DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: TeMIP Framework V3.1 for Digital UNIX SPD 54.17.03 DESCRIPTION The TeMIP Framework is a complete, prepackaged Product Family distributed management system for multivendor, multi-protocol networks. It pro- vides access to, and management functions for, open network and Dig- ital Equipment Corporation's network environments (TCP/IP, DECnet/OSI and DECnet Phase IV). The TeMIP Framework is a modular and distributed software product that can be extended through the addition of other TeMIP products, third party, or user-developed software modules. The TeMIP distribution features enable users to transparently distribute access at user level through Client systems, at element level through Access Module Server systems. Thus it answers to scalability and ge- ographical span requirements of telecommunication or corporate net- works by sharing the communication traffic and CPU load over multi- ple geographically disseminated systems. In addition to its Distributed Framework, the TeMIP product set will provide you with telecommunication and large voice/data network man- agement capabilities through the following TeMIP Fault and Trouble Man- agement applications and Development Toolkits: o TeMIP Alarm Handling, for the management of ISO-formatted alarms information (a specific type of event in ISO terminology), enables users to define comprehensive alarm filtering and low level cor- relation, real-time monitoring and recording. o TeMIP Event Logging, enables users to define single or multiple col- lection and recording of events for a domain which represents the entire or selected portions of the network. November 1996 AE-Q9H5D-TE o TeMIP Trouble Ticketing, enables the initiation and efficient co- ordination of network problem solving and maintenance activities. For more information about the TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management ap- plications, refer to the TeMIP V3.1 Software Product Description (SPD) 45.24.XX. o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit which provides access to the Open Sys- tems Interconnection (OSI) Q3/CMIP environment in accordance with Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) recommendations. It pro- vides the means to maintain and manage GDMO models of managed ob- jects and integrate them into the TeMIP run-time environment with- out recompiling. It uses the standard and commercially available XMP API to access the TMN Q3 stack. For more information, refer to the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V2.1 Software Product Description (SPD 51.28.XX). o TeMIP ASCII Management Toolkit which provides access to elements which do not support a standardised management interface but still use ASCII type messages (that is, legacy systems and applications). For more information, refer to the TeMIP ASCII Management Toolkit V3.1 Software Product Description (SPD 63.38.XX). Available on the Digital UNIX[R] Operating System, the TeMIP Frame- work provides both generic and device-specific management functions, distributed management and language localisation capabilities includ- ing: o Motif[R] Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command Line User In- terfaces that provide consistent views and interactions with the management system regardless of the objects managed or the proto- cols used to manage them. New and enhanced GUI features are present in this release of the product. o Configuration Management functions that include automated discov- ery and device registration, topology mapping, and user-defined man- agement domains. 2 o Distributed notification and Alarm functions that enable users to define alarm rules and set up notification and automated procedures to locate existing and potential network problems or events. o Access Control and Logging of Operator Commands features. This al- lows the scope and the authorised operations to be defined easily for each kind of user. The Access Control features are available through a documented API (Security toolkit) to allow integration within your applications. o Language Localisation is provided through the TeMIP Framework com- pliance to the XPG4 standard. o Distribution is achieved by means of distributing Management Mod- ules and services across multiple TeMIP systems (also called Di- rectors) by making the the Functions transparently operate across machine boundaries. o Directors Management Application offers services, available from the Motif GUI, to manage the distributed TeMIP system (that is, Events Status monitoring, Director Topology display, Director Configura- tion Consistency checking). o TeMIP Name Service (TNS) is a network-wide service that makes dis- tribution of TeMIP possible. TNS consists of client and server com- ponents (like DECdns). TNS stores information about entities in a highly accessible, distributed and replicated database, from where it can be accessed by any TeMIP director. TeMIP distributed sys- tem configuration data is stored in TNS. The TNS databse contains the registered names created for TeMIP global entities, as well as names of child entities, reference data, Managing Director's name for each entity, and a list of the domains of which an entity is a member. Consistent with the EMA Director Model, of which it is an implemen- tation, the TeMIP Framework consists of a set of distributed layered Management Modules supported by an open application programming in- terface (API), an Executive or operating system-like set of module sup- port functions, and an object-oriented Management Information Repos- itory (MIR) providing data structure and storage functions. 