Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS SPD 41.47.08 (NetWare) DESCRIPTION DIGITAL PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare[R]) is an OpenVMS layered application that provides the functions of a NetWare V3.0 server in a PC LAN environment. It is a member of the PATHWORKS family of prod- ucts, which provides a framework for integrating personal computers into an organization's total information system, allowing different types of users to share information and network services across the entire organization. The PATHWORKS family includes PC LAN server products running on Open- VMS and DIGITAL UNIX[R] platforms, providing industry standard Net- work Operating System (NOS) services that use protocols developed by Novell[R], Microsoft[R], and Apple[R]. The PATHWORKS family also in- cludes client products providing both client software for these servers and enterprise-wide support capabilities such as wide area transports (DECnet and TCP/IP) and applications such as Mail and Terminal Emu- lation, allowing DOS, Windows[TM], Windows 95, Windows NT[TM], and Mac- intosh[R] clients to participate as full peers in a widely distributed computing environment. FEATURE OVERVIEW PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) adds a new dimension to general pur- pose OpenVMS systems. In addition to providing traditional support for business, scientific, and engineering applications, this product al- lows OpenVMS systems to appear to NetWare clients as Novell-certified NetWare servers. DIGITAL September 1997 AE-PPMGJ-TH The major features of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) include: o Novell-certified file and print services using Novell's NetWare Core Protocol and the IPX/SPX transports. o Access to services provided by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) avail- able to PATHWORKS and other NetWare clients with appropriately li- censed components. (See the License Management section for details.) o Files are stored on the server in native OpenVMS format. This al- lows information stored by the PCs using PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Net- Ware) to be shared with traditional OpenVMS users. In particular, this feature allows the sharing of information between all PATH- WORKS clients, even if they are not using NetWare. o Printing support not only allows NetWare clients to use an Open- VMS system running PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) to act as a generic NetWare Print Server, but this support also allows interactive Open- VMS users to direct jobs to remote, native NetWare print servers by simply directing their print jobs to local OpenVMS print queues. o File and print services management using standard NetWare manage- ment utilities, such as FCONSOLE, PCONSOLE, and SYSCON. These func- tions, combined with other standard systems and network management utilities for OpenVMS, such as Remote System Management (RSM), pro- vide a powerful set of tools for total distributed systems manage- ment. o Either NetWare-only, or NetWare combined with OpenVMS security mod- els, can be applied in this environment, providing greater flex- ibility and added security to your system. o A mail server is provided that works with the OpenVMS Mail util- ity and the PATHWORKS Mail client to provide clients with access to enterprise-wide electronic mail over DECnet. o A DECnet tunnel function for the IPX transport is provided. This function encapsulates IPX packets in DECnet packets, thereby al- lowing information sent over IPX to be transported anywhere within a DECnet network. This allows existing DECnet-based wide area net- works (WANs) to be used to transport IPX-based traffic from IPX lo- cal area networks (LANs) on one side of the WAN to another. 2 o New Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) support is provided, employing SPX as the new underlying transport. NVT2 support provided for DOS clients allows IPX-based terminal emulation software to be used on a PC for direct, interactive connections to the OpenVMS systems where PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is operating. o NetWare (file and print) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are provided. o The host-based SCONSOLE Utility provides systems managers and ad- ministrators with a single menu-driven tool to configure and ad- minister OpenVMS-specific functions such as starting and stopping the file server, the IPX/SPX transports, or the DECnet tunneling function for IPX. o License Management software, now capable of supporting PATHWORKS users of both NetWare and LAN Manager clients, provides the capa- bility to: a. Distribute PATHWORKS client-based licenses across a network b. Validate access by clients with PATHWORKS client-based licenses c. Support client access using server-based licenses validated through the local OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) database Note that (a) and (b) are accomplished with PATHWORKS license manage- ment software for the client. FEATURE DETAILS NetWare Volumes/File Services PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) provides NetWare clients with a re- mote file system that appears as a transparent extension of the client system's local computing environment. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) services are based on Novell's Net- Ware Core Protocols (NCPs) and have been certified by Novell as a fully compliant implementation of Portable NetWare, V3.01B. 3 Three RMS file formats are allowed and supported on each volume: o Stream o Sequential fixed length record (512 bytes per record) o Sequential fixed length record of a specified record size (1 to 32K bytes per record) Included with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is a feature called a hybrid user. This feature allows users who are both interactive Open- VMS users and users of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) to access both their NetWare-created information and their interactive OpenVMS user directory while logged in as a NetWare user. If you are identified as a hybrid user, a special volume called HOME is created when you log in. HOME points to your login directory in your OpenVMS account. You can map drives to this HOME volume and/or to di- rectories below it. You have access rights to all files in that di- rectory just as if you were logged in to your account on OpenVMS. Multiple NetWare clients can concurrently access files stored on the server's disk through the file access modes and byte-range locking sup- port provided by the server as defined by Novell's NCPs. Through the use of the VMS Lock Manager, OpenVMS and PC applications can control file access. Print Services PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) software allows NetWare clients to ac- cess printers used by interactive OpenVMS users and other PATHWORKS clients that may not be using NetWare. These printers can be connected to the OpenVMS server, OpenVMS cluster, or LAT-supported terminal servers in a LAN. The system administrator assigns a service name, called a NetWare print queue, to an OpenVMS print queue and can define NetWare user access to the print service. NetWare client software can redirect printer I/O from a client printer port to a defined NetWare print queue. 4 The system administrator creates, on the host, the physical and generic queues and defines forms for selected DIGITAL and third-party print- ers using standard OpenVMS commands. The administrator then uses the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) SCONSOLE utility to associate NetWare print queues with OpenVMS print queues. Refer to the Optional Hard- ware section for details. Multiple NetWare print queues may be set up for the same printer. For example, a landscape service and a portrait service may be created for the same PrintServer 40 Plus printer. In addition, other printer queues can be manually set to support additional DIGITAL and third-party print- ers that are not listed in the menus. NetWare print queues and the NetWare print servers servicing those queues may reside on different physical systems. Because PATHWORKS for Open- VMS (NetWare) includes a NetWare-compliant PSERVER implementation, it is compatible with many versions of Novell's print servers, includ- ing: o NetWare 3.X (PSERVER.NLM) o NetWare 2.X (PSERVER.VAP) o Dedicated DOS (PSERVER.EXE) o Network printers providing a NetWare compliant PSERVER implemen- tation o Router VAP o NetWare for UNIX print server daemons Compatibility with NetWare for UNIX print server daemons means that PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) will interoperate with other Novell Certified implementation of NetWare for UNIX provided by DIGITAL or by other vendors. Any type of NetWare print server is capable of servicing NetWare print queues located on any NetWare file server. To service NetWare print queues associated with remote NetWare file servers, a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) print server must be configured to attach to each 5 NetWare file server associated with each NetWare print queue that it will service. Similarly, to be serviced by remote NetWare print servers, a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) print queue would need to be configured to al- low this access. NetWare clients logged into a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) file server can also access other NetWare print services available in the network, either by attaching directly to the associated NetWare file server or using the PCONSOLE utility. Interactive OpenVMS users can also queue print jobs to remote NetWare print servers by simply queuing to normal OpenVMS print queues that have been set up by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) to send print jobs to the desired remote NetWare print server. Server Management and Control SCONSOLE, an OpenVMS Utility used with standard NetWare client util- ities, provides the complete set of tools needed to manage the PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server. SCONSOLE is used to manage OpenVMS-specific functions related to this product. In particular, SCONSOLE is used to: o Start and stop the server, in its entirety or in part o Create, modify, and remove volumes o Associate NetWare print queues with OpenVMS print queues o Modify server security settings o Add and delete hybrid users o Configure and tune server components o Display server specific statistics and information 6 Network Connectivity o IPX/SPX The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) software includes an OpenVMS im- plementation