Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 DESCRIPTION DECwrite[TM] is a compound document processing application that com- bines word processing, publishing, color text and graphics creation, data-driven charting, image integration, audio annotation, and LiveLink[TM] connections to supported applications and data. DECwrite is particularly suitable for use in collaborative authoring environments. Its multiplatform coverage, multilingual support, ease of use, and advanced publishing features make it the perfect document processing solution for large organizations. With DECwrite, users can create a common "house style" and apply it to many documents. This en- sures that in-house standards are adhered to and that consistent re- sults and quality are obtained in print. DECwrite is compliant with the Digital[TM] NAS[TM] (Network Applica- tion Support) architecture. This enables users to share DECwrite doc- uments, containing text and graphics content, throughout an organi- zation. DECwrite emulates WordPerfect[TM], Microsoft[R]Word and WPS-PLUS[TM] keyboard conventions. This makes DECwrite easy to learn and makes it easy for users to move between desktop applications. DECwrite includes converters that allow it to interoperate with entry- level publishing products such as Microsoft Word and WordPerfect. DIGITAL January 1994 AE-MJ95E-TE DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 FEATURES User Interface DECwrite presents functions through a graphical user interface. Func- tions are represented through menu selections and an icon-oriented func- tion bar. DECwrite offers users a choice of short menus that contain the most frequently used features, or full menus that contain all features. The short menus contain the top-level items such as File, Edit, Format, Insert, Page, Draw, Utilities, and Options. Users can switch between short and full menus. The menus also display the keyboard equivalents that allow users to use these features from the keyboard. The function bar provides "point and click" access to functions such as style selection, font family, text size and alignment, language, application of plain, bold, italic, and underline renditions, para- graph and line spacing, page layout, color selection, table insertion, conditional content, and audio annotation. The function bar is dynamic and tracks the attributes at the current cursor position. DECwrite also provides five context-sensitive pop-up menus. These menus pop up near the pointer position for easy access. The pop-up menus in- clude the most frequently used editing features for text and graph- ics, as well as the entries for the most commonly used styles, tables, and objects. DECwrite supports multilingual installations and provides language switch- ing via the DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] Session Manager. Selecting a lan- guage in the Session Manager automatically sets the user interface lan- guage for DECwrite. The user interface also features the following: o Rulers with tracking and grids for easy placement of text blocks and objects. o Snap to ruler on or off. 2 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 o Status display boxes that display information such as the current page number, first and last page, current style, text block con- nections, and graphic object size. o A vertical and horizontal scroll bar. DECwrite emulates several keyboard styles including GOLD KEY[TM] for WPS-PLUS compatibility, WordPerfect and Microsoft Word; EVE[TM], EDT[TM], and EMACS for technical users. There is also a DECwrite-specific key- board interface. Help DECwrite provides task-oriented help, context-sensitive help, and ref- erence help. In addition, an online tutorial, which aids the user in learning DECwrite concepts, can be accessed from the Help menu. These help features accelerate the learning process for new users of DECwrite. Editor DECwrite includes a full word-processing editor with functions such as select, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, and navigation. DECwrite has sophisticated search and replace capabilities including the ability to search for carriage returns, special characters, patterns, and ar- bitrary white space. Advanced editorial features such as redlining, change bars, and change pages make DECwrite an appropriate application for documentation and publication groups. DECwrite includes Houghton Mifflin's high-quality hyphenation routine and an American lexicon based on the American Heritage Dictionary (in- cluded with the United States version only). DECwrite allows the user to create exception dictionaries for words that would not commonly appear in a standard dictionary. The excep- tion dictionaries can be kept locally or used globally in a DECwrite workgroup. 