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A UIL組み込み表

この付録は,UIL仕様がDECwindows Motifツールキットと矛盾していないかどうかをチェックするために使用するすべてのUIL 組み込み表を示したものです。DEC 固有の引数を各表の一番最初に列記しており,その後にOSF/Motif 引数を列記しています。

この付録には,DECwindows Motifツールキット内の各オブジェクトについて,UIL がサポートしている条件,制御(子供),引数(ウィジェットのリソース) を説明した表があります。また,サポートされている各引数のデータ・ タイプおよび省略時の値も列記しています。

UILモジュールの引数が指定されていない場合にオブジェクトの動作内容を表示するために, 省略時の値が提供されています。たとえばオブジェクトの強調表示カラーを指定しない場合には, そのオブジェクトは黒の強調表示カラーで表示されます。

引数のUIL名はその引数のDECwindows Motifツールキット名と同じです。 DECwindows Motifツールキットのコールバック条件はUILの条件で表されます。DECwindows Motif ツールキット・リソース名がUILキーワードである場合には, その引数のUIL名は曖昧さを避けるように構成してあります。 つまり,引数名がオブジェクト名(またはその省略形)に追加されています。

引数の中には,それぞれの値としてウィジェットに対してシンボリック・ リファレンスが必要なものがあります。このような引数には,引数タイプの欄に object reference という用語が付けてあります。ウィジェットID にシンボリック・リファレンスを指定するには,UILモジュールに定義されたそのオブジェクトのタイプと名前を入力します。


          arguments {

               XmNdefaultButton = XmPushButton My_push_button;


A.1 DXmColorMix

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
DXmNbackBlueValue integer 32767
DXmNbackGreenValue integer 32767
DXmNbackRedValue integer 32767
DXmNblackLabel compound_string
DXmNblueLabel compound_ string
DXmNbrowserItemCount integer 5
DXmNbrowserLabel compound_string 色名指定
DXmNclearLabel compound_string 消去
DXmNcolorModel integer DXmColorModelPicker
DXmNcoolerLabel compound_string 寒く
DXmNdarkerLabel compound_string 暗く
DXmNdisplayColWinHeight integer 80
DXmNdisplayColWinWidth integer 80
DXmNdisplayLabel compound_string Null
DXmNdisplayWindow widget_ref default
DXmNdispWinMargin integer 20
DXmNearthtoneLabel compound_string 濁色調
DXmNfullLabel compound_string 純色
DXmNgrayLabel compound_string 濁色
DXmNgreenLabel compound_string
DXmNgreyscaleLabel compound_string グレース・スケール
DXmNgreyscaleOnGreyscale boolean True
DXmNhelpLabel compound_string ヘルプ
DXmNhlsLabel compound_string HLS配合
DXmNhueLabel compound_ string 色調:
DXmNinterpTileCount integer 10
DXmNinterpTileHeight integer 30
DXmNinterpTileWidth integer 30
DXmNinterpTitleLabel compound_string 補間
DXmNlighterLabel compound_string 明るく
DXmNlightLabel compound_string 明度:
DXmNlightnessIncrement integer 5
DXmNmainLabel compound_string Null
DXmNmatchColors boolean True
DXmNmixerLabel compound_string Null
DXmNmixerWindow widget_ ref default
DXmNnewBlueValue integer 0
DXmNnewGreenValue integer 0
DXmNnewRedValue integer 0
DXmNoptionLabel compound_string カラー・モデル:
DXmNorigBlueValue integer 0
DXmNorigGreenValue integer 0
DXmNorigRedValue integer 0
DXmNpastelLabel compound_string 明色調
DXmNpickerLabel compound_ string 色選択
DXmNpickerTileHeight integer 30
DXmNpickerTileWidth integer 30
DXmNpickerTitleLabel compound_string スペクトル
DXmNredLabel compound_string
DXmNresetLabelString compound_string リセット
DXmNrgbLabel compound_string RGB配合
DXmNsatLabel compound_string 彩度:
DXmNscratchPadInfoLabel compound_string 色の保管...
DXmNscratchPadLabel compound_ string 色保管...
DXmNsetMixerColorProc どのタイプも可 default
DXmNsetNewColorProc どのタイプも可 default
DXmNsliderLabel compound_string 割合
DXmNsmearLabel compound_string 塗る
DXmNspectrumLabel compound_string スペクトル
DXmNundoLabel compound_string 取消
DXmNuserPaletteLabel compound_string ユーザー・パレット
DXmNvalueLabel compound_string
DXmNvividLabel compound_string 中間調
DXmNwarmerLabel compound_string 暖かく
DXmNwarmthIncrement integer 5000
DXmNwhiteLabel compound_string
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string 適用
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNworkWindow widget_ref Null
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.2 DXmColorMixDialog

