Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.1 SPD 45.74.04 DESCRIPTION HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX is a layered product on OpenVMS VAX that is designed to manage Digital's DEChub family of products. You can in- stall in one of two ways: o As an add-on application to POLYCENTER products for OpenVMS VAX. o As a standalone application with OpenVMS VAX, DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX or TGV MultiNet[R], Bookreader, and OpenVMS VAX DECwin- dows Motif[R]. The HUBwatch application is a flexible SNMP management tool that runs in the Motif windows environment. The graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to configure DEChubs and GIGAswitch, and to view the sta- tus and activity of Hub modules and GIGAswitch components. Award win- ning context-sensitive help is available on every screen. HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX V3.1 supports these new DEChub modules: PEswitch 900TX DECrepeater 90TS DECrepeater DECswitch 900EE 90T+ GIGAswitch FGL4 DECswitch 900EF RoamAbout Access Point You invoke the HUBwatch application either by selecting an icon on a POLYCENTER network map or as a standalone application. A DECwindows Motif window displays the front panel view of the selected device. DIGITAL September 1994 AE-PV8PD-TE SPD 45.74.04 The Hub Front Panel window display includes the hub configuration and status of each module and module port. HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX in- corporates both a Physical and Logical hub front panel view. The Phys- ical View depicts an exact representation of the hub's front panel. The Logical Hub View provides the same technical data, but uses a stan- dard module template with labels and icons to distinguish module types. Both views, physical and logical, provide for access to hub module man- agement windows and options. To access hub module management windows, you "double click" on a mod- ule in the Hub Front Panel window. Both the graphical Physical and Log- ical hub views have "hot-spots," such as the port connectors. Another window opens when you click on hot-spots, containing information and controls that are specific to that module or port. HUBwatch uses SNMP to manage the DEChub 900MS, DEChub 90, DEChub One and GIGAswitch products. These products include: DECrepeater DECserver DECbridge 90 90C 90L DECrepeater DECserver DECbridge 90FL 90T 90L+ DECrepeater DECserver DECbridge 900MX 90T+ 90TL DECrepeater DECserver DECswitch 900EE 90FA 90M DECrepeater DECserver DECswitch 900EF 90FL 900TM DECrepeater DECagent 90 DECbrouter 90T1 90FS DECrepeater DEChub 900MS DECbrouter 90T2 90TS DECrepeater GIGAswitch DECbrouter 90T2A 900GM /FDDI DECrepeater PEswitch DECconcentrator 900MX 900TM 900TX 2 SPD 45.74.04 DECrepeater RoamAbout 900FP Access Point HUBwatch uses SNMP agents to manage the DEChub and GIGAswitch prod- ucts. An SNMP Agent is an entity in a hardware device that executes SNMP requests. The following hardware devices contain integral SNMP Agents that HUBwatch manages. DEChub 900MS DECrepeater 900TM DECagent 90 DECrepeater 900GM DECserver 90TL DECrepeater 900FP DECserver 90M DECrepeater 90FS DECserver DECrepeater 90TS 900TM DECswitch DECbrouter 90T1, 90T2, 90T2A 900EF DECswitch GIGAswitch/FDDI 900EE DECbridge RoamAbout Access Point 900MX PEswitch 900TX DECconcentrator 900MX HUBwatch manages SNMP agents that are identified in the HUBwatch Agents file. The Agent Summary window allows you to add and delete SNMP agents and modify operating information for the Agent. Management of a DEChub 90 requires a DECagent 90 on the LAN, and a bus master services module in the DEChub 90. A bus master services mod- ule may be a DECbridge 90, DECbridge 90FL or DECagent 90 running V2.0 firmware. Using bus master services, DEChub 90 slot information can be displayed through HUBwatch. The DECagent 90 SNMP agent is required to provide the SNMP interface between HUBwatch for DEChub 90 modules installed in a DEChub 90. The HUBwatch program displays the hub configuration on the Front Panel View, showing the status of modules and ports at a glance. HUBwatch uses the information in the DECagent 90's database to display hub configura- tions. 