Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 DESCRIPTION ALL-IN-1 Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 provides robust and scaleable services to Microsoft[R] Windows[TM] and Apple[R] Macintosh[R] desktops - such as those utilizing TeamLinks Clients - and timeshared VTs, with a number of flexible licensing and migration options designed to maximise customer choice. It has a proven facility for integrating other business-oriented ap- plications and unifies applications and services into an easy-to-use information system. It provides facilities for mixed groups of VT and TeamLinks users in small departments or across the enterprise to communicate, share documents and work together to raise collec- tive productivity. Through ALL-IN-1 electronic mail and links into Digital Equipment's networking facilities and de facto industry standard networks such as TCP/IP, users can transport or receive multi-media information that has been created on desktop, departmental and corporate sys- tems. In addition, due to its server based origins and comprehen- sive system management facilities, a minimum management staff is re- quired. ALL-IN-1 Office Server consists of: o ALL-IN-1 Office Application o Integral Support for TeamLinks Windows and Macintosh Clients o Multiple Licensing Options and Licensing Styles DIGITAL September 1994 AE-GF34K-TE ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o Message Router Gateway for OpenVMS VAX (includes both the Mes- sage Router and the Gateway to OpenVMS Personal Mail Utility) o VAX FMS (includes both FMS and Forms Language Translator) o ALL-IN-1 Group Conferencing (based on DEC Notes) o Integral CDA Conversion Service ALL-IN-1 provides an environment in which users access applications in a consistent manner. A user's documents are stored in the File Cabinet where they are accessed from the office applications. The generic office applications are built upon the base system fa- cilities. These facilities are available when customizing or devel- oping applications that are to be consistent with the ALL-IN-1 en- vironment LICENSING OPTIONS Sub-systems of ALL-IN-1 are now available packaged in a number of licensing options all from the same kit. These options are designed to enable customers to optimise their purchases to suit end-user needs. Licensing Options available with the ALL-IN-1 Office Server V3.1 on OpenVMS AXP and VAX 2 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Inte- ALL-IN-1 grated ALL-IN-1 Client Licensing Office ALL-IN-1 Core Services Option__________System_______STARTER______Services_____Access___ Time Manage- Yes No No No ment WPS-PLUS Yes Yes No No editor Group Con- Yes No Yes Add'n ferencing license (DEC Notes) required Customisation Yes No Yes No Management System Yes Yes Yes Yes Management (from VT only) Directory Yes Yes Yes Yes Access Mail Yes Yes Yes Yes Shared File Yes Yes Yes Yes Cabinet VT or Ter- Yes Yes Yes No* minal Em- ulation support 3 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Inte- ALL-IN-1 grated ALL-IN-1 Client Licensing Office ALL-IN-1 Core Services Option__________System_______STARTER______Services_____Access___ TeamLinks Yes Yes Yes Yes Client Support_________________________________________________________ * Support is provided for one system manager only. Additional sys- tem administration personnel can be granted access, each requiring a Personal User License from any of the other licensing options. Con- current Use Licenses for system management purposes are not recom- mended. Notes: The ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access License is limited to the current capabilities of the TeamLinks V2.* Client (Windows and Macintosh). Subsequent versions of the TeamLinks Client are planned providing greater access to ALL-IN-1 services. The ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access license does not support User access from VTs or terminal emulation mode UNDER ANY CIR- CUMSTANCES. For capabilities greater than those accessible from TeamLinks V2.1 Clients choose the full ALL-IN-1 IOS (Integrated Office Server) license, the ALL-IN-1 Core Services license or the ALL-IN-1 STARTER license as appropriate. Every TeamLinks client must be licensed by a TeamLinks V2.1 or V2.0 Client license regardless of the ALL-IN-1 licensing option being accessed. 4 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 TeamLinks CLIENT SUPPORT Services available to TeamLinks V2.0 and V2.1 Clients The ALL-IN-1 Office Server provides ALL-IN-1 workgroup ser- vices to TeamLinks V2.0 and V2.1 Clients over DECnet, TCP/IP, Asynchronous links or Appletalk (to Macintosh devices). The server enables TeamLinks users to gain access to the file cab- inet drawers, folders and documents, messaging service, and distribution lists with minimum retraining for VT users familiar with ALL-IN-1. Users employing Windows and Macintosh desktops with their choice of personal productivity applications available for these plat- forms can transfer document types of any description to the ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet for secure storage and send these multi- media documents via the messaging service using existing distri- bution lists. ALL-IN-1 Office Server V3.1 allows users of heterogeneous clients (Windows, Macintosh, VT, DOS) to co-exist and fully participate in workgroup activities. It is recommended that TeamLinks for Microsoft Windows V2.0 Clients be updated to TeamLinks V2.1 to gain access to more functionality and higher performance. Summary of Services available to TeamLinks V2.1 Clients: File Cabinet Document Level: o Import/export from/to MS-DOS[R] or Macintosh o Refile documents o Explicitly convert documents o Explicitly format documents o Copy documents o Delete documents 5 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o Reserve/Unreserve documents o Selectively index documents Folder Level: o Refile documents within folders o Copy documents between folders o Delete folders o Obtain details about folder contents o Display an Index of Folders within a drawer or across drawers Drawer Level: o Create drawer o Delete drawer o Obtain details about sharers, access rights, location o Add drawers from those available o Remove drawers o Provide index of drawers in file cabinet o Empty wastebasket Mail o Create mail message o Edit mail message o Delete mail message o Read mail message o Answer mail message o Send mail message o Forward mail message 6 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o File mail message o Show message attributes o Modify created message attributes o File message text o Attach mail message o Detach mail message o Display index of attachments o Set read receipt request o Generate X.400 encoded read receipts o Provide user with the capability of controlling read receipt generation options o Set delivery notification request o Set delivery priority o Set delivery sensitivity o Set delivery importance o Display index of Inbox o Read new message o Provide address validation o Provide auto-reply service o Provide auto-forward service o Broadcast mail notification o Receive notification of new mail 7 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Directory Services o ALL-IN-1 system distribution lists o Personal distribution lists o ALL-IN-1 Groups o ALL-IN-1 nicknames o ALL-IN-1 profile names o DDS directory services for validation o DDS directory service for searching by attributes o Primary or secondary DDS service User Management of Directories o Own distribution lists Access to Groups o List groups o List members Indexing o Index selection criteria o Multiple selection 8 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Access to TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS VAX V1.2 Facilities available to the system manager via a VT interface include extensions to ALL-IN-1 System Management, which enables the system manager to start and stop both the integral ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet Server (FCS) and the ALL-IN-1 Distributed Access server. The level of client service can be extended beyond what is offered via the TeamLinks V2.1 Client. A full complement of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is provided to the ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet Server and ALL-IN-1 Distributed Access server for Application Developers. OFFICE APPLICATIONS File Cabinet/File Cabinet Management The ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet is similar in function to a standard office filing cabinet with drawers consisting of documents contained within folders. Folders are in alphabetical order and documents within the folders are in order by date and time of creation. The latest document is listed first, except for the INBOX where the latest document is listed last. Document information (such as title, date created, document number, author, keywords, and type) is maintained in the File Cabinet. Facilities are provided for the user to maintain and manage the contents of the File Cabinet. The user can print or delete more than one document at a time. Selection of the documents can be made with user-specified criteria. Documents (individual or by folder) can be refiled, cross-filed, or duplicated. Information such as title and associated keywords can be changed. When a document has multiple cross-filings within a single folder, only one copy of the document body is stored. Documents deleted by a user are filed in the Wastebasket until the Wastebasket is emptied. 