performance and volume of traffic on each Message Transfer System. The operator can control the severity level of information displayed. Secure Remote Management DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor Management Module provides secure re- mote execution of commands on the servers, for example, it allows you to start and stop monitored products. Interface to Manager on NetView Interface to Manager on NetView[R] is possible by redirecting client output into a file. The output can be processed by a script which con- tains SNMP-TRAP commands. Products Monitored on DIGITAL UNIX o MAILbus 400 MTA o DIGITAL X.500 Directory Services o MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway o MAILbus 400 Message Store 3 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 o MailWorks[TM] Products Monitored on OpenVMS o MAILbus 400 MTA * o DIGITAL X.500 Directory Services * o MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway o MailWorks * o ALL-IN-1[TM] * o Office Server * o VAX Message Router o VAX Message Router Distributed Directory Service o VAX Message Router IBM[R] PROFS[R] Gateway o VAX Message Router IBM SNADS Gateway o VAX Message Router VMSmail[TM] Gateway o VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway o VAX Message Router Telex Gateway * Indicates that the product is monitored on both OpenVMS VAX and Open- VMS Alpha. Other listed products are monitored on OpenVMS VAX only. Products Monitored on NT o Microsoft Exchange 4 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 PMDF Product Set The PMDF product set V5.1 or later from Innosoft include scanning mod- ules that enable them to be monitored by DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Mon- itor. These products operate on DIGITAL UNIX, and OpenVMS VAX and Al- pha platforms. DOCUMENTATION o DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor Server Guide o 3 x Installation Cards o Release Notes HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS A color display that supports OSF[R] Motif[R] Version 1.2. OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, DIGITAL UNIX systems/hardware, NT Intel and NT Alpha configurations as follows: Processors Supported for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Any system that is capable of running OpenVMS Version 6.2 and later except those listed as processors not supported. Processors Not Supported for OpenVMS The following processors are not supported: MicroVAX[TM] 2000, MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II, VAXstation[TM] 1, VAX-11 /725, VAX-11/782, VAXstation 8000, VAX 7000, VAX 10000, VAXft[TM] Mod- els 110, 310, 410, 610, 612, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/780, VAX-11 /785, VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000 5 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 Disk Space Requirements on OpenVMS (Block Cluster Size = 1) ___________________________________________________________________ Task___________VAX__________Alpha__________________________________ Client Installation: 10,600 9,800 blocks (4.9 MB) blocks (5.3 MB) Permanent: 4,000 2,400 blocks (1.2 MB) blocks (2 MB) Server Installation: 3,400 4,500 blocks (2.25 MB) blocks (1.7 MB) Permanent: 2,000 2,000 blocks (1 MB) blocks (1 MB) Scanning Modules Installation: 4,900 800 blocks (.4 MB) blocks (2.45 MB) Permanent: 1,300 200 blocks (.1 MB) blocks _______________(.65_MB)____________________________________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 6 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster configuration without restrictions. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS sections of this product's Software Product De- scription detail any special hardware required by this product. Processors Supported for DIGITAL UNIX Any Alpha system that is capable of running DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2 or later except those listed as processors not supported. Processors Not Supported for DIGITAL UNIX VAX-based or RISC-based processors. Disk Space Requirements on DIGITAL UNIX /usr/opt 2.64 MB on each client /usr/opt 2.365 MB on the server Processors Supported for NT Any Intel or Alpha system that is capable of running Microsoft Exchange Server[TM] . Disk Space Requirements on NT /usr/opt 400 KB for each Scanning Module /usr/opt 2 MB on the server 7 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS Alpha, DIGITAL UNIX and NT software requirements as follows: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 and later, excluding Version 7.0. o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and later, excluding Version 7.0. o DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2 and later for the server, and Version 4.0 and later for the Motif Client. o OSF/Motif Version 1.2. o NT Version 3.51 or later. o One of the following: - DECnet[TM] for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha - DECnet-Plus (not NT) - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum requirements for the current version. SOFTWARE LICENSING The software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support The Licenses are "PC Style" Licenses and do not support License Man- agement Facility (LMF). 8 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 Licenses for the product are as follows: o There is no separate license for the GUI Client. The software is included with the Server Kit. o There is one license for the server which covers all platforms. o There is one License for each of the following Scanning Modules: o One license which permits the use of upto any 5 MAILbus1 or MAIL- bus 400 Scanning Modules. o MailWorks on OpenVMS or DIGITAL UNIX. o ALL-IN-1 on OpenVMS VAX or Alpha o Office Server on OpenVMS VAX or Alpha o MS-Exchange on NT Intel or NT Alpha. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM (all platforms). ORDERING INFORMATION DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor Software Licenses: QM-4XGAA-AA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor Server on all platforms- OpenVMS, DIGITAL UNIX and NT. QM-5TSAA-AA Up to 5 MAILbus 1/MAILbus 400 Scanning Modules. QM-5TRAA-AA Microsoft Exchange Scanning Module. QM-5TQAA-AA ALL-IN-1 Scanning Module. QM-5TPAA-AA Office Server Scanning Module. 9 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 QM-5TNAA-AA MailWorks Scanning Module. QL-4XEA9-** SDK Kit on OpenVMS VAX QL-4XCA9-** SDK Kit on OpenVMS Alpha QL-4XHA9-** SDK Kit on DIGITAL UNIX. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. Software Media and Documentation: QB-4XGAA-SA (CD-ROM) The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Cor- poration. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Possession, use, dissemination, or duplication of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or the third-party owner of the software copy- right. 10 DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor, Version 3.0 SPD 64.80.00 © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All rights reserved. [TM]ALL-IN-1, DEC, DIGITAL, MAILbus, MailWorks, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXstation, VMS, VMSmail and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] IBM, NetView, and PROFS are registered trademarks of the Inter- national Business Machines Corporation. [R] Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. [R] Motif and OSF are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. [TM]Microsoft Exchange Server and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective hold- ers. 11