of the two transport protocols used by Novell's native NetWare products: - IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) - SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange) IPX is delivered as a STREAMS driver in this product and is used for all NetWare-related client/server functions. The IPX protocol is trans- mitted as datagram packets between source and destination. SPX provides a layer above the IPX protocol that tracks IPX packets to ensure that each packet is successfully received by its intended destination. o Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) Protocol NVT2 support consists of server software and software that must be loaded on each client. On the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server, an OpenVMS process pro- vides Virtual Terminal services over SPX (using IPX). Each NVT2 con- nection requires a corresponding SPX connection. Therefore, a maxi- mum of 1000 concurrent NVT2 connections can be supported. The NVT2 software for DOS-based clients (TSR or VLM) redirects ter- minal I/O through INT14 or INT6b interrupt modes, the interfaces used by most terminal emulation applications. Note that the PATHWORKS V6.0 for DOS and Windows SETHOST terminal emulation application also uses these interfaces. o IPX Tunneling Within DECnet PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) includes the capability of connect- ing one or more NetWare LANs using a DECnet WAN. The tunnel driver en- capsulates IPX datagrams within DECnet packets transmitted across the DECnet network to the tunnel partner and then de-encapsulates the IPX datagram, routing it to its intended destination. 7 Performance-Enhancing XQP+ Services PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) includes a special release of the en- hanced OpenVMS file system, known as XQP+ (eXtended QIO Processor Plus). XQP+ is integral to OpenVMS V6.1 or later and is separately instal- lable on VAX/VMS V5.5-2 and OpenVMS VAX V6.0 systems. XQP+ provides improved concurrency using multithreading, which results in improved performance for file system operations. Mail Services The mail server component of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) provides a service that is separate and distinct from the NetWare file and print services. This mail server is based on the OpenVMS MAIL utility and requires DECnet as its communications transport. It allows PATHWORKS users, using the client PATHWORKS Mail software, to send and receive electronic mail messages without having to log in to the OpenVMS sys- tem as an interactive user. A mail account may be established on the OpenVMS server for each user. Mail can be sent to this account by other PATHWORKS Mail users as well as traditional users of OpenVMS mail software. The mail server then routes messages to the appropriate client when the user logs on to the server. The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) mail server provides the PATHWORKS user with folders, distribution lists, and delivery capabilities. Also, notification of new messages occurs both in real time (which may be optionally disabled) and upon log in to a network MAIL session. Installation and Configuration PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) shares code with, and is distributed with, both PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) and with PATH- WORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) (though still licensed sep- arately). A single installation procedure is shared between PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) and PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager). 8 Another, different single installation procedure shared between PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) and PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). Both procedures provide for the installation of one or both associated server products in a single step on an OpenVMS system us- ing the standard VMSINSTAL procedure. An Installation Verification Pro- cedure (IVP) is also included, which can be used to confirm that all server software has been installed properly. DIGITAL recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software product at each site include DIGITAL installation service. This ser- vice provides implementation support for customers installing PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) software and for the integration of PC work- stations into the DIGITAL network. Contact your local DIGITAL repre- sentative for information on the service options available. License Management PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) offers several license management ca- pabilities related to both client-based and server-based licenses. o Client-Based License Management PATHWORKS client licenses are provided as Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF). These PAKs must be loaded into an LMF database, using standard LMF procedures, on an OpenVMS system that is acting as a PATHWORKS License Server.[1] A single copy of the PATHWORKS License Server software can now pro- vide and verify client-based licenses for clients using NetWare and LAN Manager software. NetWare clients use the IPX transport to com- municate with a PATHWORKS License Server, while LAN Manager clients use the DECnet, NetBEUI, or TCP/IP transports. ____________________ Although the License Server can be active only on a single node in a cluster, if that node goes down for any reason, the License Server will automatically activate itself on another node in the cluster that is still running PATHWORKS. 