HEWLETT-PACKARD Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 This SPD describes HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS, which is available for the OpenVMS I64, OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX plat- forms. All information applies to all platforms unless otherwise in- dicated. DESCRIPTION The HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS (3270 TE) is a layered software product that allows users of a VTxxx terminal (or other ter- minal or personal computer in VT100, VT200, or VT300 mode) on suit- ably configured OpenVMS systems within a DECnet or TCP/IP network to interactively access IBM® host-based applications. These applications have been originally developed for IBM 3270 display stations in a Sys- tems Network Architecture (SNA) networking environment. Access to the IBM host-based applications system from OpenVMS systems is via one of the following SNA server or gateway products: TCP/IP or DECnet connections o HP SNA Peer Server o HP SNA Domain Gateway o HP SNA Access Server for Windows NT® o HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha, a layered product that supports local access as well as TCP/IP and DECnet clients DECnet only connections o HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport o HP DECnet Gateway for Channel Support December 2006 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 o HP SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX, an OpenVMS VAX layered product that supports local access as well as remote DECnet clients In normal operation, an IBM system transfers a formatted screen, much like a "form," to the 3270 block mode terminal, and the user fills in any data required by the form. The completed form is sent to the IBM host as a single unit. This mechanism is emulated with a character mode terminal by buffering the form in the host's memory and displaying it on the terminal. When the screen form is complete, it is sent to the IBM host system via the SNA server or gateway product. Translation tables on the respective systems convert ASCII terminal input (either Digital Multinational Character Set or National Replace- ment Character Set) to a subset of IBM multinational EBCDIC code for transfer through the SNA server or gateway product. These translation tables may be modified to fit nonstandard character sets. Users invoke the 3270 utility using the local OpenVMS system's com- mand language, including qualifiers to specify the target IBM system and system resources. While the emulation utility is operating, the terminal screen is formatted like a 3270 display. When the user has finished work on the IBM system, the 3270 emulator is dismissed and the terminal is "restored" as an OpenVMS command terminal. Features The 3270 Terminal Emulator supports emulation of the following fea- tures of an IBM 3270 display station when attached to an IBM 3274 1C controller with the following features: o Category A terminal adapter (for 32 terminals) o Configuration support D o Common communications adapter o External modem interface o 3270 TE allows, on supported SNA servers and gateways, secured LUs (Logical Units) to be accessed via a password. 2 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 o 3270 TE allows up to 16 alphanumeric characters to be coded in the ACCESS-NAME parameter. o 3270 TE provides the ability to display status information on the hardware status line when using a VT device (or VT emulator) that supports the hardware status line. o 3270 TE supports HP's License Management Facility. IBM 3178 display station with the following features: o 87-key keyboard with 24 program function (PF) keys and 3 program assist (PA) keys o Audible alarm o Up to 1920 characters o Protected and unprotected fields o Local and host copy and printer order FF (form-feed) o Alphanumeric and numeric data o Intensified display, display, and nondisplay characters o Auto-repeat keys (as available as a VT100 keyboard SET-UP feature) o Click and ALT CURSR (as available through the VT100 SET-UP feature) o SYS REQ (Allows user to switch between SSCP-LU and LU-LU sessions) Unsupported features of the IBM 3178 display station are: o Selector pen, security lock, magnetic strip card, and operator iden- tification card reader o <-! (new line) as auto-repeat keys o !> (fast right) keys o TEST REQ or TEST, IDENT, DEV CNCL, and CURSR BLINK functions o Structured fields o Blinking fields 3 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 o Local function keys (keys that, when operated, do not transmit any interface codes to the host applications) other than those supported as VT100/VT200/VT300 SET-UP features IBM 3180 display station with the following features: o 87-key keyboard with 24 program function (PF) keys and 3 program assist (PA) keys o Audible alarm o Up to 3564 characters o Protected and unprotected fields o Local and host copy and printer order FF (form-feed) o Alphanumeric and numeric data o Intensified display, display and nondisplay characters o Auto-repeat keys (as available, as a VT keyboard SET-UP feature) o Click and ALT CURSR (as available, as a VT keyboard SET-UP feature) o SYS REQ (Allows user to switch between SSCP-LU and LU-LU sessions) Unsupported features of the IBM 3180 display: o Selector pen, security lock, magnetic strip card, and operator o <-! (new line) as an auto-repeat key o !> (fast right) keys o TEST REQ or TEST, IDENT, DEV CNCL, and CURSR BLINK functions o Structured fields o Blinking fields o 3270 Extended Data Stream 4 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 o Local function keys (keys that, when operated, do not transmit any interface codes to the host applications) other than those supported as VT100/VT200/VT300 SET-UP features IBM 3278 display station Models 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with the follow- ing features: o 87-key keyboard with 24 program function (PF) keys and 3 program assist (PA) keys o Audible alarm o Protected and unprotected fields o Local and host copy and printer order FF (form-feed) o Alphanumeric and numeric data o Intensified display, display, and nondisplay characters o Auto-repeat keys (as available as a VT keyboard SET-UP feature) o Click and ALT CURSR (as available, as a VT keyboard SET-UP feature) o SYS REQ (Allows user to switch between SSCP-LU and LU-LU sessions) Screen sizes supported by the various models of 3278 are: Model 1 - Up to 960 characters Model 2 - Up to 1920 characters Model 3 - Up to 2560 characters Model 4 - Up to 3440 characters Model 5 - Up to 3564 characters Unsupported features of the IBM 3278 display station models 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are: o Selector pen, security lock, magnetic strip card, and operator iden- tification card reader o !