Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: BASEstar Open Server SPD 47.87.10 Version 3.2 DESCRIPTION BASEstar Open is an industrial automation integration framework that facilitates the integration of manufacturing applications and plant equipment. Accelerated development of integrated manufacturing sys- tems is assured through an architecture that also encourages consis- tency of application development. BASEstar Open takes advantage of the client/server computing archi- tecture. BASEstar Open Servers provide the robust, high-availability environment required by mission-critical applications. BASEstar Open Clients, on the other hand, provide access to all BASEstar Open ser- vices and BASEstar Open-managed information from any network Node on which BASEstar Open Client is installed. Client and server communi- cations within BASEstar Open are provided through TCP/IP network com- munications. For a description of the BASEstar Open Client product, refer to SPD 62.54.xx BASEstar Open software provides services that allow comprehensive sup- port for manufacturing application integration, device connection, and control of plant equipment. The software operates in a distributed pro- cessing environment and its application integration features include: o Collection, management, and distribution of plant data o Automatic notification of significant (and critical) plant events o Exchange of packets of data via peer-to-peer communication COMPAQ 3-April-2000 o Facilities for allowing the synchronization and restarting of man- ufacturing applications In addition, BASEstar Open has the capability of allowing applications distributed across different network Nodes to use globally-defined in- formation (BASEstar Open objects). Device integration software provides services to access and control plant floor equipment using both proprietary and standard MMS commu- nication protocols. Specific communication services are provided through specific Device Access Software (DAS) modules. The DAS modules require separate licenses from BASEstar Open. Features Application Integration o Data Management BASEstar Open Data Services provide a standard mechanism for defin- ing, organizing, and accessing data in a distributed manufacturing en- vironment from a variety of sources including plant devices and area, plant, and work cell applications. BASEstar Open defines discrete elements (Data_Points) to contain man- ufacturing information. Data_Point definitions can be of various types, ranging from scalar data elements to user-defined data structures. This provides the high flexibility of data definition and acquisition re- quired to define the many different types of data typically present in industrial plants. Since each Data_Point is referenced by name, applications become in- dependent of their data sources and consequently do not require al- teration as data sources change. In addition, simple Data_Points can have a predefined value specified at startup time. The value of a Data_ Point may also be derived from the value of another Data_Point. The derived value can be obtained directly or modified by an arithmetic/logical expression. Data Services allow applications to define and manage Data_ Points. 2 You can associate each Data_Point with one or more Triggers. A Trig- ger defines a relationship between a Data_Point, a Filter, and an Event. Each time the value of a triggered Data_Point changes, associated Fil- ter expressions are evaluated. Whenever the Boolean result of an eval- uated Filter expression is TRUE, BASEstar Open declares the associ- ated Event. Likewise, the Timer object allows you to apply a time-based condition to the execution of an action. You can define the time condition as an absolute date, a time interval, or a combination of the two. When the Timer expires, BASEstar Open sends a message to the associated ob- jects. You can associate Timers with Trigger objects. It is possible to store one or more versions of a Data_Point value. In addition to the value, each Data_Point version includes the time when the Data_Point value changed and its status at that time. BASEstar Open generates a new version each time the value of a Data_ Point changes. You can therefore request the current version, contain- ing the current value, or alternatively, the value associated with any cached version. o Event Services BASEstar Open Event Services allow you to subscribe to one or more Events. Events are occurrences that are of interest to an application program- like threshold exceeding, alarms, job completion, and so on. You can define the occurrence of such Events and specify the context infor- mation that you wish to pass. This context information can also in- clude data and their types. On declaration of an Event, Event Services create and deliver the no- tifications that the subscribers receive. o Packet Services BASEstar Open Packet Services allow you to exchange Packets of infor- mation directly with other users. Two users can establish direct com- munication through a Port; one user connects to send a Packet, and the other user connects to receive it. 3 A Packet contains a description of information to be exchanged. Each Packet input and output parameter is described by a datatype. BASEstar Open delivers a Packet to a Port in a protocol-independent manner and also independent of the location of the users and Ports in- volved. o Application Management Services (AMS) BASEstar Open Application Management Services provide functions for managing and coordinating manufacturing applications. These applica- tions may be standalone or distributed across the Nodes of a network. Application Management Services allow users to organize application activities into hierarchical structures that support the execution startup and shutdown of synchronized activities, based on user-defined poli- cies. It is possible to execute, suspend, resumed, and