Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for Open- VMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 This Software Product Description describes Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] VAX and OpenVMS[TM] Alpha. DESCRIPTION Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 web browser allows users to cre- ate Web pages, send content-rich electronic mail messages, and pub- lish documents to corporate Web and news servers, all from within a single, easy-to-use environment. Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 lets users access information such as software updates, product information, and company financial records. Customers can also buy products with a credit card from merchants do- ing business on the Internet. By combining Netscape Navigator with se- cure servers, customers can set up encrypted corporate internal and external communications for financial information, human resource in- formation, and future product plans. New features in Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 include advanced HTML capabilities that allow users to drag and drop page links, graph- ics, Java[TM] applets (OpenVMS Alpha only) and JavaScript into email and Web pages. Netscape Navigator supports open standards to give users extensive interoperability and an open platform for applications de- velopment. Basic User Features o Configurable graphical user interface (GUI). o Easy-to-use HTML editor for web page creation. o Advanced toolbar. DIGITAL May 1998 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 o Integrated newsgroups - Sort, read, and post newsgroup messages in fully threaded hierarchical windows. o FTP file upload - Conveniently drop off files at an FTP server for exchange with others. o Bookmark facility - Maintain, index, and search a hierarchical list of frequently accessed sites. o Popup, object-specific context menus. Developer Features o Frames - Frames provide simple navigation and flexibility in Internet- site design, allowing developers to divide the page or screen into regions containing navigation and location information, such as ta- bles of contents, static information such as banners and ledges, and changing information such as display panels. o JavaScript - This easy-to-use cross-platform language based on Java makes the programmatic capabilities of Netscape Navigator Version 3.03 available to developers of all experience levels. o Java support (OpenVMS Alpha only)-Supports the display of Java ap- plets in HTML pages. o Automatic proxy configurations. o OLE support. E-mail Netscape Navigator Version 3.03 integrates fully functional e-mail, allowing users to embed Internet URL links and complete HTML pages into mail messages. Features include: o Ability to list, sort, and drag and drop messages o View mail in fully configurable and customizable environment to suit your viewing neeeds. o Personal address book o Offline reading and sending 2 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 o MIME attachments with automatic viewing o POP3 Servers support for compatibility with other mail servers. Threaded Discussion Groups o Sorting and listing of messages - Sort and list from subscribed fold- ers. o MIME-compliant news reading and posting - Allows multimedia news articles. o Fully threaded news reading. Security Netscape Navigator includes a number of security features to help pro- tect your data. o Authentication - Provided for servers with integrated access to VeriSign's digital identification services. This provides several Levels of assurance to verify the identity of individuals and organ- izations that you do business with on the Internet. o Encrypted usenet news/conferencing capabilities by means of SSL sup- port for the News (NNTP) protocol. o Support for HTTP over SSL - Provides encrypted transfer of Web pages and forms data. o SSL-based connection routing - Allows routing of SSL-based connec- tions (HTTP or NNTP) through proxy servers. o Dynamic trust capability - Allows users to trust new certificate authorities. Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 is available in both 40-bit and 128-bit encryption scheme versions. The difference between 128- and 40-bit encryption is, most notably, that the U.S. government restricts the export of 128-bit encryption but not the export of 40-bit encryp- tion. 128 bits and 40 bits refer to the size of the key used to the message. 128-bit encryption provides significantly greater cryptographic protection than 40-bit encryption. 3 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 Please note that the 128-bit product is subject to export restrictions under the U.S. Department of Commerce's Export Administration Regu- lations (EAR) and cannot be transmitted in any form outside the United States or to a foreign national in the United States without a valid Department of Commerce export license. Please send e-mail to openvms- to request a 128-bit version of the Netscape Nav- igator. Layout and Page Presentation Netscape enhances Web layout capabilities with the sophisticated op- tions included in Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03. All have been created to be compatible with the standards published by the Inter- net Engineering Task Force and the World Wide Web Consortium, so you can be assured of open standards. Netscape Navigator Gold provides the following extensive HTML support: o Backgrounds, tables, subscript, superscript, multi-column text and tables o Horizontal and Vertical Spacing o Strikeout and Underline Text o Frame Bordor Control Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 also implements these powerful HTML proposed features: o Frames and targets - Create multiple frames on a single screen. Con- trol which frames are reloaded and which frames contain persistent logos, advertisements, or other useful HTML. o Object embeddings - Insert a wide range of static and live objects, ranging from Macromedia Director to any OLE object, to a host of new audio and video streaming technologies. o Inline scripts - Netscape Navigator provides script support to con- nect objects and HTML together and give the developer rich control over events. 4 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 o Autoscrolling Frames Open Standards and Interoperability Open standards supported by the Netscape Navigator Gold include: o Java (OpenVMS Alpha only)-Support for Java applets. The Java Vir- tual Machine (JVM) is embedded in the Netscape Navigator; instal- lation of the full Java Development Kit for OpenVMS Alpha is not required. o Open security - Using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) open proto- col. o Native support for HTML, HTTP, FTP, NNTP, SMTP, MIME, S/MIME, and S/MIME POP3 standards. o Support for open scripting languages, including JavaScript. o Open environments - Works in environments that support HTTP-compliant network clients, including Winsock. o Remote control and interapplication communication capabilities - Through OLE/DDE (Windows), AppleEvents (Macintosh), and X Events (OpenVMS/X) APIs. Extensibility Netscape Navigator provides an extensible platform, with a range of supported mechanisms for enhancing and empowering your Internet ac- tivities with additional software. o JavaScript Support - Flexible, lightweight programmability provided using JavaScript, a macro-programmable API that allows cross-platform scripting of events, objects, and actions. Other Features o File transfer support (using FTP) - For both sending and receiv- ing files. o Improved bookmarks - Allows easy storage of frequently accessed sites. o Context-sensitive help. 5 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 o Dynamic documents - A server can push new data down to a Netscape Navigator window for continuously or regularly updated information, such as stock quotes, weather maps, and so on. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Netscape Navigator requires an X Window System[TM] display. Any X dis- play is supported except a VAX 4000 VLC. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o OpenVMS Version 6.2 or later o DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS or later, with any required ECOs. o DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 3.3 or later ORDERING AND LICENSING INFORMATION You can also obtain a copy of Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.0 for OpenVMS from the OpenVMS home page at: Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 is licensed under DECwindows Mo- tif for OpenVMS, which it requires in order to run. Netscape Naviga- tor requires no separate license. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information about DECwindows Motif, refer to the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 42.19.02). 6 Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] SPD 56.22.02 SOFTWARE WARRANTY DIGITAL warrants its software products according to the terms of the DIGITAL license for each product. DIGITAL warrants that the software will substantially conform to the applicable Software Product Descrip- tion or documentation accompanying the software unless provided "AS IS." SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES This product is serviced in conjunction with DECwindows Motif. For more information, contact your local DIGITAL account representative. Ser- vice customers should report problems through your normal Digital sup- port channel. [TM] DEC, DECnet, DECwindows, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digi- tal Equipment Corporation. [TM] Netscape and Netscape Navigator are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. Java and all Java-based trade- marks and logs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. X Win- dow System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [R] Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X /Open Company Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. © 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 7