PRODUCT NAME: Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 DESCRIPTION This is the Software Product Description (SPD) for Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha Systems. Digital Fortran contains both the Digital Fortran 90 Version 7.1 software and the Digital Fortran 77 Version 7.1 software. The following description refers to Digital Fortran unless a specific reference to the 90 or 77 product is needed to distinguish between the two software products. Digital Fortran is an implementation of the Fortran programming lan- guage that supports the FORTRAN 66, FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 stan- dards. Digital Fortran 77 fully supports the following standards: o FORTRAN 66 (ANSI X3.9-1966) o FORTRAN 77 (ANSI X3.9-1978) o ISO 1539-1980(E) o MIL-STD-1753 January 1997 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o FIPS-69-1 (Digital Fortran meets the requirements of this standard by conforming to the ANSI Standard and by including a flagger. The flagger optionally produces diagnostic messages for compile-time elements that do not conform to the Full-Level ANSI Fortran Stan- dard.) Digital Fortran 90 supports all of the standards that Digital Fortran 77 supports plus the following new standards: o Fortran 90 (ANSI X3.198-1992) o ISO 1539-1991(E) Digital Fortran supports extensions to the ISO and ANSI standards, in- cluding a number of extensions defined by Digital Fortran for the var- ious Digital Fortran platforms (operating system/architecture pairs). In addition to OpenVMS Alpha systems, Digital Fortran platforms in- clude: o Digital Fortran 77 on Windows NT[TM] Alpha systems o Digital Fortran 90 and Digital Fortran 77 on Digital UNIX[R] (for- merly DEC OSF/1[R]) Alpha systems o Digital Fortran 77 on OpenVMS VAX[TM] systems Major additions to the FORTRAN 77 standard introduced by the Fortran 90 standard include: o Array operations o Improved facilities for numeric computation o Parameterized intrinsic data types o User-defined data types o Facilities for modular data and procedure definitions o Pointers o The concept of language evolution 2 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 Digital Fortran includes the following features and enhancements in both Digital Fortran 90 and Digital Fortran 77: o Support for linking against static and shared libraries o Support for creating sharable code to be put into a shared library o Support for stack-based storage o Support for dynamic memory allocation o Support for reading and writing binary data files in nonnative for- mats, including IEEE[R] (little-endian and big-endian), VAX, IBM[R] System\360, and CRAY[R] integer and floating point formats o User control over IEEE floating point exception handling, report- ing, and resulting values o Control for memory boundary alignment of items in COMMON and fields in structures and warnings for misaligned data o Directives to control listing page titles and subtitles, object file identification field, COMMON and record field alignment, and some attributes of COMMON blocks o Composite data declarations using STRUCTURE, END STRUCTURE, and RECORD statements, and access to record components through field references o Explicit specification of storage allocation units for data types such as: INTEGER*4 LOGICAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 COMPLEX*8 o Support for 64-bit signed integers using INTEGER*8 and LOGICAL*8 o Support for 128-bit floating point reals using REAL*16 3 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o A set of data types: - BYTE - LOGICAL*1, LOGICAL*2, LOGICAL*4, LOGICAL*8 - INTEGER*1, INTEGER*2, INTEGER*4, INTEGER*8 - REAL*4, REAL*8, REAL*16 - COMPLEX*8, COMPLEX*16, DOUBLE COMPLEX - POINTER (CRAY style) o Data statement style initialization in type declaration statements o AUTOMATIC and STATIC statements o Bit constants to initialize LOGICAL, REAL, and INTEGER values and participate in arithmetic and logical expressions o Built-in functions %LOC, %REF, %VAL, and %DESCR o VOLATILE statement o Bit manipulation functions o Binary, hexadecimal, and octal constants and Z and O format edit descriptors applicable to all data types o I/O unit numbers that can be any nonnegative INTEGER*4 value o Variable amounts of data can be read from and written to "STREAM" files, which contain no record delimiters o ENCODE and DECODE statements o ACCEPT, TYPE, and REWRITE input/output statements o DEFINE FILE, UNLOCK, and DELETE statements o USEROPEN subroutine invocation at file OPEN time o Debug statements in source o Generation of a source listing file with optional machine code rep- resentation of the executable source o Variable format expressions in a FORMAT statement 4 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o Optional run-time bounds checking of array subscripts and charac- ter substrings o 31-character identifiers that can include dollar