terminate an appli- cation Activity. BASEstar Open monitors the status of all Activities. If an Activity (or Node) fails, you can choose from several recovery policies. For instance, in case of Node failure, you can restart an application on an alternative Node. o Application Development Support To assist in developing applications, especially when debugging or trou- bleshooting, BASEstar Open provides a Source Trace Tool. BASEstar Open uses this tool internally. It is also available to users for monitor- ing the execution flow of an application. You can enable or disable trace facilities dynamically by specifying different granularity levels; it is not necessray to stop and restart the tracing process. The output of the trace tool can be routed to sev- eral kinds of output devices-memory, files, terminals, and so on. Device Integration o Device Management 4 BASEstar Open software enables applications to interact with plant de- vices without knowledge of physical device characteristics such as lo- cation, protocol, or device specific data formats. Physical devices are modeled in compliance with the MMS standard - Message Manufactur- ing Specification ISO 9506. Devices are accessed through specific De- vice Access software (DAS) which provides operations such as reading and writing of simple and structured data via specific device proto- cols. o Device Access Software (DAS) Different manufacturing devices use different services and communi- cation protocols to connect to a computer system. These services and communication protocols are typically control vendor-proprietary. BASEstar Open DAS software provides proprietary communication spec- ifications to access device controllers that are available on the mar- ket from multiple control vendors. Device Access Software for many leading industrial control devices is available through Compaq. o Data Collection BASEstar Open software collects data from plant devices on request from the host Node (solicited), at pre-defined intervals (polling), or when generated by a device (unsolicited). Polling is a means of collecting data by reading specified address reg- isters in the memory of a programmable device at pre-defined inter- vals. To perform this task, the application defines a set of Data_Points (a Polling_Set) from which data is to be collected. In addition, BASEstar Open can receive unsolicited data directly from plant equipment devices, thus eliminating the processing overhead as- sociated with continuous polling. o BASEstar Classic Device Connectivity integration 5 BASEstar Open for OpenVMS includes a subset of BASEstar Classic to en- able the use of many of the DASes available through the BASEstar Clas- sic DCM connectivity. For specific information about the BASEstar Clas- sic DASes supported by specific versions of DCM and the OpenVMS op- erating system, consult the Compaq Professional Services organization. Configuration Management and BASEstar Open Objects System designers of manufacturing applications that use BASEstar Open model the plant by relating plant data, devices, significant occur- rences, etc. to BASEstar Open objects. This modelling process is called configuration and can be performed in several different ways, using either the Graphic Configuration, the Command Language Interface (CLI), or via user application program calls to BASEstar Open Configuration Services. o Named Objects The BASEstar Open environment is a collection of BASEstar Open named objects representing plant devices and Data_Points-alarms, data sta- tus, production counts, and so on. Manufacturing applications can there- fore use meaningful functional names to access these resources, rather than in a system-dependent manner which would require, for instance, information on physical locations. BASEstar Open objects reside in Domains. Domains are hierarchically linked to form a BASEstar Open Realm. Several Realms can be active at the same time. o Local and Remote Objects Access BASEstar Open objects can be directly accessed within a Realm by us- ing the object's full pathname. The full pathname includes the local name preceded by the relevant Domain names. Alternatively, the user can set the default Domain and access objects in that Domain using lo- cal names, and objects in lower Domains using partial pathnames. Logging 6 BASEstar Open logs error and diagnostic information, as well as sig- nificant events. The log files are effectively the "black box" of BASEs- tar Open. They provide the primary source of support for troubleshoot- ing activity if a problem occurs. BASEstar Open Interfaces BASEstar Open Server provides the following interfaces: o Application Programming Interface (API) The BASEstar Open Server API allows users to develop customized C lan- guage application programs which can make full use of the BASEstar Open services. o Command Line Interface (CLI) The BASEstar Open CLI is a Command Line Interface for configuring and managing BASEstar Open objects. BASEstar Open services are available via the CLI which is typically used for configuration and rapid pro- totyping. o Graphic Configuration Utility (GCU) BASEstar Open offers a PC-based Graphic Configuration with a Windows "look and feel". It allows users to: o Manage BASEstar Open objects using create, delete and modify com- mands o Load existing configurations from CLI scripts and snapshots o Save configurations in CLI scripts and snapshots o Browse through BASEstar Open configurations. The Graphic Configuration is bundled with BASEstar Open Server kits on Windows NT systems. It is included with the BASEstar Open Client on Windows NT and Windows 95/98 systems. BASEstar Open users on Tru64 UNIX or OpenVMS platforms can take ad- vantage of the Graphic Configuration via the PC-based BASEstar Open Client and GCU product. The PC-based Graphic Configuration replaces 7 the Motif-based GCU previously available with BASEstar Open