HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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BACKSPACE statement #1
BACKSPACE statement #2
Basic linear algebra routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Batch job
    compiler errors during
    effect on /LIST qualifier default
Bit manipulation functions
    See LRM
$BLANK program section
    use and attributes
BLANK specifier
    Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    See also LRM
BLAS routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Block IF statement
    nesting limit
    See also LRM
BLOCKSIZE specifier #1
BLOCKSIZE specifier #2
    See also LRM
    reduction of I/O
$BSS$ program section
    use and attributes
BUFFERCOUNT specifier #1
BUFFERCOUNT specifier #2
    See also LRM
    for record I/O
Built-in functions
    %DESCR function
    %LOC function
    %REF function
    See also LRM; cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES
    used in passing arguments
    %VAL function
/BY_REF_CALL qualifier
C language
    argument passing with HP Fortran
        examples #1
        examples #2
        examples #3
    calling between HP Fortran and C #1
    calling between HP Fortran and C #2
    compiling programs
    example array passing
    example of function call by HP Fortran #1
    example of function call by HP Fortran #2
    example of function call by HP Fortran #3
    handling arrays
    See also Argument passing; Language interfaces
Call stack
    use by CHF
CALL statement
    maximum arguments allowed
    See also LRM
    used to call system services
Calling interface
    See Argument passing; Language interface
    effect of /CCDEFAULT qualifier
    See also LRM
Case sensitive
    external names in C
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #1
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #2
Case-sensitive names
    flagging lowercase (/STANDARD)
    option controlling
Catchall condition handler
/CCDEFAULT qualifier
    See also CDDL
    accessing from HP Fortran programs
    CDD records
        including in source listing
    data types
    See also CDDL (Common Data Dictionary Language)
    See also CDO (Common Data Dictionary Operator)
CDDL (Common Data Dictionary Language)
cDEC$ ALIAS directive
    ADDRESS64 directive
    ALIAS directive
    C directive
    EXTREN directive
    REFERENCE directive
    VALUE directive
    VARYING directive
cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES directive
cDEC$ directives #1
cDEC$ directives #2
cDEC$ OPTIONS directive
    and alignment
cDEC$ PSECT directive
    changing attributes
CDO (Common Data Dictionary Operator)
    data types
    in relative files
CHAR intrinsic
CHAR intrinsic procedure
    to null-terminate a C string
    data type
    See also LRM
Character arguments
    constant actual arguments
    passing between HP Fortran and C
Character data
    checking for out-of-bounds references
    constant actual arguments
    using whole character string operations for run-time efficiency
Character set
    See LRM #1
    See LRM #2
    flagging lowercase (/STANDARD)
/CHECK qualifier
    ALL keyword
    ARG_INFO (I64 only) keyword
    ARG_INFO keyword (I64 only)
    ARG_TEMP_CREATED keyword
    BOUNDS keyword
    FORMAT keyword
    FP_EXCEPTIONS keyword
    FP_MODE (I64 only) keyword
    FP_MODE keyword (I64 only)
    NONE keyword
    OVERFLOW keyword
    POWER keyword
    UNDERFLOW keyword
    See Condition-Handling Facility (CHF); Condition-handler routines
$CHFDEF library module
    in FORSYSDEF #1
    in FORSYSDEF #2
Close operations
    CLOSE statement #1
    CLOSE statement #2
    closing a file using RMS
CLOSE statement #1
CLOSE statement #2
    See also LRM
CMPLX intrinsic function
    qualifier controlling size returned
    See also LRM
Code generation
    for specific Alpha processor generation
Code hoisting
    in divide operations
    in optimization
$CODE$ program section
    use and attributes
COM file type
Command line
    abbreviating list of input files
    abbreviating qualifier names and keywords
    consistent use of qualifiers for multiple compilations
    differences from Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
    See also Compiler options; FORTRAN command; LINK command; DEBUG command; DEFINE command; DEASSIGN command
    specifying multiple keywords for a qualifier
Command procedures
    returning status values to
    to measure run-time performance
Comment lines
    D in column 1 (/D_LINES)
    See also LRM
Common blocks
    accessing variables in debugger
    alignment of data in
    causes of misalignment
    changing program section attributes
        creation, installation, and use
        synchronizing access
    order of data in
    program section (PSECT) attributes
    qualifiers controlling alignment
    See also LRM #1
    See also LRM #2
    shared interprocess
    use of VOLATILE statement
Common Data Dictionary
    See CDD; CDDL
COMMON statement
    and data-flow and split lifetime analysis
    causes of misalignment
    data alignment #1
    data alignment #2
    See also LRM; Common block
Common subexpression elimination
