DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Optical Storage Management SPD 53.38.05 Software (OSMS) for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 1.6 DESCRIPTION The DIGITAL[TM] Optical Storage Management Software for DIGITAL UNIX[R] (DIGITAL OSMS) product provides DIGITAL UNIX applications and users the functionality necessary to access a 5.25-inch optical disk library (or jukebox) using the conventional device, file and record access pro- vided by the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. In most cases, no changes will be required to existing applications that use magnetic disk stor- age. Pseudo-Device Representation DIGITAL OSMS provides local access to rewritable, WORM (Write-Once, Read Many), and multifunction changers. DIGITAL OSMS allows the DIGITAL UNIX host to view the optical library or jukebox as a set of virtual disk devices (disk volumes). For single- optic disk drives, this translates to one virtual device for each op- tical disk surface in the optical library. For example, the DIGITAL RW551 optical library has two single-optic optical disk drives and 32 optical disk media storage slots. Each slot holds one optical disk car- tridge, so the changer has a total capacity of 64 optical disk sur- faces. The optical library, therefore, appears to the system as 64 vir- tual disk devices (disk volumes) designated as /dev/jb#/0a through /dev/jb#/31b. These jb devices are not physical devices; they are pseudo devices, and furnish the means to access optical volumes. Volume Access July 1997 _ An Optical File System (OFS) mount utility (omount) is provided to make an optical volume available for file storage. Once a volume has been mounted, DIGITAL OSMS manages the use of the physical optical disk drives to allow volumes to remain logically mounted. Both WORM and rewritable volumes use the OFS volume format. A new rewriteable volume needs to be cleared using the DIGITAL OSMS utility called "over" before it can be used. A WORM volume should not be cleared. File Access Files on volumes under the control of DIGITAL OSMS are accessed us- ing the same techniques that are used to access conventional DIGITAL UNIX magnetic disk files. Once a volume has been mounted, files may be opened, read, written, and closed using the conventional DIGITAL UNIX system services and run-time library functions. Both WORM and rewritable volumes use the OFS volume format. DIGITAL OSMS provides essentially transparent access using standard DIGITAL UNIX commands and I/O statements from application programs. DIGITAL OSMS supports DIGITAL UNIX commands and their run-time library equivalents for example: cat create pwd cd diff read chgrp ed rm chmod ex rmdir chown ln vi close mkdir write cmp mv cp open System Management Functions DIGITAL OSMS contains several utilities for example: jbc, jmount, omount, ofsck, ofile, etc. These utilities allow the system administrator to manage the optical library (or jukebox). Some of the functions these management utilities provide include: 2 _ o Change (control) the parameters affecting the operation of the li- brary. o Allow media to be inserted into and ejected from the jukebox slots. o Relocate platters from slots to drives and back again. o Clear rewriteable media before their use as necessary. o Mount volumes with appropriate parameters. o Verify the integrity of optical disk file systems and the inter- nal consistency of the file and directory structures on both WORM and rewritable optical disk volumes to correct abnormalities de- tected. o Examination of file and directory structures on both WORM and rewrite- able optical volumes. On WORM volumes, examine all prior and su- perseded versions of file and directories to identify missing files for recovery. o Extract the file index map for selected files on WORM and rewrite- able volumes. o Restore missing or deleted files on optical disk volumes. o Inspect and analyze volumes created in OpenVMS with FILES-11 and WORM-11 file structure. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The person planning system configuration must understand the hardware requirements of the complete system. DIGITAL OSMS will operate on the Alpha processors equipped with one or more SCSI host adapters supported by the SCSI Optical Device Driver facility. The following table con- tains supported Alpha processors as well as the supported adapters for that processor: Alpha Processors Supported 3 _ ___________________________________________________________________ A500MP, KZPSA, KZPDA, PH2HA-SA A600MP_____________________________________________________________ DEC_3000________Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 300, 300L, KZTSA, PMAZB, PMAZC, plus embedded controller on 300LX 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 400, 400S 500, 500S, 500X 600, 600S 700 800, 800S 900________________________________________________________________ DEC_7000________Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 600,_700________KZMSA______________________________________________ DEC_10000_______Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 600_____________KZMSA______________________________________________ AlphaServer[TM]_Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 400 KZPSA 1000 KZPSA, KZPDA 1000A KZPSA, KZPDA 2000 KZPSA, KZPDA 2100 KZPSA, KZPDA 2100A KZPSA, KZPDA 4100 KZPSA, KZPDA 8200 KZPSA 8400 KZPSA 8400 (XMI) KSMSA 4 _ ___________________________________________________________________ 