HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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G edit descriptor
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    See Relational operators
General compiler directives
    syntax of
Generalized editing (G)
Generic assignment
    for procedures
Generic identifier #1
Generic identifier #2
Generic identifier #3
Generic interfaces
    in scoping units
Generic names
    for procedures
    of intrinsics
Generic operators
    for procedures
Generic procedures
    references to
    references to intrinsic
Generic references
    example of
Global properties
    of intrinsic functions
Global scope
    names having
GO TO statements
    establishing labels for assigned
Group repeat format specifications
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    See Relational operators
    OPTIONS statement option
H edit descriptor
    alternative for
H editing
Hexadecimal constants
    alternative syntax for
    assigning with DATA statement
    data type assignments of
    examples of
Hexadecimal values
HFIX function
Hollerith constants
    as arguments
    assigned with DATA statements
    data type assignments of
    examples of
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    uppercase and lowercase letters in
Hollerith values
Home page
    URL of HP Fortran
    association #1
    association #2
HP Fortran
    web site for
HUGE function #1
HUGE function #2
Hyperbolic cosine
    function returning
Hyperbolic sine
    function returning
Hyperbolic tangent
    function returning
H_floating data implementation
I edit descriptor
    advancing and nonadvancing
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
I/O control list
    advance specifier in
    branch specifiers in
    character count specifier in
    format specifier in
    key-field-value specifier
    key-of-reference specifier in
    namelist specifier in
    record specifier in
    specifiers in
    status specifier in
    unit specifier in
I/O data transfer
    formatted direct access
    formatted indexed
    formatted sequential
        PRINT and TYPE
    unformatted direct access
    unformatted indexed
    unformatted sequential
I/O lists
    derived-type items in
    general rules for
    implied-do lists in
    interaction with FORMAT statements
    items in
I/O statements
    extensions in
    file operation extensions
    for data transfer
    for operations on files
    PRINT and TYPE
I/O status specifier
I/O units
    associating with files
    definition of
    inquiring about properties of
    scope of
    OPTIONS statement option
IABS function
IACHAR function #1
IACHAR function #2
IAND function #1
IAND function #2
IAND function #3
IARGCOUNT function
    example of use
IARGPTR function
IBCHNG function #1
IBCHNG function #2
IBCLR function #1
IBCLR function #2
IBCLR function #3
IBCLR function #4
IBITS function #1
IBITS function #2
IBITS function #3
IBITS function #4
IBM value
    for OPEN (CONVERT)
IBSET function #1
IBSET function #2
IBSET function #3
IBSET function #4
ICHAR function #1
ICHAR function #2
IDATE subroutine #1
IDATE subroutine #2
IDENT directive
IDIM function
IDINT function
IDNINT function
IEEE values
    function testing for NaN
    See also IEEE in HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
IEOR function #1
IEOR function #2
IEOR function #3
IF constructs
    branching in
    examples of
    flow of control in
IF DEFINED directive
IF directive
IF loops
    flow of control in
IF statements
    examples of
IF THEN statement
IFIX function #1
IFIX function #2
IGNORE_LOC keyword
    for ATTRIBUTES directive
IIABS function
IIAND function
IIBCLR function
IIBITS function
IIBSET function
IIDIM function
IIDINT function
IIDNNT function
IIEOR function
IIFIX function
IINT function
IIOR function
IIQINT function
IIQNNT function
IISHFT function
IISHFTC function
IISIGN function
ILEN function #1
ILEN function #2
IMAG function #1
IMAG function #2
IMAX0 function
IMAX1 function
IMIN0 function
IMIN1 function
IMOD function
Implicit data typing
    overriding default
Implicit format
    list-directed input
    list-directed output
    namelist input
    namelist output
Implicit interfaces
    of dummy procedures
    alternative for
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
IMPLICIT statement
    examples of
    restriction with intrinsic procedures
    using to type variables
    using with intrinsic procedures
Implied-do lists
    in DATA statements
    in I/O lists #1
    in I/O lists #2
Implied-do loops
    in array constructors
Implied-do variables
    initializing with DATA statement
IMVBITS subroutine
INCLUDE statements
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
Including files during compilation
Inclusive OR
    function performing
Indefinite DO statement
INDEX function #1
INDEX function #2
Indexed DO statement
    See Block DO construct
Indexed files
    access keys specified in OPEN statement
    deleting records from (DELETE)
Indexed I/O statements
Indexed READ statements
Indexed WRITE statements
ININT function
Initialization expressions #1
Initialization expressions #2
    examples of
    for derived-type components #1
    for derived-type components #2
    in type declaration statements
    inquiry functions allowed in
    invoking inquiry functions in
    simplest form of
    transformational functions allowed in
    in OPEN statements
INOT function
Input data
    terminating short fields of
Input statements
INQUIRE statements
    ACCESS specifier in
    ACTION specifier in
    BLANK specifier in
    BLOCKSIZE specifier in
    BUFFERED specifier in
    CARRIAGECONTROL specifier in
    CONVERT specifier in
    DELIM specifier in
    DIRECT specifier in
    EXIST specifier in
    FORM specifier in
    FORMATTED specifier in
    general description of
