Encryption for OpenVMS Installation and Reference
B.2 BACKUP Utility Messages
The BACKUP /ENCRYPT command can produce the following messages.
BACNOTENC, backup set is not encrypted. Ignoring /ENCRYPT qualifier,
Explanation: The save set is not encrypted.
User Action: None. The save set is restored without
DECRYPERR, error encountered in encryption facility while decrypting a
backup record,
Explanation: An error has occurred decrypting save-set
data. The accompanying message gives additional information about the
User Action: Depends on the specific error.
ENCALGNOT, specified encryption algorithm is not supported in this copy
Explanation: You specified an unsupported encryption
algorithm to the algorithm keyword.
User Action: Re-enter the command, using a supported
encryption algorithm.
ENCBSRNOT, internal error. BACKUP Summary, Record required for
decryption not found,
Explanation: The BACKUP Summary Record that contains
the data key under which the save set is encrypted was not found at the
start of the save set. It is possible that the save set was not
User Action: None. The save set is probably corrupted
and cannot be restored. If the save set was in fact not encrypted, it
can be recovered by omitting the /ENCRYPT qualifier.
ENCFINERR, error encountered closing an encryption stream,
Explanation: An error has occurred cleaning up the
encryption context. The accompanying message gives additional
information about the error.
User Action: Depends on the specific error.
ENCINIERR, an error was encountered initializing an encryption stream,
Explanation: An error has occurred initializing the
encryption operation. The accompanying message gives additional
information about the error.
User Action: Depends on the specific error.
ENCKEYMAT, the supplied decryption key does not yield a readable save
Explanation: The checksum on the decrypted data key
and initialization vector does not match the checksum that was stored
previously. This usually means that an incorrect key name or value has
been specified.
User Action: Determine the correct key to decrypt the
save set.
ENCNOTSUP, encryption of save sets is not supported in this copy of
Explanation: This version of BACKUP does not support
User Action: Use another version of BACKUP that
supports encryption.
ENCQUAIGN, encryption not supported for this copy operation. Ignoring
/ENCRYPT qualifier,
Explanation: BACKUP supports encryption only in save
sets, not in file-to-file or volume-to-volume copy operations.
User Action: Re-enter the command, either omitting the
/ENCRYPT qualifier or using a save set, as your needs determine.
ENCRYPERR, error encountered in encryption facility while encrypting a
backup record,
Explanation: An error has occurred encrypting save-set
data. The accompanying message gives additional information about the
User Action: Depends on the specific error.
ENCSAVSET, save set is encrypted. /ENCRYPT must be specified,
Explanation: The save set is encrypted and, therefore,
cannot be read.
User Action: Decrypt the save set. Specify the correct
key with the /ENCRYPT qualifier.
KEYLENERR, entered key value is too long,
Explanation: The key specified is too long for the
encryption algorithm.
User Action: Re-enter the command using a shorter key.
KEYNOTVER, key value not entered identically as verification,
Explanation: The key values entered to the key and
verification prompts are different.
User Action: Re-enter the keys, taking care to type
the same value both times.