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For item codes that describe bit masks, such as privilege masks and status words, this flag controls how the pattern bit mask specified by the item descriptor is compared with that in the process. By default, the bit masks are compared for equality.
The PSCAN$M_BIT_ALL flag is used only with bit masks.
For item codes that describe bit masks, such as privilege masks and status words, this flag controls how the pattern bit mask specified by the item descriptor is compared with that in the process. By default, the bit masks are compared for equality.
The PSCAN$M_BIT_ANY flag is used only with bit masks.
The PSCAN$M_CASE_BLIND flag is used only with character-string item codes. The PSCAN$M_CASE_BLIND flag can be specified with either the PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag or the PSCAN$M_WILDCARD flag.
PSCAN$M_EQL and PSCAN$M_NEQ are used with bit masks, character strings, and integers to control how the item is interpreted. Only one of the flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned. If you want to specify that bits not set in the pattern mask must not be set in the process mask, use PSCAN$M_EQL.
PSCAN$M_GEQ, PSCAN$M_GTR, PSCAN$M_LEQ, and PSCAN$M_LSS are used with integer item codes only. Only one of these four flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
PSCAN$M_GEQ, PSCAN$M_GTR, PSCAN$M_LEQ, and PSCAN$M_LSS are used with integer item codes only. Only one of these four flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
PSCAN$M_GEQ, PSCAN$M_GTR, PSCAN$M_LEQ, and PSCAN$M_LSS are used with integer item codes only. Only one of these four flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
PSCAN$M_GEQ, PSCAN$M_GTR, PSCAN$M_LEQ, and PSCAN$M_LSS are used with integer item codes only. Only one of these four flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
PSCAN$M_EQL and PSCAN$M_NEQ are used with bit masks, character strings, and integers to control how the item is interpreted. Only one of the flags can be specified; if more than one of these flags is used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
The PSCAN$M_OR flag can be specified with any other flag and can be used with bit masks, character strings, and integers. If the PSCAN$M_OR flag is used between different item codes, or if it is missing between identical item codes, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
For example, to find all process names that start with the letters AB, use the string AB with the PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag. If you do not specify the PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag, the search looks for a process with the 2-character process name AB.
The PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag also allows either the PSCAN$M_EQL or the PSCAN$M_NEQ flag to be specified. If you specify PSCAN$M_NEQ, the service matches those names that do not begin with the specified character string.
The PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag is used only with character string item codes. The PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag cannot be specified with the PSCAN$M_WILDCARD flag; if both of these flags are used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned.
The PSCAN$M_WILDCARD is used only with character string item codes. The PSCAN$M_WILDCARD flag cannot be specified with the PSCAN$M_PREFIX_MATCH flag; if both of these flags are used, the SS$_BADPARAM error is returned. The PSCAN$M_NEQ flag can be used with PSCAN$M_WILDCARD to exclude values during a wildcard search.
The following restrictions apply to the flags above:
The Process Scan system service creates and initializes a process context that is used by $GETJPI to scan processes on the local system or across the nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system. An item list is used to specify selection criteria to obtain information about specific processes, for example, all processes owned by one user or all batch processes.The output of the $PROCESS_SCAN service is a process context longword named pidctx. This process context is then provided to $GETJPI as the pidadr argument. The process context provided by $PROCESS_SCAN enables $GETJPI to search for processes across the nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system and to select processes that match certain selection criteria.
The process context consumes process dynamic memory. This memory is deallocated when the end of the context is reached. For example, when the $GETJPI service returns SS$_NOMOREPROC or when $PROCESS_SCAN is called again with the same pidctx longword, the dynamic memory is deallocated. If you anticipate that a scan might be interrupted before it runs out of processes, $PROCESS_SCAN should be called a second time (without an itmlst argument) to release the memory. Dynamic memory is automatically released when the current image terminates.
$PROCESS_SCAN copies the item list and user buffers to the allocated dynamic memory. This means that the item lists and user buffers can be deallocated or reused immediately; they are not referenced during the calls to $GETJPI.
The item codes referenced by $PROCESS_SCAN are found in data structures that are always resident in the system, primarily the process control block (PCB) and the job information block (JIB). A scan of processes never forces a process that is swapped out of memory to be brought into memory to read nonresident information.
See the $GETJPI service for a C program example that uses the $PROCESS_SCAN service.
