Selecting the Install/Upgrade/Backup Option

Now that you have reviewed key terms, examined hardware and software requirements, and learned how to use the menu system included on the OpenVMS operating system media, you can do the following:


You want to install the operating system in an OpenVMS Cluster environment

Chapter 2, and then Chapter 3. Perform postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 7.

You want to install the operating system in a nonclustered environment

Chapter 3. Perform postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 7.

You want to upgrade the operating system in an OpenVMS Cluster environment

Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and then Chapter 6. Perform postupgrade tasks described in Chapter 7.

You want to upgrade the operating system in a standalone environment

Chapter 4, and then Chapter 6. Perform postupgrade tasks described in Chapter 7.

You want only to back up or restore your system disk

Appendix 6.