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
DXmNbackBlueValue integer 32767
DXmNbackGreenValue integer 32767
DXmNbackRedValue integer 32767
DXmNblackLabel compound_string
DXmNblueLabel compound_ string
DXmNbrowserItemCount integer 5
DXmNbrowserLabel compound_string 色名指定
DXmNclearLabel compound_string 消去
DXmNcolorModel integer DXmColorModelPicker
DXmNcoolerLabel compound_ string 寒く
DXmNdarkerLabel compound_string 暗く
DXmNdispWinMargin integer 20
DXmNdisplayColWinHeight integer 80
DXmNdisplayColWinWidth integer 80
DXmNdisplayLabel compound_string Null
DXmNdisplayWindow widget_ref default
DXmNearthtoneLabel compound_string 濁色調
DXmNfullLabel compound_string 純色
DXmNgrayLabel compound_string 濁色
DXmNgreenLabel compound_string
DXmNgreyscaleLabel compound_ string グレース・スケール
DXmNgreyscaleOnGreyscale boolean True
DXmNhelpLabel compound_string ヘルプ
DXmNhlsLabel compound_string HLS配合
DXmNhueLabel compound_string 色調:
DXmNinterpTileCount integer 10
DXmNinterpTileHeight integer 30
DXmNinterpTileWidth integer 30
DXmNinterpTitleLabel compound_string 補間
DXmNlighterLabel compound_string 明るく
DXmNlightLabel compound_string 明度:
DXmNlightnessIncrement integer 5
DXmNmainLabel compound_string Null
DXmNmatchColors boolean True
DXmNmixerLabel compound_string Null
DXmNmixerWindow widget_ref default
DXmNnewBlueValue integer 0
DXmNnewDispWindow widget_ref Null
DXmNnewGreenValue integer 0
DXmNnewRedValue integer 0
DXmNoptionLabel compound_string カラー・モデル:
DXmNorigBlueValue integer 0
DXmNorigDispWindow widget_ref Null
DXmNorigGreenValue integer 0
DXmNorigRedValue integer 0
DXmNpastelLabel compound_string 明色調
DXmNpickerLabel compound_string 色選択
DXmNpickerTileHeight integer 30
DXmNpickerTileWidth integer 30
DXmNpickerTitleLabel compound_string スペクトル
DXmNredLabel compound_string
DXmNresetLabelString compound_string リセット
DXmNrgbLabel compound_string RGB配合
DXmNsatLabel compound_string 彩度:
DXmNscratchPadInfoLabel compound_string 色の保管...
DXmNscratchPadLabel compound_ string 色保管...
DXmNsetMixerColorProc どのタイプも可 default
DXmNsetNewColorProc どのタイプも可 default
DXmNsliderLabel compound_string 割合
DXmNsmearLabel compound_string 塗る
DXmNspectrumLabel compound_string スペクトル
DXmNundoLabel compound_string 取消
DXmNuserPaletteLabel compound_string ユーザー・パレット
DXmNvalueLabel compound_string
DXmNvividLabel compound_string 中間調
DXmNwarmerLabel compound_string 暖かく
DXmNwarmthIncrement integer 5000
DXmNwhiteLabel compound_string
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string 適用
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNworkWindow widget_ref Null
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.3 DXmCSText