Version 2.0. o DDE Connectivity DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) is a protocol that al- lows PC-based applications to exchange data. It ensures compati- bility between the PC-based data representation (used on Windows NT and Windows 95/98 platforms) and the native BASEstar Open data representation. This capability augments significantly the scope of BASEstar Open, allowing you to integrate DDE-compliant software packages such as Microsoft Excel, InTouch from Wonderware, and DDE drivers. Program Development With the appropriate development license, users can develop BASEstar Open applications via the following: o BASEstar Open API (see above) o BASEstar Open CLI (see above) o BASEstar Open's high level language, BASEstar CIMfast. BASEstar CIMfast is an application enabler that provides the follow- ing benefits to BASEstar Open application developers: o Fully portable applications o Reduced development time o Reduced application complexity o Enhanced software maintainability o Rapid prototyping capability. BASEstar CIMfast allows even inexperienced BASEstar Open application developers to create BASEstar Open applications quickly. BASEstar CIMfast provides a very high level event-driven language es- pecially suited for describing highly asynchronous BASEstar Open in- teraction. This language, called the CIMfast Event Language (CEL), has the following features: 8 o Based on an Event/Action paradigm o Can be integrated with existing BASEstar application code o Can be customized by adding user-developed callback functions o Supports the use of the Language-Sensitive Editor (DEC/LSE) for menu- driven program creation (OpenVMS only) o Support for DECmessageQ The BASEstar CIMfast Event Language allows the user to describe in very simple terms which BASEstar Open Events will trigger a reaction. Ex- ample Events include: o Data changes representing the current state of the shop floor o Receipt of a message from another BASEstar Open or DMQ application o Expiry of a time interval. For each Event, the user can specify a sequence of actions to be taken when this Event occurs. Example actions include: o Activation or disactivation of a manufacturing device o A read or write operation from a manufacturing device's memory o Transmission of a message to another BASEstar Open or DMQ appli- cation o A call to a user-written high level language function The BASEstar CIMfast Event Language provides a wide range of Events and actions that support the typical interaction of an application with BASEstar Open. Development and Run-time Versions Users who wish to develop BASEstar Open applications require the BASEs- tar Open development version. This allows you to compile and link C language programs containing BASEstar Open API calls with the BASEs- tar Open libraries. Users who already have available a compiled and 9 linked BASEstar Open application only need a run-time version of BASEs- tar Open. BASEstar Open Functionality - Platform Differences In general, all BASEstar Open functionality is available across all the supported platforms. However, there may be specific differences for a given release depending on the platform on which the server is running. At the time of writing, the differences are as follows: o Source Trace Manager-not available with BASEstar Open Server on Win- dows NT o Graphic Configuration-bundled with BASEstar Open Server on Windows NT only o PODB support-not available with BASEstar Open Server on Windows NT For a detailed list of differences, refer to your platform-specific release notes. Documentation BASEstar Open Server is supported by the following documentation: o Run-time documentation kit: - BASEstar Open Introduction provides an overview of the services and concepts within BASEstar Open. - BASEstar Open Reference Guide provides the definition and spec- ification of the object model within BASEstar Open. - BASEstar Open Command Language Interface provides the specifi- cation of the command line interface to access BASEstar Open ser- vices. - BASEstar Open Messages provides the definition and the descrip- tion of BASEstar Open error messages and suggested solutions. - Compaq OMNI API Guide to Using OMNI Directory Services provides the specification for the OMNI Directory Services. 10 o Development documentation kit: - Run-time manuals - BASEstar Open Application Programming Interface provides the spec- ification of the callable interface to access BASEstar Open in- terfaces. - BASEstar CIMfast Programmer's Reference Guide - BASEstar CIMfast User's Guide - BASEstar CIMfast Guide to DECmessageQ - BASEstar CIMfast Guide to SQL Support o An installation and management guide specific to each operating sys- tem, for installing BASEstar Open Server on the selected operat- ing system. It provides instructions on how to install BASEstar Open and platform-specific user information. BASEstar Open Server Release Notes describes new features provided with BASEstar Open Server on OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX, and Windows NT platforms, and details any functional and documentation errors. INSTALLATION Before attempting to install the software, the customer must have all the pre-requisite hardware and software installed. Compaq recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software include Compaq In- stallation Services. Connectivity to all other Nodes within the network is the responsi- bility of the customer. SUPPORTED VERSIONS This SPD covers the following versions of the BASEstar Open Server prod- uct: o BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.2 o BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha V3.2 11 o BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX V3.2 o BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT V3.