3 Management Modules provide services to users and to one another. There are three types of Management Module: o Function Modules (FMs) provide services such as object registra- tion, statistics generation, fault detection, and notification to users and to one another. o Access Modules (AMs) provide remote protocol support for, and man- agement information about, different classes of managed objects. o Presentation Modules (PMs) provide a consistent user interface for the direct manipulation of managed objects (through AMs) and user access to management operations (through FMs). The Management Modules can be distributed on physically different (that is, remote) machines. It means that a Presentation Module installed and running on one machine can communicate with Function Modules on another machine, that can themselves communicate with Access Modules located on a third machine. o The Executive provides system services that enable Management Mod- ules to be installed and used independently or in combination. o The Applications Programming Interface (API) defines how Manage- ment Modules invoke each other's services. The TeMIP Framework API is open and documented to support Digital, third party, or user- developed modules. o The Management Information Repository (MIR) provides a means to struc- ture and store management information. TeMIP Framework Function Modules The TeMIP Framework includes generic and device-specific FMs that pro- vide a variety of management services to end users and, in combina- tion, to one another. These services include configuration management functions, fault management functions including alarm and notifica- tion services. 4 Generic FM services provide support for devices accessible through the TeMIP Framework AMs, other Digital-developed AMs, or AMs developed and supported by third parties and users. Configuration Management Functions TeMIP Framework Configuration Management functions include both man- ual and automatic registration of managed objects, and support for user- defined domains (groups of managed objects). These functions are pro- vided by the following TeMIP Framework FMs and services: The Registration FM is a generic FM that enables users to enter and manage data identifying each managed object in a network environment. Such information includes object instance data such as network names and addresses, and reference information such as device location, soft- ware revision levels, and contact names. With the Registration FM, users have the option of selecting a local system-level repository, or setting up a network-wide, globally-available naming service TeMIP distributed Name Service (TNS). With TNS, users and applications can assign names to resources (such as nodes, bridges, files, domain names, etc.) and then use those resources without hav- ing to keep track of physical location or network address. The TND op- tion also enables multiple TeMIP Frameworks to share the same view of managed objects. The Domain FM is a generic FM that enables users to assign managed ob- jects into groups called domains. Domains are subsets of the managed object configuration that provide user-defined groups that can be based on; equipment type (all switches, multiplexers, TCP/IP hosts, DECnet nodes, etc.), geography (all objects within a region, a site, or sub- net), personnel levels, or any other user-defined object group. Do- mains can contain or refer to other domains and can be hierarchical or overlapping. Individual managed objects can be contained within mul- tiple domains. Each domain is associated to one Director. 