HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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B edit descriptor
BACK keyword
    in intrinsics
Backslash character (\)
    as edit descriptor
Backslash editing
BACKSPACE statements
    See also REWIND statement
Base of model
    function returning
Batch process
    temporarily suspending
Big endian
    definition of
    for OPEN (CONVERT)
Binary constants
    assigning with DATA statement
    data type assignments of
    examples of
Binary digits
    See Bits
Binary operations
Binary operators
    definition of
    form of
Binary patterns
    functions that shift
Binary transfer of data
    function performing
Binary values
Bit constant
    definition of
Bit constants
Bit fields
    function to extract
    functions operating on
    operating on general
    references to
    subroutine to copy
Bit functions
    categories of
Bit model
Bit patterns
    function performing circular shift on
    function performing logical shift on
Bit position ranges
    for 1-bit fields
Bit representation
    of integers
Bit size
Bit subfields
BITEST function
    function arithmetically shifting left or right
    function clearing to zero
    function logically shifting left or right
    function performing exclusive OR on
    function performing inclusive OR on
    function performing logical AND on
    function returning number of
    function reversing value of
    function rotating left or right
    function setting to 1
    function to extract sequences of
    function to test
    model for data
BIT_SIZE function #1
BIT_SIZE function #2
BJTEST function
BKTEST function
Blank characters
    effect in character expressions
    effect in statement label fields
    in fixed and tab source form
    in free source form
Blank common blocks
    See also Common blocks
Blank editing (BN,BZ)
BLANK specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements #1
    in OPEN statements #2
Block data program unit #1
Block data program unit #2
Block data program unit #3
    declaring external
    effect of using DATA statement in
    forcing linker to search libraries
    in EXTERNAL statement
BLOCK DATA statement
    example of
Block DO construct
Block IF statement
    See IF construct
    contained in constructs
    definition of
    DO loops in
BLOCKSIZE specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
    interaction with BUFFERCOUNT
BN edit descriptor
    function returning lower
    function returning upper
    in an array
Branch specifiers
    in data transfer
Branch statements
Branch target statements
    definition of
    in data transfer
    to END IF statement
    to SELECT CASE statement
BTEST function #1
BTEST function #2
BTEST function #3
BTEST function #4
    in OPEN statements
BUFFERED specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
Built-in functions
    defaults for
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    See also Intrinsic procedures
    data type
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
BZ edit descriptor
C character
    as comment line indicator
C keyword
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
C strings
CABS function
CALL statement
    examples of
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    using to invoke a function
Carriage control
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
CASE constructs
    flow of control in
CASE DEFAULT statement
Case index
    determining a match
Case sensitivity
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
Case values
    range of
CCOS function
CDABS function
CDCOS function
        types of
CDD (Common Data Dictionary)
    See also DICTIONARY statement
cDEC$ ALIAS directive
cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES directive
    ADDRESS64 keyword
    ALIAS keyword
    ALLOW_NULL keyword
    C keyword
    DECORATE keyword
    DEFAULT keyword
    DESCRIPTOR keyword
    DESCRIPTOR32 keyword
    DESCRIPTOR64 keyword
    EXTERN keyword
    IGNORE_LOC keyword
    NO_ARG_CHECK keyword
    REFERENCE keyword
    REFERENCE32 keyword
    REFERENCE64 keyword
    STDCALL keyword
    VALUE keyword
    VARYING keyword
cDEC$ DECLARE directive
cDEC$ DEFINE directive
cDEC$ ELSE directive
cDEC$ ELSEIF directive
cDEC$ ENDIF directive
cDEC$ FREEFORM directive
cDEC$ IDENT directive
cDEC$ IF DEFINED directive
cDEC$ IF directive
cDEC$ INTEGER directive
cDEC$ IVDEP directive
cDEC$ MESSAGE directive
cDEC$ NODECLARE directive
cDEC$ NOFREEFORM directive
cDEC$ NOSTRICT directive
cDEC$ OBJCOMMENT directive
cDEC$ OPTIONS directive
cDEC$ PACK directive
cDEC$ PSECT directive
cDEC$ REAL directive
cDEC$ STRICT directive
cDEC$ SUBTITLE directive
cDEC$ TITLE directive
cDEC$ UNDEFINE directive
cDEC$ UNROLL directive
CDEXP function
CDLOG function
CDSIN function
CDSQRT function
CEILING function #1
CEILING function #2
CEXP function
CHAR function #1
CHAR function #2
        passed length of
        in relational expressions #1
        in relational expressions #2
    function returning
    function returning position of #1
    function returning position of #2
    function returning position of #3
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
    See also Lowercase letters
    See also Uppercase letters
        making equivalent
Character arguments
    assumed length
Character assignment statements
    examples of
Character constants
    as arguments
    as edit descriptors
    assigned with DATA statements
    C strings in
    delimiters in
    examples of
    length of
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    uppercase and lowercase letters in
Character count
Character data type
CHARACTER data type
    definition of
    storage requirements
Character editing
Character expressions
    as format specifications
    function returning length of
    operator in
Character functions
    categories of
    definition of conversion
    definition of string-handling
Character operands
Character-oriented I/O
Character set
    DEC Multinational
    extensions to Fortran 95
    Fortran 95/90
CHARACTER statement
Character storage unit
Character string edit descriptors
Character strings
    as edit descriptors #1
    as edit descriptors #2
    directive specifying for output
    function adjusting to left
    function adjusting to right
    function returning length minus trailing blanks
    function to check for all characters in
    function to concatenate copies of
    function to scan for characters in
    function to trim blanks from
    of different lengths
    without delimiters #1
    without delimiters #2
    without delimiters #3
Character substrings
    effect of assigning values to
    examples of
    positions within parent string
Character type declaration statements
    automatic objects in
Character type functions
Character values
    OPTIONS statement option
Circular shift
    function performing
    of arrays
        function performing
CLOG function
CLOSE statements
