Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECvoiceBuilder Software for OpenVMS, Version 1.1 SPD 40.62.01 DESCRIPTION DECvoiceBuilder Software for OpenVMS provides an easy-to-use environ- ment for developing, maintaining, and monitoring telephone applica- tions using DECvoice hardware and software. It contains code to enable it to run on telephone systems outside of North America. DECvoiceBuilder Software for OpenVMS consists of four software com- ponents: o DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor o DECvoiceBuilder Recording Studio o DECvoiceBuilder Administrator o DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Library Licenses for these four components are individually available and are also available in packages for two concurrent user environments: o DECvoiceBuilder Production Environment: DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor DECvoiceBuilder Recording Studio DECvoiceBuilder Administrator DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Library o DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Environment: DECvoiceBuilder Administrator DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Library DIGITAL November 1993 AE-PPJEB-TE Refer to the ORDERING INFORMATION section for detailed ordering in- formation. DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor provides a Graphical User Inter- face (GUI) that is used to describe the application. This is achieved by drawing a diagram composed of objects. Each object represents one step in the application. Connections are made between the objects to indicate the flow of the application. Once the application is created, it can be saved for later modifications or turned into a running ap- plication through simple menu options. DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor objects provide the following func- tions. o PHONE objects: - Answer a telephone call - Hang up a telephone call - Transfer a call to another phone number - Transfer a current call to another application - Dial a specified phone number - Place the current call on hold - Retrieve a call that was put on hold o MESSAGE objects: - Play a message to a caller - Record a message from a caller o DTMF (Touch-Tone[TM]) objects: - Send a sequence of DTMF tones to a caller or to a called num- ber - Collect DTMF input from a caller and place it in a specified buffer 2 - Provide a menu that collects a single DTMF key or voice-recognized digit from the caller and dispatches program execution to the network branch associated with that key o LOOKUP objects: - Retrieve data from a table - Open a database - Perform a predefined database operation - Close a database o PIN (Personal Identification Number) objects: - Collect user identification information to check authorization - Allow a user to update PIN information o CABINET objects: - Open a specified cabinet - Open the specified folder in the currently opened cabinet - Select the message to be played, filed, or deleted - File a message to the specified cabinet and folder - Play a message from the currently opened cabinet and folder - Delete a message from the currently opened cabinet and folder o CONFIRMATION objects: - Collect a "yes" or "no" recognition response from the caller o SPEAK objects: - Cause the specified text to be spoken to the caller using syn- thesized speech - Create a look-up for correct name or address pronunciation o CONTROL objects: - Mark the start of an application or function 3 - Mark the end of an application or function - Connect one branch of the application to another branch - Perform a decision operation based on two specified values - Create a new buffer containing a specified value or modify the value in a current buffer - Increment the value in the specified buffer - Specify the input style, DTMF, or voice recognition - Specify that alternate prompts, based on language or skill set, are to be spoken to the caller - Use the default error path - Compare a buffer and up to 8 constant values o PROGRAM objects: - Provide the opportunity to execute a group of associated objects as a single routine - Allow the execution of a specified user routine - Allow the execution of a specified user command procedure o FAX objects: - Allow the sending of ASCII or DDIF formatted files to a FAX ma- chine (this feature requires the installation of DECfax Mail soft- ware and one of the supported FAX devices-see SPD 41.69.xx). DECvoiceBuilder Recording Studio The DECvoiceBuilder Recording Studio provides the ability to create and maintain the digitized voice recordings used as prompts for an ap- plication. Multiple variations of a prompt can be created for the same application, allowing an application to have multiple language sup- port or have prompts based on the caller's skill level (such as novice and expert prompts). 4 The following capabilities are part of the DECvoiceBuilder Recording Studio. o Production of recording scripts o Graphical display for editing recordings that allow: - Cutting and pasting segments of recordings - Trimming unwanted silence from recordings o Support for compound prompts, where variable information is parsed as part of the output. DECvoiceBuilder Administrator DECvoiceBuilder Administrator provides for the monitoring and manag- ing of the applications and the configuration of the physical resources required for them to run. DECvoiceBuilder Administrator consists of two subcomponents, the Resource Manager and the Application Manager. The Resource Manager is used to deploy the application generated by the DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor. It builds a database that con- sists of information such as telephone resource configuration and voice resource availability required by an application. This information is specified by the user. The Application Manager runs the applications in a production envi- ronment. It initializes voice hardware, assigns physical voice resources to the application at run time, and starts and stops the voice appli- cations. The Application Manager also manages the reporting of sta- tus, error, and operator messages, and generates statistics and re- port information. DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Library DECvoiceBuilder Run-Time Library component provides the routines the DECvoiceBuilder Application Editor utilizes when it generates an ap- plication. 5 The Run-Time Library component consists of two separate libraries, the application support library and the text debug library. The applica- tion support library contains the code that interfaces to the voice devices. The text debug library contains the code that runs the ap- plication to the terminal screen by displaying prompts and messages, and receiving keyboard input. SOURCE CODE INFORMATION The following source code modules are provided on magnetic distribu- tion media: o Prototype demo-application modules that are intended to demonstrate and assist users in their implementations of various voice appli- cations. These modules are supplied without warranties. o A set of prompt libraries for the above prototype demo-application modules. These libraries are intended to assist users in applica- tion development only. Digital provides these source code modules on an ``as is'' basis with no support. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Systems and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Sup- port Addendum (SSA 40.62.01-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS VAX Operating System Prerequisite Layered Products DECvoice Software (SPD 29.97.xx) VMS DECwindows Motif[R] (SPD 36.09.xx) VAX C (SPD 25.38.xx) 6 Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 40.62.01-x) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software and for information regarding components of VMS DECwindows. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses Application Editor: QL-MQ7A*-** Recording Studio: QL-MQAA*-** Administrator: QL-MQ9A*-** Run-Time Library: QL-MQ8A9-** Production Environment (Contains one license each for Application Ed- itor, Recording Studio, and Administrator; and eight licenses for Run- Time Library.): QP-LBWAA-01 Run-Time Environment (Contains one license for Administrator and eight licenses for Run-Time Library.): QP-LBVAA-01 Software Media and Documentation Application Editor and Recording Studio: QA-MQ7AA-H5 Administrator and Run-Time: QA-MQ8AA-H5 Software Documentation Application Editor and Recording Studio: QA-MQ7AA-GZ Administrator and Run-Time: QA-MQ8AA-GZ Software Product Services Application Editor: QT-MQ7A*-** Recording Studio: QT-MQAA*-** Administrator: QT-MQ9A*-** Run-Time Library: QT-MQ8A*-** 7 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Personal Use and Concurrent Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered product. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. 8 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. © 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [TM]Touch-Tone is a trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, CI, DEC, DECvoice, DECvoiceBuilder, DECwin- dows, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, TK, VAX, VAX C, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and VXT2000 are trademarks of Digi- tal Equipment Corporation. 9