5 Autoconfiguration services automatically locate, register, and map man- aged objects by class. Supported classes include TCP/IP hosts and DEC- net Phase IV nodes. Users can define domains for each class, and set network boundaries. The autoconfiguration functions can request net- work instance data from IP gateways and DECnet routers. As devices are located and management information gathered, the functions automat- ically map them in the appropriate user-defined domains and register management data in the MIR. Note: The TCP/IP SNMP, DECnet Phase IV and DECnet/OSI AMs are included in TeMIP Framework. The IP Reachability Poller FM sends notification to TeMIP Framework Notification Services when a specific IP node changes state (that is, it becomes reachable or unreachable). It provides TeMIP Framework with an efficient manner to determine if IP nodes are reachable or not. Alarm and Notification Services TeMIP Framework alarm and notification services are provided by a com- bination of Management Modules. These modules enable users to create alarm rules that can detect existing or potential network problems, and notification mechanisms for informing users when such problems oc- cur or network events happen. Alarms FM, Data Collector AM and SNMP AM modules support or generate ISO-formatted OSI events that can be treated by the TeMIP Fault Management applications (for example, IP reachability, incoming traps and enterprise-specific traps generated by the SNMP AM). The Alarms FM provides facilities for users to write rule-based ex- pressions (alarm rules) that use polled data or unsolicited event mes- sages to trigger alarms. Alarm rules can be written for any managed object or entity class for which there is corresponding Access Mod- ule protocol support (Multiplexers, Cross-connect, OSI, SNMP, DECnet Phase IV NICE, etc.). 6 Alarm rules can be based on state changes, simple arithmetic expres- sions, or occurrences (unsolicited event messages received through the appropriate Access Module). Alarm rules can be written for individ- ual managed objects or wildcarding can be used to apply rules to all objects in a domain for a given object class. It now provides the sup- port of ISO values of alarm types and probable cause fields. In addition to the standard TeMIP Framework notification functions de- scribed below, the Alarms FM allows for the execution of user-written command procedures. Such command procedures can be used to generate terminal broadcast or electronic mail messages, or automated proce- dures that a network manager or operator might implement when a par- ticular alarm condition occurs. Please refer to the TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management SPD 45.24.XX for a detailed description of its powerful alarms/events management user interface. In addition the TeMIP Framework still provides a spe- cific user interface by means of the Notification PM and other mod- ules. The Notification FM and PM enable users to define the mechanisms used to alert operators when a particular network or system event has occurred. The functions recognize two types of events: configuration events, which are reported by a managed object or TeMIP Framework Mod- ule; and alarm events, which are generated by the Alarms FM whenever a rule fires or encounters an error (that is, an exception to the rule). When an event occurs, the Motif/Iconic Map PM displays a color change on the appropriate object icon, and a message in the Notification win- dow. Users can define the severity levels and select colors appropri- ate to the problem level. Notification also enables users to customize event collection and storage through its logging, filter, search, and view capabilities. Notifications (icon or line or text color changes) can be redirected from the object that generates the event to the ob- ject that is the subject of the event by means of the target direc- tive. 7 The Event Collector AM (also known as the Data Collector AM) enables users to collect events from objects not directly managed by TeMIP Frame- work. Users can create customized icons for any object not directly managed by TeMIP Framework and include it in the Iconic Map. TeMIP Frame- work Security TeMIP Framework delivers the high level of security essential to all telecom or mixed data and voice distributed network operations. Its flexible and powerful Access Control mechanism allows the network man- ager to determine who accesses critical functions, physical or log- ical resources or objects down to the class/instance or directive level. TeMIP Framework Security is provided through the use of: Access Control which consists of defining restricted domains of ac- tivity (that is, what entity, verb, attribute or argument can be accessed) for each user, Logging of Operator Commands which consists of tracking and stor- ing Command Information generated by an operator during a TeMIP Frame- work session, The Security Development Toolkit allows developers to integrate the TeMIP Framework Security features into specific Presentation Mod- ules or applications. o Access Control is a set of mechanisms that prevent a given user from accessing part of the management information when running a Pre- sentation Module and is based on: o Access Control (AC) Views that are filters (control rules) that determine which operations are allowed or disallowed, o User Profiles that are the association between a user and a set of authorised functions as defined in Access views, o Access Control Management graphical user interface available (for authorised users only) as an Iconic Map launched application. 