COMPAQ Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector V3.1 SPD 34.81.17 DESCRIPTION The DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector is a set of software products that enable desktop system users (clients) to access DIGITAL ACMS, DIGI- TAL ACMSxp, or DIGITAL Portable TP transaction processing systems from their native desktop environment. There are three TP Desktop Connector options. They are packaged ac- cording to the transaction processing system they support. o TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp o TP Desktop Connector for ACMS o TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP The following charts list the clients and network transports supported for each of the TP Desktop Connector options: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp ___________________________________________________________________ Clients_________________Networks___________________________________ Windows 95[TM] TCP/IP Windows 98 Windows_NT[R]___________TCP/IP_____________________________________ January 1999 AE-PG9JT-TE TP Desktop Connector for ACMS ___________________________________________________________________ Clients_________________Networks___________________________________ Microsoft[R] Win- DECnet dows[R] TCP/IP DOS IPX/SPX X.25 Windows 95 DECnet Windows 98 TCP/IP Windows NT DECnet TCP/IP Macintosh[R] TCP/IP Dial-in DIGITAL UNIX DECnet TCP/IP OpenVMS DECnet ________________________TCP/IP_____________________________________ TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP ___________________________________________________________________ Clients_________________Networks___________________________________ Windows 95 TCP/IP Windows 98 Windows_NT______________TCP/IP_____________________________________ The TP Desktop Connector options include one or more UNSUPPORTED soft- ware components, which are clearly identified in this Software Prod- uct Description. These software components are included because they may be useful for the user; however, they are not supported by Com- paq Customer Service Centers. Inclusion of these software components 2 does not constitute a commitment from Compaq that they will continue to be provided in this product. Certain third-party products can be used in conjunction with the TP Desktop Connector options, and are mentioned in this SPD. Third-party products such as those listed are not provided by this product, nor are they directly supported by this product. In general, Compaq does not directly support any third-party products for use with the TP Desktop Connector options. However, appropriate versions of certain third-party products have been tested and certi- fied to be appropriate for use with this product. The Optional Software section of this document contains a list of these products. Features: TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Features are described for the following areas: o Development environment o Runtime system o Network support o Management and control o Documentation Development Environment The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS option provides a set of applica- tion programming interfaces, along with support libraries, that al- low software programs to interact with ACMS applications as authen- ticated clients. These interfaces allow programmers to write client programs without requiring extensive knowledge of programming ACMS or network communications. The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS option provides application program- ming interfaces for the Microsoft Windows, DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Macintosh, OpenVMS, and DIGITAL UNIX environments. These client services allow the desktop programmer to develop programs that: 3 o Sign in to the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for client authenti- cation o Select ACMS tasks for execution under the control of the ACMS Ex- ecution Controller o Respond to callbacks from the ACMS system as part of ACMS task ex- change steps (forms processing) o Sign out of the TP Desktop Connector Gateway There are five different programming interfaces available: o Automation o C-language o Java[TM] o Client Services o Client Services for Macintosh Automation Interface The Automation interface supports any desktop tool or Microsoft Of- fice product that supports Automation. ACMS tasks are presented as Au- tomation objects. 4 C-language Interface The C-language interface supports any desktop tools that support a C- callable interface. ACMS TP tasks are presented as callable C proce- dures. Java Interface The Java interface supports any desktop tools that support Java. ACMS TP tasks are presented as Java objects. Client Services Interface The portable client interface provides support for three models of ap- plication development: o Blocking interface where execution of the program is blocked dur- ing execution of the TP Desktop Connector Gateways, for example, Microsoft COBOL on DOS. o Nonblocking event-driven interface to accommodate such nonblock- ing environments as Motif[R] or Microsoft Windows. o Forced nonblocking that facilitates exchange I/O between ACMS tasks and desktop tools that do not support call backs. The services provided by the portable client for Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, DOS, DIGITAL UNIX, and OpenVMS ad- dress the areas of: o Sign in/out services-establish and terminate sessions. o Call processing services-send and receive application requests o Presentation procedure routines-called automatically by the portable client to facilitate forms processing for the desktop user (not sup- ported in a forced nonblocking environment). Client Services for Macintosh Interface This API supports the Data Access Manager (DAM) facility of the Mac- intosh operating system. A special DAM device driver (DDEV) provides services for client execution. 