9 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 A Scratch Pad facility is provided where parts of documents or contents of the user's screen can be temporarily placed. Contents of the scratch pad can be inserted into a document, edited, printed, mailed, or read. The File Cabinet provides access to documents through a common mechanism regardless of the format of the documents. Support is provided as standard for document formats of any type including multi-media. In addition, all X.400 (1984) P2 attributes can be stored in the ALL-IN-1 V3.1 File Cabinet and sent between ALL-IN-1 Office Server and MAILbus400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS Alpha AXP, OSF/1[R] Alpha AXP, and ULTRIX systems over DECnet OSI Phase V through the XMR (OpenVMS VAX) gateway. ALL-IN-1 provides a feature that allows the user and system manager to archive/restore any ALL-IN-1 document from the shared areas or from a user's File Cabinet. Archiving of the same document by multiple users will result in multiple copies of that document being archived. Mail Janitor The Mail Janitor Utility (MJU) ASSETS functionality is incor- porated in the base product. It allows the system manager to refile old messages in the READ and OUTBOX folders to the user's WASTEBASKET. The manager can set the maximum permitted age of messages in the READ and OUTBOX folders (default 60 days) and a maximum number of messages to delete per folder. Profile and Policies options can set and override default actions for number of messages and user length of absence. Checkmail The functionality of the Checkmail ASSETS package is incor- porated into the base product. This feature is used to check if the user has any unread or unsent mail in the default mail drawer before entering ALL-IN-1 and will inform the user if this is the case. 10 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Shared Filing Users can create shared drawers to allow other users to read and edit shared documents. Access controls are provided so that the drawer owner can specify which users or named groups of users are allowed to access a drawer and the operations they are allowed to perform in it. Concurrency control ensures that certain actions are prohibited while a user is modifying a shared document. For example, while a user is editing a shared document, other users attempting to edit that document will be informed the document is in use and who is editing the document. The Reservation feature enables a VT or TeamLinks user to re- serve a document in the File Cabinet before uploading the doc- ument to the user's PC or Mac, thereby indicating to all other users who have access to that document that the document is in the process of being modified. Anyone subsequently attempting to modify the document is informed that it is reserved by an- other individual with a timestamp and that only Read Access is permitted. Only when the reserver returns the modified document and removes the Reservation, can others access the document with more than Read Access. Shared Filing links all users' File Cabinets on a system or across systems via the ALL-IN-1 Distributed Sharing Option. Refer to the ALL-IN-1Distributed Sharing Option Software Product Description (SPD 36.79.xx). Group Services Users can define a set of users as a Group and use it as a distribution list. Multiple Groups can be defined. Groups can be assigned access privileges to shared documents or drawers. Members can be added or deleted from a group and associated access rights are automatically assigned or removed. Users can also check what Groups they belong to. TeamLinks V2.* users can currently just use List Groups and List Members only. 11 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 MAIL The Electronic Messaging application provides a means of ex- changing messages with other users. The user can create, edit, print, delete, read, send answer and forward messages. The mes- sage header (which contains addressee(s), subject and mail clas- sification) and the text of the message can be edited. When creating a message, the user specifies the addressee(s) to whom the message is to be sent. Optionally, any addressee(s) to receive copies of the message and blind carbon copies of the message may be included. In addition users may specify an Expiry Date for each message sent along with Importance (high or otherwise) and Sensitivity (e.g. Company Confidential, Private, Personal). To save time with addressing, the user can create personal distribution lists or nicknames (seen only by the user). Incoming messages can be forwarded and/or answered. Answers can be directed to the sender only, or to all the recipients of the message.Confirmation that the addressee(s) has received and/or read the message can be requested. Priority for delivery of the message can be assigned as Express, First Class, or Second Class. The user can specify that the sending of a message be deferred to a time chosen by the user. Messages appear and are treated as documents to the user. ALL-IN-1 maintains folders for incoming, read, created, and sent messages. Once a message is sent, one copy of that message is shared (per system or cluster) by the sender and receiver(s) and cannot be edited. Messages can be refiled and cross-filed in the user's File Cabinet. Documents already in the File Cabinet can be sent to other users. The user can choose to have all incoming messages automatically forwarded to another user. Alternatively, the user can create a reply message that is sent in response to all incoming mail (for example, "I am out of the office until..."). 12 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Shared Filing within Electronic Messaging ensures that opera- tions behave correctly in shared and distributed environments. Mail Operations always take place in the user's MAIN drawer, whatever the previous context. An index of attachments to a message can be displayed and a set of options is provided for printing or reading individual attachments. Attachments can be filed as revisable text or as messages which can be answered or forwarded. The Set Mail User (SMU) Option allows a user to perform many mail operations on behalf of another user, such as a secretary for a manager.The Grant Mail Access (GMA) Option lets users specify other users who may process their mail. The mail header displays both users' names when a mail message is sent by a user employing SMU. Addressing includes user interface improvements; the ability to create a distribution list using the list of addresses from a received Message Header; nickname support - long nicknames, manipulation of the long mail addresses common on messages sent or received via gateways to other mail systems, and the ability to create a nickname from the sender of a message. Exchange of messages with ALL-IN-1 users on other systems in a DECnet network is provided by Message Router for OpenVMS VAX. Message Router OpenVMSmail Gateway allows ALL-IN-1 users to ex- change messages with users of the OpenVMS Personal Mail Utility. Refer to the VAX Message Router for OpenVMS VAX Software Product Description (SPD 26.33.xx). In addition, all X.400 (1984) P2 attributes can be stored in the ALL-IN-1 V3.1 File Cabinet and sent between ALL-IN-1 Office Server and MAILbus400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS Alpha AXP, OSF/1[R] Alpha AXP and ULTRIX systems over DECnet OSI Phase V via the XMR gateway (OpenVMS VAX). 13 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 DIRECTORIES The Directories subsystem provides access and maintenance to directories available to the user. The user can view a direc- tory, maintained by the system manager, that contains telephone numbers and addresses. A directory of all the ALL-IN-1 users can also be viewed. Facilities are provided for the user to main- tain and view a personal telephone directory, nicknames, and distribution lists. With the installation of MAILbus Directory Service, ALL-IN-1 provides the user with the ability to perform mail directory searches on defined criteria such as name, department, location, and organization. CUSTOMISATION AND APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT For VT users ALL-IN-1 supports a form-driven system that uses VAX FMS (Forms Management System) or DEC FMS on the Alpha AXP architecture. For more information on VAX FMS refer to SPD 26.10.xx and DEC FMS SPD 45.06.xx [Note: FMS is not relevant to TeamLinks V2.