3 SPD 45.74.04 Basic management of the DECagent 90 is also available through its setup port. The setup port of the DECagent 90 further enables the user to turn DECrepeater 90 ports on and off, and remote MOP management of DECbridges, DECservers and DECrepeater 90s (through a DECbridge). MOP management is not available for the DECrepeater 90FS or 90TS. The DECagent 90 setup can also be accessed via a Serial Line IP (SLIP) connection. Management of the DEChub 900MS requires an IP Services module to be installed and identified in the DEChub 900MS. Modules that currently provide IP Services are: DECrepeater DECswitch 900EF 90TS DECrepeater DECswitch 900EF 90FS DECrepeater PEswitch 900TX 900TM DECrepeater DECconcentrator 900MX 900FP DECrepeater DECbridge 900MX 900GM You can use either a "90 Style" or "900 Style" to manage DECrepeater 90 90C, 90T, 90T+, 90FA and 90FL modules installed in a DEChub 900MS. "90 Style" management emulates DEChub 90 management, and requires a DECagent 90 and bus master services. "900 Style" management uses the IETF compliant MIBs and the DEChub 900MS Hub Manager. HUBwatch screens supporting the IETF compliant MIBs are displayed, but the non-applicable functions for the particular DEChub 90 repeater module are disabled. No additional management features are available for the DEChub 90 re- peater modules managed with "900 Style", but the requirement of the DECagent 90 and bus master services is eliminated. DEChub One, or standalone, management is limited to those products with integral SNMP management agents, and to the DECbridge 90, DECbridge 90FL and DECserver 90L+, providing there is a DECagent 90 on the same extended LAN. 4 SPD 45.74.04 The following modules are displayed with a front bezel only. No mod- ule management is available for these products. DECwanrouter DECmau 900TL 90 MUXserver 90 DECrepeater 900TL DECpacketprobe DECrepeater 900SL 90 HUBwatch manages the DECbrouter 90 by displaying a module summary screen and affording the user an ability to create a TELNET session to the device. Full management of modules is available through the Module Summary and associated detail level screens. In general, DEChub module management incorporates a Module Summary screen, and one or more detail level screens. The Summary screen displays administrative information and summary op- erational status of the module. The user may enter some customized de- scriptive information, such as location. Some modules display summary operations data, such as traffic summary data. Access to detail level screens is available by double clicking on the appropriate port or but- ton. Full graphical management of the DEChub 900MS is also available through its Out-of-Band port. The Out-of-Band management port on the DEChub 900MS requires SNMP to be run over a SLIP (Serial Line IP) connection. The SLIP connection is established by connecting a terminal server that supports SLIP, such as the DEcserver 900TM, to the DEChub 900MS. A SLIP connection from the terminal server port to the out-of-band port on the DEChub 900MS provides the necessary communications path. HUBwatch can communicate out-of-band through the terminal server, which for- wards the SNMP packet through its SLIP port to the Hub Manager. HUB- watch for Windows V2.0 and higher , a companion software product, also provides a SLIP networking capability for MS-Windows users. The addition, deletion and modification of communities is accomplished in the Community Table window. 5 SPD 45.74.04 Using the DECagent 90, one to sixty four communities can be managed, one of which will always be the community in which the DECagent 90 re- sides. However, practical limits are much lower and are performance dependent. For hubs that contain only bridge and repeater modules, Dig- ital recommends that there be one DECagent 90 for every sixteen sin- gle hubs or every 8 double hubs. For hubs that contain terminal servers, the maximum number of modules managed by one DECagent 90 should not exceed 64. The DEChub 900MS Hub Manager restricts communities to the local DEChub 900MS backplane. A single hub can have one to nine communities. Mod- ules installed in a DEChub 900MS that have their own SNMP agent would also be assigned a unique community name. The DEChub 900MS has