HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG/ELV (Alpha/Integrity servers Only)

Invokes the Error Log Viewer (ELV) to selectively report the contents of one or more error log files. This utility is most useful with error logs written on systems running OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later. For more information about the Error Log Viewer, see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help.

For error logs written on OpenVMS Version 7.2* systems, you must use the DIAGNOSE command, which invokes the DECevent utility. DECevent is no longer supported, but those who need it can download the software and related documentation from the Freeware Web site:


For error logs written on OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2, use the ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command, which invokes the Error Log Report Formatter (ERF). Documentation for ERF is posted on the Freeware Web site:




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