Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) INTRODUCTION The POLYCENTER Framework is an entry-level POLYCENTER Network Manage- ment Family of Products management system for Digital Equipment Cor- poration's ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS[TM] (DECnet Phase IV, DECnet/OSI, and TCP/IP) environments. The Framework is an extensible platform on which other POLYCENTER products, third-party products, or user-developed management modules can be added. The POLYCENTER Framework includes an integrated command set, an object-oriented Management Information Repository, and graphic and command line user interfaces. It enables network operators/managers to perform basic monitoring and control tasks on network or system managed objects that support DECnet Phase IV NICE, DECnet/OSI CMIP, SNMP, or IEEE 802.2/Ethernet/MOP management protocols. Available on OpenVMS VAX and RISC ULTRIX platforms, the POLYCENTER Framework software is one in a family of POLYCENTER products based on Digital's Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA). For an overview EMA and POLYCENTER Framework refer to the POLYCENTER Network Management Services SPD 37.20.xx (also known as DECmcc Network Management Services). DIGITAL January 1995 AE-PC7JF-TE POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) DESCRIPTION The POLYCENTER Framework software provides an entry-level set of mon- itor and control functions for multi-protocol LAN, Extended LAN, and WAN networks. The POLYCENTER Framework is a competitive SNMP engine which provides a framework upon which developers can build management modules. The product allows the user to layer open, standards-based applications upon it. The POLYCENTER Framework offers a Motif Graph- ical User Interface (GUI) which is the standard, open user interface of choice. Consistent with the EMA Director Model, of which it is an implemen- tation, the POLYCENTER Framework consists of four major elements that comprise an extensible management system: Management Modules; an Ex- ecutive; an open Applications Program Interface (API); and a Manage- ment Information Repository (MIR). o Management Modules provide services to users and one another. There are three types of Management Modules: - Access Modules (AMs) provide protocol support for, and manage- ment information about, different classes of managed objects. - Function Modules (FMs) provide services such as object regis- tration, statistics generation, fault detection, and notifica- tion to users and to one another. - Presentation Modules (PMs) provide a consistent user interface for the direct manipulation of managed objects (through AMs) and user access to management operations (through FMs). o The Executive provides system services that enable Management Mod- ules to be installed and used independently or in combination. o The Applications Programming Interface (API) defines how Manage- ment Modules invoke each other's services. The POLYCENTER Frame- work API is open and documented to support Digital, third party, or user-developed modules. o The Management Information Repository (MIR) provides a means to structure and store management information. 2 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) POLYCENTER Framework Access Modules (AMs) POLYCENTER Framework AMs provide access to network and system objects in Digital's ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS and other mixed, multivendor network environments that use the following management protocols: DECnet NICE, DECnet/OSI CMIP, SNMP and IEEE 802.2/Ethernet/MOP. o The DECnet Phase IV AM enables users to manage DECnet Phase IV ob- jects such as nodes, circuits, lines, and adjacencies. With the DECnet Phase IV AM, users can modify DECnet parameters, set charac- teristics, collect DECnet events, and poll for management data such as counters or status. o The DECnet/OSI CMIP AM provides management access to DECnet devices that use Digital's implementation of the standard Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). This version of CMIP, implemented on DECnet/OSI devices, provides management operations and data gath- ering functions for DECnet/OSI networks, including the ability to sink DECnet events to the POLYCENTER Framework. o The TCP/IP SNMP AM includes support for the following Internet Ad- visory Board (IAB) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) RFCs: 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1212, and 1213. This includes full MIB II support in addition to support for on-site enrollment of vendor- specific Enterprise MIBs including: - A MIB translation utility that automatically checks the syntax of the ASN.1 Concise MIB definitions (providing error messages to help identify syntax problems), and translates the data for loading the information into the POLYCENTER Framework Manage- ment Information Repository (MIR). - An event-logging sink for collecting SNMP generic traps (un- solicited TCP/IP event messages) including: coldStart, warm- Start, linkDown, linkUp, egpNeighborLoss, authentification- Failure, and enterpriseSpecific. - Ability to perform GET and SET operations on devices supported by SNMP agents. 