    KEYED specifier in
    NAME specifier in
    NAMED specifier in
    NEXTREC specifier in
    NUMBER specifier in
    OPENED specifier in
    ORGANIZATION specifier in
    PAD specifier in
    POSITION specifier in
    READ specifier in
    READWRITE specifier in
    RECL specifier in
    RECORDTYPE specifier in
    SEQUENTIAL specifier in
    UNFORMATTED specifier in
    WRITE specifier in
    bit function
    functions for numeric
Inquiry functions
    allowed in initialization expressions
    allowed in specification expressions
    definition of
    for argument presence
    for arrays #1
    for arrays #2
    for arrays #3
    for arrays #4
    for arrays #5
    for bit size
    for character length
    for identifying number of processor
    for number of processors
    for numeric models #1
    for numeric models #2
    for numeric models #3
    for numeric models #4
    for numeric models #5
    for numeric models #6
    for numeric models #7
    for numeric models #8
    for numeric models #9
    for pointers
    for processors shape
    invoking in initialization expressions
INT function #1
INT function #2
INT1 function
INT2 function
INT4 function
INT8 function
    in type declaration statements #1
    in type declaration statements #2
    See also INTEGER(4)
    storage requirements
INTEGER*1 constants
    See INTEGER(1)
    storage requirements
INTEGER*2 constants
    See INTEGER(2)
    data type
        See also INTEGER
    storage requirements
INTEGER*4 constants
    See INTEGER(4)
    storage requirements
INTEGER*8 constants
    See INTEGER(8)
Integer data
    model sets for
Integer data types #1
Integer data types #2
    function converting to
    See also HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
INTEGER directive
Integer editing (I,B,O,Z)
INTEGER KIND for address
    function returning
Integer models
    function returning largest number in
Integer pointers
Integer values
Integer variables
    assigning labels to
    bit representation of
        in COMPLEX constants
        using to assign values
    directive specifying default kind
    function multiplying two 64-bit unsigned
    function returning difference between
    function returning leading zero bits in
    function returning number of 1 bits in
    function returning parity of
    function returning trailing zero bits in
    function returning two's complement length of
    logical operations on
    models for data
    range for
        See Integer data type in HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual
    of arguments
INTENT attribute and statement
    attributes compatible with
Interactive process
    temporarily suspending
Interface blocks #1
Interface blocks #2
Interface blocks #3
    for generic assignment
    for generic names
    for generic operators
Interface body
    definition of
INTERFACE statement
    defining generic assignment
    defining generic name
    defining generic operators
    generic identifier in
    defining explicit
    for dummy procedures
        See Generic interfaces
    of external procedures
    of internal procedures
    procedures requiring explicit
Internal address
    function returning
Internal files
    definition of
    position of
    storage of
Internal I/O statements
Internal procedures
    compared to external procedures
    definition of
Internal READ statement
Internal subprograms #1
Internal subprograms #2
    introducing in program unit
Internal WRITE statement
Internet information
    DO constructs
Intrinsic assignments
    scope of
    See also Assignment statements
    types of
INTRINSIC attribute and statement
    attributes compatible with
Intrinsic data types
    numeric nondecimal constants
    storage requirements for
Intrinsic functions
    alphabetical descriptions of all
    categories of
    example of using as arguments
    references to generic
    See also Functions
    See also Intrinsic procedures
    specified as INTRINSIC
    using external procedures of same name as
Intrinsic operators
    properties of extended
    scope of
Intrinsic procedures #1
Intrinsic procedures #2
    alphabetical descriptions of all
    bit functions
    categories of array
    categories of bit
    categories of character
    categories of numeric
    classes of
    definition of
    definition of mathematical functions
        See Intrinsic functions
    generic names
        rules limiting use
    inquiry functions
        See Inquiry functions
    keywords for
    kind functions
    names of
    references to elemental
    references to generic
    scope of name
    See also Elemental intrinsic procedures
        See Intrinsic subroutines
    transformational functions
        See Transformational functions
    using as actual arguments
    using with EXTERNAL statement
    using with IMPLICIT statement
INTRINSIC statement
    example of
    names in
Intrinsic subroutines #1
Intrinsic subroutines #2
    alphabetical descriptions of all
    See also Intrinsic procedures
    See also Subroutines
Intrinsic types
    See Intrinsic data types
INT_PTR_KIND function
Inverse cosine
    function returning degrees of
    function returning radians of
Inverse sine
    function returning degrees of
    function returning radians of
Inverse tangent
    function returning degrees of
    function returning radians of
IOR function #1
IOR function #2
IOR function #3
IOSTAT specifier
IQINT function
IQNINT function
ISHA function #1
ISHA function #2
ISHC function #1
ISHC function #2
ISHC function #3
ISHFT function #1
ISHFT function #2
ISHFT function #3
ISHFTC function #1
ISHFTC function #2
ISHL function
ISIGN function
ISNAN function #1
ISNAN function #2
ISO standards
Iteration count
    and loop control
Iterative DO loop
IVDEP directive
IZEXT function

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