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Executes a DCL command or DCL command procedure on all nodes in the current management environment.Requires the privileges of the DCL command being executed.
DO [command-line]
Specifies a command string that SYSMAN passes to the command line interface (CLI) for execution.The command DO RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN [SYSMAN-command] is not supported. Instead, follow these steps:
- Enter RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN at the dollar ($) prompt.
- At the SYSMAN> prompt, set the environment to the selected node or nodes with the SET ENVIRONMENT command.
- Enter a SYSMAN command at the SYSMAN> prompt.
For complete information about DCL command syntax, see the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.
Verifies that you want to perform a DO command on each node you have specified with the SYSMAN command SET ENVIRONMENT.When you use the /CONFIRM qualifier, the system prompts you as follows:
Execute command for node <nodename>? [N]:The following responses are valid:
YES NO QUIT ALL TRUE FALSE [Ctrl/Z] 1 0 [Ctrl/C] [Return]
- Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1.
- Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key.
- You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for word responses.
- You can abbreviate word responses to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique.
- Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point.
- When you enter ALL, the command continues to process, but the system displays no further prompts.
- If you type a response that is not valid, SYSMAN issues an error message and redisplays the prompt.
Records output from the command in the specified file, which is located on the node from which you are executing SYSMAN. Position the qualifier immediately after the DO command. The default file specification is SYSMAN.LIS in the current device and directory. SYSMAN prefaces output with the message "%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node xxxxxx."/PAUSE
Controls the rate at which the system displays information. Using the /PAUSE qualifier causes the system to display information about one node at a time; the system prompts you to press Return when you are ready to display information about the next node.
The DO command executes the accompanying DCL command or DCL command procedure on all nodes in the current environment. Each DO command executes as an independent process, so no process context is retained between DO commands. For this reason, you must express all DCL commands in a single command string, and you cannot run a program that expects input.In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSMAN executes the commands sequentially on all nodes in the cluster. Each command executes completely before SYSMAN sends it to the next node in the environment. Any node that is unable to execute the command returns an error message. SYSMAN displays an error message if the timeout period expires before the node responds.
The system cannot display output returned from a command of more than 2048 characters without concatenation.
Three exceptions to be aware of when using the DO command in clusters are the following ones:
- In a multi-architecture heterogeneous cluster running OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, and Integrity servers, some uses of the DO command may require special handling. For example, if you are installing images that are named differently in each architecture, you can still use the DO command if you create logical name tables for VAX, Alpha, and Integrity server nodes. See the example sequence that follows this description for an example.
- Some DCL commands, such as MOUNT/CLUSTER or SET QUORUM/CLUSTER, operate clusterwide by design. It is best to avoid using these kinds of commands with the DO command in SYSMAN when the environment is set to cluster. As alternatives, you could leave SYSMAN temporarily with the SPAWN command and execute these commands in DCL, or you could define the environment to be a single node within the cluster. Similarly, operations on clusterwide logical names and tables operate clusterwide by design.
- Make sure that if you redefine the logical DCLTABLES, you do so in SYLOGICALS.COM, not in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or elsewhere. Otherwise, you will receive a command interpreter failure when executing a DO command on a remote node.
#1 |
The first command in this example defines the management environment to be the cluster where NODE21 is a member. The second command executes a DCL command on each node in the cluster. Output goes to the file SYSMAN.LIS rather than to the terminal.
#2 |
The commands in this example define the environment as a single node and adjust the current privileges and directory. The DO command executes the command procedure PROCESS_INFO.COM, located in directory [CJ.PROGRAMS] and writes any output to SYSMAN.LIS in the directory from which SYSMAN is running.
#3 |
$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE/PARENT=LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE $ DEFINE/TABLE=SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE ALPHA_NODES NODE21,NODE22,NODE23 $ DEFINE/TABLE=SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE VAX_NODES NODE24,NODE25,NODE26 $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=ALPHA_NODES %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE21,NODE22,NODE23 Username BOUCHARD will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE21 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE22 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE23 SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM: COM_FORTRAN.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE21 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE22 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE23 SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=VAX_NODES %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE24,NODE25,NODE26 Username BOUCHARD will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE24 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE25 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE26 SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM:FORTRAN$MAIN.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE24 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE25 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE26 |
This example shows how you can define logical names for VAX, Alpha, and Integrity server nodes in a multi-architecture heterogeneous cluster, so that you can use the DO command to install architecture-specific images.
