Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP DESCRIPTION DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS for OpenVMS AXP (DBMS Gateway) pro- vides applications and tools with direct, read and update[1] access to DEC DBMS databases. This access can be via interactive or dynamic SQL interfaces. Support for client/server access is provided by the SQL/Services facility and the DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows[TM] clients. Optional support for embedded SQL and SQL module language programming is available. The DBMS Gateway also provides native integration with DEC DB Inte- grator (DBI). DBI extends the functionality of the DBMS Gateway and provides DBI Catalog storage of the DBMS metadata and provides the abil- ity to do cross-database joins. The DBMS Gateway runs under the OpenVMS AXP Operating System on Dig- ital AXP systems, servers and workstations. Features SQL Programming Interfaces The DBMS Gateway provides direct, read and update[1] access to DBMS databases. User applications access data from these databases in the same way as they would access data from a DEC Rdb database. SQL sup- port includes Interactive SQL and Dynamic SQL for server-based devel- opment and the SQL/Services facility to support client/server imple- mentations. ____________________ [1] The update access provided by this product allows existing records in the DBMS database to be modified. It does not allow new records to be inserted or existing records to be deleted DIGITAL February 1994 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP o Interactive SQL supports DEC SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML). o The dynamic SQL interface compiles and executes SQL requests passed through its call interface. This programming approach is highly ef- fective in applications such as ad-hoc query where the exact pa- rameters of requests are not known until runtime. It is compati- ble with any programming language that supports the OpenVMS call- ing standard. The dynamic memory handling capabilities of DEC Ada and DEC C enable these languages to take full advantage of the power and flexibility of this approach. o All data format translations for supported OpenVMS datatypes are performed automatically as part of handling requests to read and update data in DBMS databases. o An optional DEC SQL Full Development license provides precompiler support for embedded SQL applications and a compiler for SQL mod- ule language programs. Desktop Connectivity The SQL/Services Server and Client Application Programming Interface[2] (API) enable client applications on MS-DOS[R], MS[R] Windows, OS/2[R], Macintosh[R], ULTRIX, or OpenVMS platforms to read and update DBMS databases. The following table describes SQL/Services network support. ____________________ [2] A site-wide right to use SQL/Services client software is included with each Traditional or Personal Use Full Development Option license for DEC DB Integrator, DEC Rdb or DEC SQL on either the OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS AXP platforms 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP ___________________________________________________________________ Desktop SQL/Services Network Support Platform____DECnet___TCP/IP___AppleTalk[R]_________________________ MS-Windows X X - MS-DOS X X - OS/2 X - - Macintosh X X X SPARCstation-TM] X - OpenVMS X X - ULTRIX______X________X________-____________________________________ Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) applications can read and update[1] DBMS databases using the DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows. This driver provides access to SQL/Services servers over DECnet or TCP/IP network transports. This driver also provides these applications with access to DEC Rdb databases and other DBI Gateways. Distributed Data Access The DBMS Gateway supports access from remote clients and to remote DBMS databases. Integration with DEC SQL Applications The DBMS Gateway makes data residing in DBMS databases accessible to Digital Information Management an End-User Access tools. o DEC Data Distributor can maintain extracts and rollups of DBMS ta- bles and views. o DATATRIEVE queries and reports can combine data from DBMS Gateways, other DBI Gateways and DEC Rdb databases. o DEC RALLY applications can query and report DBMS databases. Optional Application Development Capabilities 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP An optional DEC SQL Full Development license adds support for embed- ded SQL and SQL module language programming. Embedded SQL programming places SQL language statements in line with host language statements. Precompilers replace these SQL statements with call statements and ob- ject modules. The modified host language program is compiled and linked with the object modules to form an executable image. Precompilers for DEC C, DEC Ada, DEC COBOL, DEC Fortran, and DEC Pascal are included. These precompilers support an optional Federal Information Process- ing Standards (FIPS) flagger that allows the user to identify any SQL statements which are not in the current ANSI/ISO SQL standard. An ex- ception flagger for the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) stan- dard is also provided. This option also includes an SQL module language processor. SQL mod- ule language allows SQL statements and multistatement procedures to be grouped into modules. When these modules are compiled, the result- ing object modules can be linked with objects created by any language compiler that complies with the OpenVMS calling standard. The SQL mod- ule language compiler also supports FIPS and MIA flagging. Performance The DBMS Gateway selects access strategies that minimize data trans- fer activity. Wherever possible, selection, filtering, and statisti- cal operations are done by the DBMS. A log of communications activ- ity and errors is maintained to assist in problem isolation and eval- uation. STANDARDS SUPPORTED DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS partially implements the ANSI/ISO SQL92 Entry-Level standard for DML. This implementation does not in- clude support INSERT and DELETE Statements. 4 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported AXP: DEC 3000 Model 300 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Server, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Server DEC 4000 Model 610 AXP System DEC 7000 Model 610 AXP System DEC 10000 Model 610 AXP System Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required for 68,500 blocks installation (34 Mbytes) Disk space required for 44,500 blocks use(permanent) (22 Mbytes) Approximately 39,000 blocks (20 Mbytes) of this requirement is for soft- ware components common to DEC DB Integrator (DBI) and the DBI family of gateways. If one of these products is already installed on a sys- tem or VMScluster, the additional disk space required for ongoing use of this product will be reduced by approximately that (20 Mbytes) amount. These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. 