3 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Hyphenation can be controlled with discretionary hyphens, or disabled on a paragraph by paragraph basis. DECwrite also supports multiple lan- guage hyphenation. For example, French and German may be used within the same document. Supported language hyphenation includes: Danish, Dutch, English (American and British), Finnish, French, German, Ital- ian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. DECwrite allows users to verify and correct spelling in multiple lan- guages. For example, when French and German are used within a docu- ment, the spelling of the words in those languages is checked if the French and German optional lexicons are added to the system. Optional language lexicons are available. Refer to the System Support Adden- dum (SSA 25.F7.04-A) for further information. In addition, the user can verify and correct word usage and access an electronic thesaurus. Color DECwrite allows the user to apply color to text, tables and graphic objects. Users can create color style files and print documents on color PostScript[R] printers. Rulers/Tabs DECwrite provides left, right, center, and decimal tab alignment. Users can modify the current ruler, which affects consecutive paragraphs that have the same ruler. Starting a new ruler affects the current and all following consecutive paragraphs that have the same ruler. Rulers can also be saved as part of a paragraph style. Tables DECwrite supports cell-based table editing, allowing users to create tables that can include text, graphics, or numeric data. Users can ap- ply paragraph styles and format text in a table and can apply colors to the table outline, background, and content. Rows and columns can be joined and split, added or deleted. Contents can be aligned left, right, or center within the table cell, and copy, cut, paste, and clear functions can be performed. ASCII text can be imported into a table 4 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 and a new table is created if necessary. Tables can be split over mul- tiple pages, with table headers automatically inherited from one page to the next. DECwrite provides predefined table styles. Users can also define and store their own table styles. Mail Merge With DECwrite's mail merge function, users can create form letters us- ing variables inside a form document. A records file containing the variables can be either a text file in WPS-PLUS or tabular format, or a DDIF (Digital Document Interchange Format) file. The mail merge func- tion allows users to automatically print unique documents or save them as DECwrite documents. Variables DECwrite supports the definition of variables to streamline the cre- ation of documents with common elements, such as document number, au- thor, revision number, company name, etc. When the variable defini- tion changes, all locations in a document are updated. Variables may be defined in a style file for shared use. Conditional Content DECwrite allows users to define conditions that control which parts of a document are to be displayed. This enables writers to create a generic document that can be tailored to a specific audience by in- cluding or excluding the conditional text. Audio Content Audio content can be recorded and played within a DECwrite document from an audio-capable workstation (See SSA 25.F7.04-A). The ability to include audio content provides users with a simple means of anno- tating a document. Tables of Contents 5 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 DECwrite allows users to generate a table of contents automatically, using the titles in a document. Users can insert a table of contents anywhere in a document and edit or regenerate it at any time. The table of contents entries are formatted based on the title styles of the entries, and the overall format of the table of contents is de- termined by the table of contents style. Index DECwrite allows users to generate an index made up of entries that they specify as they create the document. The index can contain up to four levels of index entries. For each level, users can specify a sorting order (for example, for numbers or special characters). Users can edit or regenerate the index at any time. Cross-References Users can insert cross-references in DECwrite documents (for example, "See Figure 3 on page 45"). Users can make cross-references to the la- bel, content, or page number of a title, paragraph, or list item any- where in the document. LiveLink Connections DECwrite documents can include LiveLink connections to supported ap- plications and their data. Data that is linked to DECwrite is displayed as part of the DECwrite document. If the data changes, the DECwrite document can be updated automatically to reflect the changes in the data. The user can also specify that LiveLink connections are updated only when desired. The user can modify or delete LiveLink connections to applications at any time. DECwrite can link to data anywhere in the network as long as the user has the privileges required to access the data. LiveLink connections can be specified with several file location types. These include: with the document, in a private library, in a network library, and in a sys- tem library. These file location types tell DECwrite where to look for the linked data and how the compound document should be packaged for mailing. 