Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEComni MMS SPD 47.89.04 Version 3.1 DESCRIPTION DEComni MMS is a network communication product that provides a solu- tion for the connection and management of manufacturing/utility con- trol devices and systems. DEComni MMS implements the Manufacturing Mes- sage Specification (MMS), ISO/IEC 9506-1 and ISO/IEC 9506-2. When com- bined with prerequisite hardware and software, DEComni MMS interop- erates with other systems supporting the Manufacturing Message Spec- ification ISO/IEC9506-1 and ISO/IEC 9506-2 specifications. Features DEComni MMS is an implementation of the Manufacturing Message Spec- ification (MMS), ISO/IEC 9506. It relies upon the DEComni API prod- uct that provides a high level applications programming interface (API) with a high degree of functionality built in. The interface is easy to use and requires very little support code. For more information, please refer to the DEComni API Software Product Description (SPD 47.88.xx). Alternatively, DEComni MMS can be integrated with the BASEstar Open Server product (SPD 47.87.xx) for connection to plant devices which use the MMS protocol. DEComni MMS provides, as a minimal set, the Client Conformance require- ments for the services specified in MAP Implementation Class MAP3. The product is able to connect to those devices that have implemented to ISO/IEC 9506 (MMS). DIGITAL April 1998 CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS The conformance of DEComni MMS software to OSI standards is specified in Appendix A of this SPD. INSTALLATION Only experienced customers should install DEComni MMS software. DIG- ITAL recommends that all other customers purchase DIGITAL Installa- tion Services. These services provide for installation of the soft- ware product by an experienced DIGITAL software specialist. Installation steps for DEComni MMS consists of the following: o Verification that all components of DEComni MMS have been received o Verification that the necessary versions of the prerequisite soft- ware and documentation are available o Verification of the appropriate system parameters o Verification that the system meets the minimum hardware and soft- ware requirements as specified in this SPD o Installation of the DEComni MMS software by creating the necessary directories and by copying the software from the distribution me- dia o Verification that DEComni MMS has been installed correctly by us- ing the IVP DEComni MMS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The DEComni MMS IVP performs a series of tests to verify proper in- stallation. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha Processors Supported All Alpha processors supported by the DEComni API and BASEstar Open Server products. 2 Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): For OpenVMS Systems During Installation Permanent_Use 20,000_blocks 10,000_blocks For DIGITAL UNIX Systems Component Installation Permanent_Use File System 340 Kbytes 340 Kbytes Root /usr/opt 7 Mbytes 6 Mbytes /usr/var 5 Mbytes 2 Kbytes /opt Total 13 Mbytes 9 Mbytes SUPPORTED PRODUCTS This SPD defines the following DEComni MMS products: o DEComni MMS for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 o DEComni MMS for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.1 3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For OpenVMS Systems: o Either: - OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1, V6.2, V7.0, V7.1, or - OpenVMS VAX Operating System V6.1, V6.2, V7.0, V7.1 o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS V6.3 to V7.1 o DEComni API for OpenVMS Version 3.1 For DIGITAL UNIX Systems: o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System V3.2 or V4.0 o DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 or V4.0 o DEComni API for DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.1 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is distributed with the DIGITAL CD-ROM software libraries for OpenVMS Alpha and for DIGITAL UNIX. 4 ORDERING INFORMATION For OpenVMS Alpha systems: Software Licenses: QL-2QD**-** Documentation Kit: QA-2QDAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2QD**-** For OpenVMS VAX systems: Software Licenses: QL-4VAA*-** Documentation Kit: QA-2QDAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-4VA**-** For DIGITAL UNIX systems: Software Licenses: QL-2YU**-** Documentation Kit: QA-2YUAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2YU**-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. 5 SOFTWARE LICENSING The DEComni MMS license gives the user the right to use the software on a single CPU and includes the delivery of a license product Autho- rization Key (PAK) to enable DEComni MMS software. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corpo- ration's Standard Terms and Conditions for software licenses. For more information about DIGITAL licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS and DIGITAL UNIX License Man- agement Facility. For more information on the License Management Fa- cility, refer to the appropriate operating system SPD or documenta- tion. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the standard terms and conditions relating to DIGITAL SPDs. Warranty Limitations DIGITAL has produced this product according to Protocol Specifications produced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defined in Appendix A of this SPD. DIGITAL warrants this product to conform to these Protocol specifi- cations, as described by these International Standards. 