5 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP OPTIONAL HARDWARE For SQL/Services or DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows clients on MS-DOS or OS/2. o Personal Computer XT, Personal Computer AT[R], or equivalent For SQL/Services Macintosh platform: o Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE and SE/30, Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, and IIfx, Macintosh portable For Sun[R] platform: o SPARCstation[TM] 1 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This product is fully supported when installed on any valid and li- censed VMScluster configuration without restrictions. These config- urations are described in the VMScluster Software Product Description (SPD 42.18.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Interconnect con- figurations. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Gateway Platform o OpenVMS AXP Operating System V6.0 o DEC DBMS for OpenVMS AXP V5.1, V6.0 OpenVMS Tailoring The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product. o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Programming Support o Network Support 6 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP o Utilities Client Platforms DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows client (DECnet or TCP/IP): o MS-DOS Operating System, V6.0, V6.2 o MS Windows, V3.0 - V3.1 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for DOS, V4.1A - PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), V2.0 - PATHWORKS V5 for DOS and Windows client software - FTP[R] PC/TCP V2.2 [3] SQL/Services MS Windows client (DECnet or TCP/IP): o MS-DOS Operating System, V6.0, V6.2 o MS Windows, V3.0 - V3.1 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for DOS, V4.1A - PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), V2.0 - PATHWORKS V5 for DOS and Windows client software - FTP PC/TCP V2.2[3] o Microsoft C, V7.0, Microsoft Visual C++ ____________________ [3] In addition, the DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows and SQL/Services MS Windows clients are compliant with the Windows Sockets V1.1 speci- fication. However, the only Windows Sockets compliant transport that has been fully tested is FTP PC/TCP V2.2 7 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP SQL/Services MS-DOS client (DECnet or TCP/IP): o MS-DOS Operating System, V6.0, V6.2 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for DOS, V4.1A - PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), V2.0 o Microsoft C, V7.0, Misrosoft Visual C++ SQL/Services OS/2 client (DECnet only): o OS/2 Operating System, V1.3 o PATHWORKS for OS/2, V1.1 - V2.0B o Microsoft C, V6.0, V7.0 SQL/Services Macintosh System 6.0.8 MPW[TM] client (DECnet, AppleTalk, or TCP/IP) o Macintosh Operating System V6.0.8 o PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2 o AppleShare[R] Workstation Software for System V6.0.8 (Required for PATHWORKS installation) o MPW Development Environment, Version 3.2.3, and MPW, Version 3.2.3, C compiler (Required for application development only) SQL/Services Macintosh System 7 MPW client (DECnet,AppleTalk, or TCP/IP) o Macintosh Operating System, V7, V7.1 o PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2 o AppleShare Workstation Software for System 7 (required for PATHWORKS installation) 8 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP o MPW Development Environment, Version 3.3.1, and MPW, Version 3.3.1, C compiler (Required for application development only) SQL/Services Macintosh System 6.0.8 THINK C client (DECnet,AppleTalk, or TCP/IP) o Macintosh Operating System, V6.0.8 o PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2 o AppleShare Workstation Software for System, V6.0.8 (Required for PATHWORKS installation) o Symantec[R] THINK C, V6.0.1, and THINK C, V6.0.1, C Compiler for the Macintosh system (Required for application development only) SQL/Services Macintosh System 7 ThinkC client (DECnet,AppleTalk, or TCP/IP) o Macintosh Operating System, V7, V7.1 o PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2 o AppleShare Workstation Software for System 7 (Required for PATHWORKS installation) o Symantec THINK C, V6.0.1, and THINK C, V6.0.1, C Compiler for the Macintosh system (required for application development only) SQL/Services ULTRIX client (DECnet or TCP/IP): o ULTRIX Operating System, V4.1 - V4.3 o PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V2.2 (Required for DECnet applications only) 9 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP SQL/Services Sun client (TCP/IP only): o Sun Operating System, V4.1.1 Other Software The DBMS Gateway does not include a user interface. Refer to the OP- TIONAL SOFTWARE section below for choices. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o DEC SQL for OpenVMS AXP, V6.0 o DEC DB Integrator for OpenVMS, AXP V1.0 o DEC RALLY V3.2 o CDD/Repository for OpenVMS AXP Systems V5.1 o DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP, V6.0 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Software media and documentation for this product is available as part of the OpenVMS AXP Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION Traditional Software Licenses: QL-2DBA*-** Software Media: QA-03XAA-H8 Hardcopy Software Documentation: QA-2DAAA-GZ Online Software Documentation: QA-03XAA-H8 10 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP Software Product Services: QT-2DBA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. Traditional licenses are available. A Traditional license per- mits an unlimited number of authorized users to access this product on a single, identified processor. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] AppleTalk, AppleShare and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. [R] OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. 11 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS, SPD 51.14.00 Version 1.0 for OpenVMS AXP [R] Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Mi- crosoft Corporation. [R] FTP is a registered trademark of Schere Labatories, Inc. [R] Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] Symantec is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation. [TM]MPW is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, AXP, CDD/Repository, DBMS, DEC, DEC Ada, DEC Fortran, DEC RALLY, DECnet, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, ULTRIX, VMS and VMS RMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©1994 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 12