8 o Logging of Operator Command (LOC) function stores pre-defined com- mands entered by a user into a database that can be examined later. It composes the Central Command Logging function that applies to all concurrent PM sessions running on the TeMIP Framework system and the User Session Command logging function, providing the same logging and browsing features and allowing the operator to setup his own LOC environment before entering his PM session. o Security Development Toolkit providing the AC and LOC Application Programming Interface and a shell application, allowing Presenta- tion Module developers to get software library services (APIs) to perform Access Control against an active AC view as well as run- time Command Logging services. TeMIP Framework Access Modules TeMIP Framework AMs provide access to network and system objects in Digital's Network products and other mixed, multivendor network en- vironments that use the following management protocols: DECnet NICE, DECnet/OSI CMIP, SNMP, and IEEE 802.2/Ethernet/MOP. o The TCP/IP SNMP AM includes support for the following Internet Ad- visory Board (IAB) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) RFCs: 1155, 1156, 1157, 1212, and 1213. This includes full MIB II sup- port in addition to support for on-site enrollment of vendor-specific Enterprise MIBs including: o An MIB compiler that automatically checks the syntax of the ASN.1 Concise MIB definition (providing error messages to help iden- tify syntax problems) and translates the data for loading the information into the TeMIP Framework's Management Information Repository (MIR). The translation utility supports both SNMPv2 and SNMPv1 syntax and automatically generates on-line HELP. o An event-logging sink for collecting SNMP generic traps (unso- licited TCP/IP event messages): coldStart, warmStart, linkDown, linkUp, egpNeighborLoss, authentificationFailure, and enterpris- eSpecific. Generation of ISO-formatted alarms (for example, IP reachibility, incoming traps) and Vendor Specific Traps are also supported with this release of the product. 9 o Ability to perform GET and SET operations on devices supported by SNMP agents. o ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (ping) support for verifying the reachabil- ity of an SNMP managed object at the IP level. o The DECnet/OSI CMIP AM provides access to DECnet devices that use Digital's implementation of the standard Common Management Infor- mation Protocol (CMIP). This version of CMIP, implemented on DEC- net/OSI devices, provides management operations and data gather- ing functions for DECnet/OSI networks including the ability to sink DECnet events to the TeMIP Framework. o The DECnet Phase IV AM enables users to manage DECnet Phase IV ob- jects such as nodes, circuits, lines, and adjacencies. With the DEC- net Phase IV AM, users can modify DECnet parameters, set charac- teristics, collect DECnet events, and poll for management data such as counters or status. o The IEEE 802.3/Ethernet Station AM enables users to manage at the network interface level any 802.3/Ethernet LAN device that supports MOP REQID, MOP SYSID, MOP Counters, Ethernet V2 Loopback, IEEE 802.2 XID, or IEEE 802.2 Test. o The Circuit AM works as a client of management protocol modules to provide management of circuits connecting endpoints compliant with the Network Management Forum (NMF) definitions. Compliant endpoints include DECnet Phase IV and DECnet/OSI nodes, and TCP/IP hosts. Ty- ing together circuit, line, link, and other end-point data, this AM can gather status data and store reference information about sim- ple, point-to-point circuits or complex multi-channel circuits. o The Script AM is a generic access module that executes a script (or command procedure) and propagates the output data back into TeMIP Framework as individual attributes. Once integrated, these attributes can take advantage of the alarm generation, notification, and record- ing facilities of TeMIP Framework. The Script AM offers the following advantages: o Allows integration of data into TeMIP Framework quickly and eas- ily. No C code is required to write a script. 