制御 条件
なし DXmNnoFontCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
DXmNbidirectionalCursor boolean False
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoShowCursorPosition boolean True
XmNbackground color dynamic
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNeditMode integer XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT
XmNfontList font_ table DXmDefaultFont
XmNforeground color XtDefaultForeground
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 6
XmNmarginWidth integer 6
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeHeight boolean False
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNrows integer 1
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionArrayCount integer 4
XmNselectThreshold integer 5
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtopPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean True
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNwordWrap boolean False
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.4 DXmHelpDialog

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
DXmNaddtopicLabel compound_ string 追加トピック
DXmNapplicationName compound_ string Null
DXmNbadframeMessage compound_string !CSのフレームが見つかりません。
DXmNbadlibMessage compound_string !CSのライブラリが開けません。
DXmNcacheHelpLibrary boolean False
DXmNcloseLabel compound_string 終了
DXmNcols integer 55
DXmNcopyLabel compound_string 複写
DXmNcopyLabelMnem keysym C
DXmNcopyLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNdefaultPosition boolean True
DXmNdismissLabel compound_string 取消
DXmNeditLabel compound_ string 編集
DXmNeditLabelMnem keysym E
DXmNeditLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNerroropenMessage compound_ string !CSというファイルを開けません。
DXmNexitLabel compound_string 終了
DXmNexitLabelMnem keysym E
DXmNexitLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNfileLabel compound_string ファイル
DXmNfileLabelMnem keysym F
DXmNfileLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNfirstTopic compound_string Null
DXmNglossaryTopic compound_string Null
DXmNgobackLabel compound_string 戻る
DXmNgobackLabelMnem keysym B
DXmNgobackLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNgobacktopicLabel compound_string 戻る
DXmNgooverLabel compound_string 概要へ
DXmNgooverLabelMnem keysym O
DXmNgooverLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNgotoLabel compound_string 移動
DXmNgototopicLabel compound_string トピックへ
DXmNgototopicLabelMnem keysym T
DXmNgototopicLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpAcknowledgeLabel compound_ string 了解
DXmNhelphelpLabel compound_ string ウィンドウ...
DXmNhelphelpLabelMnem keysym W
DXmNhelphelpLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpLabel compound_ string ヘルプの使い方
DXmNhelpLabelMnem keysym U
DXmNhelpLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhelpOnHelpTitle compound_ string ヘルプの使い方
DXmNhelpontitleLabel compound_ string ヘルプ:
DXmNhelptitleLabel compound_string ヘルプ
DXmNhistoryLabel compound_string 履歴...
DXmNhistoryLabelMnem keysym H
DXmNhistoryLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNhistoryboxLabel compound_string 履歴検索
DXmNkeywordLabel compound_string キーワード...
DXmNkeywordLabelMnem keysym K
DXmNkeywordLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNkeywordsLabel compound_ string キーワード
DXmNlibrarySpec compound_string Null
DXmNlibraryType integer DXmTextLibrary
DXmNnokeywordMessage compound_ string !CSというキーワードが見つかりません。
DXmNnotitleMessage compound_string 文字列「!CS」に合うタイトルはありません。
DXmNnulllibMessage compound_string ライブラリが指定されていません。
DXmNoverviewTopic compound_string Null
DXmNrows integer 20
DXmNsaveasLabel compound_ string 別名保管...
DXmNsaveasLabelMnem keysym A
DXmNsaveasLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNsearchapplyLabel compound_ string 適用
DXmNsearchkeywordboxLabel compound_ string キーワード検索
DXmNsearchLabel compound_ string 検索
DXmNsearchLabelMnem keysym S
DXmNsearchLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNsearchtitleboxLabel compound_ string タイトル検索
DXmNselectallLabel compound_ string すべて検索
DXmNselectallLabelMnem keysym S
DXmNselectallLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNtitleLabel compound_string タイトル...
DXmNtitleLabelMnem keysym T
DXmNtitleLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNtitlesLabel compound_ string タイトル
DXmNtopictitlesLabel compound_string タイトル
DXmNviewLabel compound_string 表示
DXmNviewLabelMnem keysym V
DXmNviewLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNvisitglosLabel compound_ string 用語集を表示
DXmNvisitglosLabelMnem keysym G
DXmNvisitglosLabelMnemCS string dynamic
DXmNvisitLabel compound_string 表示
DXmNvisittopicLabel compound_ string トピック表示
DXmNvisittopicLabelMnem keysym V
DXmNvisittopicLabelMnemCS string dynamic
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.5 DXmPrintBox