* users.] In conjunction with FMS and FMS Form Language Translator, the ALL-IN-1 Application Development utilities allow changes to be made to the ALL-IN-1 system. ALL-IN-1 can be altered to fit customer-specific requirements and provides a platform for application development and integration. ALL-IN-1 provides a programming interface to common functions and mechanisms to pass control from one application or function to another (i.e., Flow Control). 14 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 CUSTOMISATION MANAGEMENT (CM) Note: Not accessible from TeamLinks V2.0 and V2.1 Clients or the ALL-IN-1 STARTER and Client Services Access licensing options. The features within Customization Management allow system man- agers and application programmers to modify their standard ALL-IN-1 system in a controlled and disciplined manner. It provides the ability to create, modify, index, and control cus- tomizations as well as providing a modification history record for each customization. Customization Management provides support for customizable element types that ship with ALL-IN-1, as well as support for customer's own element types. Support for customized corporate systems is provided through the use of application areas. In addition, transferring customiza- tions and applications from one system to another is supported. Context-sensitive menu options are available, which allow the display and choice of only those menu options relevant to a particular element type. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT (SM) Note: Not accessible from TeamLinks V2.0 and V2.1 Clients. The System Management utilities are used to perform routine maintenance of ALL-IN-1, such as scheduling and rescheduling of housekeeping procedures, management of printers, direct maintenance of network and DDS profiles, metering, and quota management of the shared area. A system manager has the option of creating a non-OpenVMS privileged system administrator for the purpose of administering the management of the following: o File Cabinet and Distributed Access Servers in support of TeamLinks Clients and other ALL-IN-1 components o user accounts (create, delete, move, rename) 15 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o mail system Sender/Fetcher processes and queue maintenance o document archiving o system distribution lists o drawers, including individual user drawer creation restric- tion o Mail Janitor o distribution list print suppression o scheduling of housekeeping tasks o monitoring of ALL-IN-1 exception and information reports o and the initiation of ALL-IN-1 shutdown. ALL-IN-1 supplies a metering facility that enables system man- agers to collect data on resource usage within ALL-IN-1 sessions for pre-defined events. Application developers can define and create their own additional meters. Meters will record the num- ber of times a meter is called, CPU usage, Direct I/O, Buffered I/O, and Page Faults. Metered events can also be collected by DECtrace, if it is installed on the system. This provides facil- ities for managing and reporting the information collected. Note: Utility Accounts will be removed in the next release of ALL-IN-1. PRINTING The Printing facility provides the user the ability to specify where a document is to be printed, the number of copies, and the output format. The output can be directed to any of the printers available to the ALL-IN-1 user, another document, or to the user's terminal. Documents that specify Runoff handling are automatically processed by Digital Standard Runoff (DSR) before output. Printing and formatting is handled in the background, freeing the terminal for other actions when interaction with the print formatter is not needed. 16 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Printer level checking ensures the print destination supports the document's final form format. Print and LPS print options (LPS20 and LPS40) can be specified during a print operation. System-defined and user-defined print styles can be utilized for improved ease-of-use. Throughput of jobs during a multiple print operation has been improved. Distribution List Print Suppression Suppression of the distribution list on reading and/or printing of a mail message is determined according to the user's current preferred settings. JOB SERVICES Note: Not available from TeamLinks V2.0 and V2.1 Clients. ALL-IN-1 provides users the ability to perform operations on their jobs in print, batch, and server queues. Using the mul- tiple select indexing capability, users can get information on jobs, delete jobs, edit their attributes, and restart currently executing jobs. Management of queues and jobs can be performed within ALL-IN-1. Managers can assign one or more users to manage specific local queues and requeue jobs to different queues. PROFILE Each ALL-IN-1 user has a user profile that contains information pertaining to the user. The VT user can access and modify part of their user profile including full name, address, telephone number, department, and title. In addition, user preference information (such as work week and working hours, editing style, mail notification, and read receipt handling) can be modified. 17 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 The System Manager maintains information such as user privi- leges, default directory, and form library access. Index Select In most instances, a user can create an index selection list by selecting or deselecting objects from the index. Operations (such as print, delete, cross-file, and so forth) can be per- formed on the list as if they were a single entity. An index menu lists the options available to the current selected in- dex. Within an index, a VT or terminal emulation user can scroll either forward or backward. INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT ALL-IN-1 is designed to support multilingual operations. This support is subject to availability of the specific translation. ALL-IN-1 can be deployed in a multilingual network and can support multilingual operations on a single system. However, all language kits, including U.S. English, must be the same version. DOCUMENT PROCESSING Note: The license to use the WPS-PLUS editor is not included in the ALL-IN-1 Core Services License or the ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access License, however existing WPS-PLUS documents can be read, formatted and printed; only the capability to create new WPS-PLUS documents is unavailable. The Document Processing application enables VT and terminal emu- lation users to create, edit, print, delete, and read documents. The editor used is dependent upon the user's preference indi- cated in the User Profile. ALL-IN-1 users have a choice of edi- tors: EDT, TPU, WPS, and WPS-PLUS. TeamLinks users may utilise any wordprocessor supported by their particular client such as WordPerfect, Ami Pro or Word and be able to store documents so produced in the ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet. 18 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 WPS-PLUS is not supported on Windows or Macintosh clients, however a WPS-PLUS viewer is provided as standard. EDT, TPU, and WPS are ASCII editors. EDT and TPU use keying conventions and terminology oriented toward the more technical user. WPS uses keying conventions and terminology that make it a subset of WPS- PLUS. WPS is available to users who have a word processing orientation but desire ASCII output. The optionally installable WPS-PLUS V4.2 for ALL-IN-1 is Digital Equipment's full function word processor. This version signifi- cantly expands the capabilities of WPS-PLUS by providing true proportional spacing, font selection, support for PostScript[R] output, multicolumn editor (up to 25 Left/Right margins within a ruler), the ability to create and/or edit up to 10 documents at one time. User enhancements include a more versatile status line, "Start" and "End" Control Blocks inserted together with a single keystroke, and many more. Highlights of WPS-PLUS are: o Previewer for VT users and available as an application to TeamLinks users o LNE1 character set support o Formatter From/To page type field (All, Physical, Single) o Global search and replace offering prompt at first occurrence and case and rendition sensitivity o Single line view mode o Multicolumn mode "goto column" commands o Spell checker with "Corrections" option o Insert or Overstrike Mode o User control of margins and tabs, including left-justified, right-justified, and decimal-aligned tabs o Automatic Centering, Underlining, Bolding, Double Underscor- ing, Change Bars, and Redlining 19 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o Technical Characters and Scientific Equations editing o Support for Wide Documents, up to 256 characters o Numbered Footnotes, Paragraph