6 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Applications to which users can insert LiveLink connections include the following: o DECpaint (included with DECwindows Motif) o DECchart[TM] (included with DECwrite) o Equation Editor (included with DECwrite) o DECsound (included with DECwindows Motif) Data Links It is possible to insert LiveLink connections to other DECwrite doc- uments, to DDIF pictures and DDIF images (for example, images produced by DECimage[TM]), and to final form data (for example, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files produced by Adobe[TM] Illustrator). Converters DECwrite uses the CDA[TM] converter architecture to interchange data with other applications. The converter architecture assures that a va- riety of formats can be converted to the DDIF format, which is the for- mat used by DECwrite documents. The converters included with DECwrite include a converter that allows DECwrite to read and write WPS-PLUS documents, and a DX converter that allows DECwrite to read and write DX files for use by WPS-PLUS and other applications. DECwrite also includes WK1, WK3, DIF, CALCGRD, ASCII Tabular, and ASCII Field converters, allowing data in these formats to be imported into DECchart. Additional converters are available through the CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM]. See the CDA Converter Library Software Prod- uct Description (SSA 31-31.XX) for more information. 7 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 A third-party converter that allows you to convert documents between Interleaf[R] and DECwrite formats is available. This converter is called the Interlink converter, and it enables DECwrite to be used as a prepa- ration tool for the more expensive Interleaf TPS[R] software. The In- terLink converter is available from Keyword Office Technologies, Ltd., Calgary, Canada. Mailing DECwrite Documents When you use DECwindows Motif Mail or the OpenVMS Mail Utility to mail a DECwrite document, the mail software creates one file containing the DECwrite document and any files linked to the document and sends this file to the recipient. The recipient can unpack the file to recover the DECwrite document and all files linked to the document. Export to Bookreader DECwrite can be used as an authoring tool for the creation of online documentation when used with the Export to Bookreader[TM] function. DECwrite will create topic or page-based books with graphics, tables and footnotes as in-line content or as pop-ups in a separate window. The DECwrite table of contents and index are used for Bookreader nav- igation and all cross references become Bookreader hot spots. Text Styles DECwrite allows users to create text styles for the following types of elements: o Paragraphs o Titles o Lists o Tables o Footnotes o Table of contents o Indexes 8 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Users have full formatting control through the use of styles. By mod- ifying style attributes, the user can create other styles such as ab- stracts and subheads. Users can copy and then modify the style files supplied with DECwrite, or they can create new style files of their own. Style files can be used in any number of documents. In addition, style files can be shared among users. This method of formatting under style file control allows the docu- ment content to remain separate from the document format. The user has total control over document appearance. Style information is entered into fill-in-the-blank dialog boxes. The user may change point size, fonts, line spacing, justification modes, color, and other text at- tributes. Document appearance is automatically modified when the user changes the definition of a style. A user can give an element a new style at any time. For example, a user can change all main heads into subheads by simply applying a subhead style. Styles may be changed globally, which makes DECwrite an appropriate product for long documents. When local changes are desired, such as underlining a word, the user can use the function bar, the underline key, the format menu, or the text attributes box which lists a variety of rendition attributes such as font, point size, color, and slant. This allows the user to make quick one-time changes in cases where global style changes would be inappropriate. Page Composition and Pagination DECwrite provides a variety of layout functions for text, pages, and documents. Text styles are discussed separately (see the Text Styles section of this SPD). Pages are formatted using page styles, which can be defined for single or double-sided pages. Any number of page styles can be used in a document. Items that appear repetitively throughout the document (for example, running headers and footers, logos, and page or column rules) can be stored as part of page styles, and are auto- matically placed on each page. 9 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Users can create the page layouts of a document using a dialogue box or they can interactively create layouts for specific pages. DECwrite automatically links text flows from column to column and from page to page, or users can connect text flows in a non-contiguous fashion for documents such as newsletters. The formatting capabilities provided with DECwrite include: o Automatic pagination with automatic page numbering o Running headers and footers that can contain graphics or text o Up to 100 columns per page with the ability to freely mix a vari- able number of columns per page (for example, two columns at the top of a page and three at the bottom) o Hyphenation according to dictionary or algorithm o Alignment (justified, ragged-right, ragged-left, or centered) o Color text o Color outline and fill for graphics o Conditional content that enables parts of a document to be hidden or revealed depending on a selected condition, allowing users to create multiple variations of a single document o Vertical justification o Widow and orphan control o Manual kerning o Font scaling from 2 to 300 points, in .01-point increments