Communications, network task-to-task
Compaq Extended Math Library
    See CXML
Compaq Fortran 77
    compiler diagnostic detection differences
    for OpenVMS Alpha systems
        argument passing
        calling between HP Fortran
        I/O to same unit number
        passing aligned data
        passing common block values
        passing pointers
        passing same size data
    for OpenVMS I64 and Alpha systems
        compiler detection differences
    for OpenVMS I64 and Alpha systems
        language features not supported
    for OpenVMS VAX systems
        equivalent record types
        floating-point format differences
        FORTRAN command qualifier
        language features not supported
        porting data
        VAX H_float representation
    other platforms
        language compatibility (summary)
    record type portability
    request Fortran 77 compiler (/OLD_F77)
Compaq Fortran 77 OpenVMS Alpha systems
    mixed language example
    DO loop minimum iteration count (/NOF77)
    OPEN statement specifier defaults (/NOF77)
    PARAMETER syntax (/ASSUME)
    request Compaq Fortran 77 compiler (/OLD_F77)
    See also LRM
    translated images
        FORTRAN command
        LINK command #1
        LINK command #2
    unformatted files record length unit, RECL (/ASSUME)
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
        command line
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
        feature summary
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
        I/O compatibility
        language features #1
        language features #2
        language features #3
        request Fortran 77 compiler (/OLD_F77)
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX systems
        architectural differences
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        command line
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        converting data
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        feature summary
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        interpretation differences
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        language features #1
        language features #2
        language features #3
        porting data
        record types
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        translated images
        /VMS qualifier
    with Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF)
        feature summary
    with HP Fortran for Tru64 UNIX systems
        feature summary
        record types
    with HP Fortran on other platforms
Compile-time operations #1
Compile-time operations #2
    assumptions (/ASSUME)
    coding restrictions summary of
    data format assumptions (/CONVERT)
    data format assumptions (/FLOAT)
    data porting assumptions
    default file names
    effect of directives on performance
    effect of optimization level on compilation time and object file size
    input to linker
    messages issued by
        compiler-fatal messages
        general description
        source program messages
    process memory size
    process open file limit
    request Compaq Fortran 77 compiler (/OLD_F77)
    request threaded run-time execution
    See also FORTRAN command
    using latest version for run-time efficiency
Compiler directives
    cDEC$ OPTIONS directive
    OPTIONS statement #1
    OPTIONS statement #2
    See also LRM
Compiler options
        checking overflow, bounds, underflow (/CHECK)
        dummy variable use (/ASSUME)
        floating-point calculations (/ASSUME)
        floating-point format (/FLOAT)
        handling of single-precision constants (/ASSUME)
        IEEE exception handling (/IEEE_MODE)
        IEEE rounding mode (/ROUNDING_MODE)
        math routines used (/MATH_LIBRARY)
        REAL and COMPLEX declarations (/REAL_SIZE)
        set multiple qualifiers (/FAST)
        size of DOUBLE PRECISION declarations (/DOUBLE_SIZE)
    Alpha processor code generation (/ARCHITECTURE)
        case sensitivity of external names (/NAMES)
        character constant actual arguments
        dummy variable use (/ASSUME)
    code generation for Alpha processor (/ARCHITECTURE)
    Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems specific
        Compaq Fortran 77 compiler (/OLD_F77)
        Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems (/VMS)
        data alignment errors
        dummy arguments (/ASSUME)
        floating-point constants (/ASSUME)
        FORTRAN 66 processing (/F77)
        Fortran 90 standard conformance (/STANDARD)
        Fortran 95 standard conformance (/STANDARD)
        integer constants (/ASSUME)
        pad source lines with spaces (/PAD_SOURCE)
        PARAMETER syntax (/ASSUME)
        requesting compiler diagnostics (/WARNINGS)
        translated images (/TIE)
        unformatted files record length unit, RECL (/ASSUME)
    compatibility with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
        alignment (/ALIGNMENT)
        automatic storage (/AUTOMATIC)
        DOUBLE PRECISION declaration size (/DOUBLE_SIZE)
        floating-point constants (/ASSUME)