3 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) - ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (ping) support for verifying the reacha- bility of an SNMP managed object at the IP level. Note: DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) is required for us- ing the TCP/IP SNMP AM on OpenVMS systems. o The IEEE 802.3/Ethernet Station AM enables users to manage at the network interface level any 802.3/Ethernet LAN device that supports MOP REQID, MOP SYSID, MOP Counters, Ethernet V2 Loopback, IEEE 802.2 XID, or IEEE 802.2 Test. o Circuit AM works as a client of management protocol modules to pro- vide management of circuits connecting endpoints compliant with the Network Management Forum (NMF) definitions. Compliant endpoints in- clude DECnet Phase IV and DECnet OSI nodes and TCP/IP hosts. Ty- ing together circuit, line, link, and other endpoint data, this AM can gather status data and store reference information about sim- ple, point-to-point circuits or complex multi-channel circuits. o The Script AM is a generic access module that executes a script (or command procedure) and propagates the output data back into POLY- CENTER Framework as individual attributes. Once integrated, these attributes can take advantage of the alarming, notification, and recording facilities of POLYCENTER Framework. o The Script AM offers the following advantages: - Allows integration of data into POLYCENTER Framework as attributes whether from a Structured Query Language (SQL) command, a system comman, or running a script on a remote system. - Allows integration of data from an executable for which source code is not available. 4 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) POLYCENTER Framework Function Modules (FMs) The POLYCENTER Framework provides FMs for registering and organizing managed objects regardless of the management protocol used or object type. This includes support for devices accessible through the Frame- work AMs, other Digital-developed AMs, or AMs developed and supported by third parties and users. o The Registration FM is a generic FM that enables users to enter and manage data identifying each managed object in a network environ- ment. Such information includes object instance data such as net- work names and addresses, and reference information such as device location, software revision levels, and contact names. With the Registration FM, users have the option of selecting a local system-level repository or setting up a network-wide, globally-available naming service using Digital's Distributed Name Service (DECdns). With DECdns, users and applications can assign names to resources (such as nodes, bridges, files, domain names, etc.) and then use those resources without having to keep track of physical location or network address. The DECdns option also enables multiple POLYCENTER Frameworks to share the same view of managed objects. o The Domain FM is a generic FM that enables users to assign managed objects into groups called domains. Domains are subsets of the man- aged object configuration that provide user-defined groups that can be based on equipment type (all DECnet nodes, all TCP/IP hosts, all LAN Bridges, etc.), geography (all objects within a LAN, building, campus, or subnet), personnel levels, or any other user-defined object group. Domains can contain or refer to other domains and can be hierarchical or overlapping. Individual managed objects can be contained within multiple domains. 5 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) POLYCENTER Framework Presentation Modules (PMs) The POLYCENTER Framework includes two PMs. The Motif Graphical User Interface/Iconic Map PM provides a graphic interface with pull-down and pop-up menus and monitor windows that consistently present all managed objects and operations to the user. Consistent command syntax is provided by the Forms and Command Line PM. o Capabilities specific to the Motif Graphical User Interface presentation style include: - Map windows that display the contents of a managed environment (for example, a domain) using icons to represent managed objects and their subordinate or child objects. Users can select icons representing managed objects and initiate management operations from a map window. Several map windows can be displayed at one time, each displaying different views of domains of a managed environment. - A Navigation box and ViewPort window that enable users to view an entire network configuration map at one time. With the View- Port feature, users can navigate to and select a particular por- tion