Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for Open- VMS DESCRIPTION DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers for OpenVMS (Custom Drivers Gateway) enables the implementation of gateways that provide relational access to non-relational data sources. These gateways provide appli- cations and tools with direct read/write access to these data sources through the gateway's interactive SQL or dynamic SQL interfaces. Client /server access is supported through the SQL/Services facility and a driver for Microsoft[R] Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) clients. Op- tional support for embedded SQL and SQL module language programming is available. When used in conjunction with DEC DB Integrator (DBI) and other DBI gateways, the Custom Drivers Gateway enables the integration of cus- tom and proprietary data sources with other relational and non-relational data sources including: SYBASE[R] Informix[R], ORACLE7[R], IBM[R] DB2[TM], Oracle Rdb, Oracle CODASYL DBMS and DSM databases as well as OpenVMS RMS files and IBM MVS and VM/CMS data sets. The Custom Drivers Gateway runs under the OpenVMS operating system on Digital Alpha and VAX systems, servers, and workstations. Components Non-SQL Data Server DIGITAL July 1995 AE-PUZSF-TE DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for OpenVMS The Non-SQL Data Server is the component that brings data and their definitions (metadata) together and makes them appear relational. The Non-SQL (Data Server enables applications to access this non-relational data in a relational manner. The Non-SQL Data Server plans, optimizes, and executes read and write operations. Custom Driver Interfaces The Custom Drivers Gateway provides two published interfaces, which developers may use to write data, and metadata drivers which can work with the Non-SQL Data Server to provide customized SQL access to their data source. A Driver Development Guide as well as source code for sample data and metadata drivers are provided for instructional purposes. Some SQL fea- tures require specific capabilities in the source data management sys- tem. Features Relational Access to Non-Relational Data The Custom Drivers Gateway allows applications to read and write to non-relational data sources using standard SQL syntax and programming interfaces. Standard DEC SQL Programming Interfaces The Custom Drivers Gateway includes DEC SQL interactive and dynamic SQL interfaces. The included SQL/Services facility supports the client /server implementation style. o The interactive SQL interface provides SQL data manipulation lan- guage (DML) support for insert, select, update, delete, join, project and order operations. 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for OpenVMS o The dynamic SQL interface compiles and executes SQL requests passed through its call interface. This programming approach is highly ef- fective in applications such as ad-hoc query where the exact pa- rameters of requests are not known until runtime. It is compati- ble with any programming language that supports the OpenVMS call- ing standard. The dynamic memory handling capabilities of Ada, PL/I and C enable these languages to take full advantage of the power and flexibility of this approach. o The Custom Drivers Gateway performs data format translations for supported VMS datatypes as part of processing requests to read or update data. Desktop Connectivity Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) applications can read from, and write to, Custom Drivers Gateway data sources using the DEC ODBC Driver for MS[R] Windows. This driver provides access to SQL/Services servers over DECnet or TCP/IP network transports. This driver also pro- vides these applications with access to, DB Integrator and the other DB Integrator Gateways. Distributed Data Access The Custom Drivers Gateway supports access from remote clients and to remote Custom Driver databases. Integration with DEC SQL Applications The Custom Drivers Gateway makes data residing in Custom Drivers data sources accessible to Digital information management and end-user access tools. o DEC Data Distributor can maintain extracts and rollups of Custom Drivers Gateway tables and views. o DATATRIEVE queries, reports, and updates can combine data from Cus- tom Drivers Gateways, other DBI gateways and DEC Rdb databases. 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for OpenVMS Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required for 47,000 blocks installation: (23 MB) Disk space required for 46,000 blocks use (permanent): (23 MB) Approximately 39,000 blocks (20 MB) of the permanent requirement is for software components common to DEC DB Integrator (DBI) and the DBI family of gateways. If one of these products has already been installed on a system, the additional disk space required by this product will be reduced by approximately that (20 MB) amount. These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. Additional space must be allowed for programs, logs, and temporary database cache files, and user interface software. SERVER SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS This section lists the software required to install and operate the Custom Drivers Gateway. Operating System Software DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers requires one of the follow- ing operating system versions depending upon the hardware platform. o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, V6.1 - V6.2 o OpenVMS VAX Operating System, V5.3 - V6.2 4 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for OpenVMS Server to Server Network Transport Options DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers provides read/write access to local custom, proprietary, and non-standard data sources. DB In- tegrator Gateway for custom drivers does not contain a protocol to ac- cess data on a remote node. If that capability is required it would have to be built into the Custom Driver Gateway's Data Driver. Client to Server Network Transport Options The Custom Drivers Gateway for the OpenVMS requires one or more of the following network software products installed on the server to sup- port direct access to custom, non-standard, and proprietary data sources by client applications. o DECnet transport - DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha, V6.1 - V6.2 - DECnet for OpenVMS VAX, V5.4 V6.2 o TCP/IP transport - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (Alpha and VAX) V2.0 - V3.1 o Novell NetWare - SQL/Services and DEC ODBC Driver client applica- tions communicating via Novell NetWare[R] require a Novell IPX/SPX transport - InterConnections Leverage for NetWare File Sharing Ser- vices (FSS), V2.0 ORDERING INFORMATION DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers for OpenVMS AXP Traditional Software Licenses: QL-212A*-** Concurrent Use Software Licenses: QL-0EQAA-3B Software Media: QA-212**-H* (CD-ROM) Software Media: QA-03XAA-H8 (Consolidated CD) Software Documentation: QA-0EQA*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-212A*-** 5 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 45.40.05 for Custom Drivers, Version 3.0D, for OpenVMS DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers for OpenVMS VAX Traditional Software Licenses: QL-0EQA*-** Concurrent Use Software Licenses: QL-0EQAA-3* Software Media: QA-0EQA*-H* (TK, MAG TAPE, CD) Software Media: QA-VWJ8A-H8 (Consolidated CD) Software Documentation: QA-0EQA*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0EQA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 6