multiple flexible channels that can be used to create independent LAN segments. HUBwatch allows you to create and delete the LAN segments from the LAN Interconnect window. LAN segments are assigned a name, and technology type, using a menu. HUBwatch Version 3.1 supports the creation and deletion of additional Ethernet and FDDI LAN segments. At this time, available DEChub 900 modules only utilize 6 Ethernet flexible channels, and the "thinwire" channel. Modules or ports may be connected to different LAN segments by "drag- ging" (using the mouse) the desired connection to the appropriate LAN segment. Safeguards are implemented to prevent inappropriate LAN con- nections. Modules with the capability to interconnect more than four ports (for example, the DECswitch 900EF) have an associated LAN In- terconnect Expanded View screen to display and connect all ports. The Station Configuration View is used to configure ports between the front panel and the DEChub backplane. The Grouping View is used with the DE- Crepeater 900FP to group ports onto different LANs. "Find Address" and "Find Duplicate Addresses" are functions that search across all Agents defined in the HUBwatch Agents file for stations con- nected to a managed Ethernet repeater. DECbridge 900MX, DECswitch 900EF and DECswitch 900EE MAC Address and protocol filtering and forwarding management are performed on detail views available from the Bridge Summary Screen. 6 SPD 45.74.04 Alarmed Agents that the HUBwatch alarms software can monitor may be specified for Trap conditions. Traps occur when the module's firmware monitors the hardware for specific faults and an alarm message is sent to HUBwatch's monitoring software. Alarm management windows allow the user to start and stop the Alarms Poller, display alarms and the alarms log file, and add, delete and modify alarm agents. Traps supported in HUBWatch V3.1 are described in Table 1. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Traps____________________________________________________ Switch Concen Rprtr Srvr Trap_Type______900*[3]900MX_900[1]_900TM_Mgmt_Agent________________ ColdStart x x x x WarmStart LinkUp x x x x LinkDown x[4] x AuthenFailure x x x x x rptrResetEvent x rptrHealthTrap x Enterprise Specific x Port[2] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]DECrepeater 900 = DECrepeater 900TM, 900FM, 900FP, 90FS, 90TS, 900GM [2]Enterprise Specific Port Trap = A non-standard trap that con- veys information about a change of an FDDI port. Disabled by de- fault. [3]Switch 900* = DECswitch 900EE, DECswitch 900EF, DECbridge 900MX, PEswitch 900TX [4]Requires an OBM link as a valid alternative link. ___________________________________________________________________ HUBwatch manages the GIGAswitch/FDDI with the same intuitive "look and feel" as found with managing DEChubs. From the Community Table, you select GIGAswitch/FDDI agent and the front panel displays. Note that 7 SPD 45.74.04 there is only a Physical Front Panel View for the GIGAswitch/FDDI. The eight management windows allow the user to perform full management of the switch. In addition to the Summary Front Panel and System Summary Views, detail screens allow you to manage line cards, MAC Information and port details. Other screens enable filtering, and management of line card and bridge functions. Using SNMP, setting filters can be a complex and time consuming task. HUBwatch simplifies this task through the use of an innovative GUI. HUBwatch V3.1 adds support for the 4 port FGL4 card. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: VAXstation 3100 Model 30 VAXstation 3100 Model 38 VAXstation 3100 Model 40 VAXstation 3100 Model 48 VAXstation 3100 Model 76 VAXstation 3200, VAXstation 3500 VAXstation 3520, VAXstation 3540 VAXstation 4000 Model 60 VAXstation 4000 Model 90 VAXstation 4000 VLC For better performance, Digital recommends the use of a VAXstation 4000. Processors Not Supported: VAXstation I, VAXstation II VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 8000 All VAX, MicroVAX, and VAXserver processors Other Hardware Required: The minimum memory size is 24 Mbytes. Digital recommends using 32 Mbytes. The HUBwatch program supports 8-plane color monitors in "pseudocolor" mode only. 8 SPD 