5 These services are synchronous; program control returns only when ser- vice execution is complete. Nonblocking task execution is supported because the DBExec service completes as soon as the task is submit- ted for execution to ACMS. The DBState service is used to poll for task completion. Runtime System Client runtime libraries are provided for the client operating sys- tems to support the execution of client programs that use the prod- uct's services. The client for Macintosh includes external functions for HyperCard and 4th DIMENSION[R] applications. 6 The TP Desktop Connector Gateway is an asynchronous, multithreaded, runtime component residing on any OpenVMS node, regardless of the lo- cation of ACMS applications being called by desktop clients. There is generally one gateway on a node. The gateway is an ACMS agent that per- forms the following functions: o Authenticates desktop clients (ACMS submitters). o Calls tasks for users; this can include local and remote ACMS task selection. o Communicates with the desktop client program as part of task ex- change step (desktop presentation procedure) execution. This func- tion is supported by only the client services and client services for Macintosh interfaces. o Provides information to the system manager concerning TP Desktop Connector submitters. Network Support The following network connectivity software is supported (see Soft- ware Requirements) for desktop nodes connected to a Local Area Net- work (LAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN): o AppleTalk[R] o DECnet o IPX/SPX o TCP/IP o X.25 Note: For OpenVMS clients, a communication module is provided for test purposes for Novell[R] NetWare[R] but it is UNSUPPORTED. 7 Management and Control The TP Desktop Connector supports the following management and con- trol features: o The client interface reports errors from ACMS back to the desktop client program for local error handling. o The client interface optionally logs error messages to a local desk- top device file. o Messages can be protected against sabotage or network corruption by adding Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) for the client services and client services for Macintosh interfaces only. o The gateway reports ACMS and desktop client errors to the ACMS soft- ware event logger. 8 o OpenVMS system managers can control desktop client access to ACMS and remove desktop clients from the ACMS system, using standard ACMS utilities. o Provides a graphical user interface to manage parameters required for communication with ACMS tasks. Documentation The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS documentation set consists of the following: o TP Desktop Connector Getting Started o TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Installation Guide o TPware Management GUI online help o STDL online help o Client Build Utility online help o TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide o TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gateway Management Guide o TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Services Reference Manual o Release Notes o 4th DIMENSION Externals User's Guide (online only) TP Desktop Connector Getting Started The TP Desktop Connector Getting Started document describes how to build and manage client applications that use the Automation, C-language, and Java interfaces. TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Installation Guide The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Installation Guide provides infor- mation about installing the TP Desktop Connector for ACMS product and sample client applications. TPware Management GUI Online Help 9 The TPware Management GUI online help describes the management tabs that the Management GUI provides for managing TPware products. STDL Online Help The STDL online help provides reference topics on X/Open STDL syntax. Client Build Utility Online Help The Client Build GUI online help describes a graphical user interface that makes it easier to create Automation and C clients. 10 TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide describes how to develop and test client programs. It includes detailed information on components and functions, design and development guide- lines, and interface information. TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gate- way Management Guide The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gateway Management Guide contains the information needed to manage the gateway on the system where the ACMS monitor resides and information on the network transports that can be used. TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Services Reference Manual The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Services Reference Manual is a companion document to the Application Programming and Gateway Man- agement Guides. The document contains a description of the client ser- vices and presentation procedures. Release Notes Release Notes (available online as part of the media kit) contains in- formation specific to this release and information added after the pro- duction date for the other product documents. 