Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers and SPD 45.92.17 HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha DESCRIPTION HP COBOL for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for In- tegrity servers is a high-level language for business data process- ing that operates on the OpenVMS Operating System. HP COBOL (formerly named Compaq COBOL) is based upon the 1985 ANSI COBOL Standard X3.23- 1985 as modified by the X.23a-1989 amendment and is closely compat- ible with Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX. HP COBOL adheres to the high level by the National Bureau of Standards for conformance to FIPS PUB 21-3, Federal Standard COBOL. HP COBOL includes various industry standard and extensions to COBOL, including screen handling at the source language level, file sharing, the ANSI Report Writer facility, and most X/Open features. The COPY FROM DICTIONARY statement, a HP COBOL extension, allows ac- cess to common record definitions stored in Oracle CDD/Repository for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers Oracle CDD/Repository must be in- stalled to use this feature. The Data Manipulation Language (DML), another HP COBOL extension, al- lows users to write programs that access DBMS databases using the Or- acle DBMS database product. A separate manual, HP COBOL DBMS Database Programming, describes the syntax and usage of the Oracle CODAYSL DBMS support in HP COBOL. Oracle CODAYSL DBMS support and the associated manual are bundled with HP COBOL on OpenVMS Integrity servers. An op- tional HP COBOL DBMS programming license is required to make use of these features with HP COBOL on OpenVMS Alpha. HP COBOL for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers includes the follow- ing functionality and documentation: June 2010 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha o Run-time currency sign handling compatible with the draft ANSI-2002 standard o Enhanced support for extended (>65,535 bytes) alphanumerics o Enhanced support for RMS Journaling o Run-time performance improvements with the reenabling of decimal shadowing o Unified documentation set for HP COBOL on VAX, Alpha and Integrity servers. For recent release specific technical information such as feature en- hancements, bug fixes, restrictions and compatibility charts, please refer to the HP COBOL V3.0 Release Notes. HP COBOL supports the industry-standard SCREEN SECTION (as specified in the X/Open Portability Guide, Release 3). The SCREEN SECTION makes it easier and more efficient to design user-interface screens and to accept and display a full screen of data with a single ACCEPT state- ment and a single DISPLAY statement, instead of multiple statements. For added flexibility and for compatibility with HP COBOL for Open- VMS VAX Systems, the following additional extensions to COBOL are im- plemented in HP COBOL: o Screen handling is implemented using the DISPLAY and ACCEPT state- ments. The DISPLAY statement enables a programmer to display in- formation or prompts anywhere on a video screen. The ACCEPT state- ment takes information typed anywhere on the screen and returns the value to a running COBOL program. The DISPLAY statement converts data from internal numeric format to ASCII display format; and the ACCEPT WITH CONVERSION statement converts ASCII display input char- acters to internal numeric formats, as appropriate. The terminal- type is recognized at run time from information provided by the op- erating system. o RMS-STS and RMS-STV special registers may be examined to assist de- bugging. These registers contain status values from the Record Man- agement System (RMS) for OpenVMS. 2 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha o File sharing and record locking features enable more than one user to access data at the same time. o Many file capabilities are available through RMS, including exten- sions for descending keys and duplicate primary keys. o Conditional compilation serves to make debugging easier. o Source program terminal format recognition is supported. o ACCEPT support for 4-digit years. HP COBOL implements several statements designed to make programming easier in the OpenVMS environment: o CALL statement extensions: BY VALUE, BY DESCRIPTOR, OMITTED, and GIVING o VALUE IS EXTERNAL - Access to link time constants o USAGE IS POINTER - Address data type o VALUE IS REFERENCE - Compile time address evaluation o SET TO REFERENCE - Run-time address evaluation o SUCCESS/FAILURE - Class conditions Other extensions include: o 31-digit numeric user items and 32-digit intermediates o D-float, F-float, G-float, and IEEE floating point handling o X/Open SCREEN SECTION o X/Open specified RETURN-CODE special register o X/Open specified ASSIGN TO syntax o X/Open file sharing and record locking features o X/Open command line and logical names support via ACCEPT and DIS- PLAY o X/Open LINE SEQUENTIAL 3 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha o Enhanced support for "foreign" extensions with improved diagnos- tic messages The HP COBOL compiler produces an object module from a source program. The compiler is capable of producing a source listing with embedded diagnostics indicating the line and position of a source-code error, a machine language listing, a file-name map, a data-name map, a procedure- name map, an external program name map, and a cross-reference list- ing. The cross-reference listing and maps may be produced in either alphabetical order or in order of declaration. The cross-reference list- ing distinguishes destructive references to data from read-only ref- erences. HP COBOL provides support for error diagnostics and cross-reference information to HP Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer. Object modules produced by the compiler can be linked with other ob- ject modules produced by many other languages, including HP C and HP Fortran. HP COBOL is supported by the OpenVMS Run-Time Libraries and the OpenVMS Debugger. The HP COBOL product includes a COBOL compiler and the REFORMAT util- ity. The REFORMAT utility converts source programs from HP terminal format to ANSI-standard COBOL format and vice versa. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS For Alpha systems: Any system capable of running OpenVMS Alpha V7.3- 2 and higher. For Integrity servers: All Integrity Servers are supported by Open- VMS Integrity servers V8.2-1 and higher. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) 4 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________Alpha________Integrity_servers__________________ Installation 26,000 48,000 blocks blocks 13 Mb 24 Mb Permanent Use 22,000 44,000 blocks blocks ___________________11_mb________22_Mb______________________________ These block counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. OPTIONAL HARDWARE A VT100 family, VT200 family, VT300 family, or VT400 family terminal is required for the screen handling extensions to the ACCEPT and DIS- PLAY statements. 5 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Alpha: V7.3-2 (SPD 25.01.xx), or V8.2 and higher (SPD 82.35.xx) OpenVMS Integrity servers: V8.2-1 and higher (SPD 82.35.xx). Refer to the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System Software Product De- scription (SPD) for additional details. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster configuration without restrictions. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section of this Software Product Description de- tail any special hardware required by the software. OpenVMS Cluster configurations are fully described in the HP OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, DSSI, FDDI, SCSI, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. OpenVMS Tailoring The following OpenVMS classes are required for full use of features of this software: o OpenVMS Required Save Set o Programming Support o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Descriptions (SPD 25.01.xx or 82.35.xx). OPTIONAL SOFTWARE HP Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer (LSE/SCA) V4.7 (in- cluded in HP DECset V12.4 or later) for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers (SPD 42.29.xx). 6 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha Required to use /ANALYSIS_DATA qualifier or Language-Sensitive Ed- itor Component. Oracle CDD/Repository Required to use HP COBOL COPY FROM DICTIONARY Feature. Oracle CODASYL DBMS Required to use Data Manipulation Language (DML) extensions. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. Note: A version update represents a complete distribution media replace- ment for the previous release of HP COBOL. All user-developed source modules that comprise an application must be recompiled and rebuilt using only HP COBOL software for that version update. Individual com- ponents of HP COBOL software from the latest version update cannot be used in conjunction with components from a previous version. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license and the license is re- quired in order to use this software. For more information about li- censing terms and policies of HP, contact your local HP office or visit the Software Licensing site at: OpenVMS Alpha licenses: o Traditional Unlimited Use - Allows unlimited use of the software on a single, specified system. o Personal Use - Allows one identified individual to use the soft- ware. 7 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha o Concurrent Use - Allows any one individual at a time to use the soft- ware for each Concurrent Use license. OpenVMS Integrity server systems licenses: o Concurrent Use only. o Note: Version update licenses are not available on OpenVMS Integrity servers. Rights to use future revisions of the software are avail- able only through a support agreement or through a new license pur- chase. License Management Facility Support This software product uses the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) as part of enforcing the software licensing terms. ORDERING INFORMATION When purchasing this software both a license and media must be ordered. o The license provides the LMF Product Authorizaion Key (PAK) required to use the software. o The media provides the software binary installation kit and doc- umentation. Optional hardcopy documentation is also available and can be ordered separately. For OpenVMS Alpha: Traditional Unlimited Use License: QL-0JUA*-** Personal Use License: QL-099AA-2B Concurrent Use License: QL-099A*-3* DBMS Support (OpenVMS Alpha only): Traditional Unlimited Use License: QL-355A*-** Concurrent Use License: QL-355A*-3* Note: * and ** Denote variant fields. For additional information refer to the appropriate price book. 8 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha For OpenVMS Integrity servers: Concurrent Use License: BA350AC The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local HP office for the most up-to-date information. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA For OpenVMS Alpha: Operating packages contain the software binaries and on-line documen- tation in HTML or PDF format. o OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products Library Package (QA-03XAA- H8) (binaries and documentation) o OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library (QA-4KL8A-A8) (binaries only) o OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library (QA-4KM8A-G8) (documen- tation only) For OpenVMS Integrity servers: The software binaries and on-line documentation are available on the Layered Products media within each of the OpenVMS Integrity servers Operating Environment (OE) packages: o Base OE Media (BA322AA) o High Availability OE Media (BA324AA) SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your local HP account representative or distributor. Information is also available at business-it-services.html. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software product is provided by HP with a 90-day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the li- cense purchase. 9 HP COBOL Version 3.0 for OpenVMS Integrity servers HP COBOL Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha © 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP and/or its sub- sidiaries required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Soft- ware Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial use. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. 10 11