Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha SPD: 33.75.03 and OpenVMS VAX V1.3 DESCRIPTION TeamRoute is an electronic document initiation, routing, approval, and tracking system. It works between members of an organization distributed across wide-area and/or local-area networks. It is designed to accommodate the primary attributes of paper-based document processing systems with the added flexibility, security, and efficiency common to electronic processing systems. The design considers the diverse and ever- changing needs of an organization's administrative systems. TeamRoute uses the master routing package as the model for gathering, disseminating, processing, and presenting information. It allows an end user to select a template from a library of templates, create a new routing package from that template, specify the routing list, enter information into applicable fields, attach any relevant information, and route the master routing package and any attachments to users or other applications for processing and/or approval/disapproval. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 supports interaction among a heterogeneous group of clients and among multiple server domains. Microsoftâ Windowsä and AppleâMacintoshâ clients are supported using the TeamLinks V2.* client software (SPD 55.49 for Windows and SPD 39.62 for Macintosh) or the TeamLinks Office Package (SPD 37.36 for Windows and SPD 48.17 for Macintosh), Video Terminals (VTs) are supported by the TeamRoute ALL-IN-1 client hosted by ALL-IN-1. A new Server-only licensing option enables the TeamRoute server to be installed on any country specific version of ALL-IN-1 in support of TeamLinks TeamRoute clients without the need for local language translation. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 V1.3 requires ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 as the minimum version on VAX and Alpha. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is accessible as a separate subsystem of ALL-IN-1. Routing packages are received, filed, and organized in a separate inbox within the user's File Cabinet. The VT user chooses TeamRoute from the ALL-IN-1 main menu to enter the system. TeamLinks users gain access by a button on the button bar or via the TeamRoute icon. TeamRoute utilises ALL-IN-1 nicknames if appropriate to the user_s style of working. January 1995 AE-PKNRD-TK 1 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 TeamRoute allows routing of documents within departmental local-area networks, and across wide-area, store-and-forward networks by utilizing Digital's ALL-IN-1 Electronic Mail and MAILbus 1 products such as Message Router. Features API A public Application Programming Interface (API), which allows users to create linkages with new and existing applications, is documented in the TeamRoute Programming Guide. Templates Master routing packages are produced from modifiable templates. Modifiable templates and routing package ownership allows users to stipulate routing policies and receipt actions for a master routing package. Sample Applications TeamRoute provides several sample applications in the form of pre-defined templates. These sample applications demonstrate the capabilities of TeamRoute and can be used by users with or without modifications. The sample applications include: Action Item, Document Review, Read and Acknowledge, Telephone Call Slip, Account Request, Meeting Notice, Ask a Question, and Travel Request. Routing Packages A routing package is the object that is created by the initiator and routed to recipients. It is created by selecting a template and filling out the routing list, adding attachments, and signing it. The routing package at this point becomes the "Master" and is stored in the initiator's File Cabinet on the server. Routing copies are sent to recipients who can add attachments or modify the routing list of the master copy. Recipients can save their copies in their own personal File Cabinets. The master gets updated throughout the lifecycle of the routing package. User Roles and Policies During the lifecycle of a routing package, all participants play one or more specified roles. For example, a user may be an approver at one step and a carbon copy (cc:) recipient at another step. Roles are assigned by the routing package initiator or template designer. Roles are defined by a set of rights (what a user can do), requirements (what a user must do), and optionally, the name of an application to invoke. 