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.2: VAX processors supporting OpenVMS VAX V6.1 to V7.2 BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.2: Alpha processors supporting OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 to V7.2 BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX Version 3.2: Alpha processors supporting Tru64 UNIX V3.2C to V5.0 BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT Version 3.2: Intel processors supporting Windows NT V4.0 DISK AND MEMORY SPACE REQUIREMENTS BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.2 Minimum recommended memory: o 48 Mbytes Disk space required: o 30,000 blocks (for installation) o 28,100 blocks (for subsequent use) ) 12 BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.2 Minimum recommended memory: o 96 Mbytes Disk space required: o 60,000 blocks (for installation) o 50,000 blocks (for subsequent use) BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX Version 3.2 Minimum recommended memory: o 96 Mbytes Disk space required: o 90 Mbytes (for installation and subsequent use) BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT Version 3.2 Minimum recommended memory: o 32 Mbytes Disk space required: o Development: - 28 Mbytes (for installation) and 26 Mbytes (for subsequent use) o Run-time: - 22 Mbytes (for installation) and 20 Mbytes (for subsequent use) Actual memory requirements depend on application characteristics like the number and size of Data_Points, the number and frequency of Events, device access frequency, etc. 13 Disk space values do not include disk space required for using sup- ported relational databases. The above values refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes will vary depending on the user's system environment and use of BASEstar Open. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 Ready. "Year 2000 Ready" products are de- fined by Compaq as products capable of accurately processing, provid- ing, and/or receiving date data from, into and between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, includ- ing leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the associ- ated product documentation and pro- vided that all hardware, firmware and software used in combination with such products properly exchange accurate date data with the products. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available on CD-ROM for Tru64 UNIX, OpenVMS Alpha, Open- VMS VAX, and Windows NT platforms. It is also available on TK50 stream- ing tape for OpenVMS VAX platforms. 14 ORDERING INFORMATION BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX Development Option: Software Licenses: QL-0X7A9-** Software Documentation: QA-0X9AA-GZ Software Media: QA-0X7AA-** Software Product Services: QT-0X7A*-** Software Product Services: QT- 0X7A*-** BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX Run-time Option: Software Licenses: QL-0X6A9-** Software Documentation: QA-0X8AA-GZ Software Media: QA-0X6AA-** Software Product Services: QT-0X6A*-** BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha Development Option: Software Licenses: QL-0X9A9-** Software Documentation: QA-0X9AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0X9A*-** BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha Run-time Option: Software Licenses: QL-0X8A9-** Software Documentation: QA-0X8AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0X8A*-** BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX Consolidated Software Distribu- tion: Software Media: QA-5SRAA-H8 BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX Development Option: Software Licenses: QL-0XBA9-** Software Documentation: QA-0XBAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0XBA*-** BASEstar Open Server for Tru64 UNIX Run-time Option: 15 Software Licenses: QL-0XAA9-** Software Documentation: QA-0XAAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0XAA*-** BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT Development: Software Licenses: QM-2X2AA-AA Software Documentation: QA-2X2AA-GZ PC package (documentation, license): QB-2X2AA-SA Software Product Services: QT-2X2A*-** BASEstar Open Server for Windows NT Run-time: Software License (unlimited use): QM-2X0AA-AA Software Documentation: QA-2X0AA-GZ PC package (documentation, license): QB-2X0AA-SA Software Product Services: QT-2X0A*-** The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Compaq licensing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq office. Users who intend to develop applications which make use of the BASEstar Open services require a BASEstar Open Server development li- cense. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. 16 SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation. COMPAQ and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Of- fice. BASEstar is a trademark of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Cor- poration. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The information in this publication is subject to change without no- tice and is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE 17 RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION REMAINS WITH RECIP- IENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPAQ BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUEN- TIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (IN- CLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSI- NESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), EVEN IF COMPAQ HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING SHALL APPLY REGARDLESS OF THE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OF EITHER PARTY AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY SOUNDS IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LEGAL LIABILITY, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. The limited warranties for Compaq products are exclusively set forth in the documentation accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting a further or additional warranty. 18