10 o Allows management of devices which provide only a command line interface. o Allows integration of any data into TeMIP Framework as attributes whether from a Structured Query Language (SQL) command, a sys- tem command or running a script on a remote system. o Allows integration of data from an executable for which source code is not available. o The Data Collector AM, also called Event Collector enables the TeMIP Framework to collect events from objects not directly manageabe by any other Access Module, or receive events that are not modelled within an already existing access module. Events are then made avail- able to the rest of the TeMIP Framework and can benefit from its services, eg. for colour changes on the Iconic Map or display in the Notification windows. To send events, the Data Collector AM pro- vides both a programming interface and a command script interface allowing events to be sent from within programs or from command line or shell scripts. The Data Collector AM and the SNMP AM fully benefit from the TeMIP Filtering and Correlation features, that can be made available as well to any other Acces Modules through the Filtering and Corre- lation Toolkit provided with TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management; refer to SPD 45.24.xx for a detailed description on TeMIP Filter- ing and Correlation capabilities. Supported transport mechanisms include both UDP/IP and DECnet. Event parameters can include managed object class and name, severity, event name and event text. This interface is available for a variety of clients systems including Digital UNIX, Ultrix, VMS, SunOS and DOS and pro- vides a very simple method of sending events to the Framework. Note: The source 'C' code is available for porting to other client environments as required. The Alarm Generator AM generates OSI alarms or events on any entity in a distributed environment. It supports the Submit_Event directive on any entity class. 11 It uses a separate configuration file for each event type (partition, event id, and the list of mandatory arguments) that extends the Alarm Generator AM functionality to support new types of event, without mod- ifying its code. TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules The TeMIP Framework includes two Presentation Modules. The Motif Graph- ical User Interface (GUI) provides an Iconic Map interface with pull- down, pop-up commands, accelerators icons bar and monitor windows that consistently present all managed objects and operations. Consistent access is also provided by the Framework Command Line PM. Multiple screens support allows dedicated TeMIP FTM Presentation Modules to be displayed on different screens. The capabilities specific to the Motif GUI presentation style include: o Map windows that display the contents of a managed environment (for example, a domain) using icons to represent managed objects and their subordinate or child objects, as well as status icons. Users can select icons representing managed objects (both entities and sub- entities) and initiate management operations from a map window. Sev- eral map windows can be displayed at one time, each displaying dif- ferent views of domains of a managed environment. It is possible to define virtual domains (for display puroses only) that are in- dependent of the collection activity (collection domains). The de- gree to which the domains for display and those for alarm collec- tion purposes are decoupled, depends only on the way the domains on the director have been configured. It is therefore possible for these visual entities to benefit from the "sub-alarming" feature; new alarms on child entities produce a blinking shaded area around the parent entity icon or object. The colour of the shading shows the highest severity of the alarm(s). o Icons can be of XPM format or vector file, thus allowing free form icons definition, or supporting shape masks. The backdrop images support XBM vector format (Framework format). Through XBM library provided converters, users will be allowed to get other formats such as GIF for icon building. Automatic TeMIP applications startup at Iconic Map PM startup and applications launch are also provided. 12 o A Navigation box and ViewPort window that enable users to view an entire network configuration map at one time. With the ViewPort fea- ture, users can navigate to, zoom in, and select a particular por- tion of, the total network environment to display in detail in the Map window. A Top and Bottom navigation area for hierarchical or non hierarchical navigation in the domain tree. o Management windows that enable users to select, perform, and view the results of management operations. As with map windows, several different management windows can be displayed simultaneously. o Graph windows that enable users to select and display real-time or historical numeric attributes, such as counters, graphs or histograms. o An integrated Toolbox window and other customization features that provide users with the ability to create, modify, or delete map icons, connecting lines, text, or other items in a map window. Users can create map icons, add geographic maps or other backdrops, and add customized icons to the Toolbox for retrieval and re-use, as well as color customisation for lines and texts. o The TeMIP Framework Dictionary Browser lets you examine the man- agement objects and their definitions stored in the TeMIP Frame- work dictionary. Using the Browser, the user can graphically view the types of entities that are configured for a TeMIP Framework. o Other features such as Map zooming/sizing, proportional zooming, best fit, application or directive icons accelerators, new Tool- box set of icons, icons for sub-entities representation, icon stick- ers and online context-sensitive help. The Framework Command Line PM provides character cell access to TeMIP Framework function and access capabilities. The interface supports only the Command Line mode. It supports command line recall and editing, abbreviation, online help, symbol substitution, use of control key sequences, line continuation, and the typeahead function. 