DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 DESCRIPTION The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (TCP/IP) product is a layered software product that provides interoperability and resource sharing among OpenVMS systems, UNIX[R] systems, and other systems that sup- port the TCP/IP Protocol Suite and the NFS[TM] product from Sun[R] Mi- crosystems. Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides mail, network file ac- cess, remote terminal access, remote command execution, remote print- ing, and application development. A lower cost version of Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, identi- fied as a client, is available for users who do not require the full complement of features available in the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product. The client license includes the functionality of the server license with the exception of the following server components: the NFS server, the BIND server, the PC-NFS server, and the remote BOOT server. Customers who require the full server functionality should purchase the server license. A Digital TCP/IP client upgrade license is avail- able for any customer who purchased a client license and now requires full product functionality. August 1996 AE-Q088F-TE Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 NEW FEATURES POP Server The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS POP server is an OpenVMS im- plementation of the Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (RFC 1725), and is based on the Indiana University POP server Version 1.8 (IUPOP3). A POP client is not included in the current implementation. POP is a mail repository used mostly by PCs to ensure that mail is accepted and stored even when the PC is turned off. The POP implementation is in- tended for use with the SMTP server provided with Digital TCP/IP Ser- vices for OpenVMS. SNMP Extensible Agent (eSNMP) Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides support for network man- agement with the Extensible SNMP (eSNMP) software. Extensibility means that an agent can support mul- tiple subagents. The current implementation has one agent, two sub- agents, and an applications programming interface (API). The subagents provide support for RFC 1213 (MIB-II) and partial support for RFC 1514 (Host Resource MIB). FINGER Command The FINGER command displays information about users on the system. FTP Command: VIEW The VIEW command displays the contents of a file on the current out- put device. 2 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 NFS Server Enhancement: File Naming You can create files and directories in an OpenVMS file system using names that do not conform to OpenVMS file-naming rules. This feature allows you to create files with case-sensitive names, or names con- taining characters that do not conform to OpenVMS syntax, without us- ing a container file system. NFS Server Support for XQP+ NFS supports access to XQP+, the eXtended QIO Processor file system introduced in OpenVMS Version 6.1. The XQP+ performance enhancements are especially beneficial for NFS servers that are handling a heavy load. FEATURES Installation and Configuration You install the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product using the VMSINSTAL utility (for VAX systems) or the POLYCENTER Software Instal- lation utility (for Alpha systems). For configuration ease, Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides a menu-driven configuration procedure. Using this procedure, you con- figure only those services and applications you plan to use. You con- figure all client software components quickly, without needing to se- lect individual menu options. Communications Communications are based on Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Ver- sion 4.3 and implement the following protocols and features: o Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) o Internet Protocol (IP) o Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 3 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 o Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) o User Datagram Protocol (UDP) o Routing Information Protocol (RIP) o Ethernet support o FDDI support o Auxiliary (AUX) Server (INETd), plus enhancements such as security and event logging Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Support FDDI is an ANSI standard for a network technology based on fiber op- tics. It specifies a 100-megabit-per-second transmission rate. Dig- ital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS allows OpenVMS systems to take ad- vantage of this technology by enabling TCP/IP communications with hosts in the following configurations: o On the same FDDI network o Over an FDDI/Ethernet bridge o Through a router OpenVMS hosts are also able to act as an internet gateway between FDDI networks and Ethernet networks. The management of the FDDI controller is integrated with the TCP/IP network management interface. Auxiliary Server (INETd) The INETd software is the TCP/IP service dispatcher for UNIX systems that was originally provided by Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Version 4.3. This feature greatly simplifies application writing and manages over- head by reducing the number of simultaneous server processes on the system. 