> (fast right) keys 5 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 o TEST REQ or TEST, IDENT, DEV CNCL, and CURSR BLINK functions o Structured fields o Blinking fields o Local function keys (keys that, when operated, do not transmit any interface codes to the host applications) other than those supported as VT100/VT200/VT300 SET-UP features o Field inherit keys o Programmed symbol selection keys This product has been designed such that it can be used with most IBM applications; however, those applications written using features not supported by the emulator (for example, 3270 Extended Data Stream) must be modified. A readily available online help facility provides information on keys with altered 3270-oriented functions. The status line as implemented on an actual 3270 display is not supported, however much of the same information is reported on a special status line that may be overlaid on the VT200's twenty-fourth line. In addition, the OpenVMS system man- ager has the ability to remap certain IBM key functions onto differ- ent locations on the VT keyboard. INSTALLATION Only experienced customers should attempt installation of this prod- uct. Installation services from HP are recommended for all other cus- tomers. These services provide for installation of the software prod- uct by an experienced software specialist. PREREQUISITE SUPPORT For HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS to be HP-supported, the customer must have a support agreement for the selected prerequisite SNA server or gateway product. 6 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported For information about supported processors, refer to the OpenVMS Op- erating System for I64, Alpha and VAX Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx and 25.01.xx). Processors Not Supported The 3270 TE product is not supported on VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX- 11/780, and VAX-11/785 processors. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) For Itanium-Based Systems: Disk space required for 3400 blocks installation (1700 KB) Disk space required for 2721 blocks use (permanent) (1360 KB) For Alpha-Based Systems: Disk space required for 1518 blocks installation (759 KB) Disk space required for 684 blocks use (permanent) (342 KB) For VAX-Based Systems: Disk space required for 1179 blocks installation (590 KB) 7 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 Disk space required for 345 blocks use (permanent) (173 KB) These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximations; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. Terminal Requirements o A digital terminal capable of VT100, VT200, VT300, or VT400 com- patibility (such as VT102, VT2xx, and VT3xx). Refer to the Optional Hardware section of this Software Product Description for more in- formation. o The Advanced Video Option (AVO) is required on the VT100 and the equivalent on other terminals for some 3270 Terminal Emulation fea- tures. OPTIONAL HARDWARE The following is a list of HP-supplied terminals that have been tested and are supported in VT100 mode by the 3270 Terminal Emulator Soft- ware: o VT100 with Advanced Video Option (AVO) o VT102 o VT220, VT240, VT241 o VT320, VT330, VT340, VT341 o VT400 8 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 The following is a list of HP-supplied terminals that have been tested and are supported in VT200 mode by the 3270 Terminal Emulator Soft- ware: o VT220, VT240, VT241 The following is a list of HP-supplied terminals that have been tested and are supported in VT300 mode by the 3270 Terminal Emulator Soft- ware (emulation status information will be displayed on the hardware status line): o VT320, VT330, VT340, VT341 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Using HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator software requires: o OpenVMS Operating System for I64 Version 8.2-1 or 8.3 (SPD 82.35.xx) o OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha Version 8.2 or 8.3 (SPD 82.35.xx) o OpenVMS Operating System for VAX Version 7.3 (SPD 25.01.xx) Using HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator software requires a networking prod- uct appropriate for the version of OpenVMS, plus one of the SNA server or gateway products listed below. Networking options include: o TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (SPD 46.46.xx) o DECnet for OpenVMS (Phase IV, SPD 48.48.xx) o DECnet-Plus (Phase V, SPD 50.45.xx for I64 and Alpha, SPD 25.03.xx for VAX) Choose a networking option appropriate for the selected OpenVMS ver- sion from the following table: 9 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 ___________________________________________________________________ DECnet OpenVMS_____TCP/IP______IV__________DECnet_V_______________________ 8.3 5.6 8.3 8.3 (I64) 8.2-1 5.5 8.2-1 8.2-1 (I64) 8.3 5.6 8.3 8.3 (Alpha) 8.2 5.5 8.2 8.2 (Alpha) 7.3 5.3 7.3 7.3 (VAX)______________________________________________________________ Choose one of the following SNA server or gateway options: o HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Support (SPD 29.76.xx) o HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport (SPD 25.C6.xx) o HP SNA Domain Gateway (SPD 38.69.xx) 25.01.xx) o HP SNA Peer Server (SPD 51.08.xx) o HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 70.89.xx) o HP SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX (SPD 27.01.xx) Cluster Environment This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster[*] software configurations without re- strictions. The Hardware Requirements section of this SPD details any special hardware required by this product. ____________________ [*] OpenVMS Cluster Software configurations are fully described in the OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (29.78.xx) and include CI[TM], Ethernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. 