9 The PATHWORKS License Manager, which must execute on the same node as the License Server, provides a user interface that allows the system manager to monitor client license usage. The PATHWORKS License Man- ager is also used to preallocate licenses to specific groups of users and to reclaim a license from a client. The PATHWORKS License Registrar, which executes on the same system as the file server, will "handshake" with clients requesting access to PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) functions. Clients that can success- fully "handshake" with the server and produce a valid client-based li- cense will be allowed access to the services offered by the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server. o Server-Based License Management The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server also allows client access based on a local server-based license. If a client requesting access to the server fails to produce a valid client-based license, the PATH- WORKS License Registrar software checks the local LMF database for the availability of a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) PC Concurrent (for- merly known as FPS) license. If one is available, and the number of concurrently connected clients allowed by the license has not been ex- ceeded, the client will be allowed access. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) servers always allow you to use both client-based and server-based licenses, simultaneously. However, be- cause clients that do have a valid client-based license are already licensed to use the server software, they are never counted against the fixed number of clients granted access by the server-based PC Con- current license. RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS o NetWare NLMs are not usable with a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server. NetWare NLMs are typically applications or utilities writ- ten specifically for an Intel platform using NetWare 3.x or for an Intel platform using NetWare 4.x as the host operating system. They are not easily portable to other environments. 10 o Portable NetWAre V3.01B PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is an implementation of Portable Net- Ware V3.01B. As such, certain features currently available in Novell NetWare 3.x, Intel-based servers are not included. Among these fea- tures are: - The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) print server implementation cannot be used with DOS-based clients configured with RPRINTER.EXE or network-based printers that implement NetWare's RPRINT pro- tocol. - Burst mode technology, or "packet burst", is not supported - Windows NT client software from Novell is not supported. How- ever, Windows NT NetWare client software from Microsoft is sup- ported. o The DOS utilities specific to PC hardware devices such as CHKDSK, FDISK, DISKCOPY, DISKCOMP, and FORMAT cannot be used with PATHWORKS server volumes. o Unsupported wire protocols include: - Ethernet using IEEE 802.3 (SNAP) frame type (used mainly by Mac- intosh systems) - Arcnet - Token Ring on VAX systems (Token Ring on Alpha systems is sup- ported.) o The OpenVMS Spiralog file system is not supported. o Though Novell's raw 802.3 Ethernet frame type is supported, some usage restrictions will always apply, because it does not conform to the IEEE specifications. In particular, this frame type should not be used on any OpenVMS system using the DECnet-Plus protocol (the default for OpenVMS V7.1 and later). See the product documen- tation for additional information. o PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) is not supported with OpenVMS VAX V6.0 or with OpenVMS Alpha V1.5. 11 o The NetWare utility, Salvage, is not supported (incompatible with the OpenVMS file system). o PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) supports a maximum of - 250 simultaneous users per OpenVMS node (an inherent NetWare 3.x limitation) - 250 NetWare volumes - 1000 SPX connections (each NVT2 session uses an SPX connection) o Though NetWare volumes may be dynamically marked for addition or deletion, volumes are only added or deleted when the server is restarted. VARIANTS DELIVERED AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER PATHWORKS SERVERS Two slightly different versions of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) are delivered with the distribution kits. Both sets of code provide the exact same functions and capabilities; however, they are designed to function in different environments. o PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare) Delivered on the PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS distribution media and designed to coexist with PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) soft- ware, it can be run on VAX and Alpha systems and with a number of dif- ferent versions of OpenVMS either stand alone or coexisting with PATH- WORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager). o PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare). Delivered on the PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS distribution media and de- signed to coexist with PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) software, it can be run only on Alpha systems with OpenVMS V7.1 ei- ther stand alone or coexisting with PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Ad- vanced Server). 