Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: VAX Message Router/S Gateway, Version 1.3 SPD 29.24.03 DESCRIPTION VAX Message Router/S Gateway (MRS) is a network server layered soft- ware product that resides on an OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] system providing interconnection between MAILbus[TM], Digital Equipment Corporation's Message Router based electronic message transfer service, and IBM[R]'s Systems Network Architecture Distribution Services (SNADS). Through MRS, users of Digital office automation systems such as DEC MAILworks[TM] or ALL-IN-1[TM] Integrated Office System can send and receive messages, documents, notes, and binary files (for example, MS-DOS[R] files) to and from users of IBM office systems, such as Personal Services/CICS or OfficeVision[TM]/MVS. VAX Message Router/S Gateway provides both address and content con- version for messages and documents passed between the Digital and IBM office networks. In this way, users are not required to learn new com- mands or procedures except the new addresses representing the users of the other network(s) with whom they can now communicate by means of MRS. MRS connects to an IBM DISOSS system, which contains the host implementation of SNADS. Other SNADS nodes have access to the Digi- tal network through their SNA connections to that IBM host. No Dig- ital software is required to be installed on the IBM system to accom- plish these transfers. With some restrictions, MRS allows users of those IBM office systems to communicate through MAILbus to other networks including X.400 public messaging services. Message address conversion is accomplished through the Directory Ser- vice (DDS) function of Message Router. Each Digital user sending and receiving mail to and from IBM users must be registered in DDS and as- signed an "alias" or virtual address for the SNADS network. Limited one-way message transfer from MAILbus to IBM is possible without user DIGITAL December 1993 AE-KX36D-TE registration in DDS. The recipient (addressee) list of a single mes- sage and stored distribution lists can include both Digital and IBM users. Delivery Confirmation and Non-Delivery Notification messages are supported. During MRS configuration, a number of options for message content con- version may be chosen on a per-gateway basis. To preserve maximum re- visable content, messages and documents from the Digital network can be converted to IBM's DCA Revisable Format. Where users of IBM sys- tems only have access to simple text editors, conversions can be made to IBM's DCA Final Format or to DISOSS Note format. Digital text mes- sages with one or more attached text documents may be concatenated into a single document for transfer to the SNADS network. Alternatively mes- sages containing multiple attachments from the Digital MAILbus net- work can be separated into multiple individual messages by MRS for on- ward transmission to the SNADS network since the IBM network does not support messages with more than one attachment. The product documen- tation describes the capabilities and limitations regarding this func- tionality. Binary non-text file types, identified in the Digital network as DEC- bodypart 7 (FOREIGN) or DECbodypart 11 (MS-DOS), will be transferred unconverted to the IBM SNADS network. Such files, sent from a Digi- tal to an IBM SNADS network, will lose their Digital RMS attributes. Binary file transfer is primarily intended for the transfer of MS-DOS files between the Digital and IBM networks. Files tagged as DCA files (for example, a document produced on a PC word processing system) can be identified in the SNADS network as a DCA document. Not all Digi- tal User Agents and Gateways can append these tags to DECbodypart 7 or DECbodypart 11 files. Multiple binary files attached to a single message may be passed to the IBM environment as multiple messages. These conversion options are chosen during MRS configuration. 2 Content and identity conversion for Digital to IBM transfers are sum- marized in the following table: ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:___________________________________________________________ Digital Message Default Optional Format___________Conversion________Conversions_____________________ Simple Mail DISOSS Note DCA RFT Document or DCA FFT Messages Document (ASCII, WPS-PLUS[TM], DECdx[TM]) Documents DCA RFT Docu- DCA FFT Document or DISOSS Note (ASCII, ment WPS-PLUS, DECdx DDIF Text) Binary Files DCA RFT Docu- with RFT Tag ment (DECbodypart 7 or 11) Binary File DCA FFT Docu- with FFT Tag ment (DECbodypart 7 or 11) Other Binary SNADS Binary File (DEC- (OOOE) bodypart 7 or 11)________________________________________________________________ Messages, DISOSS Notes and documents from the IBM SNADS network in DCA RFT or FFT Format may be converted to DECdx format or remain in DCA Format as a DECbodypart 7 with an RFT or FFT tag respectively. Not all versions of Digital User Agents and Gateways support this tagging scheme. 3 Other files are passed through unconverted and identified as DECbody- part 7 or DECbodypart 11 files and are assigned RMS fixed length 512 byte records. Binary file transfer from SNADS may be disabled during MRS configuration. Content and identity conversion for IBM to DEC transfers are summa- rized in the following table: ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:___________________________________________________________ IBM Message Default Optional Format___________Conversion________Conversions_____________________ OV/MVS Message ASCII DISOSS Note DECdx Binary File with FFT Tag (DEC- or DCA FFT bodypart 7) Document DCA RFT DECdx Binary File with RFT Tag (DEC- bodypart 7) SNADS Binary Binary File Binary File (DECbodypart 11) or File (000E) (DECbodypart 7) Rejected, Non-Delivery Notice returned to Sender Other files Rejected, Non- Delivery Notice returned to _________________Sender____________________________________________ ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System can automatically convert DECdx for- mat to WPS-PLUS format. Other Digital user agents and MAILbus Gate- ways can convert DECdx format to a format appropriate to their func- tion. Since the capabilities of each vendor's word processing systems are not identical, and since some control information is not trans- mitted, not all attributes and functions are converted. The MRS prod- uct documentation lists the restrictions. Users are responsible for 4 understanding the capabilities of destination systems when sending bi- nary files. Binary file transfer should not be used with ALL-IN-1 In- tegrated Office System, Version 2.2 or earlier or VMSmail (the Open- VMS Mail Utility), Version 5.1 or earlier. A single MRS installation will support messaging services between a SNADS network of IBM office systems and a MAILbus network of Digital OpenVMS systems and between the SNADS network and any other messag- ing network connected to that MAILbus. Service levels obtained in the latter case will depend on the characteristics of this other network. To provide connection to MAILbus, the VAX Message Router software is required by and included with the software license and media kit for VAX Message Router/S Gateway. INSTALLATION MRS forms only one part of a distributed multi-vendor electronic mes- saging application. Important activities, such as coordination with other messaging components, modification of the IBM system parameters and the creation or update of subscriber entries in the directory ser- vice, must precede the installation of this product. Digital offers a number of services to assist customers with these tasks. Refer to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES section of this SPD for more informa- tion. Only experienced customers should attempt installation of this prod- uct. Digital recommends that all other customers purchase Digital's Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an experienced Digital Software Specialist. Digital's Installation Services can be purchased as a separate ser- vice. Customer Responsibilities Before Digital installation of the software the customer must: o Previously have installed all prerequisite hardware including ter- minals. 