    defaults for
CMPLX function #1
CMPLX function #2
Colon character (:)
    as edit descriptor
    in array specification #1
    in array specification #2
    in array specification #3
    in array specification #4
Colon editing
Column positions
    in fixed source form
    for fields in fixed source form
    position of comment indicator
    position of debugging indicator
Combining arrays
Comma character (,)
    as a field separator
Comment indicators
    in fixed and tab source form
    in free source form
    allowable characters in
    in continued statements
    in namelist input
Common block association
Common blocks
    agreement of data types in
    arrays in
    data types of variables in
    directive modifying alignment of data in
    directive modifying characteristics of
    effect of including in SAVE statement
    effect of sharing names in
    EQUIVALENCE interaction in
    establishing and initializing values in
    example of
    named #1
    named #2
    named #3
    pointers in
    variables in #1
    variables in #2
Common Data Dictionary
    See CDD (Common Data Dictionary)
COMMON statement
    example of
    interaction with EQUIVALENCE
    using record structure names in
    using to define storage areas
Comparison character functions
    features for language version
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    summary of language
Compilation control statements
Compiler directives
        syntax of
    See also General compiler directives
Compiler limits
    See Compiler in HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
Compiler options
    overriding with OPTIONS statements
    See also Command line in HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    data type
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
    data type
        function converting to
        See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    storage requirements
COMPLEX*16 constants
    See COMPLEX(8)
COMPLEX*32 constants
    See COMPLEX(16)
    data type
        See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    See also COMPLEX
    storage requirements
    data type
        See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    storage requirements
COMPLEX*8 constants
    See COMPLEX(4)
Complex constants
    See also COMPLEX(16)
    See also COMPLEX(4)
    See also COMPLEX(8)
Complex data types
Complex editing #1
Complex editing #2
Complex expressions
    using relational operators in
Complex numbers
    function determining imaginary part of
    function resulting in conjugate of
Complex operands
Complex values
    transferring #1
    transferring #2
Component selector
    arrays as derived-type
    derived-type #1
    derived-type #2
    of array structures
Computation functions
    definition of
Computed GO TO statement
    alternative for
Concatenation of strings
    function performing
Concatenation operator (//)
    order of precedence of
    See also the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    using in expressions
    using in long character constants
Conditional compilation
    general directive creating symbol for
    general directive specifying
Conditional DO statement
Conformable arrays
CONJG function #1
CONJG function #2
    function calculating
Connecting files
Constant expressions
        See Binary constants
        See Character constants
        See Complex constants
    definition of
        See Hexadecimal constants
        See Hollerith constants
        See Integer constants
        See Logical constants
    named #1
    named #2
    nondecimal numeric
        See Nondecimal numeric constants
        See Octal constants
    ranges for
        See HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
        See Real constants
        See Nested constructs
CONTAINS statement #1
CONTAINS statement #2
CONTAINS statement #3
    in main programs
Continuation indicator
    in fixed and tab source form
    in free source form
Continuation line
    in debugging statements
    number allowed
    restriction in included files
    statement label field of
CONTINUE statement #1
CONTINUE statement #2
Control characters
    in printing
Control constructs
    blocks in
Control edit descriptors
    for blanks
    forms for
Control-list specifiers
    defining variable for character count
    for advancing or nonadvancing I/O
    for transfer of control
    identifying the I/O status
    identifying the key field
    identifying the key-field index
    identifying the record number
    identifying the unit
    indicating the format
    indicating the namelist group
    keywords for
Control lists
        See also I/O control list
Control statements
Control transfer
    statements allowing
    with arithmetic IF statement
    with branch statements
    with CALL statement
    with CASE construct
    with DO construct
    with DO WHILE statement
    with END statement
    with GO TO statement
    with IF construct
    with logical IF statement
    with RETURN statement
    function performing logical
    function performing real
    function resulting in COMPLEX(16) type
    function resulting in complex type
    function resulting in double complex type
    function resulting in double precision type #1
    function resulting in double precision type #2
    function resulting in double-precision type
    function resulting in integer type
    function resulting in quad precision type #1
    function resulting in quad precision type #2
    function resulting in REAL(16) type
    rules for numeric assignments
    to higher precision
    to nearest integer #1
    to nearest integer #2
Conversion character functions
Conversion of data
    character to numeric using internal read
    rules for
    using FORMAT statements
    OPTIONS statement option
CONVERT specifier
    in INQUIRE statements
    in OPEN statements
Converting unformatted numeric files #1
Converting unformatted numeric files #2
COS function #1
COS function #2
COSD function #1
COSD function #2
COSH function #1
COSH function #2
    function returning hyperbolic
    function with argument in degrees
    function with argument in radians
    intrinsic functions for
COTAN function #1
COTAN function #2
COTAND function #1
COTAND function #2
    function with argument in degrees
    function with argument in radians
COUNT function #1
COUNT function #2
CPU_TIME subroutine #1
CPU_TIME subroutine #2
CQABS function
CQCOS function
CQEXP function
CQLOG function
CQSIN function
CQSQRT function
CRAY-style pointers
    See Integer pointers
CRAY value
    for OPEN (CONVERT)
Critical sections of code
    function to tune
CSHIFT function #1
CSHIFT function #2
CSIN function
CSQRT function
Current date
    subroutines returning #1
    subroutines returning #2
Current record
    for REWRITE statements
    beginning new one in DO constructs
CYCLE statement #1
CYCLE statement #2

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