DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL DASware V3.1 SPD 60.46.02 DESCRIPTION DASware is a general device connect product that contains the follow- ing DIGITAL DAS modules: o Device Access Software for RS232 (OpenVMS, DIGITAL UNIX, Windows NT and HP-UX systems) o Device Access Software for TCP/IP (DIGITAL UNIX, Windows NT and HP- UX systems) o Device Access Software for OSI Transport Layer (DIGITAL UNIX and HP-UX systems) Each DASware module allows BASEstar Open users and DEComni applica- tions to exchange data with partner applications or devices in a protocol- independent way through a specific Transport Network. Individual DASware modules do not implement protocols and services for the specific Transport Network. They provide a transport level inter- face to higher level applications which implement the specific pro- tocol for the device to be connected. The main function of a DASware module is to adapt the interface of the Transport Product specific to your platform to the BASEstar Open ser- vices and DEComni API. March 1997 AE-4NGAB-TE BASEstar Open Data Services provide device-independent access to data allowing users to exchange data with partner applications or devices simply by getting and putting the value of one or more Device_Data_ Points. DEComni API applications can perform the same functions through the DEComni Application Programming Interface (API). The DEComni API (with DASware) is supported on OpenVMS, DIGITAL UNIX and HP-UX platforms. SUPPORTED VERSIONS This SPD covers the following versions of DASware: o DASware for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 o DASware for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.1 o DASware for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.1 o DASware for Windows NT Version 3.1 o DASware for HP-UX Version 3.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported The processors supported by the following products will also support DASware: o BASEstar Open Server Development & Runtime for DIGITAL UNIX Ver- sion 3.1 o BASEstar Open Server Development & Runtime for OpenVMS Alpha Ver- sion 3.1 o BASEstar Open Server Development & Runtime for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.1 o BASEstar Open Server Development & Runtime for Windows NT Version 3.1 o BASEstar Open Server Development & Runtime for HP-UX Version 3.1 2 o DEComni API for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 o DEComni API for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.1 o DEComni API for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.1 Other Hardware Required Your system must be equipped with the hardware required for the type of physical connection supported by the chosen transport network. DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS For DIGITAL UNIX Kits o Disk space required for installation: 10,000 Kb o Disk space required for use (permanent): 10,000 Kb For OpenVMS Alpha & VAX Kits o Disk space required for installation: 4,000 blocks o Disk space required for permanent use: 3,000 blocks These values refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. For Windows NT Kits o Disk space required for installation: 300 KB o Disk space required for use (permanent): 400 KB 3 For HP-UX Kits o Disk space required for installation: 5600 KB o Disk space required for use (permanent): 5600 KB SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The term mandatory software refers to the software that you must in- stall regardless of the DAS module(s) that you intend to use. The term transport network-dependent software refers to the software that you must install in order to use a specific DASware module. For DIGITAL UNIX Systems Mandatory Software o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Version V3.2 or V4.0 o BASEstar Open Server for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 or DEComni API for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 Transport Network-dependent Software ___________________________________________________________________ Transport Network_____Transport_Network_Provider_Subsets_____________________ RS232 OSFLAT (for LAT support) or OSFNET (for TELNET sup- ____________port)__________________________________________________ For Alpha Systems Mandatory Software o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 4 o BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.1 or DEComni API for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.1 Transport Network-dependent Software ___________________________________________________________________ Transport Network_____Transport_Network_Provider_Subsets_____________________ RS232 If Telnet is required, "DEC TCP/IP Services for Open- VMS". ____________(LAT_and_direct_connection_embedded_in_the_O.S.)_______ For VAX Systems Mandatory Software o OpenVMS VAX Operating System Version 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1 o BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.1 or DEComni API for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.1 Transport Network-dependent Software ___________________________________________________________________ Transport Network_____Transport_Network_Provider_Subsets_____________________ RS232 If Telnet is required, "DEC TCP/IP Services for Open- VMS" (LAT and direct connection embedded in the O.S.) OSI Trans- "DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS" port_______________________________________________________________ 5 For Windows NT Systems Mandatory Software o Windows NT Operating System Version 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 o BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT Version 3.1 Transport Network-dependent Software ___________________________________________________________________ Transport Network_____Transport_Network_Provider_Subsets_____________________ RS232 None (feature embedded in the O.S) TCP/IP None (feature embedded in the O.S.) OSI Trans- Not available on this platform. port_______________________________________________________________ For HP-UX Systems Mandatory Software o HP-UX Operating System Version V10.0 o BASEstar Open Server for HP-UX Version 3.1 Transport Network-dependent Software ___________________________________________________________________ Transport Network_____Transport_Network_Provider_Subset______________________ RS232 TCP/IP Services (if Telnet is required) TCP/IP TCP/IP Services OSI_________OTS/9000_OSI_transport_for_HP-UX_______________________ 6 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA For DIGITAL UNIX This product is available on CD-ROM. For OpenVMS Alpha This product is available on CD-ROM. For OpenVMS VAX This product is available on CD-ROM and TK50 Streaming Tape. For Windows NT This product is distributed on RX23 floppy diskettes for both Alpha & Intel platforms. 7 ORDERING INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________ DIGITAL OpenVMS OpenVMS Windows ________________UNIX_________Alpha________VAX_________NT___________HP-UX Software QA-5SRAA- QA-5SRAC- Media H8[1] H8[2] Software QL-4NGA9- QL-NHA9- QL-4NJA9- QM-4NKA9- QL-52KAX- Licenses AA AA AA AA AA Doc. Kit QA-4NKAA- QA-4NKAA- QA-4NKAA- QA-4NKAA- QA-4NKAA- GZ GZ GZ GZ GZ PC Package QB-4NKAA- (Media, Lic. SA Doc.) TK50 Media & QA-4NJAA- Doc. H5 Software QT-4NG**- QT-4NH**- QT-4NJ**- QT-4NK**- QT-52K**- Product Ser- ** ** ** ** ** vices: ___________________________________________________________________ [1]The DIGITAL DASware product kit is included in the BASEstar Open Server for DIGITAL UNIX Consolidated Software Distribution. [2]The DIGITAL DASware product kit is included in the BASEstar Open_Server_for_Windows_NT_Consolidated_Software_Distribution._____ SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of DIGITAL Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL licensing terms and policies, contact your lo- cal DIGITAL office. 8 The product supports the License Management Software. For the Open- VMS VAX and Alpha versions the OpenVMS License Management Facility is used, whilst on DIGITAL UNIX, the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Fa- cility is used. For the Windows NT version DIGITAL licensing policies for PC products applies. DOCUMENTATION The product provides a User Guide for installing the product on the supported platforms, and for configuring and using the product through BASEstar Open services or the DEComni API. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Standard Terms & Conditions relating to SPDs. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up- to-date information. © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [TM] The DIGITAL logo, BASEstar Open, DEC, DEComni, DECstation, DEC- system, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, Q-bus, and VAX are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. 9