13 Command Line mode also supports the use of scripts to automate fre- quently used TeMIP Framework command sequences. Users can set up ini- tialization files through the Command Line mode for establishing de- faults and executing startup directives. In addition, users can log any command to an output file for storage and review or it can be used by maintenance operators in the field via a portable PC and a modem. The Command Line mode provides online help. TeMIP Framework Distri- bution The TeMIP Framework is by design distributed in the sense that it is implemented with the concept of Management Modules, via a set of co- operative UNIX processes. TeMIP Framework distribution allows distri- bution of these processes across different management systems called directors. However, the aim of the Distributed TeMIP framework is to distribute the services (also called call requests) offered by the var- ious Management Modules at: o access level (that is, Access Modules) calls are distributed us- ing Entity Access Distribution. The principle of Entity Access distribution is that each global en- tity might have an associated Managing Director where the Call Ac- cess is dispatched to. o function level (that is, Functional Modules) calls are distributed using Domain Distribution The principle of Domain distribution is that each domain has an as- sociated Managing Director where the Call Function is dispatched to, based on the value of the domain associated with the call re- quest. Each Director is itself an entity and, as such, is manageable via TeMIP features. Each instance of a Director has a globally unique name. A Distributed Director allows the forwarding and receiving of manage- ment requests to and from other Distributed Directors for any combi- nation of specified Verb, Entity, Partition at the Call Request In- terface. A Distributed TeMIP system consists of a Local Director and one or more Remote Directors. Three different types of Directors can be distinguished: 14 o Server Director, allows forwarding or receiving of requests to and from other Distributed Directors. It can have either the TeMIP Frame- work Server license or the TeMIP Framework Access Module Server li- censes. o Client only Director, mainly runs Presentation Modules and requires the services of distributed directors as Servers. A Client only Di- rector, cannot receive requests from other directors, it has the TeMIP Remote Presentation Modules (CLIENT) license. o Non distributed Director, does not allow forwarding or receiving requests to and from other directors, as it does not have any dis- tribution rights. Note: Only the FCL PM can be run on a TeMIP Framework Access Modules Server system. 15 TeMIP Name Service The distribution of TeMIP requires the use of TeMIP Name Service (TNS). TNS offers the following feature: o Unique network-wide names; all TeMIP users and applications in the network use the same name to access a managed entity. o It uses the TCP/IP stack, instead of the DECnet Plus communications protocol stack. o It is compatible with DECdns; TNS has the same API and offers the same level of service as DECdns (for TeMIP usage only). o The TNS clearinghouse uses the same data format as DECdns V3.2A clear- inghouse. o Simplified management of network entity names that are stored and maintained by TNS, eliminating the need to update and maintain a local Management Information Repository on each TeMIP director. o It caches, or saves, information obtained from previous requests to look up a name. Caching maximizes overall performance and re- duces network traffic. o Security: access to TNS names can be assigned to individuals, or to Access Control groups. It is possible to install the TNS server on a TeMIP V3.1 director sys- tem, or on a separate Digital UNIX V3.2 system. As an option, a TNS server may be configured to support both the TCP/IP and DECnet/OSI stacks. This "dual-protocol" option provides a way to smoothly migrate an existing network of TeMIP V3.0 director systems and DECdns services to TeMIP V3.1 and TNS servers. This migration op- tion is supported for TNS V3.1 only. With TNS, installation od DECnet software will be needed on a TeMIP V3.1 director only if the following TeMIP components (that make di- rect use of DECnet) are to be used: o DNA4 (DECnet Phase IV) 16 o DNA5 (DECnet Plus) o TeMIP OSI AM o Data Collector AM (use of DECnet is optional) TeMIP Framework Extensibility TeMIP