4D Externals User's Guide 4D Externals User's Guide (available online as part of the media kit, on the Macintosh) contains information on how to use the 4D Externals with 4th DIMENSION. Features: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp & TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP Features are described for the following areas: o Development environment o Runtime system o Network support 11 o Management and control o Documentation Development Environment The TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp and TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP options provide a set of application programming interfaces, along with support libraries, that allow software programs to interact with ACMSxp or Portable TP applications as clients. These interfaces al- low programmers to write client programs without requiring extensive knowledge of programming ACMSxp, Portable TP, or network communica- tions. 12 Application programming interfaces are provided for Windows 95, Win- dows 98, and Windows NT environments. The programming interfaces al- low the desktop programmer to develop programs that select ACMSxp or Portable TP tasks for execution. The application programming inter- faces are: o Automation o C-language o Java Automation Interface The Automation interface supports any desktop tool or Microsoft Of- fice product that supports Automation. ACMSxp or Portable TP tasks are presented as Automation objects. C-language Interface The C-language interface supports any desktop tools that support a C- callable interface. ACMSxp or Portable TP tasks are presented as callable C procedures. Java Interface The Java interface supports any desktop tools that support Java. ACMSxp or Portable TP tasks are presented as Java objects. Runtime System Runtime libraries are provided for the client operating systems to sup- port the execution of client programs. Network Support TCP/IP is supported for network connectivity. 13 Management and Control The TP Desktop Connector supports the following management and con- trol features: o ACMSxp and Portable TP servers report back to the desktop client program for local error handling. o The desktop client program can optionally log error messages to a local desktop device file. o The server for ACMSxp and Portable TP outputs error reports to a server-specific log file on the server system. o ACMSxp and DCE management and security services can be used to con- trol clients. o Provides a graphical user interface to manage parameters required for communication with ACMSxp or Portable TP tasks. Documentation: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp The documentation set for TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp consists of the following: o TP Desktop Connector Getting Started o TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp Installation Guide o TPware Management GUI Online Help o STDL Online Help o Client Build Utility Online Help o Release Notes TP Desktop Connector Getting Started The TP Desktop Connector Getting Started document describes how to build and manage client applications that use the Automation, C-language, and Java interfaces. TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp Installation Guide 14 The TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp Installation Guide provides in- formation about installing the TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp prod- uct on desktop systems and configuring sample client applications. TPware Management GUI Online Help The TPware Management GUI online help describes the management tabs that the Management GUI provides for managing TPware products. STDL Online Help The STDL online help provides reference topics on X/Open STDL syntax. Client Build Utility Online Help The Client Build GUI online help describes a graphical user interface that makes it easier to create Automation and C clients. Documentation: TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP The documentation set for TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP con- sists of the following: o TP Desktop Connector Getting Started o TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP Installation Guide o TPware Management GUI Online Help o STDL Online Help 15 o Client Build Utility Online Help o Release Notes TP Desktop Connector Getting Started The TP Desktop Connector Getting Started document describes how to build and manage client applications that use the Automation, C-language, and Java interfaces. TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP Installation Guide The TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP Installation Guide provides information about installing the TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP product on desktop systems and configuring sample client applications. TPware Management GUI Online Help The TPware Management GUI online help describes the management tabs that the Management GUI provides for managing TPware products. STDL Online Help The STDL online help provides reference topics on X/Open STDL syntax. Client Build Utility Online Help The Client Build GUI online help describes a graphical user interface that makes it easier to create Automation and C clients. Release Notes The Release Notes (available online as part of the media kit) contains information specific to this release and information added after the production date for the other product documents. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: TP Desktop Connector for ACMS 16 Servers, and Client for OpenVMS o Any Alpha hardware configuration that supports OpenVMS Version 6.1, 6.2, or 7.1 o Any VAX hardware configuration that supports OpenVMS Version 5.5- 2, 6.1, 6.2, or 7.1 Client for Microsoft Windows and DOS o An Intel[R] 80386-, 80486-, or Pentium[R]-based personal computer o A minimum of 640KB system memory. At least 1 megabyte is strongly recommended. For Microsoft Windows client applications at least 4 megabytes is required. Client for Windows 95 or Windows 98 o Intel 80386-, 80486-, or Pentium-based system capable of running Windows 95 or Windows 98. Client for Windows NT o Intel 80386-, 80486-, or Pentium-based system capable of running Windows NT or, o Alpha-based system capable of running Windows NT. Client for Macintosh o Any Macintosh computer capable of running the supported version of the Macintosh Operating System. o Power Macintosh computers using Macintosh emulation mode. 17 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp & TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP Client for Windows 95 or Windows 98 o Intel 80386-, 80486-, or Pentium-based system capable of running Windows 95 or Windows 98. Client for Windows NT o Intel 80386-, 80486-, or Pentium-based system capable of running Windows NT or, o Alpha-based system capable of running Windows NT. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: TP Desktop Connector for ACMS OpenVMS Server o If using client services interface, ACMS for OpenVMS Versions 3.3B- 4.2 (SPD 25.50.xx) o If using Automation, C-language, or Java interfaces, ACMS for Open- VMS Version 4.2 (SPD 25.50.xx) o If using DECnet: - DECnet-VAX Versions 5.5-6.1 (SPD 48.48.xx) or, - DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 (SPD 42.25.xx) or, - DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Version 6.2 (SPD 48.48.xx) o If using PATHWORKS or AppleTalk, reference the PATHWORKS Version 6.0A for DOS and Windows SPD for that client for specific software requirements o If using TCP/IP: - DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.0-4.2 (SPD 46.46.xx) or, 18 - TGV MultiNet[R] Version 3.3 Rev A o If using NetWare, an IPX stack must be installed on the server sys- tem; this is available as software services within the Leverage Host Services Version 4.0 product from Emulex[TM] Corporation. o If using X.25, PATHWORKS Version 6.0 for DOS and Windows (SPD 55.07.xx) Client for Microsoft Windows and DOS o Microsoft DOS Version 6.22 o Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11 o If using DECnet, PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows Version 6.0A (SPD 55.07.xx) o If using TCP/IP: - Microsoft Windows requires PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows Ver- sion 6.0A (SPD 55.01.xx) - Microsoft Windows for Workgroups include the necessary Windows Sockets o If using NetWare, Novell's NetWare DOS Client Versions 3.x, 4.0, or PATHWORKS Version 6.0A for DOS and Windows o If using X.25, PATHWORKS Version 6.0A for DOS and Windows (SPD 55.07.xx) Client for Windows 95 or Windows 98 o Windows 95 or Windows 98 o If using Automation, C-language, or Java interfaces, Visual C++[R] Version 5.0 (required for development only) o If using the Java interface, Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.6 19 o If using DECnet, PATHWORKS 32 Version 7.0A (SPD 56.33.xx) o If using TCP/IP, Windows sockets are provided with Windows 95 or Windows 98 Client for Windows NT o Windows NT operating system Version 4.0 for Alpha or Intel o If using Automation, C-language, or Java interfaces: - Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 - Visual C++ Version 5.0 o If using the Java interface, Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.6 o If using DECnet, PATHWORKS 32 Version 7.0A (SPD 56.33.xx) o If using TCP/IP, Windows NT Windows Sockets for TCP/IP are provided with Windows NT Client for Macintosh o Macintosh Operating System Versions 7.0-7.5 o If using TCP/IP, MacTCP[R] Tool (available from Apple[R] Computer, Inc.) o If using dial-in (serial communication), a serial communication tool is needed (for example: Serial Tool from Apple Computer, Inc.) Client for OpenVMS o OpenVMS VAX Operating System Versions 5.5-2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1 & 7.2 (SPD 25.01.xx) or OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Versions 6.1, 6.2, 7.1 & 7.2 (SPD 41.87.xx) o If using DECnet: - DECnet-VAX Versions 5.5-6.1 (SPD 48.48.xx) or, 20 - DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 (42.25.xx) or, - DECnet for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Version 6.2 (SPD 48.48.xx) o If using TCP/IP: - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX Version 4.0-4.2 (SPD 25.A4.xx) or, - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version 4.0-4.2 (SPD 46.46.xx) or, - TGV MultiNet Version 3.3 Rev A Client for DIGITAL UNIX o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Version 4.0B (SPD 41.61.xx) o If using TCP/IP, all components are provided by the DIGITAL UNIX operating system SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp & TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP ACMSxp Server At least one of the following ACMSxp products: o ACMSxp Version 3.1 or 3.2 for OpenVMS (SPD 60.53.xx) o ACMSxp Version 3.1 or 3.2 for Windows NT (SPD 60.52.xx) o ACMSxp Version 3.1 or 3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX (SPD 50.66.xx) o ACMSxp Version 3.1 for HP-UX[R] (SPD 70.15.xx) o ACMSxp Version 3.1 for Solaris[R] (SPD 70.35.xx 21 Portable TP Server Portable TP Version 2.0 for Windows NT (SPD 70.26.xx) Client for Windows 95 or Windows 98 o Windows 