Document revision date: 30 March 2001 | |
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ODS2COMPAT, output volume 'device' structure [ODS-2] is not compatible with OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2
ODS2SAVE, save set disk on 'device-name' must be structure level 2
OFFLINE, 'device-name' off line
ONEF11DEV, both input and output must not be save sets
ONEF11OUT, file-structured output must not be a list
ONEIMGDEV, /IMAGE input specification must not be a list
ONEPHYDEV, /PHYSICAL specification must not be a list
OPENDIR, error opening directory 'directory-name'
OPENFAIL, failure opening component file 'file-number', 'file-name'
OPENIN, error opening 'file-name' as input
OPENIN, error opening 'file-name' as input
OPENOUT, error opening 'file-name' as output
OPERABORT, operator has aborted request, reply is 'reply'
OPERASSIST, operator assistance has been requested
OPERFAIL, error requesting operator service
OPERSPEC, specify option ('options')
OPRABORT, mount aborted by operator
OPRABORT, operator has aborted backup request
OPREPLY, 'reply'
OPREPLY, operator reply is 'reply'
OPRQST, 'request'
OPRQSTCAN, operator request canceled
OPRSNDERR, error sending request to operator
OPSPECLBL, the label was not specified; specify label (up to 6 characters)
OUTCOMTERMINATED, security server's outgoing message mechanism failed and is exiting
OUTOFRANGE, value specified is not within the legal range for this qualifier
OUTPUTERR, error opening primary output file SYS$OUTPUT
OUT_RANGE, number cannot be less than 1 or larger than 127
OUTSWPERR, outswap write error
OVERFLOW, overflow in floating addresses, illegal configuration
OVERWRITE, relative volume 'volume-name' on device 'device-name' will be overwritten
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