Framework is an extensible management platform to which other TeMIP software modules, option packages, third party, or user-developed Management Modules can be added. Third parties and users can develop software modules for TeMIP Net- work Management Family of Products to provide access to and manage- ment functions for any manageable object. Software and documentation for the development of integrated TeMIP modules are available as part of the TeMIP Framework Developer's Toolkit. For more information about the Developer's Toolkit, refer to SPD 63.39.XX. Please also refer to the TeMIP ASCII Management Toolkit SPD 63.38.xx, and to the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit SPD 51.28.xx. TeMIP Framework includes several utilities that enable on-site enroll- ment of Management Modules. Documentation required for third party mod- ule enrollment must be supplied by the module developer. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha AXP Processors Supported: AlphaServer 8200 AlphaServer 8400 DEC/4600, DEC/4700 DEC/7600, DEC/7700 DEC/10600 AlphaServer 2000 AlphaServer 2100 AlphaServer 4000 AlphaServer 4100 AlphaStation 600 17 DEC/3500, DEC/3500S, DEC/3500X DEC/3800, DEC/3800S DEC/3900 AlphaServer 400 AlphaServer 1000 AlphaStation 200 AlphaStation 250 AlphaStation 255 AlphaStation 400 AlphaStation 500 DEC/2300S DEC/2500 DEC/3300, DEC/3300L, DEC/3300X, DEC/3300LX DEC/3400, DEC/3400S DEC/3600, DEC/3600S DEC/3700 Disk Space Requirements: Disk space required for installation: /usr 115,000 Kbytes /var 12 Kbytes Disk space required for use (permanent): /usr 0 Kbytes /var 500 Mbytes These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Memory Requirements: The minimum memory supported is 96 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves per- formance. Note that more memory is required if you are operating in multi-user mode. Recommended Configuration 18 For running TeMIP Framework system: o AlphaServer 2000 or DEC 3700. o 256 MB memory, or more. o RZ28 disks or equivalent disk space. o Ethernet controller. For running TeMIP Client system: o AlphaStation 200. o 96 MB memory, or more. o RZ26 disk or equivalent disk space. o Ethernet controller. For running TeMIP Access Module Server system: o AlphaServer 400. o 128 MB memory. o RZ28 disk or equivalent disk space. o Ethernet controller. Note: Specific network environments may require larger configurations. Optional Hardware For multi-screens support, an extra graphical card (PMAGB-B) must be supplied. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o Digital UNIX Operating System V3.2G o DECwindows Motif[TM] Note: DECwindows Motif is compliant with OSF/Motif. 19 o CDE Optional Software o Any other software modules or packages necessary for communication with the managed network elements. o A TNS server kit on UNIX can be installed anywhere on the network to manage DECnet networks. DECnet/OSI V3.2 is required for DECdns. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is also available as part of the UNIX Consolidated Soft- ware distribution on CD-ROM. Please see ordering information for each Software Media references. ORDERING INFORMATION TeMIP Framework Server This includes all TeMIP Framework distributed Management Modules Software Licenses: QL-4RCA*-AA Software Media: QA-4RCAA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-4RCAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-4RCA*-** TeMIP Remote Presentation Modules This is the Client director license. Software License: QL-4REA*-AA 20 Software Product Services: QT-4REA*-** Note: Software Media and Documentation must be ordered using either QL- 4RCAA-H8 and QL-4RCAA-GZ or QL-4RDAA-H8 and QL-4RDAA-GZ. TeMIP Access Modules Server This includes all TeMIP Framework distributed Management modules ex- cept Iconic Map Presentation Module. Software License: QL-4RDA*-AA Software Media: QA-4RDAA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-4RDAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-4RDA*-** Note: * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able services, or hardware platform tiers, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY This layered product supports the UNIX License Management Facility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the appropriate Digital UNIX Operating System Software Product Descrip- tion (41.61.XX). For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies please contact your local Digital office. 21 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation on these services or other available Network Management Ser- vices, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. [R] Motif and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. INGRES is a registered trademark of INGRES Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECnet, AlphaStation, AlphaServer, DECwindows, Digital, RZ and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 22