Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 DESCRIPTION The CDA[TM] Converter Library is a collection of format converters that allows users of different applications to exchange data. The format converters allow users to exchange document, table, graphic or image files from an application format, so that the files can be read by, and written to different applications and formats. The CDA Converter Library is used with CDA Run-Time Services, includ- ing the CDA Viewer, and CDA compliant applications such as DECwrite[TM]. Users can convert a file to another format by either of the follow- ing methods: o Select an option from an application menu such as DECwrite, ALL-IN-1[TM], DECwindows[TM] mail, CDA Viewer. o Enter a command at the OpenVMS[TM] system prompt. The CDA Converter Library V2.2 is a maintenance release that has been subject to extensive interoperability testing using the most popular PC and Mac[R] applications. In addition, this version of the product provides online documenta- tion for default sample option files that users can modify. DIGITAL December 1993 AE-NJ73D-TE CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 CONTENTS OF THE CDA CONVERTER LIBRARY The CDA converter library consists of input and output converters. These converters may be broadly categorised as fol- lows: o Word processor format converters See Table 1 for an overview of the word processor converters. o Tabular/spreadsheet format converters See Table 2 for an overview of the tabular and spreadsheet convert- ers. o Image/graphics format converters See Table 3 for an overview of the image and graphics converters. 2 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Word_Processor_Format_Converters_________________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ AFS (Alternate Input and AFS enables users to edit Format Syntax for output text in DDIF[TM] documents on ASCII editors) character-cell terminals. The DDIF document contains the following: o The text of the AFS docu- ment o Nontext (such as graphics and scanned images) stored in other files o Formatting information stored in a special file, called the companion file AFS documents contain text and markup. AFS documents use tags to denote the start and end of each text segment. ___________________________________________________________________ Document Content Ar- Input and Document Content Architecture chitecture/Revisable output (DCA) is the IBM[R] architec- Format Text (DCA ture for converting revisable /RFT[R]) documents. ___________________________________________________________________ Digital[TM] Standard Input The DSR converter supports Runoff (DSR) only Digital Standard Runoff Ver- sion 5.0. ___________________________________________________________________ 3 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1_(Cont.):__Word_Processor_Format_Converters_________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ DX[TM] (DEC[TM] Input and DX is Digital's word process- WPS-PLUS[TM] word output ing format for ALL-IN-1. processor format) ___________________________________________________________________ MacWrite[R] V1.1 Input and Macwrite is a word-processing output application that runs on the Apple[R] Macintosh systems. The MacWrite converter sup- ports MacWrite II Version 1.1. ___________________________________________________________________ MS[R] Word V4.0, Input and Used with Microsoft[R] Word V5.0, V5.5 for output V4.0, V5.0, V5.5 word proces- MS-DOS[R] sor files. ___________________________________________________________________ Rich Text Format Input and Used with MS Word for MS (RTF) for Microsoft output Windows V1.0, V2.0 (WinWord), Word for Microsoft and used with MS Word for Windows[TM] (V1.1, Macintosh V4.0 (MacWord). 2.0), and Microsoft Microsoft recommends that RTF Word for Macin- is used in these applications tosh[R], V4.0 when converting to other formats. ___________________________________________________________________ 4 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1_(Cont.):__Word_Processor_Format_Converters_________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ roff (Standard Input The roff converter converts UNIX[R] format) only roff documents that use raw roff commands, or one of the standard macro packages to DDIF. The standard macro packages are: man, me, mm, ms, or mu. ___________________________________________________________________ SGML (ISO Standard Input and The SGML converter converts Markup Language) output Standard Generalised Markup Language format files. ___________________________________________________________________ WordPerfect[TM] for Input and The WordPerfect converter MS-DOS 5.0, 5.1 output converts a WordPerfect Ver- sion 5.0 or 5.1 input file on MS-DOS 3.3 or higher. WPL (Digital's word Input and The WPL converter supports processing format output WPS-PLUS Version 3.1. for_WPS-PLUS)______________________________________________________ 5 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:__Tabular/Spreadsheet_Format_Converters____________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ ASCII Field Input The ASCII field converter is only similar to the ASCII tabu- lar converter except that it contains formatting informa- tion. The field definitions file contains field defini- tions. A field definition is an ASCII record that contains information specifying how to interpret the input field data and how to encode it into the resulting data. The ASCII field converter reads an ASCII field file and an ASCII field definitions file and combines the infor- mation from both files into DTIF[TM] formatted tables. ___________________________________________________________________ ASCII Tabular Input and ASCII tabular files are stan- output dard ASCII files in which the data is arranged in tabular format. ASCII tabular files also contain special char- acters to delimit cells and rows, for example, "," or tab characters. ASCII tabular files do not contain formula or formatting information. 6 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2_(Cont.):__Tabular/Spreadsheet_Format_Converters____________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ CALCGRD (DECcalc[TM] Input CALCGRD is a tabular file binary grid files) only format for files produced and read by DECcalc Version 3.0A and DECcalc-PLUS[TM] Version 3.0A. The CALCGRD converter converts the val- ues, formulae, and formatting information in a CALCGRD file to DTIF. The CALCGRD converter does not convert DECcalc files created earlier than Version 3.0A. If you want to con- vert a file created earlier than Version 3.0A, you must first load and save the file in DECcalc Version 3.0A or DECcalc-PLUS Version 3.0A to update it to a Version 3.0A format. ___________________________________________________________________ 7 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2_(Cont.):__Tabular/Spreadsheet_Format_Converters____________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ DIF (Data Inter- Input The DIF files are formatted change Format) only according to the DIF Tech- nical Specification and must contain only characters from the ASCII character set. The DIF cell values cannot exceed 32,767 characters. The DIF converter supports 20/20[TM] Version 2.4. ___________________________________________________________________ WK1 (Lotus[R] 1-2- Input and The WK1 converter does not 3[R] V2.*) output convert Lotus 1-2-3 files that were created with ver- sions earlier than Version 2.0. If you want to convert a file created with versions earlier than Version 2.0, you must first load and save the file in Lotus 1-2-3 and update it to a Version 2.* format. The WK1 converter supports Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.* binary-encoded format. WK3 (Lotus 1-2-3 Input and The WK3 format reflects sub- V3.*) output stantial changes included in Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.*. The WK3 converter supports Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.* binary- _____________________________________encoded_format._______________ 8 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3:__Image/Graphics_Format_Converters_________________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ CGM (Computer Graph- Input and CGM is an International Orga- ics Metafile) output nization for Standardization (ISO) standard that defines a file format for storing and retrieving picture informa- tion. The CGM converter supports CGMview[R] Version 2.0, and Arts & Letters[R] Version 3.1. ___________________________________________________________________ GIF (Graphical Input GIF is a colour-image trans- Interchange Format) only fer protocol popular with PC applications. ___________________________________________________________________ 9 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3_(Cont.):__Image/Graphics_Format_Converters_________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ 10 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3_(Cont.):__Image/Graphics_Format_Converters_________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ Graphics Hardcopy Output The Graphics Hardcopy out- (HP-GL[R], SIXEL, only put converter first scans PS) the input file to identify graphic elements that can be converted. The converter identifies and maps the el- ements to the appropriate GKS functions. The Graphics Hardcopy output converter supports two graphics out- put categories: raster and vector. The following table shows supported_graphics_protocols._ Raster Device________Vector_Devices__ Black HP-GL[R] and white (B&W) Sixel Color Sixel PostScript[R] ReGIS[TM]_____________________ The Graphics Hardcopy out- put converter can generate several kinds of final form output using a set of func- tions within the Graphical Kernel System (DEC GKS[TM]). This allows you to select a different final form by modifying the options file. 11 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3_(Cont.):__Image/Graphics_Format_Converters_________________ Input and Supported_Converters____Output_______Description___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ MacPaint[R] (Macin- Input and MacPaint is an image file tosh bitonal image output format used by MacDraw. converter) ___________________________________________________________________ PICT (MacDraw[R] Input and PICT is an image and graphi- image and graphical output cal format used on the Macin- format) tosh, and supports files from Claris[R] MacDraw. PICT con- verter must find a Macbinary header in the input file. The PICT converter supports MacDraw II Version 1.1. ___________________________________________________________________ TIFF (Tagged Image Input and TIFF is a tagging scheme used File Format) output for image data conversion. The TIFF converter supports _____________________________________V5.0_of_the_TIFF_standard.____ General_Restrictions The converters in the CDA Converter Library do not perform modality conversions such as converting a text file into an image or the re- verse. Converters that support compound formats, such as DDIF, process the text, graphics and images in the input data, but the output format spec- ified by the user limits the conversion process. If the user takes a DDIF document and converts it to ASCII text, any non-text elements are lost because they cannot be represented in the ASCII format. However, the AFS converters can be used to edit a compound document using an 12 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ASCII editor. The text file produced by the AFS converter contains tag references to temporary files where the non-text data is stored un- til the document is re-converted by the AFS output converter to a com- pound format. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 31.31.03-A). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The CDA Converter Library V2.2 requires the following: o OpenVMS Operating System V5.0 o DECimage[TM] Application Services V2.0 or Version 3.0 (when using TIFF or MacPaint[R] converters) o DEC GKS (Runtime System - when using the Graphics Hardcopy converter) o Digital's Image Applications Services (DAS) V3.0 or later - when using the Graphics Hardcopy converter. DAS V3.0 is distributed as part of the Motif kit. Note: A version of CDA Run-Time Services is supplied with the Converter Library kit, but DECwindows non-Motif[R] systems cannot run CDA Run- Time Services V1.0. For_Workstations_Running_DECwindows_V1.0_prior_to_Motif The Converter Library installation procedure will not update your CDA Base Services software, if you are running a pre-Motif version of DECwin- dows. Digital recommends that you upgrade your system to a Motif ver- sion of DECwindows. The CDA Converter Library V2.2 is not warranted to run under older versions of CDA. However, if you have a pre-Motif version of DECwindows and cannot upgrade, it is possible that the per- formance of the CDA Converter Library V2.2 will be adequate to your needs. 13 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 ORDERING INFORMATION o Software Licenses: QL-VZAA*-** o Software Media: QA-VZAA*-** o Software Documentation: QA-VZAAA-GZ o Software Product Services: QT-VZAA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publi- cation is authorised only pursant to a valid written license from Dig- ital or an authorised sublicensor. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Personal Use basis. Each Personal Use License allows one iden- tified individual to use the layered product. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem documentation set. 14 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. © 1989, 1993. Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representation that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not in- fringe on existing or future rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licences to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. [R] Apple, Macintosh and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. [R] Arts & Letters is a registered trademark of Computer Support Corporation. [R] CGMview is a registered trademark of ATC Inc. [R] Claris, MacDraw, MacPaint, and MacWrite are registered trade- marks of Claris Corporation. [R] DCA-RFT and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. [R] Excel, Microsoft, MS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] Hewlett-Packard and HP-GL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Develop- ment Corporation. 15 CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS SPD 31.31.03 Version 2.2 [R] Micrografx Designer is a registered trademark of Micrografx, Inc. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Founda- tion, Inc. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited. [TM] 20/20 is a trademark of Access Technology, Inc. [TM] Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. [TM] ALL-IN-1, CDA, DEC, DECcalc, DECcalc-PLUS, DEC GKS, DECimage, DECpresent, DECwindows, DECwrite, DDIF, Digital, DTIF, DX, OpenVMS, ReGIS, WPS-PLUS, and the DIGITAL Logo, are trade- marks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 16