45.74.04 DECagent 90 V2.0 (which serves as SNMP agent for HUBwatch) installed on the LAN and a Bus Master Device (DECbridge 90, DECbridge 90FL at V3.1 of firmware or DECagent 90 at V2.0 of firmware) installed in the DEChub 90 to manage these devices: o DECrepeater 90C, 90T, 90T+, 90FA, 90FL, installed in a DEChub 90 only. The DEChub 900MS integral agent can manage these devices when installed in a DEChub 900MS. These devices are not manageable when not installed in a hub. o DECserver 90L, 90L+ (Note: The DEChub 900MS Agent will not perform bus master for these devices when installed in a DEChub 900MS. A Bus Master Device is required to be installed in the same hub as these servers to display slot information. A DECagent 90 is required on the LAN in order to manage these devices.) o DECbridge 90, 90FL (Note: The DEChub 900MS Agent will not perform bus master for these devices when installed in a DEChub 900MS. A DECagent 90 is required on the LAN in order to manage these devices.) o DECserver 90TL, when installed in the DEChub 90, to display on the Hub Front Panel View. o DECbrouter 90, when installed in a DEChub 90, to display on the Hub Front Panel View o DECserver 90M, when installed in a DEChub 90, to display on the Hub Front Panel View o DECrepeater 90FS, 90TS when installed in a DEChub 90, to display on the Hub Front Panel View. Disk Space Requirements: Disk space re- 32,000 blocks quired for instal- (32 Mbytes) lation: Disk space re- 32,000 blocks quired for use (32 Mbytes) (permanent): 9 SPD 45.74.04 These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. The minimum memory supported is 24 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves per- formance. Digital recommends using 32 Mbtyes. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.4 - V6.1 o Bookreader V4.0 o OpenVMS DECwindows Motif [R] V1.1 - V1.2 o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V2.0 or V3.0 or TGV MultiNet V3.2 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE One of the following POLYCENTER software packages: o POLYCENTER Framework V1.3 o POLYCENTER Network Manager 200 V1.3 o POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 V2.3 Refer to the following SPDs for specific information on the DECmcc prod- ucts: o POLYCENTER Framework (SPD 32.46.xx) o POLYCENTER Network Manager 200 (SPD 32.48.xx) o POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 (SPD 31.88.xx) OpenVMS Tailoring: The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset 10 SPD 45.74.04 o Network Support o Programming Support o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA TK50 Streaming Tape This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION o Software License: QL-0GEA9-AA HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX o Software Media: QB-32VAB-AA HUBwatch and DEChub Consolidated Firmware Kit (Note: Orders for the QA-0GEAA-H5 Media Kit will be substituted with the above part number. QB-32VAB-AA is a kit which includes me- dia for HUBwatch, DEChub Firmware, DECndu Plus and GIGAswitch. It is required that all DEChub and GIGAswitch Firmware be updated to these latest release before installing HUBwatch V3.1) A Consolidated DEChub Firmware Kit (only) is available as part num- bers: QB-32TAD- MS-Windows SA 11 SPD 45.74.04 QB-32TAA- OpenVMS VAX SA o Software Documentation: QA-0GEAA-GZ HUBwatch Manual only (Order QA- 32TAA-GZ to obtain a complete set of DEChub Products' Manuals) Software Product Services: o Layered Product Service: QT-0GEA9-L9 o Documentation Service: QT-0GEAA-KZ o Media and Documentation Service (MDDS): QT-0GEAA-E5 o Installation: QT-0GEAA-I9 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System documentation set. 12 SPD 45.74.04 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. o Network Management Operations Services o Network Management Planning and Design Services o Network Management Implementation Services o Network Management Training SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc. [TM]DIGITAL Logo, Bookreader, DEC, DECbridge, DECnet, DECserver, DECwindows, Digital, GIGAswitch, HUBwatch, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, TK, VAX, VAXserver, and VAXstation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 13