sign ($) and un- derscore (_) o Language elements that support the various extended range and ex- tended precision floating point architectural features: - 32-bit VAX F_floating data type, with an 8-bit exponent and 24- bit mantissa, which provides a range of 0.293873588E-38 to 1.7014117E38 and a precision of typically 7 decimal digits - 64-bit VAX D_floating data type, with an 8-bit exponent and 56- bit mantissa, which provides a range of 0.2938735877055719D-38 to 1.70141183460469229D38 and a precision of typically 16 dec- imal digits. Calculations with D_floating data on Alpha systems use G_floating precision (53-bit instead of 56-bit mantissa) - 64-bit VAX G_floating data type, with an 11-bit exponent and 53- bit mantissa, which provides a range of 0.5562684646268004D-308 to 0.89884656743115785407D308 and a precision of typically 15 decimal digits - 32-bit IEEE S_floating data type, with an 8-bit exponent and 24- bit mantissa, which provides a range of 1.17549435E-38 (normal- ized) to 3.40282347E38 (the IEEE denormalized limit is 1.40129846E-45) and a precision of typically 7 decimal digits - 64-bit IEEE T_floating data type, with an 11-bit exponent and 53-bit mantissa, which provides a range of 2.2250738585072013D- 308 (normalized) to 1.7976931348623158D308 (the IEEE denormal- ized limit is 4.94065645841246544D-324) and a precision of typ- ically 15 decimal digits - 128-bit IEEE extended Alpha X_floating data type, with a 15-bit exponent and a 113-bit mantissa, which provides a range of ap- proximately 6.48Q-4966 to 1.18Q4932 and a precision of typically 33 decimal digits 5 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o The following combinations of floating types may be specified: - F, G and X (the default) - F, D and X - S, T and X o Command line control for: - The size of default INTEGER, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION data items - The levels and types of optimization to be applied to the pro- gram - The directories to search for INCLUDE files - Inclusion or suppression of various compile-time warnings - Inclusion or suppression of run-time checking for various I/O and computational errors - Control over whether compilation terminates after a specific number of errors has been found - Choosing whether executing code will be thread-reentrant Digital Fortran takes advantage of OpenVMS facilities to include the following features and enhancements in both Digital Fortran 90 and Digital Fortran 77: o Language elements for keyed and sequential access to OpenVMS RMS indexed organization files o The ability to specify an OpenVMS text library module in an INCLUDE statement o Support for calls to OpenVMS system service and Run-Time Library procedures o Generation of symbol tables for the OpenVMS Symbolic Debugger o LIB$ESTABLISH and LIB$REVERT are provided as intrinsic functions for compatibility with Digital Fortran exception handling 6 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o Support for providing error diagnostics to the DEC Language-Sensitive Editor component of DECset for OpenVMS Digital Fortran 90 includes the following features and enhancements: o Kind types for all of the hardware-supported data types: - For 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte LOGICAL data: LOGICAL (KIND=1), LOGICAL (KIND=2), LOGICAL (KIND=4), LOGICAL (KIND=8) - For 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte INTEGER data: INTEGER (KIND=1) INTEGER (KIND=2) INTEGER (KIND=4), INTEGER (KIND=8) - For 4-, 8-, and 16-byte REAL data: REAL (KIND=4) REAL (KIND=8) REAL (KIND=16) - For single precision and double precision COMPLEX data: COMPLEX (KIND=4) COMPLEX (KIND=8) o The following features of the proposed Fortran 95 standard: - FORALL statement and construct (implemented prior to V7.1) - Automatic deallocation of ALLOCATABLE arrays (implemented prior to V7.1) - Dim argument to MAXLOC and MINLOC (implemented prior to V7.1) - PURE user-defined subprograms (implemented prior to V7.1) 7 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 - ELEMETAL user-defined subprograms (a restricted form of a pure procedure) - Pointer initialization (initial value) - The NULL intrinsic to nullify a pointer - Derived-type structure initialization - CPU_TIME intrinsic subroutine - Kind argument to CEILING and FLOOR intrinsics - Nested WHERE constructs, masked ELSEWHERE statement, and named WHERE constructs - Comments allowed in namelist input - Generic identifier in END INTERFACE statements - Detection of Obsolescent and/or Deleted features listed in the proposed Fortran 95 standard. Digital Fortran flags these ob- solescent and deleted features, but fully supports them. Digital Fortran 77 contains the following extensions to the FORTRAN 77 standard: o Support for recursive subprograms o IMPLICIT NONE statements o INCLUDE statement o NAMELIST-directed I/O o DO WHILE and ENDDO statements o Use of