See the description for the PSCAN$_GETJPI_BUFFER_SIZE item.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The pidctx argument cannot be written by the caller; the item list cannot be read by the caller; or a buffer for a reference descriptor cannot be read. SS$_BADPARAM The item list contains an invalid item identifier, or an invalid combination of item-specific flags is present. Or, an item list containing both 32-bit and 64-bit item list entries was found. SS$_IVBUFLEN The buffer length field is invalid. For immediate value descriptors, the buffer length must be 0. For reference descriptors, the buffer length cannot be 0 or longer than the maximum for the specified item code. This error is also returned if the total length of the item list plus the length of all of the buffer fields is too large to process. SS$_IVSSRQ The pidctx argument was not supplied, or the item list is improperly formed (for example, multiple occurrences of a given item code were interspersed with other item codes).
Removes a specified range of pages from the current working set of the calling process to make room for pages required by a new program segment.
int sys$purgws (struct _va_range *inadr);
OpenVMS usage: address_range type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Starting and ending virtual addresses of the range of pages to be purged. The inadr argument is the address of a 2-longword array containing, in order, the starting and ending process virtual addresses. The addresses are adjusted up or down to fall on CPU-specific page boundaries. Only the virtual page number portion of each virtual address is used; the low-order byte-within-page bits are ignored.
The Purge Working Set service removes a specified range of pages from the current working set of the calling process to make room for pages required by a new program segment; however, the Adjust Working Set Limit ($ADJWSL) service is the preferred mechanism for controlling a process's use of physical memory resources.The $PURGWS service locates pages within the specified range and removes them if they are in the working set.
If the starting and ending virtual addresses are the same, only that single page is purged.
To purge the entire working set, specify a range of pages from 0 through 7FFFFFFF; in this case, the image continues to execute and pages are faulted back into the working set as they are needed. If you exceed this range, the service returns SS$_NOPRIV. On Alpha and Integrity server systems, use the $PURGE_WS service to specify a larger page range.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The input address array cannot be read by the caller. SS$_NOPRIV A page in the specified range is in the system address space.
On Alpha and Integrity server systems, removes a specified range of pages from the current working set of the calling process to make room for pages required by a new program segment.This service accepts 64-bit addresses.
SYS$PURGE_WS start_va_64 ,length_64
int sys$purge_ws (void *start_va_64, unsigned __int64 length_64);
OpenVMS usage: address type: quadword address access: read only mechanism: by value
The starting virtual address of the pages to be purged from the working set. The specified virtual address will be rounded down to a CPU-specific page boundary.length_64
OpenVMS usage: byte count type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Length of the virtual address space to be purged from the working set. The specified length will be rounded up to a CPU-specific page boundary so that it includes all CPU-specific pages in the requested range.
The Purge Working Set service removes a specified range of pages from the current working set of the calling process to make room for pages required by a new program segment; however, the Adjust Working Set Limit ($ADJWSL) service is the preferred mechanism for controlling a process's use of physical memory resources.The $PURGE_WS service locates pages within the specified range and removes them if they are in the working set. To purge the entire working set, specify a range of pages from 0 through FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF (or to the highest possible process private virtual address, available from $GETJPI); in this case, the image continues to execute, and pages are faulted back into the working set.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
The Put service inserts a record into a file.For additional information about this service, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
Writes informational and error messages to processes.On Alpha and Integrity server systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.
The return value from *actrtn is checked to determine whether or not the message is output.
SYS$PUTMSG msgvec ,[actrtn] ,[facnam] ,[actprm]
int sys$putmsg (void *msgvec, int (*actrtn)(__unknown_params), void *facnam, unsigned __int64 actprm);
OpenVMS usage: cntrlblk type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha and Integrity servers)
Message argument vector specifying the message or messages to be written and options that $PUTMSG is to use in writing the message or messages. The msgvec argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha and Integrity server systems) of the message vector.The message vector consists of one longword followed by one or more message descriptors, one descriptor per message. The following diagram depicts the contents of the first longword:
The following table describes the message vector fields:
Descriptor Field | Definition |
Argument count | This word-length field specifies the total number of longwords in the message vector, not including the first longword (of which it is a part). |
Default message options | This word-length field specifies which message component or components are to be written. The default message options field is a word-length bit vector wherein a bit, when set, specifies that the corresponding message component is to be written. For a description of each of these components, see the Description section. |
The following table shows the significant bit numbers. Note that the bit numbers shown (0, 1, 2, 3) are the bit positions from the beginning of the word; however, because the word is the second word in the longword, you should add the number 16 to each bit number to specify its exact offset within the longword.
