DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Au- tomation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) DESCRIPTION DECosap is a network communication product. It provides a solution to connect DIGITAL applications with shop floor devices based on Siemens[R] SINEC[R] H1 communication protocol. SINEC H1 services are also iden- tified as PG communication services within Siemens literature. Siemens SINEC H1 has been recommended for connecting PLCs and host com- puters on large configurations. It has been specified on top of the ISO/OSI Transport Layer and it is based on Ethernet to improve effec- tiveness (through higher performance) and efficiency (through lower costs per connection). DECosap/H1 fully supports the SINEC H1 communication protocol. Features As SINEC H1 communication protocol is defined on top of the ISO OSI Transport Layer, DECosap relies upon DECnet/OSI to complete the com- munication stack. For more information, refer to the DECnet/OSI Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 41.92.xx). Because of the functional compatibility between Siemens SINEC AP and MMS (Manufacturing Messaging Services), ISO International Standard 9506, Parts 1 and 2, DECosap is integrated with the software architecture of the DEComni API product to supply the Application Programming In- terface (API). For more information, refer to the DEComni API Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 47.88.xx). March 1997 AE-PZATC-TE DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) DECosap also provides Device Access Software (DAS) for connecting Siemens SINEC H1 devices for BASEstar Open Server systems. For further infor- mation, refer to the DEComni API Software Product Description (SPD 47.82.xx). Components o DECosap/H1 Services This component adds support for SINEC H1 functionality via the DEComni API. Supported services are listed at the end of this Software Product De- scription and are divided into the following categories: - Environmental Management - Messages Exchange - Device Management - Variable Access o Configuration and Management Facilities DECosap/H1 uses the DEComni API facility ODSCL. On OpenVMS platforms, the following DEComni API facilities are sup- ported: - ODF (Omni Definition Facility) - OmniView o Support for the Device Access Services of BASEstar Open o Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The DECosap IVP performs a series of tests to verify proper instal- lation. 2 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) Documentation DECosap includes the following documentation: o A platform-specific Network Manager's and Programmer's Guide pro- vides an overview of SINEC H1 and SINEC AP (see the DECosap/AP Soft- ware Product Description-SPD 47.96.03) concepts and terminology. It includes a description of the services that are available through DEComni API and features of DECosap. It also describes the use of the DEComni API utility ODSCL. o A platform-specific Installation Guide that explains how to pre- pare for installation, how to install the product, and what to do after DECosap is installed. INSTALLATION Before attempting to install the software, the customer must have all pre-requisite hardware and software. Digital Equipment Corporation rec- ommends that a customer's first purchase include DIGITAL Installation Services. Connectivity to all other nodes within the network is the responsi- bility of the customer. SUPPORTED VERSIONS This SPD covers the following versions of the DECosap product: o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha o DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX 3 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) ORDERING INFORMATION DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-5BQ**-** Software Documentation: QA-5BP**-** Software Product Services: QT-5BR**-** DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-2XWA*-** Software Documentation: QA-2XVAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2XWA*-** DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX: The DECosap/AP product kit is included in the BASEstar Open Server for DIGITAL UNIX Consolidated Software Distribution: Software Media: QA-5SRAA-H8 Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-0Z7A*-** Software Documentation: QA-0Z7A*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0Z7A*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL licensing terms and policies, contact your lo- cal DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the DIGITAL License Management Facil- ity. 4 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) Two types of license are available: o "Unlimited system use" license-available for a processor o "Concurrent use" license-available for a device connection. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the standard terms and conditions relating to DIGITAL SPDs. Warranty Limitations The SINEC H1 services supported by DECosap/H1 are listed in Appendix A of the System Warranty Addendum of this SPD. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX VAX processors supporting OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha Alpha processors supporting OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha Alpha processors supporting DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2 DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS 5 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) OpenVMS Alpha: o 26 Mb (installation) o 10 Mb (permanent use) OpenVMS VAX: o ?? Mb (installation) o ?? Mb (permanent use) DIGITAL UNIX: o 26 Mb (installation) o 10 Mb (permanent use) Note: A configuration with at least 16 Mb of memory is recommended. These values refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.3 o VMS OSI Transport Service (VOTS) Version 6.3 for OpenVMS VAX o Either: - DEComni API for OpenVMS VAX V3.0, or - BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 o VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 o Rdb Version 5.1 (or greater)[1] ____________________ [1] Only required if you are using DEComni API with the ODF component. 6 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.3 o VMS OSI Transport Service (VOTS) Version 6.3 for OpenVMS Alpha o Either: - DEComni API for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0, or - BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 o VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 o Rdb Version 6.0 (or greater)[1] DECosap/H1 for DIGITAL UNIX: o DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2 o Either: - DEComni API for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 - BASEstar Open Server for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available on CD-ROM for the supported operating sys- tem, and on TK50 media for OpenVMS VAX. 7 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) APPENDIX A - SINEC H1 Functionality Cross Reference Tables The tables that follow list the Conformance Building Block (CBB) services and parameters that are supported by DECosap/H1 Version 3.1. They are compared to the services provided within the first version. The level of support depends upon the level of functionality provided by the target Siemens communication processors. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Siemens_SINEC_H1_CBB_Services_Cross_Reference_Table______ DECosap/H1 Version _______________________3.1___________________CP535_________________ _________________________________Environment_Management____________ Initiate B B Conclude B B Abort B B Cancel C N ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________VMD_Support__________________ Status C S ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________Variable_Access_Services___________ Read B B Write B B InformationReport B B 8 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) ___________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.): Siemens SINEC H1 CBB Services Cross Reference __________________Table____________________________________________ DECosap/H1 Version _______________________3.1___________________CP535_________________ _______________________________DOMAIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVICES__________ InitiateDownload C S Sequence DownloadSegment C S TerminateDownload C S Sequence InitiateUpload C S Sequence UploadSegment C S TerminateUpload C S Sequence ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________Program_Invocation_Services__________ Start C S Stop C S ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________Serial_Transfer_Services___________ Send___________________B_____________________B_____________________ Where the following symbols apply: B = Client and Server C = Client only S = Server only 9 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2 (Cont.): Siemens SINEC H1 CBB Parameters Cross Reference N = Not supportedable ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:__Siemens_SINEC_H1_CBB_Parameters_Cross_Reference_Table____ Parameters_____________DECosap/H1_Version_3.1______________________ STR1 TRUE STR2 TRUE NEST 10 VNAM FALSE VADR TRUE VALT FALSE VSCA FALSE TPY FALSE VLIS FALSE REAL FALSE AKEC FALSE CEI____________________FALSE_______________________________________ Supported Siemens Communication Processors (CP) are: o CP535 for Simatic[R] S5 PLC family o CSH1 for Simadyn[R] PLC family © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha, AXP, BASEstar, Bookreader, DEC, DE- Comni, DECosap, DECstation, DECsystem, DECnet, DIGITAL, Mi- croVAX, TK, VAX, VAXstation, OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 10 DECosap/H1 Version 3.1 SPD 47.95.03 (DIGITAL's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) [R] MS-DOS, Microsoft, MS Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 11