o Support for installation of additional fonts o Support for the ISO-Latin 1 character set o Macros for user-defined functions o Hierarchical lists and sublists with automatic labeling and user- controlled indents 10 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 o Automatic numbering of sections, chapters, headings, paragraphs, lists, sublists, footnotes, and appendixes o Automatic cross-referencing o Numeric references for footnotes, automatic superscripting of foot- note references o Side notes o Redlining, change bars, and change pages o Spell Corrector o Usage Alert and Electronic Thesaurus (for American English only) o Generation of table of contents and index (up to four levels of in- dex entries) o Right, left, center, and decimal tabs, with or without user- de- fined leaders o Equation editor o Ability to include Encapsulated PostScript files o LiveLink connections to other supported applications o Ability to mix page sizes and portrait and landscape pages in a doc- ument Link to Document DECwrite includes a Link to Document feature. This allows the user to link files together to form a complete document. Chapters and pages are correctly numbered and a table of contents or index for the en- tire document can be generated. This feature allows users to work on different sections of a document and then easily combine those into a consecutively numbered document. This feature allows DECwrite to be used in a multiauthor environment. Graphics 11 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 DECwrite supports object-oriented color graphic editing, allowing users to draw the following objects: lines (constrained or at any angle), square, rounded square, rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle, ellipse, arc, polygon, and polyline. Arcs can be open or closed, pie wedge or chord. Objects can be colored, filled with patterns or shaded. Object outlines can be solid, dotted, dashed, colored, or patterned. Objects can also be drawn in a wide variety of line weights. DECwrite also pro- vides a freehand drawing tool. Annotation arrows (or lines or polylines) with filled, open, double, or single arrowheads can be easily applied to drawings or on top of images. Text labels can be placed next to the arrows to identify parts of a drawing. All graphic objects, including text labels, can be sized and scaled to a percentage or to exact dimensions. During scaling, the user can choose whether or not to scale line widths. Alignment, duplication, and space distribution features allow the user to easily create di- agrams, schematics, and flowcharts. Graphics can be placed anywhere within a document, including in ta- ble cells, running headers, and running footers. Graphics can be placed in frames that can be anchored to various reference points in text or to a particular place on a page, including the margin. Clip Art DECwrite contains a large selection of clip art files in DDIF image, DDIF picture, and Encapsulated PostScript format. Users can edit the DDIF picture clip art in DECwrite. DDIF image clip art can be edited using a bitmap editor such as DECwindows Paint. DECchart The DECchart component is an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn data chart- ing application that allows users to create professional business graph- ics for printing or for inclusion in DECwrite documents. The user spec- ifies the data to be charted and the desired chart style, and DECchart automatically generates the chart. DECchart features include: 12 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 o Nine predefined chart types: Bar, Column, Line, Pie, Area, Scat- ter, Hi-Lo, Histogram, Combination o Up to 45 chart style variations to choose from o Ability to modify predefined chart styles to create user- defined chart styles o Import data from: Lotus[R]1-2-3[R], DIF, and ASCII files o Easy-to-use worksheet interface for data entry, modification, and manipulation (cut, copy, and paste data in the worksheet) o Automatic trend line generation for scatter charts o Graphic annotation with overlays of text, lines, rectangles and ar- rowheads o Support for assigning color attributes to: axes, baseline, frame, grids, legend, tags, tick marks, column and bar fills, and over- lay objects o Modification of chart attributes including: axes, baseline, data values, frame, grids, legend, tags, tick marks, drop shadows, bar spacing, and bar overlap o Modification of text attributes: font size, family, weight, and slant o File flexibility: saving data, chart style, chart overlay, and color selections separately, or save everything together o Selectable fill patterns, line patterns, marker types, and attributes o Customization with user preferences o Ability to move and resize overlay objects Images and Graphic Formats DECwrite can link to or include black and white, gray scale, and color images. Images can be scanned in with the DECimage Scan Software or created by the DECwindows Print Screen utility. Image types such as TIFF, GIF, PICT, and MacPaint[R] can be imported via optional convert- ers. See the CDA Converter Library Software Product Description (SSA 31-31.XX) for more information. 