4 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS implementation of INETd per- forms the following functions: o Listens for incoming connection requests and starts application ser- vices. Controls dynamic process creation in the same manner as does the UNIX-based INETd. o Provides a database of services. o Provides security features. o Offers event logging. BIND Server The BIND server translates the Domain Name System (DNS) host names into IP addresses. Network managers can set up a BIND database to config- ure primary, secondary, and caching servers on OpenVMS hosts. This fea- ture complements the BIND resolver, which is the client component of BIND that requests node-name-to-address translations from a BIND server. Remote Booting The remote booting feature allows remote host booting of diskless clients using OpenVMS as the boot server. Remote booting uses BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) and TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to initiate the boot request and download the boot files. UCX Management With Command-line Interface UCX Management provides DCL-style commands to control and monitor the TCP/IP software components. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Agent SNMP is the Internet standard protocol for network management over TCP /IP. The SNMP agent communicates with network management directors to provide information about network activity. The MIB-II variables (RFC 1213) and a portion of the Host Resource MIB (RFC 1514) are supported within SNMP. 5 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 Security and Network Access Control System managers use network security features to control access to Open- VMS systems from remote internet hosts. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS includes the following applica- tion programming interfaces: - A C-socket programming interface (the Berkeley socket programming interface) used to develop TCP/IP networking applications in the C language - A QIO programming interface used to develop TCP/IP networking ap- plications in any OpenVMS language - A SRIQIO interface - The Sun[R] remote procedure calls (Sun RPC) library, included in the Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS programming interface (in- cludes RPC function calls, the Portmapper module, and external data representation (XDR) routines) Applications The applications component includes numerous end-user protocols for file transfer, remote login, remote command processing, remote print- ing, and mail exchange, as follows: o File Transfer Protocol (FTP) FTP is the internet application protocol for file transfer that en- ables users to transfer files to and from remote hosts. o Telnet Telnet is the internet application protocol for remote login that en- ables OpenVMS users to log into remote systems and remote users to log into OpenVMS systems. Telnet provides support for both character and line modes. It also al- lows users to activate multiple Telnet sessions. 6 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 o Telnet 3270 Telnet 3270 enables users to make Telnet connections from OpenVMS sys- tems to remote IBM[R] systems using a 3270-style terminal interface. o Berkeley Remote Commands (rlogin, rsh, rexec) Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS implements the popular UNIX re- mote login (rlogin), remote shell (rsh), and remote executive (rexec) services. As with Telnet, remote login (rlogin) enables users to log into re- mote systems and remote users to log into OpenVMS systems. OpenVMS users can use rsh to execute commands on remote systems and remote users to execute DCL commands on OpenVMS systems. Authentica- tion is based on either user password or proxy access. o Remote Printing Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides the following remote print- ing services: - OpenVMS users can issue DCL-style PRINT commands to print files on remote systems using the LPD protocol. - Remote users can print files on OpenVMS systems using the LPD protocol. - OpenVMS users can use the Telnet print symbiont to print files on remote systems. o Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) SMTP is the internet application protocol for mail. Users can send and receive electronic mail to and from remote hosts. 7 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 NFS (Network File System) The NFS software supports the Network File System (NFS) Version 2.0 protocol specifications. NFS is an application-layer protocol that pro- vides clients with transparent access to remote file services. The NFS server software promotes data sharing among clients by pro- viding a central data storage facility for OpenVMS and UNIX files. The NFS server software provides two types of file access for remote clients: o Access to OpenVMS files o Access to files that are compatible with the UNIX operating sys- tem Automount As implemented in Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, the NFS com- mand AUTOMOUNT mounts and dismounts NFS file systems transparently on an as-needed basis, which is especially useful for mounting file sys- tems and directories that are only needed occasionally. File Conversion On-The-Fly The NFS protocol maximizes interoperability between OpenVMS and other systems by providing a sequential "read on-the-fly" file conversion capability. PC-NFS Server Remote PC users mount and access NFS files from OpenVMS. User/group identification (UID/GID) and authentication of the remote PC user are established through the use of the Digital TCP/IP Services for Open- VMS proxy database. Once access is established, users can print through the use of the PC-NFS printing mechanism. PATHWORKS Integration Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS supports the PATHWORKS IP driver for improved PATHWORKS and TCP/IP integration, which requires the PATH- WORKS Version 5 series. 