Numbering to nine levels, Automatic Table of Contents generation, Table of Authorities, and Word Indexing o Widow/Orphan control and No-break Blocks o Column Cut and Paste o List Processing and Sort to produce form letters and maintain mailing lists-background processing is supported o Abbreviation and Library documents o Two-dimensional Editor for creation of diagrams and equations TIME MANAGEMENT (TM) Note: Not licensed by the ALL-IN-1 STARTER, ALL-IN-1 Core Ser- vices or the ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access License. An ALL-IN-1 VT User interface to Time Management, offers the facility to maintain a personal calendar of events. An "Events at a Glance" screen gives the user an editable picture of the day's events, which makes it easy to make changes. Likewise, the "Task at a Glance" screen gives the user an editable picture of open tasks. These pictures are combined on an "Events and Tasks" screen where other Time Managament operations can be performed. Users can tailor Time Management and display only the screens and options that are of interest to them. Users can schedule, reschedule, or cancel an event. In an event involving other attendees, Time Management uses the Electronic Messaging application to deliver meeting notifications and con- firmations. Users can also reserve unavailable time on their calendars. An entry in the user's calendar can be marked con- fidential and other users cannot read the description of the entry. Recurring events can be scheduled whereby an attendee's 20 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 "Yes" reply schedules all occurrences of the meeting on the calendar. Time Management has the ability to perform a multinode scan. This scan will return a graph of potential attendees' free time prior to the scheduling of the meeting. It will scan both local and off-node calendars in real time. The Tasks facility is provided to track reminders, to-do lists, action items, and so forth. Tasks are not necessarily tied to a specific day or time of day. Tasks can be viewed by selection criteria such as open versus closed, a range of beginning dates, deadlines, and so forth. Note: The ALL-IN-1 Time Management user interface, meeting no- tification and confirmations are not supported by TeamLinks Windows or Macintosh clients, however they are supported in terminal emulation mode. GROUP CONFERENCING Note: Not licensed by the ALL-IN-1 STARTER or ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access license. An ALL-IN-1 VT user interface has been applied to Digital Equipment's DEC Notes application to provide the Group Conferencing feature. This feature gives users the ability to communicate on a many-to-many basis while taking advantage of ALL-IN-1's ease of use. Application developers can benefit from DEC Notes being integrated at the API level in developing business or professional-specific applications that can use this conferenc- ing capability. For more information on DEC Notes refer to SPD 47.19.xx (OpenVMS Alpha AXP) and 27.06.xx (OpenVMS VAX). DEC Notes also supports a Windows interface through the Team- Links Conferencing for Windows V1.2 (SPD 38.65.xx) and may be integrated into TeamLinks Clients via the 'button bar'. 21 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 DOCUMENT CONVERSION All licensing options include the following supported data types: o DDIF - the standard CDA encoding format o DOTS - the format for packing and transferring composite CDA documents o DTIF - the CDA encoding format for tables o WK1, WK3, DIF, MACWrite, DX, WPL, PICT, WORD, WORDPERFECT and RTF o PS - the final form PostScript document format ALL-IN-1 allows all the datatypes to be read, with the exception of PostScript. Users will be able to send and receive these document types in mail, store them in their Filing Cabinet, read, print, copy, and convert them. The quality of formatting of the displayed data depends on the CDA facilities provided by the underlying OpenVMS system. ALL-IN-1 uses the CDA character cell formatter, which gives improved results with correct formatting and the inclusion of externally referenced files. ALL-IN-1 will attempt to print CDA documents in PostScript if the destination printer is capable of it; otherwise, ALL-IN-1 will convert the document to ASCII text before printing. The CDA conversion function will be used to convert to/from the above datatypes. If a user attempts to edit any CDA document using a standard editor, the normal handling will result in a message telling the user that the document format is not supported by the editor. However, the user can convert a CDA document into a suitable format for editing and then use the appropriate editor. Through conversion, there is a potential for formatting attributes to be lost. 22 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 CDA Base Services supports the ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet, thus allowing documents live-linked by any CDA application. Users will also be able to unpack composite documents into the File Cabinet. Application programmers will have access to the CDA tools through the provision of API functions. For more information on CDA Runtime Services for OpenVMS refer to SPD 37.26.xx. In addition integration 'hooks' are included in all licensing options for Keyword KEYpak[R] converters on OpenVMS AXP and VAX. COMMUNICATIONS The Communications application enables users to access other computer systems without needing to understand anything about communications technology. Entire communications sessions can be automated through the use of Control Documents. (Control Documents are standard ALL-IN-1 documents that contain a set of special commands.) Connection to other computer systems can be fully automated if autodial modems or hardwired connections are permitted. The asynchronous, non- DECnet connection is by means of an OpenVMS terminal port (RS232 type) and can be connected to any computer system supporting such terminal types. Facilities are also provided to transfer files to and from a PC, OpenVMS and in or out of the user's File Cabinet. Modems may now be connected to LAT Servers enabling access from multiple systems on the network. 23 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Desk Calculator Note: TeamLinks Clients have access to standard Windows and Macintosh accessories instead of these functions. The Desk Calculator enables the user to perform interactive cal- culations and include the results in documents. Desk Calculator operates in two modes: Calculator and Formula. Formula mode is used for complicated formulas that combine trigonometric and arithmetic functions. Calculator Mode is used for simple arith- metic computations. The alternate keypad is operated the same way as a standard calculator. Systemwide Features (Valid for VT Users) Menu Navigation for VT and Terminal Emulation Users Applications are accessed through a hierarchy of menus. Experi- enced users can bypass menus in a simple manner. The user can interrupt their current activity to read a new mail message, display the current time, or to access Time Management, Directories, Desk Calculator, and Scratch Pad. Users familiar with OpenVMS commands can have direct access to the commands without leaving ALL-IN-1 if they are authorised by the system manager to do so. Two styles of user interface are provided. One interface uses menus similar to other ALL-IN-1 applications. The other inter- face (hard-copy mode) is utilized, for efficiency, mainly over dial-up lines. This mode does not display the full screen menu but displays the menu in a strip form. 24 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Help VT users can invoke Help for any part of ALL-IN-1 by pressing the Help key. The Help facility provides basic information on the function in question without the user having to reference the documentation. For TeamLinks users the standard F1 key provides Help in the Windows environment and 'Balloon' Help in the Macintosh environ- ment. On-line Training Note: Relevant to VT users only. VT users can learn how to use the system using the on-line training facilities. Training leads the user through sets of interactive screens and explains how the various features of ALL-IN-1 work. User-Defined Processes (Valid for VT users only) User-Defined Processes (UDPs) automate frequently repeated key sequences by automatically recording keystrokes. There is no limit to the number of UDPs or the number of keystrokes that can be stored in a UDP. One UDP can invoke another UDP. Document Handling Document Reservation allows each user to protect a document whilst it is undergoing a series of edits, in situ or remotely, preventing other users from modifying it until unreserved. Whilst reserved other users can Read the document but not edit. The Document handling model makes a clear distinction between revisable and final form documents. The model provides clear separation of formatting and printing, so that formatting of documents can be performed separately from printing. 