2 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 Routing Package Tracking Tracking can be requested for any routing package stored in a user's File Cabinet. When tracking is requested, the Server sends a new carbon copy of the master in its current state. A routing package's history is used to monitor its progress. The events logged in the routing package history include: when signatures are applied, if the application was run, when copies were sent, and when updates were applied. Routing Routing is defined by a routing list. The Server sends routing packages according to the position of the recipients in the routing list. It updates the master when it receives a revised copy from a recipient, and then sends a new copy to the next recipient on the list. The routing list is created by the routing package initiator or the template designer. However, the path a routing package takes during its lifecycle may differ from the one specified in the original routing list because someone along the way may modify it. Serial and carbon-copy parallel routing are both available. Attachments An attachment is any additional file or document that is routed with the master routing package. When a file or document is attached, the server marks that attachment with the name of the user adding the attachment, an attachment ID, the date and time of addition, a user-provided subject label, attachment, data type, and file name. The date and time of addition is the local date and time. Signatures Signatures is a password-protected function that indicates approval, disapproval, or acknowledgment of a routing package. If an attachment is subsequently removed or a key field value altered, the signature becomes invalid. When users sign a routing package, TeamRoute adds their name, the date and time, any added remarks, and the approval action. Recipients viewing signatures are shown whether the signature remains valid. Help Users can get help for TeamRoute by using the Help facility. Help provides basic information on how to perform the function in question without the user having to reference the documentation. 3 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 Printing TeamRoute takes advantage of the printing facilities provided by the underlying ALL-IN-1 system. The user can specify the printer destination and options. Editing TeamRoute allows the VT user to specify their editor of choice supported by ALL-IN-1 Electronic Mail. TeamLinks users may specify their wordprocessor of choice from those installed on their PC. System Management TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 provides a separate management utility. Invoking these utilities allows cluster-wide system management operations to be managed centrally. There are no special utilities to run for File Cabinet maintenance. One or all user areas on the Server can be backed up or restored using standard OpenVMS utilities. Internationalization TeamRoute is designed to support multi-lingual operations. It can be deployed in a multi-lingual network and can support multi-lingual operations on a single server system. For more information, contact your local Digital office. Documentation Documentation of the installation, system management, programming, and user procedures is included with the individual kits. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported All OpenVMS AlphaServers of the DEC or Digital family. Absolute minimum memory requirement is 32MB, however recommended minimum is 64MB. VAX: VAXft Model 110, VAXft Model 310, VAXft Model 410, VAXft Model 610, VAXft Model 612 VAX 4000 Model 100 Series to Model 705A Series 4 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 VAX 6000 Model 200 Series to 600 Series VAX 7000 Model 600 and 700 series VAX 8200 Model Series to VAX 8800 Model Series VAX 9000 Model 110 to VAX 9000 Model 400 Series VAX 10000 Model 600 Series VAX-11/780, VAX-11/785 MicroVAX: MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100 Model 10 to MicroVAX 3100 Model 95 MicroVAX 3300 Model to MicroVAX 3900 Model VAXstation:VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 Model 30 to VAXst_n 3100 Model 76 VAXstation 3200 Model to VAXstation 3540 Model VAXstation 4000 Model 60 VAXstation 4000 Model 90, VAXstation 4000 VLC Note: Recommended minimum memory size is 32MB Processors Not Supported MicroVAX: MicroVAX I VAXstation:VAXstation I, VAXstation 8000 VAX: VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/782 Other Hardware Supported TeamLinks Clients A Windows based personal computer using an 80386 microprocessor or better, IBMâ or 100% compatible. A processor clock of at least 20 Mhz is recommended. o A minimum of 5.0 MB system memory must be allocated for TeamLinks V2.*. Note: This is in addition to the memory used by the system software and any other applications that may be running. o One 3.5-inch high-density (1.44 MB) disk drive 5 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 o Minimum 100 MB hard disk recommended - OR - o Any Macintosh PC that supports Macintosh Operating System V7.0 or higher o Minimum 100MB hard disk recommended o A minimum of 1.5 MB system memory must be allocated for TeamLinks V2.