13 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Image files created with DECwindows Paint can also be linked into DECwrite. Once images are in a DECwrite document they can be annotated, scaled, or cropped. Encapsulated PostScript files may be linked into DECwrite, and if the Display PostScript[R] extensions to DECwindows are available, these graphics will be displayed on the screen. Optional graphic converters are available in the CDA Converter Library. Document Styles DECwrite includes fifteen predefined style files: general, example, letter, manual, simple memo, technical memo, military specification, newsletter, price list, report, portrait slide, landscape slide, tech- nical slide, technical journal, and telephone directory. These doc- ument styles can be used as is, with other documents, or they can be easily modified by the user to suit any specifications. A set of com- panion style files for Bookreader output is also included. High Quality Output DECwrite provides high-quality black and white output to Digital PostScript printers such as the LN03 ScriptPrinter[TM], DEClaser[TM]3250, PrintServer[TM]20, turbo PrintServer20, PrintServer40, and PrintServer40 Plus printers. DECwrite also provides color PostScript output for Digital and most third-party color printers. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and hardware configurations are specified in the System Sup- port Addendum (SSA 25.F7.04-A). Display Devices DECwrite will run on any of the processors listed in the SSA, but it requires a display device. The supported display devices are a work- station, a VT1200*, VT1300*, VXT2000[TM]*, a VAXELN Window Server*, a PC with PC DECwindows*, or a PC with eXcursion for Windows*. 14 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 * Not recommended as replacements for workstations. There are a number of restrictions imposed by these display devices, for example: o Number of simultaneously open windows o Number of graphics or images in a document o Time to download fonts when opening a document o Ability to support the Export to Bookreader feature o Support for inter-application cut and paste of large amounts of text, graphics or images o Absence of some fonts o Absence of support for Display PostScript See the System Support Addendum (SSA 25.F7.04-A) for supported hard- ware configurations. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The following software is required to run DECwrite Version 3.0: o OpenVMS VAX operating system o OpenVMS DECwindows Motif Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 25.F7.04-A) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite and optional software. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-VVF**-** Software Media: QA-VVF*A-H5 Software Documentation: QA-VVF*A-GZ 15 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 Software Product Services: QT-VVF**-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. Note: Software Product Services are available only in the United States for the American English version of DECwrite. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use, Personal Use, and Concurrent Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. Each Con- current Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the lay- ered product. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. 16 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All rights reserved. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representation that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not in- fringe on existing or future rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with this description. Usage Alert, Electronic Thesaurus, International Hyphenators, and In- ternational CorrectSpell licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copy- right © 1985, 1987, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin. German 1985, 1987 by Lan- genscheidt K.G. French in cooperation with Librairie Larousse. Ital- ian 1988 by Nicola Zanichelli. All rights reserved. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,580,241, 4,724,523 and 4,771,401. Canadian Pat. No. 1,203,916. Thesaurus U.S. Pat. No. 4,724,523. English based upon The American Heritage Dictio- nary. Thesaurus based upon Roget's II Thesaurus. Reproduction or dis- assembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited. Arts and Letters[R] clip art licensed to Digital Equipment Corpora- tion, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright © Computer Support Corpora- tion 1985-1990. All rights reserved. Studio Advertising Art clip art licensed to Digital Equipment Corpo- ration, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright © Studio Advertising Art 1988. All rights reserved. [R] Adobe, Display PostScript, and PostScript are registered trade- marks of Adobe Systems Inc. 17 DECwrite for OpenVMS VAX, Version 3.0 SPD 25.F7.04 [R] Arts and Letters is a registered trademark of Computer Support Cor- poration. [R] Interleaf and TPS are trademarks of Interleaf, Inc. [R] Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Cor- poration. [R] Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Cor- poration. [R] Motif, OSF, OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Soft- ware Foundation, Inc. [TM] WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. [TM] Bookreader, CDA, DEC, DECchart, DECfonts, DECimage, DEClaser, DEC- paint, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, DX, EDT, GOLD KEY, LiveLink, LN03 ScriptPrinter, OpenVMS, PrintServer, VAX, VAXELN, VMScluster, VXT2000, and the Digital Logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 18