12 Though both V1.0F and V1.0G can be run stand alone and would deliver identical services, V1.0F should normally be used, because the hard- ware and software environments it supports include all those supported by V1.0G and and many more. PATHWORKS Server Combinations for V1.0F The following PATHWORKS server products can be run on the same sys- tem as PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): PATHWORKS for VMS V4.x[1] PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager)[1] PATHWORKS V1.x for OpenVMS (Macintosh) The following PATHWORKS server products cannot be run on the same sys- tem as PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): Any PATHWORKS V1.0x for OpenVMS (NetWare) product PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V5.0A for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V5.0B for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V5.0C for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V5.0D for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V5.0E for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) If you attempt to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) on a sys- tem running any of the software listed, you will automatically be given the option to upgrade related components to a compatible version. ____________________ PATHWORKS for VMS V4.x and PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) cannot be run on the same system at the same time. 13 PATHWORKS Server Combinations for V1.0G The following PATHWORKS server products can be run on the same sys- tem as PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare): PATHWORKS for VMS V4.x[1] PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)[1] PATHWORKS V1.x for OpenVMS (Macintosh) The following PATHWORKS server products cannot be run on the same sys- tem as PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare): Any PATHWORKS V1.0x for OpenVMS (NetWare) server Any PATHWORKS V5.0x for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server If you attempt to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) on a sys- tem running any of the software listed, you will automatically be given the option to upgrade related components to a compatible version. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The following systems, components, and peripherals are supported as specified: Supported Processors o For PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): All VAX and Alpha processors supported by the version of OpenVMS in use are also supported. ____________________ PATHWORKS for VMS V4.x and PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) cannot be run on the same system at the same time. 14 Exceptions: ________________________________________________________________ MicroVAX________________VAXstation______________VAX_____________ MicroVAX I VAXstation I VAX-11/725 MicroVAX II VAXstation II VAX-11/730 MicroVAX 2000 VAXstation 2000 VAX-11/750 VAXstation 8000 VAX-11/780, ________________________________________________VAX-11/785______ o For PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare): All Alpha processors supported by OpenVMS V7.1. Memory Requirements PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) requires the following physical mem- ory for proper installation, configuration, and execution of the soft- ware: o For PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): 16 MBytes on VAX systems (24 MBytes if used with DECnet-Plus) o For PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare): or PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): 64 MBytes on Alpha systems The memory requirements indicated are minimum requirements to install and run the server. Memory requirements can vary widely according to the server CPU, the number of clients using the server and their ac- tivities, and the other applications running on the server system. The recommended minimum is twice the memory of the absolute minimums specified. 15 Disk Space Requirements The following table provides the disk space requirements for the in- stallation and configuration of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) ei- ther stand alone, with PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), or with PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) software. Note that each of the entries in this table may be directed to different disks but, by default, all entries will be directed to the same disk. These sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. You should also plan for additional, significant disk-space require- ments once the product is in use, for items such as data files, vir- tual memory section files, log files, and so forth. ___________________________________________________________________ Installation/Configuration VAX Systems Alpha Systems Requirements______________________(Blocks)________(Blocks)_________ Installation_Space_Requirements[1]_________________________________ Images and Command Files: NetWare software only 20,000 36,000 with LAN Manager V5.0F 44,000 66,000 software with Advanced Server V6.0 N/A 141,000 software NetWare System Volume[2] 34,000 34,000 ___________________________________________________________________ Configuration_Space_Requirements___________________________________ PATHWORKS server data files: ___________________________________________________________________ [1]These values represent the approximate permanent space required for product installation. Another 6000 blocks of temporary space is required during the actual installation process. [2]The NetWare SYS Volume contains the NetWare utilities used by NetWare clients. 