*. Note: This is in addition to the memory used by the system software and any other applications that may be running. The following terminals are supported for text: o VT100 series (VT100, VT100W, VT101, VT102, VT125) or devices in VT100 emulation mode (DECmate, Rainbow, Professional) Note: Some of the later ALL-IN-1 functionality is not accessible from VT100 or VT100W terminals. Refer to the relevant VT manual for information as to the capabilities of each device. o VT200 series (VT220, VT240, VT241) and devices that support VT200 emulation o VT300 series (VT320, VT330, VT340) and devices that support VT300 emulation o VT420 text video terminal o VT1000 in VT300 emulation mode or via DECwindows DECterm mode o All Digital PCs in VT220 or VT300 emulation mode Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) on OpenVMS Alpha or VAX ___________________________________________________________ System disk After on After on During Installation After Work Disk ALL-IN-1 Disk _____32,000___________1,000________11,000_______10,000______ The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Note: A separate work disk for TeamRoute is not required; however, if a separate work disk is not used, the 11,000 blocks required must be added to either the System disk or the ALL-IN-1 disk. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VAXcluster* or VMScluster* configuration within the limits of the appropriate SPD (see immediately below). This includes VAX only, Alpha only and mixed Alpha and VAX clusters. 6 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 * VAXcluster configurations are fully described in the VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS V6.1 (SPD 29.78.xx). The VMScluster Software V1.5 for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 42.18.xx) describes VMScluster configurations for OpenVMS Alpha systems and mixed architecture clusters. WARNING: Whether a cluster consists of just VAX or just Alpha systems or a mixture of VAX and Alpha systems, *all* nodes running ALL-IN-1 within the cluster *must* refer to a single and common set of "OA$" logical definitions. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS Alpha o OpenVMS for VAX V5.5-2 OpenVMS for Alpha V6.1 o DECnet-VAX end-node V5.5 DECnet V1.5 for OpenVMS Alpha o VAX FMS V2.4 DEC FMS V2.4 for OpenVMS Alpha (included with the ALL-IN-1 kit) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE The VAX Message Router for OpenVMS VAX (SPD 26.33.xx) is required for exchange of TeamRoute routing packages with users on other servers or other electronic messaging products. o PATHWORKS for DOS V4.0 or higher o PATHWORKS for OpenVMS VAX V4.0 or higher and/or* o PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS Alpha Alpha o VAX Message Router V3.3a (V3.3a is included with the ALL-IN-1 Kit). Not available on OpenVMS Alpha o VAX Message Router OpenVMS Gateway V3.3a (V3.3a included with the ALL-IN-1 Kit) o TeamLinks Mail for Microsoft Windows V2.1 (SPD: 55.49.**) o TeamLinks Mail for Macintosh V2.0 (SPD: 39.62.**) o TeamLinks Office for Windows (SPD: 37.36.**) o TeamLinks Office for Macintosh (SPD: 48.17.**) 7 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. ORDERING INFORMATION for OpenVMS Alpha Software Licenses: System Class QL-3NFA*-AA System Class Update QL-3NFA*-RA TeamRoute Server-only QL-GEZAA-3B Personal Use QL-GEZAA-2B Software Media: QA-GEZA*-** Software Documentation: QA-GEZAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-GEZA*-** for OpenVMS VAX Software Licenses: System Class QL-GEZA*-AA System Class Update QL-GEZA*-RA TeamRoute Server-only QL-GEZAA-3B Personal Use QL-GEZAA-2B Software Media: QA-GEZA*-** Software Documentation: QA-GEZAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-GEZA*-** The media kit includes media and documentation for the TeamRoute for ALL- IN-1 Client and the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Server. The documentation kit includes the User Guide and Programmers Guide. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility V1.1., Server-only, Personal Use and System Class Capacity licensing. Each Personal Use license allows one named registered ALL-IN-1 user (TeamLinks or VT) guaranteed access to TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1. 8 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 OpenVMS Alpha and VAX V1.3 SPD:33.75.03 Server based licensing does not support VT access (TeamLinks only), is language independent and may be installed on any country language variant of ALL-IN-1. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operating System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software WarrantyAddendum of this SPD. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA 9-track 6250 BPI Magtape, TK50 Streaming Tape. This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. © 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [R] Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. [TM] Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] The DIGITAL logo, ALL-IN-1, Alpha, AlphaServer, CDA, CI, DECnet, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, TeamLinks, TeamRoute, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 9