of the total network environment to display in detail in the Map window. - Management windows that enable users to select, perform, and view the results of management operations. Like map windows, several different management windows can be displayed simultaneously. - Graph windows that enable users to select and display real-time or historical numeric attributes, such as counters, graphs or histograms. - A Toolbox window and other customization features that provide users with the ability to create, modify, or delete map icons, connect lines, text, or other items in a map window. Users can create map icons, add geographic maps or other backdrops, and add customized icons to the Toolbox for retrieval and re-use. 6 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) o Forms and Command Line PM provides character cell access to POLY- CENTER Framework function and access capabilities. The interface supports two modes: Command Line Mode and Forms Mode. - The Command Line mode enables users to create names or mnemon- ics and use special symbols to reduce data entry and eliminate input errors. It supports command line recall and editing, ab- breviation, online help, symbol substitution, use of control key sequences, line continuation, and the typeahead function. Command Line Mode also supports the use of scripts to automate fre- quently used POLYCENTER Framework command sequences. Users can set up initialization files through the Command Line Mode for establishing defaults and executing startup directives. In addition, users can log any command to an output file for storage and review. - The Forms mode provides the basic features of the Command Line mode in addition to a scroll feature that enables users to save up to 500 lines of output from management directives, scroll through the saved output, and create new directives based on previous input. The Forms Mode also allows printing and logging of entries made to the output region. Both the Forms Mode and the Command Line Mode, as well as the Iconic Map interface, provide on-line, context-sensitive help. POLYCENTER Framework Extensibility In addition to providing basic monitoring and control functions as a standalone product, the POLYCENTER Framework software is an extensi- ble management platform to which other POLYCENTER software modules, optional packages, third party, or user-developed Management Modules can be added. The POLYCENTER Framework software includes several utilities that en- able on-site enrollment of POLYCENTER Option Packages and Management Modules. Documentation required for third party module enrollment must be supplied by the module developer. 7 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) Optional packages include generic functional capabilities such as Alarming and Notification, and object specific functions and access modules that support device-specific management protocols. Third parties and users can develop software modules for POLYCENTER Network Management Family of Products to provide access to and man- agement functions for any manageable object. Software and documenta- tion for the development of integrated POLYCENTER modules are avail- able as part of the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit. For more information about the Developer's Toolkit, refer to SPD 32.49.xx The POLYCENTER Framework management access and functions are also the basis for other POLYCENTER Network Management Family of products such as the POLYCENTER Network Manager 200 (formerly called DECmcc BMS) and the POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 (formerly called DECmcc EMS). Please refer to the section Optional Software. Also refer to the POLYCENTER Network Management Services SPD, or the specific SPD for the appropriate POLYCENTER Network Management Family product. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported OpenVMS-based Processors: VAX: VAXft Model 410, VAXft Model 610, VAXft Model 612 VAX 4000 Model 300, VAX 4000 Model 400, VAX 4000 Model 500, VAX 4000 Model 600 VAX 4000 Model 700 VAX 6000 Model 400 Series, 8 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) VAX 6000 Model 500 Series, VAX 6000 Model 600 Series VAX 7000 Model 600 Series VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAX 8600, VAX 8650, VAX 8700, VAX 8800, VAX 8810, VAX 8820, VAX 8830, VAX 8840 VAX 9000 Model 110, VAX 9000 Model 210, VAX 9000 Model 300 Series, VAX 9000 Model 400 Series MicroVAX: MicroVAX 3300, MicroVAX 3400, MicroVAX 3500, MicroVAX 3600, MicroVAX 3800, MicroVAX 3900 VAXstation: VAXstation 3200, VAXstation 3500, VAXstation 3520, VAXstation 3540 VAXstation 4000 Model 60, VAXstation 4000 Model 90, VAXstation 4000 Model 90A VAXserver: VAXserver 3400, VAXserver 3500, VAXserver 3600, VAXserver 3602, VAXserver 3800, VAXserver 3900 VAXserver 4000 Model 300, 9 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) VAXserver 