25 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 The background formatter provides CDA formatting, which en- ables CDA formatting to be performed in both foreground and background. Printer level checking ensures the print destination supports the document's final form. If the destination does not support the final form, then, where possible, the document is converted to a format that is supported, or the user will be advised to print to a different printer. IBM[R] 3270 Terminal Support ALL-IN-1 can run on the following IBM terminal keyboards on CUT mode terminals that are supported using the CMX04 option card in a DECserver 550: o 122 Key Typewriter (native mode) o 122/104 Key Typewriter (emulation mode) o 102 Key Typewriter o 87 Key Typewriter DOCUMENTATION The following documentation is standard with ALL-IN-1: o Read Me First o System Management Documentation - Release Notes (on-line) - ALL-IN-1 Installation: Guide, includes the Guide to the Conflict Checking and Resolution Tool (CART) - Installation: Language and Market Supplement - Differences from ALL-IN-1 V3.0 - Management Guide - Mail Management Guide 26 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 - CDA Converter Library Documentation # - Message Router Documentation - OpenVMSmail Gateway Documentation - VAX FMS and DEC FMS Installation Guide - DEC Notes Installation Guide o Application Development Reference Guides - Application Programming: Getting Started - Application Programming: Guide - Application Programming: Using Customisation Management - Application Programming: Reference Volumes 1, 2 - Application Programming: FMS Reference - Application Programming: User Interface Standards - Application Programming: Mini Reference - Application Programming: Index o General User Documentation - ALL-IN-1 Minihåndbok - ALL-IN-1 WPS-PLUS Minihåndbok o Super User Documentation - ALL-IN-1 Brukerhåndbok - ALL-IN-1 WPS-PLUS Brukerhåndbok - ALL-IN-1 Administration Guide - ALL-IN-1 WPS-PLUS Printer Characteristics - ALL-IN-1 WPS-PLUS Tilleggshåndbok - Tastaturoversikter 27 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 # The full documentation for the complete library is supplied although only a subset is included with ALL-IN-1 V3.1. Additional copies of these manuals can be purchased separately. SOURCE CODE INFORMATION In order to facilitate customisation of ALL-IN-1, several source code modules are provided on all available distribution media for this product. This source code is provided without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. INSTALLATION In addition to the normal procedures for upgrading from the previous version, for customers where minimising downtime is critical, a Minimal Shutdown Upgrade from ALL-IN-1 V3.0 is also available allowing ALL-IN-1 to remain running for the bulk of the upgrade, reducing down time. This is also valid for ALL-IN-1 STARTER V3.0 customers when upgrading to ALL-IN-1 V3.1. At installation the full ALL-IN-1 kit is installed regardless of licensing option required with the exception of the WPS- PLUS V4.2 editor, which is not installed with the ALL-IN-1 Core Services or ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access license. Only customers with experience in managing OpenVMS and ALL-IN-1 should attempt installation of this product. Digital Equipment recommends that all other customers purchase Digital's Instal- lation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an experienced Digital Software Specialist. 28 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 The CART (Conflict Checking and Resolution Tool) This tool is included as part of the installation procedures, but should be run prior to the upgrade to ALL-IN- 1 V3.1. It examines the customisations on the existing system and produces the CART Report indicating what changes are required to migrate applications and customisations. It contains a number of proce- dures which check for changed messages, mandatory changes, and a checklist generated from the Differences document. Upgrading from previous versions and co-existent versions Customers may only upgrade from ALL-IN-1 V3.0, V3.0A or ALL-IN-1 STARTER V3.0 systems to V3.1, upgrading from earlier versions than V3.0 is not supported. ALL-IN-1 V3.1 does not support co-existent systems i.e. earlier versions of ALL-IN-1 and ALL-IN-1 V3.1 may not co-reside on the same CPU or VAXcluster. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Alpha AXP: o DEC 2000 Model 300 Alpha AXP Workstation o Digital 2100 A500/600MP Series Alpha AXP Server o DEC 3000 Model 300 Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300L Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300X Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300LX Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 400 Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 400 Alpha AXP Server o DEC 3000 Model 500 Alpha AXP Workstation 29 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o DEC 3000 Model 500X Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 600 Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 600 Alpha AXP Server o DEC 3000 Model 800 Alpha AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 800 Alpha AXP Server o DEC 4000 Model 600 Series Alpha AXP System o DEC 7000 Model 600 Series Alpha AXP System o DEC 10000 Model 600 Series Alpha AXP System Note: Recommended minimum memory size is 64MB VAX: o VAXft Model 110, o VAXft Model 310, o VAXft Model 410, o VAXft Model 610, o VAXft Model 612 o VAX 4000 Model 100 Series to Model 700A Series o VAX 6000 Model 200 Series to 600 Series o VAX 7000 Model 600 Series o VAX 8200 Model Series to VAX 8800 Model Series o VAX 9000 Model 110 to VAX 9000 Model 400 Series o VAX 10000 Model 600 Series o VAX-11/780, VAX-11/785 30 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 MicroVAX: o MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000, o MicroVAX 3100 Model 10 to MicroVAX 3100 Model 95 o MicroVAX 3300 Model to MicroVAX 3900 Model o VAXstation: VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000, o VAXstation 3100 Model 30 to VAXstation 3100 Model 76 o VAXstation 3200 Model to VAXstation 3540 Model o VAXstation 4000 Model 60, o VAXstation 4000 Model 90, o VAXstation 4000 VLC Note: Recommended minimum memory size is 32MB Processors Not Supported o MicroVAX: MicroVAX I o VAXstation: VAXstation I, VAXstation 8000 o VAX: VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/782 No VAXservers of any type or model are supported as they do not support interactive operations essential for system management. Processor Restrictions ALL-IN-1 does not support diskless satellite systems in Ethernet and mixed interconnect clusters. The amount of memory, processors, and disk drives required by the supported CPUs to run ALL-IN-1 is dependent on the number of simultaneous users. This information is being updated on a continuing basis. Contact your local Digital Equipment office for specific details. 31 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Other Hardware Supported TeamLinks Clients A Windows based personal computer using an 80386 microprocessor or better, IBM[R] or 100% compatible. A processor clock of at least 20 Mhz is recommended. o A minimum of 5.0 MB system memory must be allocated for TeamLinks V2.0. Note: This is in addition to the memory used by the system software and any other applications that may be running. o One 3.5-inch high-density (1.44 MB) disk drive o Minimum 100 MB hard disk recommended OR o Any Macintosh PC that supports Macintosh Operating System V7.0 or higher o Minimum 100MB hard disk recommended o A minimum of 1.5 MB system memory must be allocated for TeamLinks V2.0. Note: This is in addition to the memory used by the system software and any other applications that may be running. The following terminals are supported for text: o VT100 series (VT100, VT100W, VT101, VT102, VT125) or devices in VT100 emulation mode (DECmate, Rainbow, Professional) Note: Some of the later ALL-IN-1 functionality is not acces- sible from VT100 or VT100W terminals. Refer to the relevant VT manual for information as to the capabilities of this device. o VT200 series (VT220, VT240, VT241) and devices that support VT200 emulation o VT300 series (VT320, VT330, VT340) and devices that support VT300 emulation 32 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o VT420 text video terminal o VT1000 in VT300 emulation mode or via DECwindows DECterm mode o All Digital PCs in VT220 or VT300 emulation mode o VAXstation-series terminals o The following IBM[R] terminal keyboards on CUT mode terminals are supported using the CMX04 option card: - 122 Key Typewriter (native mode) - 122/104 Key Typewriter (emulation mode) - 102 Key Typewriter - 87 Key Typewriter Note: WPS-PLUS supports only those terminals