5 o Obtain, install and demonstrate as operational any modems and other equipment and facilities necessary to interface to Digital's com- munications equipment. o Demonstrate equivalency of operation for modems other than Bell Sys- tem 201C, 208A or 209A type modems, or, in Europe, PTT approved modems. o Have generated, to Digital's satisfaction, any necessary IBM host software that will be communicating with the DECnet SNA Gateway or VMS/SNA and VAX Message Router/S. o Make available for a reasonable period of time, as mutually agreed by Digital and the customer, all hardware, communications facil- ities, and terminals that are to be used during the installation. Delays caused by any failure to meet these responsibilities will be charged at the prevailing rates for time and materials. Successful use of this product requires: o The customer must be prepared to work with both Digital and IBM sys- tems personnel to coordinate the installation activities. o The customer should be capable of modifying IBM component gener- ation parameters to support the DECnet SNA Gateway or VMS/SNA and VAX Message Router/S Gateway. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors and/or hardware configuration as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.24.03-x). Either a DECnet SNA Gateway system and VAX/VMS Load Host system in a DECnet[TM] Ethernet local area network or, for single VAX system con- nection to IBM, communications interfaces appropriate to the VAX pro- cessor used, as specified in the Other Hardware Required section of the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.24.03-x). 6 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Operating System DECnet[TM]-VAX or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS DECnet SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface for OpenVMS VAX Message Router (included in the software license and media kit for VAX Message Router/S Gateway) For DECnet Ethernet Local Area Networks: DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport, or DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport For Single VAX System Connection to IBM: VMS/SNA and VAX WAN Device Drivers Kit Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.24.03-X) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-VDUA*-** Software Media: QA-VDUA*-** Software Documentation: QA-VDUA*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VDUA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. VAX Message Router/S Gateway software license and media kit include the software license and media kit for the required VAX Message Router software. 7 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. A separate Product authorization key (PAK) is not provided for or required by the VAX Message Router product which is licensed and distributed with the VAX Message Router/S Gateway. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES MAILbus products are components of larger distributed messaging ap- plications, which may involve multiple vendors' systems in multiple locations. Digital offers a number of consulting services to assist customers in the planning, installation and management of these mes- saging applications and related directory services, integration of PC- based messaging systems and the provision of network wide directory services. A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. 8 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. Warranty Limitations Digital has designed this product in accordance with the information provided in the following IBM standards publications: 1. Document Interchange Architecture: Concepts and Structures (SC23- 0759-0) 2. Document Interchange Architecture: Interchange Document Profile Ref- erence (SC23-0764-0) 3. Document Content Architecture: Final Form Text (SC23-0757-1) 4. Document Content Architecture: Revisable Form Text (SC23-0758-1) 5. Systems Network Architecture: Format and Protocol Reference Man- ual: Distribution Services (SC30-3098-2) VAX Message Router/S Gateway does not implement all the functions de- scribed in the SNADS reference documentation. Only those functions re- quired for interoperation with DISOSS are supported. IBM Supported Configurations This software has been tested and is warranted against IBM System/370 (includes 30XX and 43XX series) class processor systems configured to support the versions and releases of the DISOSS program product shown below. While this software may function correctly with other equip- ment and software, Digital cannot offer its standard warranty and sup- port services for this software unless it has been tested by Digital with such equipment and software configurations. VAX Message Router/S Gateway, Version 1.3 has been tested and certi- fied against the following IBM software configurations: 9 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3:___________________________________________________________ Software_Product__Version____Release____Modification_Level_________ MVS/ESA 4 3 0 CICS 3 3 0 DISOSS/370 3 4 0 OV/MVS 1 2 0 DISPLAYWRITE/370__2__________2__________0__________________________ Since the introduction of this software, other configurations may have been tested. Please contact your local Digital office for up-to-date information regarding listed configurations. Absolute fidelity between an original document and the resulting doc- ument as printed or displayed by the receiving system is not guaran- teed. The differences between vendors' approaches to word processing systems, the transformations required for the transfer and printing of a document and the types of printers used may all affect the re- sulting printed document. [R] IBM and PROFS are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation. [R] MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]OfficeVision is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, ALL-IN-1, CI, DEC, DECdx, DEC MAILworks, DEC- net, DECwindows, Digital, MAILbus, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, RA, RL, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 10