4000 Model 500 VAXserver 4000 Model 600 VAXserver 4000 Model 700 VAXserver 6000 Model 410, VAXserver 6000 Model 420, VAXserver 6000 Model 510, VAXserver 6000 Model 520, VAXserver 6000 Model 610, VAXserver 6000 Model 620, VAXserver 6000 Model 630 ULTRIX-based Processors: RISC: DECstation: DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 CX, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 HX, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 MX, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 PX, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 TX, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 PXG, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 PXG+, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 PXG Turbo, DECstation 5000 Model 120/125/133/150 PXG Turbo+ DECstation 5000 Model 200 CX, DECstation 5000 Model 200 HX, DECstation 5000 Model 200 MX, DECstation 5000 Model 200 PX, DECstation 5000 Model 200 TX, DECstation 5000 Model 200 PXG, DECstation 5000 Model 200 PXG+, DECstation 5000 Model 200 PXG Turbo, DECstation 5000 Model 200 PXG Turbo+ DECstation 5000 Model 240/260 HX, 10 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) DECstation 5000 Model 240/260 MX, DECstation 5000 Model 240/260 TX, DECstation 5000 Model 240/260 PXG+, DECstation 5000 Model 240/260 PXG Turbo+ DECsystem: DECsystem 5000 Model 200, DECsystem 5000 Model 240, DECsystem 5100, DECsystem 5400, DECsystem 5500, DECsystem 5810, DECsystem 5900 Processors Not Supported MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000 MicroVAX 3100 Model 10/10E, MicroVAX 3100 Model 20/20E MicroVAX 3100 Model 30 MicroVAX 3100 Model 40 MicroVAX 3100 Model 80 MicroVAX 3100 Model 90 VAXstation I, VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000 VAXstation 3100 Model 30, VAXstation 3100 Model 38, VAXstation 3100 Model 40, VAXstation 3100 Model 48, VAXstation 3100 Model 76 VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/780, VAX-11/782, VAX-11/785 VAX 4000 Model 60, VAX 4000 Model 90, VAX 4000 Model 100, VAX 4000 Model 200, VAX 4000 VLC VAX 6000 Model 200 Series, VAX 6000 Model 300 Series 11 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) VAX 8300, VAX 8350, VAX 8500, VAX 8530, VAX 8550, VAX 10000 Model 600 Series VAXstation 8000 VAXft Model 110, VAXft Model 310 VAXserver 6000 Model 210, VAXserver 6000 Model 220, VAXserver 6000 310, VAXserver 6000 Model 320 VAXserver 3100, VAXserver 3300, VAXserver 4000 Model 200 Personal DECstation 5000 Model 20/25 MX, Personal DECstation 5000 Model 20/25 HX, Personal DECstation 5000 Model 20/25 TX, Personal DECstation 5000 Model 20/25 PXG+, Personal DECstation 5000 Model 20/25 PXG Turbo +, DECsystem 3100, DECsystem Model 25, DECsystem 2100, DECsystem 5820, DECsystem 5830, DECsystem 5840. DECstation 3100, DECstation Model 3100 series. MINIMUM RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION * For OpenVMS: Processor Capac- 6 SPECmark ity: Memory Required: 32 MB Disk: RZ25 For RISC/ULTRIX: 12 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) Processor Capac- 16 SPECmark ity: Memory Required: 48 MB Disk: RZ56 Disk * Specific network environments may require larger configurations. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): For OpenVMS: Disk space 77,000 blocks on the system disk required for installation and use: 77,000 blocks on the mcc_common disk 154,000 blocks total For RISC/ULTRIX: Disk space 89,000 Kbytes required for installation and use: The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. OPTIONAL HARDWARE VT1300 and VT2000 Color Terminals are supported. 13 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VAXcluster* configuration without restrictions. The HARD- WARE REQUIREMENTS section details any special hardware required by this product. * V5.x VAXcluster configurations are fully described in the VAXclus- ter Software Product Description (29.78.xx) and include CI, Eth- ernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. IMPORTANT INTEROPERABILITY INFORMATION FOR OPENVMS USERS ONLY Interoperability problems may occur when more than one product con- taining DECthreads is installed on a system. This occurs because some products overwrite the system version of DECthreads. If a product with a different version of DECthreads is installed after POLYCENTER Frame- work, problems may occur. POLYCENTER Framework V1.4 is linked with DECthreads V1.0-422. Later versions of DECthreads have a backwards compatible API. Consequently, no problem should result from having a more recent version of DECthreads on the system. Only SSB versions of DECthreads are supported. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR OPENVMS For Systems Using Terminals (no DECwindows Motif interface): o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 to V6.1 For Workstations Running DECwindows Motif: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 to V6.1 o DECwindows Motif V1.1 for OpenVMS V5.5-2 DECwindows Motif V1.2 for OpenVMS V6.1 OpenVMS Tailoring 14 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) For OpenVMS systems, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Programming Support o Utilities For more information about OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR RISC/ULTRIX For Systems Using Terminals (no Motif interface): o ULTRIX Operating System V4.2, V4.3, V4.3A, V4.4 For Workstations (both with and without Motif): o ULTRIX Worksystem Software V4.2, V4.3, V4.3A, V4.4 o DECwindows Motif V1.1.3 (for Ultrix V4.2, V4.3, 4.3A) DECwindows Motif V1.2 (for Ultrix V4.4) RISC/ULTRIX Subsets The following Subsets are required for this layered product: o UDTBASE42x, UDTINTLRT42x, (ULTRIX 4.2) o UDTBASE43x, UDTINTLRT43x, (ULTRIX 4.3, 4.3A) o UDTBASE44x, UDTINTLRT44x, (ULTRIX 4.4) For more information about ULTRIX Subsets, refer to the ULTRIX Oper- ating System Software Product Description (SPD 26.40.xx). 15 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE For OpenVMS: o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 to V6.1: if the Digital Distributed Name Service for VAX (VAXdns) is used, or DECnet Phase IV or DECnet/OSI nodes are to be managed o A Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) Server must be installed somewhere on the network to implement a global naming repository in place of the POLYCENTER Framework local system naming repository o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) V2.x - V3.1 to support SNMP access o POLYCENTER Network Fault Diagnostics Option V1.4 (also called the DECmcc Fault Diagnostics Option Package) o POLYCENTER Extended LAN Manager V1.4 (ELM) AM and FM (also called DECmcc ELM AM and FM) o POLYCENTER Terminal Server Access Module (TSAM) V1.4 (also called the DECmcc TSAM) For RISC/ULTRIX: o DECnet/OSI for ULTRIX V5.1A if the Digital Distributed Name Service for ULTRIX (DECdns for ULTRIX) is used or if ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS DECnet Phase IV or DECnet/OSI nodes are to be managed. DECnet/OSI is required for DECdns. o A Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) Server must be installed somewhere on the network to implement a global naming repository in place of the POLYCENTER Framework local system naming repository o POLYCENTER Extended LAN Manager V1.4 (ELM) AM and FM (also called DECmcc ELM AM and FM) o POLYCENTER Network Fault Diagnostics Option V1.4 (also known as DECmcc Fault Diagnostics Option Package) 16 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, please con- tact your local Digital office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY This layered product supports the OpenVMS and ULTRIX License Manage- ment Facilities (LMF). License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited Use ba- sis. Note: To use the POLYCENTER Framework in a Diskless Management System (DMS) environment, the DMS server must be a supported POLYCENTER Framework configuration, including a comparable POLYCENTER Framework license. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System SPD (25.01.xx) or the ULTRIX Operating System SPD (26.40.xx). For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, please contact your local Digital sales office. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of the OpenVMS VAX and ULTRIX Lay- ered Product Consolidated Distributions on CD-ROM. This product is also available on TK50 Streaming Tape 17 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) The software documentation for this product is available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION For OpenVMS: Software Licenses: QL-VM9A9-AA Software Media: QA-VM9AA-H5 Software Documentation: QA-VM9AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VM9A*-** For RISC ULTRIX: Software Licenses: QL-GU3A8-AA Software Media: QA-GU3AA-H5 Software Documentation: QA-GU3AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-GU3A*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital sales office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. Network Management Services are also available. These include, but are not restricted to, the following: o Network Management Operations Services o Network Management Planning and Design Services o Network Management Implementation Services o Network Management Training 18 POLYCENTER Framework, Version 1.4 SPD 32.46.05 (Formerly DECmcc Director) For local availability, please contact your Digital Sales Office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. R Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver, Open- VMS, DECsystem, DECstation, POLYCENTER, DECnet, Ultrix, DECmcc, DECthreads, ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS, and VMS are trade- marks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 19