Bit | Value | Description |
0 |
0 |
Include message text
Do not include message text |
1 |
0 |
Include mnemonic name for message text
Do not include mnemonic name for message text |
2 |
0 |
Include severity level indicator
Do not include severity level indicator |
3 |
0 |
Include facility prefix
Do not include facility prefix |
Bits 4 through 15 must be 0.
You can override the default setting specified by the default message options field for any or all messages by specifying different options in the new message options field of any subsequent message descriptor. When you specify new message options, the options it specifies become the new default settings for all remaining messages until you specify new message options again.
The $PUTMSG service passes the default message options field to the $GETMSG service as the flags argument.
If you specify the default message options field as 0, the default message options for the process are used; you can set the process default message options by using the DCL command SET MESSAGE.
The Description section shows the format that $PUTMSG uses to write these message components.
Message Descriptors
Following the first longword of the message vector are one or more message descriptors. A message descriptor can have one of four possible formats, depending on the type of message it describes. There are four types of messages:
The following diagrams depict the message descriptors for each type of message:
Message Descriptor for User-Supplied Messages
Message Descriptor Field | Definition |
Message code | Longword value that uniquely identifies the message. The Description section discusses the message code; the HP OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual explains how to create message codes. |
FAO parameter count | Word-length value specifying the number of longword $FAO parameters that follow in the message descriptor. The number of $FAO parameters needed depends on the $FAO directives used in the message text; some $FAO directives require one or more parameters, while some directives require none. |
New message options | Word-length bit vector specifying new message options for the current message. The contents and format of this field are identical to that of the default message options field. |
FAO parameter | Longword value used by an $FAO directive appearing in the message text. The $FAO parameters listed in the message descriptor must appear in the order in which they will be used by the $FAO directives in the message text. |
Message Descriptor for System Messages
Message Descriptor Field | Definition |
Message code | Longword value that uniquely identifies the message. The facility number field in the message code identifies the facility associated with the message. A system message has a facility number of 0. You cannot specify the FAO parameter count, new message options, and FAO parameter fields. Each longword following the message identification field in the message vector will be interpreted as another message identification. |
Message Descriptor for OpenVMS RMS Messages
Message Descriptor Field | Definition |
Message code | Longword value that uniquely identifies the message. The facility number field in the message code identifies the facility associated with the message. An OpenVMS RMS message has a facility number of 1. You cannot specify the FAO parameter count, new message options, and FAO parameter fields. The longword following the message identification field in the message vector will be interpreted as a standard value field (STV). |
RMS status value | Longword containing an STV for use by an RMS message that has an associated STV value. The $PUTMSG service uses the STV value as an $FAO parameter or as another message identification, depending on the RMS message identified by the message identification field. If the RMS message does not have an associated STV, $PUTMSG ignores the STV longword in the message descriptor. |
Message Descriptor for System Exception Messages
Message Descriptor Field | Definition |
Message code |
Longword value that uniquely identifies the message. The facility
number field in the message code identifies the facility associated
with the message. A system exception message has a facility number of 0.
You cannot specify the FAO parameter count and new message options fields. The longword or longwords following the message code field in the message vector will be interpreted as $FAO parameters. |
On Alpha and Integrity server systems, 64-bit message vectors can be used for applications that require them. A 64-bit message vector begins with the same argument count longword as the 32-bit message vector. After the argument count longword is another longword containing the value SS$_SIGNAL64, which signals that a 64-bit message vector follows. Subsequent message vector elements have a layout analogous to 32-bit message vectors but are 64-bits wide.
For example, the following diagram depicts the format of a 32-bit message vector:
The 64-bit version of that same message vector would have the following format:
The $PUTMSG service accepts either the 32-bit or the 64-bit form of the message vector on Alpha and Integrity server systems.
OpenVMS usage: | procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | call without stack unwinding |
mechanism: | by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha and Integrity servers) |
Note that the first argument passed to the action routine is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to the message text; the parameter specified by actprm is the second.
The action routine receives control after a message is formatted but before it is actually written to the user.
The completion code in general register R0 from the action routine indicates whether the message should be written. If the low-order bit of R0 is set (1), then the message will be written. If the low-order bit is cleared (0), then the message will not be written.
If you do not specify actrtn or specify it as 0 (the default), no action routine executes.
Because $PUTMSG writes messages only to SYS$ERROR and SYS$OUTPUT, an action routine is useful when output must be directed to, for example, a file.
OpenVMS usage: | char_string |
type: | character-coded text string |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by 32- or 64-bit descriptor: fixed-length string descriptor (Alpha and Integrity servers) |
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