exclamation point (!) for end of line comments o Generation of Cross Reference Listings o Support for NTT Technical Requirement TR550001, Multivendor Inte- gration Architecture (MIA) Version 1.1, Division 2, Part 3-2, Pro- gramming Language FORTRAN o Support for automatic arrays 8 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o Support for the following SELECT CASE - CASE - CASE DEFAULT - END SELECT statements. o Support for the EXIT and CYCLE statements and for construct names on DO - END DO statements o Reporting of unused and uninitialized variables Digital Fortran 77 takes advantage of OpenVMS facilities to include the following features and enhancements: o Support for providing cross-reference information to the DEC Source Code Analyzer component of DECset for OpenVMS o Support for translation of CDD/Repository records into Fortran records o Support for the extraction of program design information in com- ments using the DEC Source Code Analyzer component of DECset for OpenVMS Digital Fortran provides a multiphase optimizer that is capable of performing optimizations across entire programs. Specific optimizations performed by both Digital Fortran 90 and Digital Fortran 77 include: o Constant folding o Optimizations of arithmetic IF, logical IF, and block IF-THEN-ELSE o Global common subexpression elimination o Removal of invariant expressions from loops o Global allocation of general registers across program units o In-line expansion of statement functions and routines o Optimization of array addressing in loops o Value propagation o Deletion of redundant and unreachable code o Loop unrolling o Thorough dependence analysis 9 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o Software pipelining to rearrange instructions between different un- rolled loop iterations o Optimized interface to intrinsic functions o Loop transformation optimizations that apply to array references within loops, including: - Loop blocking - Loop distribution - Loop fusion - Loop interchange - Loop scalar replacement - Outer loop unrolling Specific optimizations performed by Digital Fortran 90 include: o Array temporary elimination Both Digital Fortran 90 and Digital Fortran 77 are shareable, re-entrant compilers that operate under the OpenVMS operating system. They globally optimize source programs while taking advantage of the native instruction set and the OpenVMS virtual memory system. Run-Time Library Redistribution: The Digital Fortran kit may include updated Run-Time Library share- able images. Digital grants the user a nonexclusive royalty-free worldwide right to reproduce and distribute the executable version of the Run-Time Library (the "RTLs"), provided that the user does all of the following: o Distributes the RTLs only in conjunction with and as a part of the user's software application product that is designed to operate in the OpenVMS environment. o Does not use the name, logo, or trademarks of Digital to market the user's software application product. 10 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 o Includes the copyright notice of Digital for Digital Fortran on the user's product disk label and/or on the title page of the documen- tation for software application product. o Agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Digital from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the software application product. Except as expressly provided herein, Digital grants no implied or ex- press license under any of its patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, or any license or other proprietary interests and rights. The RTL image is designated as DEC$FORRTL.EXE and is also provided with the name FOR$DEC$FORRTL.EXE. Digital Fortran may include a separate installation kit for the purpose of installing the Digital Fortran Run-Time Library. This kit, installable with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (a component of OpenVMS) must be used to install the RTL image on other systems. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: Any Alpha system that is capable of running OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Disk_Space_Requirements_(Block_Cluster_Size_=_1)_________ TASK____________SIZE_______________________________________________ Installation: 40,000 blocks (20.0 MB) Permanent:______40,000_blocks_(20.0_MB)____________________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 11 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VMScluster* configuration without restrictions. The HARD- WARE REQUIREMENTS sections of this product's Software Product Descrip- tion and System Support Addendum detail any special hardware required by this product. * VMScluster configurations are fully described in the VMScluster Software Product Description (SPD 42.18.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, DSSI, FDDI, SCSI and Mixed Interconnect configurations. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For All Systems Using Terminals (No DECwindows Interface): o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1-V7.1 For All Workstations Running DECwindows: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1-V7.1 o DECwindows Motif[R] V1.1-V1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Optional Components The OpenVMS Alpha operating system can be configured to include or omit certain components. Digital Fortran requires the following components to be included: o Programming Support o Utilities The default for OpenVMS Alpha installation is to include all compo- nents. 12 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o DECset V11.1-V12.1 for OpenVMS Alpha o KAP for Digital Fortran V2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha o Digital Extended Math Library V2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha o CDD/Repository V5.3 for OpenVMS Alpha GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available on the Digital CD-ROM Software Library for OpenVMS Alpha (QA-03XAA-H8). Documentation in hardcopy format can be ordered separately. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: Unlimited System Use: QL-MV1A*-AA Concurrent Use: QL-100AM-3B Concurrent 5 Pack: QL-100AM-3C Concurrent 10 Pack: QL-100AM-3D Software Documentation: Digital Fortran 90 Documentation: QA-MV1AA-GZ Digital Fortran 77 Documentation: QA-MV1AB-GZ Software Product Services: QT-MV1*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 13 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under license. For more information about licensing terms and policies of Digital, contact your local Digital office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT Digital Fortran supports the License Management Facility of Digital. License units for Digital Fortran are allocated on an Unlimited Sys- tem Use plus Concurrent Use basis. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered product. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product. This means that Digital will remedy any nonconformance when it is reported to Digital by the customer during the warranty period. The warranty period is one year. It begins when the software is in- stalled or thirty days after delivery to the end user, whichever oc- curs first and expires one year later. All warranty related support for this software will end one year after release of the subsequent versions. Warranty is provided in the country of purchase. Digital will provide a service location that will accept reporting (in format prescribed by Digital) of a nonconformance problem caused when using the licensed software under normal conditions as defined by this SPD. Digital will 14 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 remedy a nonconformance problem in the current unaltered release of the licensed software by issuing a correction information such as: o Correction documentation o Corrected code o Notice of availability of corrected code o A restriction or a bypass The customer will be responsible for the preparation and submission of the problem report to the service location. WARRANTY EXCLUSION DIGITAL DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE LICENSED TO CUSTOMER SHALL BE ERROR FREE, THAT THE SOFTWARE SHALL OPERATE WITH ANY HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE OTHER THAN AS SPECIFIED IN THIS SPD, THAT THE SOFTWARE SHALL SATISFY CUSTOMER'S OWN SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT COPIES OF THE SOFTWARE OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED OR AUTHORIZED BY DIGITAL SHALL CON- FORM TO THE SPD. DIGITAL MAKES NO WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE FITNESS AND OPERABIL- ITY OF MODIFICATIONS NOT MADE BY DIGITAL. IF THE SOFTWARE FAILS TO FUNCTION FOR REASONS STATED ABOVE, THE CUS- TOMER'S WARRANTY WILL BE INVALIDATED AND ALL SERVICE CALLS WILL BE BILLABLE AT THE PREVAILING PER CALL RATES. This Software Warranty is effective for licensed software products or- dered in the United States after October 1988 and supersedes all prior versions. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. 15 Digital Fortran Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 56.18.05 ® CRAY is a registered trademark of Cray Research, Inc. ® IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. ® IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. ® Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ® OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ® UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DEC Fortran, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, ULTRIX, DECset, CDD/Repository, and VAX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM] Windows NT, NT, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Cor- poration. © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 16