6 DIGITAL cannot assume responsibility for problems caused by: o Other vendors' nonconformance to the International Standards that DEComni API implements o Ambiguities in the International Standards implemented by DEComni MMS o Flaws in the protocol design appearing in the International Stan- dards implemented by DEComni MMS Assistance requested of DIGITAL for problems resulting from any of the errors listed above will result in all associated service calls be- ing billed at the prevailing per call rates. To minimize the risk of problems, DIGITAL has tested this product against selected other ISO /IEC 9506-1 and ISO/IEC 9506-2 implementations. APPENDIX A: Conformance to Standards This appendix defines the conformance of DEComni MMS DEComni MMS prod- uct to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) interna- tional specifications for protocol standards as specified in ISO/IEC 9506-2 clause 18. Table_1: PICS Part_1: Implementation_Information Attribute Value Implementation's Vendor Name DIGITAL Implementation's Model Name DEComni MMS Implementation's Revision Identifier V3.0 Machine Name(s) and Version Number(s) - ber(s) Operating System(s) OpenVMS, DIGITAL UNIX 7 Attribute Value MMS Abstract Syntax [1 0 9506 2 1] MMS Version Number Supported 1 MMS Companion Standard Abstract None Syntaxes MMS Companion Standard Version N/A Number Supported Calling MMS-user (indicate "Yes" or "No") Yes Called MMS-user (indicate "Yes" or "No") Yes List_of_Standardized_Names None Table 2: PICS Part2: Service_CBBs Service_Conformance_Building_Blocks S(erver), C(lient), or B(oth) Initiate B Conclude B Cancel - UnsolicitedStatus B Status B GetNameList B Identify B Rename - GetCapabilityList B Read B 8 Service_Conformance_Building_Blocks S(erver), C(lient), or B(oth) Write B InformationReport B GetVariableAccessAttributes B DefineNamedVariable - DefineScatteredAccess - GetScatteredAccessAttributes - DeleteVariableAccess - DefineNamedVariableList B GetNamedVariableListAttributes B DeleteNamedVariableList B DefineNamedType - GetNamedTypeAttributes - DeleteNamedType - Input - Output - TakeControl - RelinquishControl - DefineSemaphore - DeleteSemaphore - ReportSemaphoreStatus - ReportPoolSemaphoreStatus - ReportSemaphoreEntryStatus - AttachToSemaphore - InitiateDownloadSequence C DownloadSegment S TerminateDownloadSequence S InitiateUploadSequence C 9 Service_Conformance_Building_Blocks S(erver), C(lient), or B(oth) UploadSegment C TerminateUploadSequence C RequestDomainDownload S RequestDomainUpload S LoadDomainContent B StoreDomainContent B DeleteDomain B GetDomainAttributes B CreateProgramInvocation B DeleteProgramInvocation B Start B Stop B Resume B Reset B Kill B GetProgramInvocationAttributes B ObtainFile B DefineEventCondition - DeleteEventCondition - GetEventConditionAttributes - ReportEventConditionStatus - AlterEventConditionMonitoring - TriggerEvent - DefineEventAction - DeleteEventAction - GetEventActionAttributes - ReportEventActionStatus - 10 Service_Conformance_Building_Blocks S(erver), C(lient), or B(oth) DefineEventEnrollment B (See Note 9) DeleteEventEnrollment B (See Note 9) AlterEventEnrollment - ReportEventEnrollmentStatus - GetEventEnrollmentAttributes B (See Note 9) AcknowledgeEventNotification - AttachToEventCondition - EventNotification B GetAlarmSummary - GetAlarmEnrollmentSummary - ReadJournal - WriteJournal - InitializeJournal - CreateJournal - DeleteJournal - ReportJournalStatus - Table_3: PICS_Part_3: Parameter_CBB Parameter Conformance Building Blocks Supported_(Value) STR1 Y STR2 Y NEST ( >=0 . Give integer value.) 10 11 Parameter Conformance Building Blocks Supported_(Value) VNAM Y VADR Y VALT Y VSCA N TPY N VLIS NY REAL N CEI N Table_4:_Supplemental_PICS_Table Service_Conformance_Building_Blocks S(erver), C(lient), or (B)oth FileOpen B FileRead B FileClose B FileRename B FileDelete B FileDirectory C 12 Table_5: PICS_Part_4: Local Implementation Values Attribute Value Range of values for floating point See Note 1 numbers Supported values of the floating See Note 1 point exponent width Supported values of the floating See Note 1 point format width Range of values for signed integer 12**32-1 Range of values for unsigned inte- 2**32 ger The following semantics are defined for the use of the local detail calling/called fields. As a result, a limit is set for a maximum MMS PDU size which limits specific functions. Maximum length for BIT STRING in See Note 2 bits Maximum length for OCTET STRING in See Note 2 octets Address formats for VADR Parameter N/A CBB Maximum Input Time Out in seconds N/A Level of support for time See Note 3 Granularity of time in milliseconds N/A Uninterruptible access to variable See Note 4 Priority processing for semaphores N/A Capabilities of VMD N/A Local Detail N/A File Name Syntax See Note 5 Range of Maximum Services Outstanding Calling See Note 6 13 Attribute Value Range of Maximum Services See Note 6 Outstanding Called Execution Argument N/A Additional Code in Error Type See Note 7 Additional Detail in Error Type See Note 7 Method for Extended Derivation of N/A Status Information Local Detail Calling/Called See Note 8 Load Data Format N/A Maximum Number of Upload State N/A Machines Note 1: VAX F floating point is supported. The range is 1.17545*10**-38 through 1.17545*10**38. An exponent width of 8 bits is supported. A format width of 32 bits is supported. Note 2: The effective length for strings is limited by the maximum PDU size. See Note 8. Note 3: Date and Time are supported. Support for Time Sequence Identifier is N/A. Note 4: Read and Write indications are delivered to user written code and thus uninterruptible access is application dependent. Note 5: 14 The syntax and semantics for file name are specified by the OpenVMS operating system. This is documented in the OpenVMS documentation un- der "Full File Specification". Wildcard specifiers are not permitted. The file name must be specified in the first graphic string of the File- Name production. Any information in additional graphic strings will be ignored. Note 6: The range is 1-infinity. Acceptance of indications is under program- ming control. The actual number of outstanding requests allowable is dependent upon process memory limits which is set by either the pro- grammer or system manager. Note 7: This implementation does not specify additional code nor additional detail in error type. Note 8: The following semantics are defined for the use of the local detail calling/called fields. As a result, a limit is set for a maximum MMS PDU size, which limits specific functions. The semantics of this field are contained in the implementation agree- ments of the NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology - OSE Implementor's Workshop) Special Publication 500-214 titled Sta- ble Implementation Agreements for Open Systems Interconnection Pro- tocols, Version 7, Edition 1, December 1993, Part 20 (MMS) Sections and Note 9: The optional parameter of Event Actions on an Event Enrollment is not supported. © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 15 [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, AXP CI, DEC, DECnet, DEComni, DECosap, DECwindows, DIGITAL, MicroVAX, Rdb, OpenVMS, TK, VAX, VAX- cluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 16