95 or Windows 98 o Visual C++ Version 5.0 (required for development only) o If using the Java interface, Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.6 o DCOM for Windows 95 or Windows 98, available from Client for Windows NT o Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 o Visual C++ Version 5.0 (required for development only) o If using the Java interface, Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.6 o If using DCE, DIGITAL DCE Runtime Services Version V2.0 for Win- dows NT Alpha/Intel (SPD 53.43.xx) 22 o If using Microsoft RPC, all components are provided with the op- erating system o Required for development only, DIGITAL DCE Application Developer's Kit Version 2.0 for Windows NT Alpha/Intel (SPD 53.43.xx) SOFTWARE LICENSING INFORMATION All TP Desktop Connector options offer Concurrent Use and Personal Use licensing. o Concurrent Use Licensing - The number of Concurrent Use licenses determines the number of concurrent logins to any TP application. This style of licensing works best and is the most cost effective for deployments where users primarily login to only one TP appli- cation at a time. o Personal Use Licensing - The number of Personal Use licenses de- termines the numbers of identified individuals that can access mul- tiple TP applications. The main difference between Personal Use and Concurrent Use licensing is that Personal Use license permits iden- tified individuals to login to multiple TP applications at the same time. This style of licensing works best and is the most cost ef- fective for deployments where users require simultaneous to access multiple TP applications. This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Com- paq office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT (LMF) The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS option supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility. License units for this product are allocated on a Concurrent Use or Personal Use basis. A Concurrent Use license allows one login to a TP Desktop Connector Gateway. 23 A Personal Use license allows one identified individual to have mul- tiple logins to the same TP Desktop Connector Gateway. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem documentation set. For more information about the Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq office. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT: TP Desktop Connector for ACMS This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VMScluster configuration without restrictions. The HARD- WARE REQUIREMENTS sections of this product's Software Product Descrip- tion details any special hardware required by this product. VMScluster configurations are fully described in the VMScluster Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE: TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client for Microsoft Windows and DOS o A program module assembler to create the DOS programming libraries and other libraries that create a client program. Assemblers are available from Microsoft. o C compiler compatible with Microsoft Visual C++ Version 1.52 o Microsoft COBOL Version 5.0 (Microsoft Corporation). MS[R]-COBOL is required to modify and relink the command line sample applica- tion for DOS. o Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Version 3.1 or 3.11 (Mi- crosoft Corporation) o Visual Basic[R] Version 4.0 (Microsoft Corporation) 24 o PowerBuilder[R] Version 5.0 (Powersoft Corporation) o SQLWindows[R] (Gupta Corporation) o Smalltalk[R] (ParcPlace[R] Systems, Inc.) o JAM[R] (JYACC) o OpenUI[TM] (Open Software Associates) Client for Windows 95 of Windows 98 o If using the Automation interface: - Any desktop tool or Microsoft Office product that supports Au- tomation - Microsoft Visual J++[TM] Version 6.0 o If using the Java interface, any Java Integrated Development En- vironment (IDE) compatible with JDK Version 1.1.6 25 o If using the C-language interface, any desktop tool that supports a C-callable interface. o If using the client services interface: - Visual Basic Versions 4.0 or 5.0 - Visual C++ Versions 4.0 or 5.0 (Microsoft Corporation) - PowerBuilder Version 5.0 - Delphi[TM] Version 2.0 (Borland[R] International, Inc.) - Developer/2000[TM] Release 2.0 (Oracle Corporation) Client for Windows NT o If using the Automation interface: - Any desktop tool or Microsoft Office product that supports Au- tomation - Microsoft J++ Version 6.0 o If using the Java interface, any Java Integrated Development En- vironment (IDE) compatible with JDK Version 1.1.6 o If using the C-language interface, any desktop tool that supports a C-callable interface. o If using the client services interface: - Visual Basic Versions 4.0 or 5.0 - Visual C++ Versions 4.0 or 5.0 - Smalltalk - PowerBuilder Version 5.0 - Delphi Version 2.0 - Developer/2000 Release 2.0 26 Client for Macintosh o HyperCard[R] (Apple Computer, Inc.) o Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW[TM]) Development Environment Versions 3.2-3.3 (Apple Computer, Inc.) o Macintosh Programmer's Workshop C Version 3.1 (Apple Computer, Inc.) o 4th DIMENSION Versions 2.3-3.1 (ACI US Inc.) o Smalltalk 27 o Open Interface[TM] (Neuron Data, Inc.) o Think C Version 4.0-4.1 (Symantec[R] Corporation) Client for OpenVMS VAX o DECforms Version 2.2 (SPD 29.90.xx) o DEC C for OpenVMS VAX Version 5.7 (SPD 25.38.xx) o DECset Release 11 for OpenVMS VAX Systems (SPD 27.07.xx) o DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 for OpenVMS (SPD 42.19.xx) Alpha o DECforms Version 2.2 (SPD 29.90.xx) o DIGITAL C Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (SPD 42.26.xx) o DECset Release 11 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (SPD 42.29.xx) o DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 42.19.xx) Client for DIGITAL UNIX o DIGITAL C++ Version 5.4 for DIGITAL UNIX (SPD 41.91.xx) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE: TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp & TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP o If using the Automation interface: - Any desktop tool or Microsoft Office product that supports Au- tomation - Microsoft J++ Version 6.0 o If using the Java interface, any Java Integrated Development En- vironment (IDE) compatible with JDK Version 1.1.6 28 o If using the C-language interface, any desktop tool that supports a C-callable interface. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA All product options are available on CD-ROM. The TP Desktop Connector for ACMS option is also available as part of the OpenVMS Software Product Library on CD-ROM. The documentation for TP Desktop Connector for ACMS is also available as part of the OpenVMS Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 Ready. Year 2000 Ready is defined: "Year 2000 Ready" products are defined by DIGITAL as products capable of accurately processing, providing, and /or receiving date data from, into and between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the associated DIG- ITAL product documentation and provided that all hardware, firmware and software used in combination with such DIGITAL products properly exchange accurate date data with the DIGITAL products. For additional information visit Compaq's DIGITAL Products Year 2000 Ready web site located at 29 To ensure that this product is Year 2000 Ready, the following test- ing process/methods were utilized: This product does not require specific Year 2000 testing since no date manipulation is performed. To ensure that this product interoperates properly with other hard- ware and software, the following testing process/methods were utilized: This product does not require Year 2000 interoperability testing since date data is passed without manipulation. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq Warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. ORDERING INFORMATION TP Desktop Connector for ACMS ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________Part_Number___________________________ Concurrent Use License QL-GZGAL-3* Personal Use License QL-GZGAL-2B Media & Documentation QA-GZGAA-H8 (CD-ROM) Documentation Only QA-GZGAA-GZ Services_____________________QT-GZG**-**___________________________ 30 TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________Part_Number___________________________ Concurrent Use License QL-644AL-3* Personal Use License QL-644AL-2B Media & Documentation QA-644AA-H8 (CD-ROM) Documentation Only QA-644AA-GZ Services_____________________QT-644**-**___________________________ TP Desktop Connector for Portable TP ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________Part_Number___________________________ Concurrent Use License QL-645AL-3* Personal Use License QL-645AL-2B Media & Documentation QA-645AA-H8 (CD-ROM) Documentation Only QA-645AA-GZ Services_____________________QT-645**-**___________________________ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office or Business Partner for the most up-to-date in- formation. 31 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation contact your local Compaq office. TRADEMARK INFORMATION [R] 4th DIMENSION is a registered trademark of ACI US Inc. [R] Apple, AppleTalk, HyperCard, Macintosh, and MacTCP are regis- tered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] Borland is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc. [R] Emulex is a registered trademark of Emulex Corporation [R] Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Prod- ucts, Inc. [R] HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Corpora- tion. [R] JAM is a registered trademark of JYACC. [R] Microsoft, MS, SQLWindows, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Win- dows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] MultiNet is a registered trademark of Process Software Corpo- ration [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. [R] PowerBuilder is a registered trademark of Powersoft Corpora- tion. [R] Smalltalk and ParcPlace are registered trademarks of Parc- Place Systems, Inc. [R] Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 32 [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Lim- ited. [R] Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corpora- tion. [TM] Delphi is a trademark of Borland International, Inc. [TM] Developer/2000 is a trademark of Oracle Corporation [TM] Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [TM] MPW is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. [TM] Open Interface is a trademark of Neuron Data, Inc. [TM] OpenUI is a trademark of Open Software Associates. [TM] Visual J++ and Windows 95 are trademarks of Microsoft Corpo- ration. [TM] ACMS, CI, DEC, DECforms, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECset, DECwindows, DIGITAL, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, VAX, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAX C, VAX COBOL, VMS, and VMScluster are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. Compaq and the Compaq logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © 1999 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 33