200, 250, KZPSA, KZPDA (KZPDA is supported only on DIGITAL 255 UNIX 3.2g) 400 500 600 Supported Optical Drives or Jukeboxes For DIGITAL UNIX Alpha processors, DIGITAL OSMS supports the follow- ing specific 5.25-inch optical libraries in WORM or Rewriteable me- dia: o DIGITAL RW525, RW524 and RW504: one 5.25-inch multifunction drive; 16 slots o DIGITAL RW531, RW530 and RW510: two 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 32 slots o DIGITAL RW532: four 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 64 slots o DIGITAL RW534 and RW514: four 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 88 slots o DIGITAL RW536 and RW516: four 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 144 slots o DIGITAL RW546: two 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 16 slots o DIGITAL RW551: two 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 32 slots o DIGITAL RW552: four 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 64 slots o DIGITAL RW555: four 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 128 slots o DIGITAL RW557: six 5.25-inch multifunction drives; 238 slots 5 _ Disk Space Requirements ___________________________________________________________________ ________________Blocks[1]____Mbytes________________________________ Alpha in- 12,000 6 stallation Alpha use 20,000 10 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]1_block_=_512_bytes_____________________________________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. Ad- ditional disk space might be required based on the user's system en- vironment and configuration, as well as the user options selected at installation time. Memory Requirements The minimum memory supported is 32 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves per- formance. Processors and Devices Not Supported The following processors, adapters, and optical libraries are not sup- ported with this release: ___________________________________________________________________ Processors___________________Models________________________________ DEC 2000 300, 500 DEC_4000_____________________600,_700______________________________ Optical_Libraries__________________________________________________ DIGITAL RV720-ZA, RV730-ZB, RV730-ZD Cygnet 1620 with 2 to 5 LMSI 4100 drives Cygnet 1802 and 1803 with 2 to 5 LMSI drives LSMI LF4500 RapidChanger 6 _ ___________________________________________________________________ KZPAA SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System V4.0b ORDERING INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________ Software_Licenses__________________________________________________ QL-2VRA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS license for 5.25-inch for maximum of 16 platters QL-2VSA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS license for 5.25-inch for maximum of 32 platters QL-2VTA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS license for 5.25-inch for maximum of 88 platters QL-2VVA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS license for 5.25-inch for maximum of 144 platters QL-5CHA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS license for 5.25-inch for maximum of 238 platters QL-5CLA9-AA DIGITAL OSMS upgrade license for 5.25-inch for ________________maximum_from_144_to_238_platters___________________ Software_Media_and_Documentation___________________________________ QA-2VRAA-H8_____DIGITAL_OSMS_for_DIGITAL_UNIX_CD-ROM_______________ Software_Documentation_____________________________________________ QA-2VRAA-GZ DIGITAL OSMS documentation for DIGITAL UNIX 7 _ ___________________________________________________________________ QT-2VRA9-I9_____DIGITAL_OSMS_on_DIGITAL_UNIX_______________________ Software_Product_Services__________________________________________ QT-2VRA9- for 5.25-inch with 16-platter license **[1] QT-2VSA9-** for 5.25-inch with 32-platter license QT-2VTA9-** for 5.25-inch with 88-platter license QT-2VVA9-** for 5.25-inch with 144-platter license QT-5CHA9-** for 5.25-inch with 238-platter license ___________________________________________________________________ [1]**Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about licensing terms and policies of DIGITAL, contact your local DIGITAL office. DIGITAL OSMS license includes the rights to use the SCSI CAM Layered Components for DIGITAL UNIX Media Changer Device Drivers and Optical Device Driver ONLY in conjunction with the purchase of DIGITAL OSMS. The physical kit containing the SCSI CAM Layered Components is a com- ponent of the DIGITAL UNIX operating system and is available as a sep- arate component of this kit. (Refer to SPD #50.68.xx for details.) License Management Facility Support DIGITAL OSMS for DIGITAL UNIX supports the DIGITAL UNIX License Man- agement Facility (LMF). License units for DIGITAL OSMS for DIGITAL UNIX are allocated to a SIN- GLE optical library. The license is based on unlimited system use. 8 _ For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the DIGITAL UNIX Oper- ating System documentation set. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum provided with the Product Authorization Key. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [R] WORMS-11 is a registered trademark of Perceptics Corporation. [TM] AlphaServer, AlphaStation, DEC, DIGITAL, Digital, DIGITAL UNIX, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. )1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 9