with Advanced Video Option (AVO). It does not support the VT100 without AVO, VT131, DECmate I, or WS78. Technical Character Set Support o VT220-, VT300-series terminals o VAXstation II-supported in VT220 emulator mode o DECmate II or DECmate III, with DECmate/WPS (minimum V2.1) software (in CX mode) o All Digital PCs in VT220 or VT300 emulation mode Printers ALL-IN-1 can submit print jobs to virtually any device that has an associated OpenVMS printer queue. Application support for various printer features varies by the application used. The following lists printers supported by the WPS-PLUS subsystem integrated into ALL-IN-1 Office Server V3.1: 33 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Note: * denotes that ALL-IN-1 V3.1 will be the last version to support this printer. # denotes that this printer has been superseded but no testing has been performed to ensure that all features of the replacement models are supported) Personal o LA50*, LA70, LA75*, LA75 Plus o LA324* (with Optional Sheet Feeder) o LQP03* (with Optional Sheet Feeder) o DEClaser 1100, DEClaser 1150*, DEClaser 1152 o LA310, LA424 PC Printers (Via Terminal Emulation) o Epson LQ-105#, HP[R] DeskJet[R] 500#, o IBM ProPrinter[R] X24E#, NEC PinWriter[R] 6300#, o Okidata Microline 393+#, Panasonic KX-P1180#, o Toshiba[R] ExpressWriter 400# Shared: o LA100*, LA210*, LN03* (with Optional Sheet Feeder) o LN03 PLUS* (with Optional Sheet Feeder) o LN03R* (ScriptPrinter) o DEClaser 2100/plus, DEClaser 2150/plus, o DEClaser 2200*, DEClaser 2250* o LQP02* and LQP45* (with Opt. Sheet Feeder) o QUME Wide Track Printer*, LJ250* 34 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o HP LaserJet[R] Series II* and Series III* Departmental o LP11, DEClaser 3200/plus, DEClaser 3250/plus, o PrintServer 40* (LPS40), PrintServer 20* (LPS20) o Turbo PrintServer 20, PrintServer 17, PrintServer 32 DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk Space Required on the System Disk or Alternate Working Device. Table 1 gives the disk space requirement for installing all the components of the ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 kit on the system disk or alternate working device (AWD) during the installation. The values for safety and non-safety mode apply to both full and upgrade installations of ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1. 35 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Disk Space Required on the System Disk or AWD During Installation (Blocks) ________________________________________________________________ VAX Installation VAX (Non- AXP type______________(Safety)__safety)___(Safety)__AXP_(Non-safety) Norsk as 165 000 40 000 230 000 70 000 the primary language Addition of 55 000 30 000 125 000 70 000 architecture support for Norsk as the primary language Norsk as an 77 000 30 000 83 000 40 000 additional language Addition of 12 000 10 000 20 000 24 000 architecture support for Norsk as an additional language________________________________________________________ Disk Space Values for ALL-IN-1 Areas Note: If you do not install WPS-PLUS with ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1, you can: o Decrease the disk space requirement on the language disk by 2000 blocks. o Decrease the disk space in the shared library area by 3000 blocks. If you choose to integrate WPS-PLUS without the associated PostScript files, you can decrease the disk space in the shared library area by 2000 blocks. 36 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 If WPS-PLUS is installed with ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 on an AXP system, the final language area requirement is 12 000 blocks less than the number quoted (12 000 blocks are used temporarily during installation). Disk space values for a full installation Full Installation: Disk Space for ALL-IN-1 Areas ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Area_for..._____VAX_________AXP_________________________________ System disk 20 000 55 000 files Shared 52 000 77 000 library files Shared data 12 500 12 500 files Shared areas 1000 1000 ALL-IN-1 1000 1000 Manager account 37 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Area_for..._____VAX_________AXP_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Language_Files__________________________________________________ Language 50 000 55 000 disk LCI$lexicon 1500 1500 disk[1] System disk 5000 5000 (language files) ________________________________________________________________ [1]Only required if you install WPS-PLUS with ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1.____________________________________________________ Upgrade Installation: Disk Space for ALL-IN-1 Areas Table 3 gives the disk space requirements for upgrading ALL-IN-1 areas on the system and target disks. This applies to upgrades from ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0 and ALL-IN-1 STARTER Version 3.0. Note: The disk space requirements given are those used during the installation. The permanent space used when the installation has completed may be slightly less. The values given in the table assume that you choose to purge files during the installation. If you choose not to purge re- placed files, you must use the values for a full installation. 38 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Disk Space for Upgrade Installations ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Area_for..._____VAX_________AXP_________________________________ System 10 000 45 000 files[1] Shared 10 000 77 000 library files Shared data 2000 2000 files ________________________________________________________________ Language_Files__________________________________________________ Language 10 000 17 000 disk LCI$lexicon 1500 1500 disk[1] System disk 5000 5000 (language files) ________________________________________________________________ [1]Only required if you install WPS-PLUS with ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1.____________________________________________________ Addition of Architecture Support: Disk Space Below are the disk space requirements for installing architec- ture support on the system and ALL-IN-1 target disks. 39 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Disk_Space_for_Installation_of_Additional_Architecture_Support__ ALL-IN-1 Area_for..._____VAX_________AXP_________________________________ System files 15 000 45 000 Shared 35 000 65 000 library files ________________________________________________________________ Language_Files__________________________________________________ Language 5000 10 000 files System files 5000 5000 (language files)__________________________________________________________ Note: All sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. Optional Hardware ALL-IN-1 supports any mass storage, unit record, terminal, or printer device supported by the prerequisite software. The autodial feature of the Communications application supports the following modems: o Digital Equipment DF02-AC o Digital Equipment DF03-AC o Digital Equipment DF100 series modems o Case 440/12 o Racal-Milgo MPS1222-AD o Racal-Milgo MPS1222 with Racal-Vadic VA811 40 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Note: The availability of these product options may vary by country. Customers should contact their local Digital office for information on availability. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VAXcluster or VMScluster configuration within the limits of the appropriate SPD (see immediately below). This includes VAX only, AXP only and mixed AXP and VAX clusters. Note: VAXcluster configurations are fully described in the VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS V6.1 (SPD 29.78.xx). The VM- Scluster Software V1.5 for OpenVMS AXP (SPD 42.18.xx) describes VMScluster configurations for OpenVMS AXP systems and mixed architecture clusters. WARNING: Whether a cluster consists of just VAX or just AXP systems or a mixture of VAX and AXP systems, *all* nodes running ALL-IN-1 within the cluster *must* refer to a single and common set of "OA$" logical definitions. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS_VAX_______OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_____________________________ OpenVMS for OpenVMS for AXP V6.1 VAX V5.5-2 DECnet-VAX DECnet V1.5 for OpenVMS AXP end-node V5.5 41 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ included_with_the_ALL-IN-1_kit__________________________________ VAX_FMS_V2.4______DEC_FMS_V2.4_for_OpenVMS_AXP__________________ OpenVMS Tailoring For OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 systems and above and OpenVMS Alpha AXP V6.1 and above, the following classes of OpenVMS are required for full functionality of this layered product: o Network Support o Programming Support o System Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o Utilities o BLISS Require Files For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) and OpenVMS Alpha AXP SPD (41.87.xx). Country-specific Software Please contact your Digital Equipment office for the latest information on other language versions and for details of sup- ported multilingual configurations. The following WPS-PLUS functionality is available: A spelling verifier and corrector that can be used in con- junction with up to 12,000 additional user-specific words 42 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Optional Software o TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS VAX V1.2 o TeamLinks Mail for Microsoft Windows V2.1 (SPD 55.49.xx) o TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh V2.0 (SPD 39.62.xx) o PATHWORKS for DOS V4.0 or higher o PATHWORKS for OpenVMS VAX V4.0 or higher and/or [1] o PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS Alpha AXP o VAX Message Router V3.3a (V3.3a is included with the ALL-IN-1 Kit) Not available on OpenVMS AXP. o VAX Message Router OpenVMS Gateway V3.3 (V3.3 included with the ALL-IN-1 Kit) o DECnet OSI V5.6B (Note: Long node names are not supported) o One of the supported JSB TCP/IP stacks and DEC TCP/IP Ser- vices for OpenVMS VAX (UCX for OpenVMS) V2.0 or third party DEC TCP/IP Services emulation software and/or o One of the supported JSB TCP/IP stacks and DEC TCP/IP Ser- vices for OpenVMS AXP V3.0 o Any product supporting the WinSockets API Vn.n and PATHWORKS or DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS o DEC Notes V2.5 for OpenVMS (included with the ALL-IN-1 Kit and required for Group Conferencing but not licensed for ALL-IN-1 STARTER or ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access) ___________________ [1] and/or indicates that this software is available on OpenVMS Alpha AXP as well as OpenVMS VAX systems and that both may be required on mixed architecture clusters depending upon customer needs. 43 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 o ALL-IN-1 Distributed Sharing Option V1.0 for OpenVMS (re- quired for remote distributed sharing) o VAX ACMS V3.3 (not available on OpenVMS Alpha AXP) o DEC DATATRIEVE V6.1 for OpenVMS (VAX and Alpha AXP versions available) o VAX Grammar Checker V1.0 (VAX only available). Available in American English only. o DEC RALLY V2.1 or later for OpenVMS VAX Systems and/or o DEC RALLY V3.2 for OpenVMS AXP Systems o DEC VTX V5.1 (VAX only available) o CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS V2.2 (VAX only available) o Usage alert that provides brief definitions of easily con- fused words, such as "effect" and "affect" or "guarantee" and "guaranty". (Available in American English only.) o Electronic thesaurus, based on the Houghton Mifflin Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, which allows users to obtain syn- onyms, including inflections (i.e., -ed, -ing, -ly) and short definitions based on parts of speech for a selected word. (Available in American English only.) Note: DECdx/OpenVMS is only required to allow users to transfer DX documents between Digital's mainframes (in conjunction with DECdx/RSTS, DECdx/RSX, and DECdx/TOPS-20). Known Restrictions ALL-IN-1 PC Server V1.0 and ALL-IN-1 DESKtop for OpenVMS VAX V1.1 and V1.2 do not interoperate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.1. ALL-IN-1 DECwindows Services for OpenVMS VAX V1.0 does not interoperate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.1. 44 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ALL-IN-1 Electronic Authorisation and Routing Services V2.0 and V2.1 do not interoperate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.1. ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for OpenVMS VAX V1.1 does not inter- operate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.1. Mobilizer for ALL-IN-1 V1.0 and V1.0a do not interoperate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS V3.1 Mobilizer for POQET V1.0 does not interoperate with ALL-IN-1 Office Server for OpenVMS V3.1 Optional Lexicons for WPS-PLUS V3.1 are not compatible with WPS-PLUS V4.2. Contact your Digital Equipment Sales office for availability information. Customers should contact providers of any currently integrated third-party products regarding compatibility with ALL-IN-1 Office Server V3.1 on VAX and Alpha AXP, or contact their local Digital Equipment Sales Office for specific information on layered product availability and interoperability with ALL-IN-1 Office Server V3.1. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future ver- sion of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. LICENSING - MIGRATION to OpenVMS Alpha AXP In addition to the four licensing options (ALL-IN-1 IOS, ALL-IN-1 STARTER, ALL-IN-1 Core Services and ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access) available from the one kit, new licenses are also available enabling migration from traditional ALL-IN-1 IOS and ALL-IN-1 STARTER licenses on ALL-IN-1 VAX to the newer licenses on ALL-IN-1 AXP. 45 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Customers with full ALL-IN-1 IOS for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 can mi- grate to ALL-IN-1 Core Services or ALL-IN-1 Client Services Access on Open VMS AXP, if these options better suit the needs of the organisation. These two migration paths are valid for systems that are currently licensed on a Capacity or Personal Use basis. The same migration options apply to existing ALL-IN-1 STARTER for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 systems. MIGRATION OPTIONS to ALL-IN-1 AXP V3.1 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 for ALL-IN-1 for OpenVMS __OpenVMS_VAX_V3.0_______________________Alpha_AXP_V3.1_________ Full Capacity -> ALL-IN-1 Capacity, Personal or ALL-IN-1 Core Concurrent IOS Services Full Personal -> ALL-IN-1 Personal or Concur- ALL-IN-1 Core rent IOS Services Full Capacity -> ALL-IN-1 Capacity, Personal or ALL-IN-1 Client Concurrent IOS Services Access Full Personal -> ALL-IN-1 Personal or Concur- ALL-IN-1 Client rent IOS Services Access ALL-IN-1 Capacity -> ALL-IN-1 Capacity, Personal or STARTER Core Concurrent Services 46 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 for ALL-IN-1 for OpenVMS __OpenVMS_VAX_V3.0_______________________Alpha_AXP_V3.1_________ ALL-IN-1 Personal -> ALL-IN-1 Personal or Concur- STARTER Core rent Services ALL-IN-1 Capacity -> ALL-IN-1 Capacity, Personal or STARTER Client Concurrent Services Access ALL-IN-1 Personal -> ALL-IN-1 Personal or Concur- STARTER Client rent Services _______________________________Access___________________________ Note: These migration options do not apply between ALL-IN-1 VAX V3.0 systems and ALL-IN-1 VAX V3.1 systems. Trade-Up-To-User programme on ALL-IN-1 VAX and ALL-IN-1 AXP Existing Capacity based ALL-IN-1 VAX V3.0 systems can convert to User licensing via the Trade-Up-To-User field programme and then deploy the resulting Personal or Concurrent licenses on any ALL-IN-1 V3.0 VAX or V3.1 VAX or V3.1 AXP system in the organisation. These User licenses have the same Unique Product Identifier (UPI) and corporate list price on VAX and AXP systems and can therefore be deployed at will. Note: Concurrent Use licenses cannot be installed on ALL-IN-1 systems prior to V3.1. The existing ALL-IN-1 STARTER VAX migration to full ALL-IN-1 IOS VAX is also retained (UPI=VNP) for V3.1 systems. For customers that only have access to ALL-IN-1 STARTER V2.4 systems they must first upgrade to full ALL-IN-1 IOS VAX V3.0 before a transition to any of the licensing options available on either VAX V3.1 or 47 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 Alpha AXP V3.1. A temporary license PAK will be supplied free of charge to customers in countries where ALL-IN-1 STARTER V3.0 is not available. This will enable them to install full ALL-IN-1 IOS VAX V3.0 and then be in a position to move to any of the available options on either VAX V3.1 or Alpha AXP V3.1. 