#4 |
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Clusterwide on local cluster Username STEIN will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO/CONFIRM SHOW TIME Execute command for node EXPERT? [N]: Y [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node EXPERT 22-MAR-2002 09:40:28 Execute command for node MODERN? [N]: Y [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node MODERN 22-MAR-2002 09:40:56 Execute command for node IMPOSE? [N]: N [Return] Execute command for node ADU26A? [N]: Y [Return] . . . |
The commands in this example show how to control whether the system displays time for each node in a cluster.
#5 |
SYSMAN> DO/PAUSE SHOW TIME %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node EXPERT 22-MAR-2002 09:40:13 Press return to continue [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node MODER 22-MAR-2002 09:40:41 Press return to continue [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node IMPOSE 22-MAR-2002 09:39:46 Press return to continue [Return] . . . |
The commands in this example show how you can control the rate at which information is displayed on your system.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, adds an entry to the System Dump Priority registry file.The registry data file is the permanent database that survives reboots. It is loaded into memory during a boot. (You can use the DUMP_PRIORITY LOAD command at any time to load the contents of this file into memory.)
When you add an entry to the registry file, you must specify both the process name and UIC. If you attempt to add an entry that already exists, the system displays the following message: "SMI-I-SDPDUPIGN, duplicate record creation ignored."
BUGCHECK uses the loaded contents of the System Dump Priority registry to select priority processes to dump early on during a selective dump. Adding a dump priority for a process increases the likelihood that the process will be included in a dump, if there is insufficient space for all processes. (The ADD command only adds an entry to the System Dump Priority registry permanent file. For BUGCHECK to be able to see the entry, you must also enter a DUMP_PRIORITY LOAD command.)
BUGCHECK also keeps its own in-memory hardcoded list of priority processes, which are always treated as priority processes, even if the System Dump Priority registry is empty. These processes are the following:
Process Name UIC MSCPmount [1,4] AUDIT_SERVER [1,4] NETACP [1,4] NET$ACP [1,3] REMACP [1,3] LES$ACP [1,4] Note that you cannot see, change, or delete these default processes with DUMP_PRIORITY commands.
If you enter a process into the System Dump Priority registry, that process is dumped earlier, because user-specified priority processes are dumped before processes that are hardcoded into BUGCHECK.
Keep in mind that BUGCHECK keeps track of the processes that have been dumped, so that no process is dumped twice.
DUMP_PRIORITY ADD process-name /UIC=uic [/WILD_CARD]
The exact name of the process. If the process name is mixed-case or includes spaces or any other nonstandard OpenVMS characters, you must enclose it in double quotes; for example, "My Process".You can use wildcard characters (* and %). Because these characters are valid characters in any process name, you must include the wildcard flag /WILD_CARD. Setting the /WILD_CARD flag for a specific process entry tells BUGCHECK to treat the asterisk (*) and percent-sign (%) as wild cards.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, allows you to control the output of informational messages, for example, in command procedures. These qualifiers allow you to suppress or reinstate the display of informational messages.Suppressing messages can also be useful when you are running in a software installation environment and want to avoid the display of informational messages. The default is /INFORMATIONAL.
Specifies the UIC of the entry to add. You must enclose the UIC in brackets ([ ]). You can specify the /UIC with an octal number (for example, [377,377]) or in the identifier form (for example, [SYSTEM] or [VMS,USER]).Wildcards are allowed as follows:
Wildcard Example Description /UIC = [*] To select processes with the specified name in any UIC. /UIC = [group,*] To select processes with the specified name in the group called "group". /UIC = [100,*] To select processes with the specified name in group 100>.
You cannot use wildcards within identifier names or within UIC numbers. For example, /UIC=[USER*,*] or /UIC=[17*,100] are not allowed./WILD_CARD
Specifies whether or not wildcard characters in the process name are to be treated as wildcards. Note, however, that you cannot add the same process name and UIC combination both with and without the /WILD_CARD qualifier. If the combination has already been specified, use the DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY command to change the wildcard setting.The /WILD_CARD setting affects only the process name. Wildcards are always allowed in the UIC.
SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY ADD "MyPro*"/UIC=[*]/WILD_CARD SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY LIST %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VMS73 Process name UIC Wild Card MyPro* [*] Y |
The first command in this example adds an entry to the System Dump Priority registry. The process name is "MyPro*" with any UIC, and BUGCHECK will treat the asterisk (*) in MyPro* as a wildcard when the registry is loaded into memory.
BUGCHECK treats the UIC wildcard asterisk (*) as a wildcard, even if you do not specify the /WILD_CARD qualifier on the command line.
The Y under the Wild Card heading means that the /WILD_CARD qualifier has been specified on the command line and a wildcard has been specified in the process name.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, lists the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file.
SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY LIST %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VMS73 Process name UIC Wild Card MSCPmount [SYSTEM] N NETACP [SYSTEM] N NET$ACP [1,3] N REMACP [1,3] N LES$ACP [SYSTEM] N SYSMAN> |
The command in this example produces a list of the contents of the System Dump Priority registry, including the process name and UIC of each entry. The list also shows N under the Wild Card heading, which indicates that BUGCHECK is to match the process name exactly during a crash. (However, N or Y under Wild Card is important only if the the process name contains one or more wildcard characters.)
On Alpha and Integrity servers, loads the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file into memory for BUGCHECK to use.
SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY SHOW %SMI-F-SDPNOTLOAD, System Dump Priority not loaded SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY LOAD SYSMAN> DUMP_PRIORITY SHOW %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VMS73 Process name UIC Wild Card MSCPmount [SYSTEM] N NETACP [SYSTEM] N NET$ACP [00001,000003] N REMACP [00001,000003] N LES$ACP [SYSTEM] N SYSMAN> |
The first command in the example displays the message that the System Dump Priority registry file has not been loaded into memory. The second command loads the registry file into memory for BUGCHECK to use, and the third command displays the contents of the registry file that have been loaded into memory.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, modifies an entry in the System Dump Priority registry file.
DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY process-name /UIC=uic [/NEWUIC=newuic][/WILD_CARD]
The exact name of the process. If the process name is mixed-case or includes spaces or any other nonstandard OpenVMS characters, you must enclose the process name in double quotes; for example, "My Process". Also, when you enter a DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY command, be sure to enter the process name exactly as it is displayed when you enter a DUMP_PRIORITY LIST command, because the system searches for that process name to find the entry to modify.If you attempt to modify an existing entry where the modification can result in a duplicate, the system displays the following message: "SMI-I-SDPDUPIGN, duplicate record creation ignored." The existing record is not removed.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, allows you to control the output of informational messages, for example, in command procedures. These qualifiers allow you to suppress or reinstate the display of informational messages.Suppressing messages can also be useful when you are running in a software installation environment and want to avoid the display of informational messages. The default is /INFORMATIONAL.
Specifies the UIC of the entry in the registry that you want to modify. The UIC and process name together make the entry unique. Specify the UIC as it is displayed when you enter the DUMP_PRIORITY LIST command./NEWUIC
Modifies the UIC of an entry that you specify by its process name and current UIC. You can specify the /NEWUIC with an octal number (for example, [377,377]) or in the identifier form (for example, [SYSTEM] or [VMS,USER]).Wildcards are allowed as follows:
Wildcard Example Description /UIC = [*] To select processes with the specified name in any UIC. /UIC = [group,*] To select processes with the specified name in the group called "group". /UIC = [100,*] To select processes with the specified name in group 100>.
You cannot use wildcards within identifier names or within UIC numbers. For example, /UIC=[USER*,*] or /UIC=[17*,100] are not allowed./WILD_CARD
The /WILD_CARD qualifier, used together with the MODIFY command, modifies the wildcard setting on the entry that you are modifying. If you omit /WILD_CARD, the current wildcard setting is retained.
Refer to the numbers at the end of the DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY command lines in the example, which correspond to the numbered explanations that follow. (The DUMP_PRIORITY LIST command, after each MODIFY command, displays the results of the modifications in the System Dump Priority registry.)
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