8 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Supported Processors Processors running OpenVMS Version 6.1 or later are supported by this product. For a complete list of hardware and products, see the SPD for the specific operating system release. Other Hardware Required One of the following controller interfaces is required: Integral A resident Ethernet communications system. Ethernet DEFTA A high-performance network adapter that connects TUR- BOchannel systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. DEMFA A high-performance network adapter that connects XMI systems to ANSI FDDI local area networks. DEMFA re- quires microcode revision of 1.4 or higher. DEMNA A high-performance network adapter that connects XMI systems to both Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. PMAD A network adapter that connects TURBOchannel systems to both Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 local area networks. DETRA A token ring adapter for the TURBOchannel bus. DW110 A token ring adapter for the ISA bus. DW300 A token ring adapter for the EISA bus. Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS can share an Ethernet interface with other Digital networking products such as DECnet/OSI for Open- VMS. 9 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) The approximate amount of space required on the system disk is as fol- lows. Actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environ- ment, configuration, and software options. Global pages = 8100 Global sections = 42 Disk space required for installation = 17000 blocks (8700 Kbytes) Disk space required for use (permanent) = 16000 blocks (8200 Kbytes) CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT The Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is a layered product that is fully supported when you install it on any valid and licensed VMSclus- ter configuration. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section lists the spe- cial hardware required by this product. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS To qualify for a software support contract, Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 requires the OpenVMS operating system Version 6.1 or later. For Client Access: Client access requires a system that supports the protocols specified by NFS Version 2.0 and all TCP/IP application pro- tocols defined by the Request for Comments (RFCs). See Appendix A for a list of compatible client systems. For Systems Using Terminals: OpenVMS Version 6.1 or later For Workstations Running DECwindows: OpenVMS Version 6.1 or later For Workstations Running DECwindows Using Motif[R]: o OpenVMS Version 6.1 or later o DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 (or later) for OpenVMS 10 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Media and documentation for this product are available on Digital CD- ROM Software Library for OpenVMS (QA-03XAA-H8). You may order docu- mentation in hardcopy format separately. ORDERING INFORMATION Digital TCP/IP Client for OpenVMS Alpha Software Licenses: QL-0M2A*-** Software Documentation: QA-0LXAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0M2A*-** Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Software Licenses: QL-0LXA*-** Software Documentation: QA-0LXAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0LXA*-** Digital TCP/IP Client Upgrade-Alpha Software License: QL-0PHA*-** Software Documentation: QA-0LXAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0PHA*-** Digital TCP/IP Client for OpenVMS VAX Software Licenses: QL-GL7A*-** Software Documentation: QA-VHRAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-GL7A*-** Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX Software Licenses: QL-VHRA*-** 11 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 Software Media: QA-VHRAA-H* Software Documentation: QA-VHRAA-GZ Software Product Services: QL-VHRA*-** Digital TCP/IP Client Upgrade-VAX Software License: QL-OPJA*-** Software Documentation: QA-VHRAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-OPJA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The ordering information was valid at the time of release. Contact your local Digital office for current information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under a license only. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Dig- ital office. The client license provides complete product functionality except for the following server components: NFS server, BIND server, PC-NFS server, and the remote BOOT server. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity (LMF). License units for this product are allocated on an unlimited use ba- sis. For more information about the License Management Facility, see the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx) or the OpenVMS documentation. 12 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For further information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. APPENDIX A The NFS component of Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS has been tested for interoperability and connectivity with clients of the following systems: o Sun MicroSystems SunOS o Hewlett Packard[R] HP-UX[R] o IBM AIX[R] o Apple A/UX o Santa Cruz Operation SCO[TM] UNIX The above information is valid at time of release. Contact your lo- cal Digital office current information. © 1996 Digital Equipment Cor- poration. All rights reserved. [R] A/UX is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] Hewlett-Packard and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] IBM and AIX are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. 13 Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 SPD 46.46.05 [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM] SCO is a trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. [R] Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [TM] NFS and Sun OS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL logo, DEC, DECmcc, DECnet, DECstation, DECwin- dows, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, TURBOchannel, VAX, VAX- cluster, VMScluster, and VT are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. 14