        IEEE exception handling (/IEEE_MODE)
        IEEE floating-point value of -0.0 (/ASSUME)
        IEEE rounding mode (/ROUNDING_MODE)
        INTEGER and LOGICAL declaration size (/INTEGER_SIZE)
        integer constants (/ASSUME)
        memory floating-point data type (/FLOAT)
        REAL and COMPLEX declaration size (/REAL_SIZE)
        recursive procedures (/RECURSIVE)
        shared memory granularity (/GRANULARITY)
        unformatted file data types (/CONVERT)
        unformatted files record length unit, RECL (/ASSUME)
        fixed-form source (/D_LINES)
        suggested /OPTIMIZE use
        symbol table and traceback (/DEBUG)
        directory search for include or module files (/INCLUDE)
        directory to place module files
        DML preprocessing (/DML)
        locating and placing include files
        object file (/OBJECT)
        request listing file (/LIST)
        requesting analysis file (/ANALYSIS_DATA)
        requesting diagnostic file (/DIAGNOSTICS)
        specify text library file (/LIBRARY)
        using module (F90$MOD) files
    fixed-form source
        D in column 1 (/D_LINES)
        pad source lines with spaces (/PAD_SOURCE)
        source line length (/EXTEND_SOURCE)
        specify source form (/SOURCE_FORM)
    functional groups of qualifiers
    listing file
        controlling contents of (/SHOW)
        object code listing (/MACHINE_CODE)
        request listing file (/LIST)
        accurate reporting of exceptions (/SYNCHRONOUS_EXCEPTIONS)
        changing severity of (/SEVERITY)
        limiting (/ERROR_LIMIT qualifier)
        requesting additional (/WARNINGS)
        requesting fewer (/WARNINGS)
        run-time checking (/CHECK)
        standard conformance (/STANDARD)
    not available in Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
    object file
        name (/OBJECT)
        one or multiple modules in object file (/SEPARATE_COMPILATION)
        prevent creation of (/NOOBJECT)
        symbol table and traceback (/DEBUG)
        translated images (/TIE)
    only check for syntax (/SYNTAX_ONLY)
    optimization (/OPTIMIZE)
    output buffer use (/ASSUME)
    pad source lines with spaces (/PAD_SOURCE)
        alignment (/ALIGNMENT)
        controlling Alpha code generation (/ARCHITECTURE)
        floating-point calculations (/ASSUME)
        floating-point format (/FLOAT)
        IEEE exception handling (/IEEE_MODE)
        INTEGER and LOGICAL defaults (/INTEGER_SIZE)
        math routines used (/MATH_LIBRARY)
        optimization (/OPTIMIZE)
        set multiple qualifiers (/FAST)
    recursive procedures (/RECURSIVE)
    reentrancy during RTL calls (/REENTRANCY)
    run-time checking
        accurate reporting of exceptions (/SYNCHRONOUS_EXCEPTIONS)
        IEEE exception handling (/IEEE_MODE)
        requesting additional (/CHECK)
    See also FORTRAN command
    version number (/VERSION)
Compiler summary
    output listing section
Compiling C language programs
Completion status values
    returning to command procedure
Complex data types #1
Complex data types #2
Complex data types #3
    declarations and qualifiers
    native representation
    See also LRM
    VAX representation
COMPLEX declarations
    option to control size of
Condition-handler routines
    catchall condition handler
    checking for arithmetic exceptions #1
    checking for arithmetic exceptions #2
    checking for data alignment traps
    coding requirements
    converting signal to return status
    definition of
    establishing handlers
    examples of use
    matching condition values
    removing handlers
    return values
    returning from a handler
    See also Condition-Handling Facility (CHF); Error handling
    signaling exception conditions
    terminating handling for signals
    traceback condition handler
    unwinding the call stack
    user written
        use of variables
    values and symbols passed
Condition-Handling Facility (CHF)
    default condition handlers
    See also Condition-handler routines
    use of call stack
Condition signals
    changing to return status
Condition symbols, Fortran
    summary of
Constant operation
    See Compile-time operations
    alternate PARAMETER syntax (/ASSUME)
    character actual arguments
        double precision
    maximum size
    See also LRM
CONTAINS statement
    See also LRM
Continuation lines
    maximum allowed
    See also LRM
CONTINUE command (DCL)
/CONVERT qualifier #1
/CONVERT qualifier #2
/CONVERT qualifier #3
    BIG_ENDIAN keyword
    CRAY keyword
    FDX keyword
    FGX keyword
    IBM keyword
    LITTLE_ENDIAN keyword
    NATIVE keyword
    VAXD keyword
    VAXG keyword
CONVERT specifier #1
CONVERT specifier #2
    See also LRM
Cross-reference information
        /CROSS_REFERENCE qualifier
        example routine #1
        example routine #2
    handling routine
    interrupting interactive program execution
    interrupting interactive program execution
    example use
    example program
    groups of routines
    types of libraries provided
CXML library
    for efficient run-time performance

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