16 Installation/Configuration________VAX_Systems_____Alpha_Systems____ Requirements______________________(Blocks)________(Blocks)_________ Configuration_Space_Requirements___________________________________ NetWare software, only 6,000 6,000 with LAN Manager V5.0F 12,500 12,500 software with Advanced Server V6.0 N/A 77,500 software NetWare Configuration files, 1,000 1,000 etc.[3] ___________________________________________________________________ Totals_____________________________________________________________ NetWare software, only 61,000 77,000 with LAN Manager V5.0F 91,500 113,500 software with Advanced Server V6.0 N/A 219,500 software ___________________________________________________________________ [3]These_files_are_typically_stored_on_the_OpenVMS_system_disk.____ Network Interface Controllers At least one network interface controller is required for use with PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). The following devices are supported: o All DIGITAL VAX and Alpha Ethernet controllers Supported Ethernet frame types include: - Ethernet II - IEEE 802.3 (SAP). (Novell refers to this frame type as "802.2.") - Raw 802.3. (Novell refers to this frame type as "802.3.") (For more information, see the Restrictions section.) o All DIGITAL VAX and Alpha FDDI controllers 17 o All DIGITAL Token Ring controllers for Alpha systems. Optional Hardware: DIGITAL Printers All printers supported by the OpenVMS Operating System using print queues are also supported by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). DIGITAL PostScript[R] printers require the use of DECprint Supervi- sor (DCPS) for OpenVMS V1.3. DCPS software is included with the PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) media, but the use of the DCPS software requires the purchase of an appropriate license. Refer to SPD 44.15.xx for DCPS licensing information and for a com- plete list of the DIGITAL and non-DIGITAL PostScript printers supported by DCPS. The NetWare Print Definition Files (.PDF) are provided for the fol- lowing printers: Colormate PS LJ250 DEClaser 1100 LN03 DEClaser 1150 LN03 PLUS DEClaser 1152 LN03R ScriptPrinter DEClaser 2100 PrintServer 17 DEClaser 2100 PrintServer 20 plus DEClaser 2150 Turbo PrintServer 20 DEClaser 2150 PrintServer 32 plus DEClaser 2200 PrintServer 40 DEClaser 2200 Print Server 40 Plus plus DEClaser 2250 DEClaser 2250 plus DEClaser 3200 18 DEClaser 3250 LA70 LA75 LA75 Plus LA210 LA310 LA324 LA424 OpenVMS CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server provides for a common Net- Ware SYS volume across OpenVMS cluster members running the server. This means that a single bindery and trustee database is maintained clus- terwide. In addition, NetWare volumes can also be made available clusterwide. A volume defined by SCONSOLE on one cluster member running the server can also be configured so that it is available to all other cluster servers. However, concurrent file sharing between servers running on different cluster members is not supported. 19 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System Software o For PATHWORKS V1.0F for OpenVMS (NetWare): - For Alpha Systems: OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1, V6.2, V7.0, and V7.1 - For VAX Systems: VAX/VMS Operating System V5.5-2 OpenVMS VAX Operating System V6.1, V6.2, V7.0, and V7.1 o For PATHWORKS V1.0G for OpenVMS (NetWare): OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V7.1 For minimum hardware requirements of the operating system, refer to the Software Product Descriptions for the OpenVMS VAX Operating Sys- tem (SPD 25.01.xx) and the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System (SPD 41.87.xx). OpenVMS Tailoring For use with VAX/VMS V5.5-2 systems, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o System Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o OPTL (Miscellaneous Files) For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). 