10 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 OpenVMS Tailoring Classes The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System for I64, Alpha and VAX Software Product De- scription (SPD 82.35.xx and 25.01.xx). OPTIONAL SOFTWARE This HP OpenVMS SNA access routine has been qualified and tested to run over the Data Access Incorporated (DAI) Mainframe Gateway for Open- VMS (MGO). Questions and issues related to the DAI MGO product are man- aged by DAI and are not an HP OpenVMS obligation. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of the OpenVMS I64, Alpha and VAX Software Product Libraries on CD-ROM. The software documentation for this product is available as part of the OpenVMS I64, Alpha and VAX Online Documentation Libraries on CD-ROM. Documentation in hard-copy format can be ordered separately. 11 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 SOFTWARE LICENSING License Management Facility Support HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF). This facility allocates license units as follows: o For OpenVMS Integrity, each Per Core License (PCL) allows any num- ber of individuals to use the product at the same time, with one PCL license required for each processor core running OpenVMS. o For OpenVMS Alpha and VAX, the Unlimited license allows any num- ber of individuals to use the product at the same time. ORDERING INFORMATION Licenses License types vary by platform. ___________________________________________________________________ __________________HP_OpenVMS_Integrity_Licenses[1]_________________ SNA 3270 TE Per Core BA476AC License (PCL)[2]: ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Update licenses not offered; updates available through SW Up- dates Service. [2]Order one PCL license for each active processor core running OpenVMS.___________________________________________________________ 12 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________HP_OpenVMS_Alpha_Licenses_____________________ SNA 3270 TE Unlimited Use QL-10ZA*-AA[1] License SNA 3270 TE Unlimited Use QL-10ZA*-RA[1] Update License ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Asterisk denotes system tier. E=workgroup tier, G=departmental tier,_Q=enterprise_tier.___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________HP_OpenVMS_VAX_Licenses______________________ SNA 3270 TE Unlimited Use QL-454A*-AA[1] License SNA 3270 TE Unlimited Use QL-454A*-RA[1] Update License ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Asterisk denotes system tier. B=workgroup tier, 2=departmental tier,_5=enterprise_tier.___________________________________________ Media and Documentation Product binary kits and online documentation are delivered on consol- idated media libraries. Delivery model varies by platform. ___________________________________________________________________ _______HP_OpenVMS_Integrity_Media_and_Online_Documentation[1]______ Foundation Operating BA322AA#AJR Environment Enterprise Operating BA323AA#AJR Environment ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Product ships on Layered Products Library media included in all Operating Environment media kits, available with initial OpenVMS OE order. 13 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 ___________________________________________________________________ _______HP_OpenVMS_Integrity_Media_and_Online_Documentation[1]______ Mission Critical Operat- BA324AA#AJR ing_Environment____________________________________________________ [1]Product ships on Layered Products Library media included in all Operating Environment media kits, available with initial OpenVMS OE_order.__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________HP_OpenVMS_Alpha_Media_and_Online_Documentation__________ Software Layered Products QA-03XAA-H8 Library Package[1] Software Layered Products QA-5G98A-H8 and Operating System Library Package [1] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Quarterly_Software_Updates_Service_is_available.________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________HP_OpenVMS_VAX_Media_and_Online_Documentation___________ Software Layered Products QA-5G88A-H8 Library Package[1] Software Layered Products QA-YL48A-H8 and Operating System Library Package [1] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Quarterly_Software_Updates_Service_is_available.________________ 14 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 ___________________________________________________________________ _________________HP_OpenVMS_Documentation_(Printed)________________ SNA 3270 Terminal Emula- QL-454AA-GZ tor_Documentation__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________HP_OpenVMS_Integrity_SW_Update[1]_________________ HP SNA 3270 Terminal BA476AA Emulator VMS I64 Media ___________________________________________________________________ [1]For the OpenVMS Integrity platform, media updates are ordered by adding SW Updates Service to individual products. The above media product numbers must be pulled into an order if SW Updates Service_is_planned.________________________________________________ NOTE: If you are adding a layered product to an existing OpenVMS In- tegrity system and do not have the latest software revision on site, please contact your local Sales Representative to request a Special Media kit. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your HP account representative or distributor. Infor- mation is also available on www.hp.com/hps/software. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by HP with a ninety-day conformance warranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to a license pur- chase. © 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Corporation, L.P. 15 HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator SPD 26.84.12 for OpenVMS, Version 1.9 Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for pos- session, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Intel, Intel Itanium and Pentium are trademarks or registered trade- marks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Motif and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of The Open Group. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. TEKTRONIX and Tek are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. 16