48 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ORDERING INFORMATION ALL-IN-1 OFFICE SERVER LICENSING OPTIONS FOR OpenVMS ALPHA AXP V3.1 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office Server ________________(IOS)_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_V3.1________________ Software Licenses: QL-2XCN*-** Capacity QL-AAANA-2B Personal QL-AAANA-3B Concurrent Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-2XCN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-2Y0**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary Lang: ________________________________________________________________ ________ALL-IN-1_Core_Services_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_V3.1_______ Software Licenses: QL-2XDN*-** Capacity QL-246NA-2B Personal QL-246NA-3B Concurrent Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* 49 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ________ALL-IN-1_Core_Services_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_V3.1_______ Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-2XDN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-2Y0**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary Lang: ________________________________________________________________ ___ALL-IN-1_Client_Services_Access_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_V3.1___ Software Licenses: QL-2XGA*-** Capacity QL-2DGAA-2B Personal QL-2DGAA-3B Concurrent Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-2XGA*-** Services: 50 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ___________ALL-IN-1_STARTER_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_AXP_V3.1__________ Software Licenses: QL-2X4N*-** Capacity QL-VNNNA-2B Personal QL-VNNNA-3B Concurrent Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-2X4N*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-2Y0**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-VX8**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary_Lang:____________________________________________________ 51 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ALL-IN-1 OFFICE SERVER LICENSING OPTIONS for OpenVMS VAX V3.1 ________________________________________________________________ __ALL-IN-1_Integrated_Office_Server_(IOS)_for_OpenVMS_VAX_V3.1__ Software Licenses: QL-AAAN*-** Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-AAAN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary Language: 52 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___________ALL-IN-1_Core_Services_for_OpenVMS_VAX_V3.1__________ Software Licenses: QL-246N*-** Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-246N*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-AAB**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary Language: 53 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______ALL-IN-1_Client_Services_Access_for_OpenVMS_VAX_V3.1______ Software Licenses: QL-2DGA*-** Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-2DGA*-** Services: ________________________________________________________________ ______________ALL-IN-1_STARTER_for_OpenVMS_VAX_V3.1_____________ Software Licenses: QL-VNNN*-** Software Media: QA-AAANA-H* Complete Documentation QA-AAANA-GZ Kit: Software Product QT-VNNN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-VX8**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: Software Licenses QL-VX8**-2B Personal Secondary Lang: Software Media Sec- QA-AAB*A-H* ondary_Language:________________________________________________ 54 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ALL-IN-1 OFFICE SERVER MIGRATION OPTIONS to OpenVMS Alpha AXP ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 IOS OpenVMS VAX V3.0 and VAX V3.1 migration _________to_ALL-IN-1_Core_Services_for_OpenVMS_AXP_V3.1_________ Software Licenses: QL-2ZNN*-** Capacity Software Product QT-2XDN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-2Y0**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 IOS OpenVMS VAX V3.0 and VAX V3.1 migration to ______ALL-IN-1_Client_Services_Access_for_OpenVMS_AXP_V3.1______ Software Licenses: QL-2ZQA*-** Software Product QT-2XGA*-** Services: ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 STARTER VAX V3.0 and V3.1 migration to ___________ALL-IN-1_Core_Services_for_OpenVMS_AXP_V3.1__________ Software Licenses: QL-2ZPN*-** Capacity Software Product QT-2XDN*-** Services: Software Licenses QL-2Y0**-** Capacity Secondary Lang: 55 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 STARTER VAX V3.0 and VAX V3.1 migration to ______ALL-IN-1_Client_Services_Access_for_OpenVMS_AXP_V3.1______ Software Licenses: QL-1ZRA*-** Software Product QT-2XGA*-** Services:_______________________________________________________ Note: Q*-***L*-**: L means language identifier Language identifiers: o A = US o D = DANSK o F = SUOMI o G = DEUTSCH o H = NEDERLANDS o M = SVENSKA o N = NORSK o P = FRANÇAIS o S = ESPAÑOL o U = ITALIANO o V = PORTUGUÊS 56 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ALL-IN-1/US/EN/EUROPE V3.1 QA-AAAAE-H* - the software includes British- and American English - the software includes support for US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal and Netherlands. Please contact your Digital Equipment office for availability information. Table of Licensing and Migration Options ________________________________________________________________ AXP VAX________UPI_____UPIs_________________________________________ Current ALL-IN-1 Li- ALL-IN-1 ALL-IN-1 Core Client Ser- ALL-IN-1 cense___________IOS_______Services________vices_Access___STARTER ALL-IN-1 AAA 2XC IOS ALL-IN-1 AAA 2ZN (same IOS price as 2XD) ALL-IN-1 AAA 2ZQ (same IOS price as 2XG) ALL-IN-1 246 2XD Core Ser- vices 57 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ________________________________________________________________ AXP VAX________UPI__UPIs_________________________________________ Current ALL-IN-1 Li- ALL-IN-1 ALL-IN-1 Core Client Ser- ALL-IN-1 cense___________IOS_______Services________vices_Access___STARTER ALL-IN-1 2DG 2XG Client Ser- vices ALL-IN-1 VNN 2ZP (same STARTER price as 2XD) ALL-IN-1 VNN 1ZR (same STARTER price as 2XG) ALL-IN-1 VNN 2X4 STARTER_________________________________________________________ Additional Documentation ALL-IN-1/US Management Documentation: QA-AAAAB-GZ ALL-IN-1/US AP&I Documentation Kit: QA-AAAAC-GZ 58 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 ALL-IN-1 File Cabinet Server API Documentation Kit: QA-AAAAL-GZ ALL-IN-1 General User Documentation Kit: QA-AAANM-GZ ALL-IN-1 Super User Documentation Kit: QA-AABNA-GZ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital Equipment's licensing terms and poli- cies, contact your local Digital Equipment office. Operational Restriction A TeamLinks connection to ALL-IN-1 cannot be established if the TeamLinks ALL-IN-1 account is based on an account where multiple ALL-IN-1 users share a single OpenVMS account. Each TeamLinks user must have an individual ALL-IN-1 account. Note also: o Every user of ALL-IN-1 must be a registered OpenVMS and ALL-IN-1user. Upon acquiring a new Personal Use or Concur- rent Use license of any type a new TeamLinks user must be 59 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 registered as such by the ALL-IN-1 system manager or admin- istrator. If no individual TeamLinks named user registration occurs, that user will be denied access to ALL-IN-1 V3.1 o Non-TeamLinks Clients accessing ALL-IN-1 via the published APIs must also be registered OpenVMS and ALL-IN-1 users. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS V1.1 License Manage- ment Facility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Personal Use basis and Concurrent Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. In addition, ALL-IN-1 provides a Personal Licensing Reporting Tool. System Managers and Administrators can easily recognize when the authorized (purchased) personal license limit has been reached or exceeded. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility Manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operating System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of services and options are available from Digital Equipment. For more information, contact your local Digital Equipment office. 60 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 SOFTWARE WARRANTY For a detailed description of software warranty please refer to Digital Equipment's Standard Terms and Conditions. [R] Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] HP, DeskJet, and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Corporation. [R] IBM and ProPrinter are registered trademarks of Interna- tional Business Machines Corporation. [R] Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Founda- tion, Inc. [R] KEYpak is a registered trademark of Keyword Office Tech- nologies. [R] PinWriter is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. [R] Toshiba is a registered trademark of Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba. [TM] Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 61 ALL-IN-1/NORSK Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX V3.1 SPD 25.B1.05 [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, ACMS, ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, CDA, CI, Com- pacTape, DATATRIEVE, DDIF, DEC, DEC Notes, DEC RALLY, DECVTX, DECdx, DECdx/RSTS, DEClaser, DECmate, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECterm, DECtrace, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, DTIF, DX, EDT, FMS, LA, LA50, LA75, LA324, LN03, LN03 PLUS, LQP02, MAILbus, MicroVAX, Open- VMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, RSX, TeamLinks, TK, TOPS-20, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX FMS, VAX TEAMDATA, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAX- mate, VAXserver, VAXstation, VT100, VT220, VT300, VT320, VT330, VT340, VT420, WPS, and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 62