20 Network Transport Software o DECnet Software The DECnet network transport software is required by PATHWORKS for Open- VMS (NetWare): - When acting as a MAIL server for PATHWORKS clients - To optionally tunnel IPX packets between two OpenVMS systems us- ing this software - When the PATHWORKS License Server is configured to service PATH- WORKS clients using LAN Manager and DECnet. The license to use DECnet software is usually bundled with your sys- tem but may need to be purchased separately. Because the DECnet/IPX tunnel is a DECnet Phase IV implementation, its use on systems with DECnet-Plus installed requires the definition of network name synonyms. o TCP/IP Software TCP/IP network transport software is only required by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare), if the PATHWORKS License Server is configured to service PATHWORKS clients using LAN Manager and TCP/IP. When TCP/IP software is used for this purpose, it must be purchased separately. Please consult the Software Product Description for PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Man- ager), SPD 30.50.xx, for currently supported TCP/IP products. Associated Client Software The following software products may be used on personal computers to access PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server software: o PATHWORKS V6.0 or V5.x for DOS and Windows (SPD 55.07.xx) o PATHWORKS V5.1 for OS/2 (SPD 55.24.xx) 21 o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client shell, NETX.EXE, that also support native NetWare 3.0 servers. o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client VLM redirector, that also support native NetWare 3.0 servers. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) will appear as a NetWare for UNIX V3.01B server (or a NetWare V3.0 server) to all clients. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. SOFTWARE LICENSING AND ORDERING INFORMATION PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) can be licensed in two different ways. o Client-Based Licensing (Designated Access) This product can be licensed for operation and access on any number of supported platforms to provide services to clients assigned appro- priate client-based licenses. See the terms and conditions for Designated Access licenses on your Product Authorizations Keys (PAKs) or on the Internet at for a description of the specific rights granted. See the Applicable Client-Based Licenses section later in this SPD for specific license names and ordering information. o Server-Based Licensing (PC Concurrent) A PATHWORKS PC Concurrent license for this product permits its use on a single supported platform and allows access by clients that do not have a PATHWORKS client-based license. 22 See the terms and conditions for PC Concurrent licenses on your Prod- uct Authorizations Keys (PAKs) or on the Internet at for a description of the specific rights granted. See the Applicable Server-Based Licenses section later in this SPD for specific license names and ordering information. Note: Clients with client-based licenses for server access do not in- terfere with the access of other clients that rely on server-based li- censing for access to a particular server. The two licensing methods are designed to coexist. Applicable Client-Based Licenses PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access For new users, order: QM-2CMAA-AB, 1 user QM-2CMAA-AC, 10 user QM-2CMAA-AD, 25 user QM-2CMAA-AE, 50 user QM-2CMAA-AF, 100 user QM-2CMAA-AG, 250 user QM-2CMAA-AH, 500 user QM-2CMAA-AJ, 1000 user The PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access licenses also grant ac- cess to the PATHWORKS V5.0 for DIGITAL UNIX (NetWare) server. See the terms and conditions for Designated Access licenses on your Product Authorizations Keys (PAKs) or on the Internet at for a description of the specific rights granted. Applicable Server-Based Licenses PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) PC Concurrent: For new users, order: QM-0ENAA-AB, 10-user 23 QM-0ENAA-AC, 25-user QM-0ENAA-AD, 50-user QM-0ENAA-AE, 100-user QM-0ENAA-AF, 250-user See the terms and conditions for PC Concurrent licenses on your Prod- uct Authorizations Keys (PAKs) or on the Internet at for a description of the specific rights granted. Discontinued License Information The following client-based licenses are no longer sold. However, they continue to be valid for accessing the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) server: o PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows (NetWare) CCS, QM-0EKAA-Ax o PATHWORKS for OS/2 (NetWare) CCS, QM-506AA-Ax Software Media and Documentation Software media and documentation are available in the following for- mats: TK50 streaming tape media, QA-A93AA-H5 CDROM media, QA-A93AA-H8 Documentation kit, QA-A93AA-H8 In addition, PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) software and documenta- tion is included in the following: DIGITAL OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products Library Package, QA-03XAA-H8 DIGITAL OpenVMS VAX Software Layered Products Library Package, QA- 5G88A-H8 The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL sales representative for the most up-to-date informa- tion. 24 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, please contact your local DIGITAL sales representative. [R] Apple, AppleShare, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [R] NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM] Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corpora- tion. [TM] The DIGITAL logo, DEC, DEClaser, DECnet, DECprint, DECserver, DECwindows, DIGITAL, Internet, LAT, LA324, LN03, LN03 PLUS, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX- 11/750, VAX-11/780, VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAX 8300, VAX 8350, VAX 8500, VAX 8530, VAX 8550, VAX 6000, VAX 9000, VAXft, VAXcluster, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXstation 4000 VLC, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 25