Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECtalk Software, Version 4.2A SPD 48.98.01 For Digital UNIX [R] DESCRIPTION DECtalk Software Version 4.2A Digital UNIX [R] is an application and application programming interface based on Digital Equipment Cor- poration's industry-leading text-to-speech synthesis technology. This version of DECtalk has been enhanced to work under the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) for UNIX. DECtalk Software allows applications to convert standard ASCII text in American English into highly intelligible and natural sounding speech, playable through audio hardware on Alpha workstations. The application programming interface is an extension to Multimedia Services for Digital UNIX and is similar to the multimedia interface provided in Microsoft[R] Windows NT[R] and Windows[TM] operating systems. DECtalk Software contains the latest version of DECtalk speech syn- thesis based on the DTC07. DECtalk Software does not support some hard- ware features of the DTC07. However, it does incorporate a number of improvements from earlier versions of DECtalk and is a software-only version of DECtalk offered by Digital. Features include: o American English text-to-speech synthesis o Nine defined voice personalities (four female, four male, and one child) o Ability to say letters, words, or phrases o Pause, continue, and stop speaking control o Variable speaking rates from 75 words per minute to 600 words per minute o Accurate letter-to-sound pronunciation rules o Large internal (fixed) dictionary o Expanded developer-definable dictionary o Punctuation control for pauses, pitch and stress o Output stereo volume control o Ability to say proper names o User-defined pronunciation dictionary o User dictionary suffix processing. o Homograph processing. o Dial command to generate DTMF tones (for telephone dialing) o Tone command to generate tones o Ability to synthesize to a file o Ability to synthesize to memory DECtalk Software includes: o An application programming interface to allow any application to include text-to-speech synthesis with functions for all the fea- tures listed above. Documentation and sample code are provided. o An application called speak that allows a user to synthesize a text file or text typed into a window. It provides control of voice and speaking rate and its interface is consistent with the Motif windowing environment. o A command line interface to synthesize from a file o A X Windows based user dictionary compiler called windict to create customized pronunciation dictionaries o Applets and Tools: - mailtalk - speaks subject of incoming mail messages - aclock - speaks clock time at set intervals - speak - X Windows based applet that speaks text that is typed in - say - a command line applet that speaks text - windict - A user pronunciation dictionary creation tool o Two unsupported sample applications: - DECface - Is a real-time lip-synchronized facial animation program - Emacspeak - DECtalk extension to speech enable emacs CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS DECtalk Software is designed to conform to the following standards: o MIT X Window System[TM] Version 11 Release 5 (X11R5) and Release 6 (X11R6) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Alpha: DEC 3000 Model 300 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 300 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 300X AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 300X AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 300LX AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 300LX AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Server, DEC 3000 Model 500X AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 3000 Model 700 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 700 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option DEC 3000 Model 800 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 800 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option DEC 3000 Model 900 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 900 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 multimedia option, DEC 2000 Model 300 with Microsoft Windows Sound System, AlphaStation 200 4/100, AlphaStation 200 4/166, AlphaStation 200 4/233, AlphaStation 250 4/266, AlphaStation 400 4/233 with AlphaStation Sound Card, AlphaStation 600 5/266, AlphaStation 600 5/300. Disk Space Requirements: Disk space required for installation: Run-time: 15 MB [Two unsupported programs, DECface (10MB) and Emacspeak (1MB) account for the majority of this space] Development: 2 MB These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. system en- vironment, configuration and software options. Memory Requirements for Motif[R] and CDE Support The minimum memory supported for audio and video applications in a stan- dalone Motif environment is 32 MB. The performance and memory usage of multimedia applications are par- ticularly sensitive to system configuration. More memory may be re- quired on a system with several applications running, or where it may be desirable to improve the performance of an application. The use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capa- bility improves performance for many applications. The memory size sug- gested for most typical hardware configurations is 64 MB or 96 MB, depending on the system. OPTIONAL HARDWARE o Microsoft Windows Sound board option o AlphaStation Sound Card o Sound and Motion J300 TURBOchannel multimedia option SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o Digital UNIX V3.x or V4.0 Operating Systems. o Multimedia Services for Digital UNIX Version 2.x For the development of applications, one of the DECtalk Software sup- ported programming languages is also required. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Digital UNIX C Developers' Extensions Version 1.3 Note: Certain versions of these products are dependent on a specific version of the operating system. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different form the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is distributed only on the Digital CD-ROM Software Li brary for Digital UNIX. This software library contains the binaries and on-line documentation in PostScript, text and HTML format. DECtalk Software documentation is also available in hard copy and must be ordered separately. The run-time software is also available on the system integrated products CD-ROM shipped with the Digital UNIX operating system. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-228A*-AA Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-228AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-228**-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING DECtalk Software Run Time and Development subsets are licensed separately. This product offers Personal Use, Concurrent Use and Traditional li- censes. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support: This software product supports the Digital UNIX License Management Facility. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [R] Motif is a registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. [TM]X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [TM]The Digital Logo, Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DECtalk, Digital and TURBOchannel are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.