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
DXmNautoPagination boolean false
DXmNdefaultPrinter compound_string Null
DXmNdeleteFile boolean false
DXmNdoubleSpacing boolean false
DXmNfileBurstSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNfileEndSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNfileNameCount integer 0
DXmNfileNameList string_table Null
DXmNfileStartSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNheader boolean false
DXmNholdJob boolean false
DXmNinputTray integer DXmINPUT_ TRAY_DEFAULT
DXmNjobName compound_string Null
DXmNlayupDefinition compound_string Null
DXmNnotify boolean true
DXmNnumberCopies integer 0
DXmNnumberUp integer 0
DXmNoperatorMessage compound_string Null
DXmNoptionsDialogTitle compound_ string 印刷:オプション
DXmNorientation integer DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT
DXmNpageRangeFrom compound_string Null
DXmNpageRangeTo compound_string Null
DXmNpageSize integer DXmSIZE_ DEFAULT
DXmNpassAll boolean false
DXmNprintAfter compound_string Now
DXmNprinterChoice compound_string Null
DXmNprinterCount integer 0
DXmNprinterFormChoice compound_string Null
DXmNprinterFormCount integer 0
DXmNprinterFormList string_table Null
DXmNprinterList string_table Null
DXmNprintFormatChoice compound_ string Null
DXmNprintFormatCount integer 0
DXmNprintFormatList string_table Null
DXmNpriority integer 0
DXmNsetup compound_string Null
DXmNsheetCount integer 0
DXmNsheetSize integer DXmSIZE_DEFAULT
DXmNsides integer DXmSIDES_ DEFAULT
DXmNstartSheetComment compound_string Null
DXmNsuppressOptionsMask integer DXmSUPPRESS_NONE
DXmNunmanageOnCancel boolean false
DXmNunmanageOnOk boolean false
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.6 DXmPrintDialog

制御 条件

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
DXmNautoPagination boolean false
DXmNdefaultPrinter compound_string Null
DXmNdeleteFile boolean false
DXmNdoubleSpacing boolean false
DXmNfileBurstSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNfileEndSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNfileNameCount integer 0
DXmNfileNameList string_table Null
DXmNfileStartSheet integer DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT
DXmNheader boolean false
DXmNholdJob boolean false
DXmNinputTray integer DXmINPUT_ TRAY_DEFAULT
DXmNjobName compound_string Null
DXmNlayupDefinition compound_string Null
DXmNnotify boolean true
DXmNnumberCopies integer 0
DXmNnumberUp integer 0
DXmNoperatorMessage compound_string Null
DXmNoptionsDialogTitle compound_ string 印刷:オプション
DXmNorientation integer DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT
DXmNpageRangeFrom compound_string Null
DXmNpageRangeTo compound_string Null
DXmNpageSize integer DXmSIZE_ DEFAULT
DXmNpassAll boolean false
DXmNprintAfter compound_string Now
DXmNprinterChoice compound_string Null
DXmNprinterCount integer 0
DXmNprinterFormChoice compound_string Null
DXmNprinterFormCount integer 0
DXmNprinterFormList string_table Null
DXmNprinterList string_table Null
DXmNprintFormatChoice compound_ string Null
DXmNprintFormatCount integer 0
DXmNprintFormatList string_table Null
DXmNpriority integer 0
DXmNsetup compound_string Null
DXmNsheetCount integer 0
DXmNsheetSize integer DXmSIZE_DEFAULT
DXmNsides integer DXmSIDES_ DEFAULT
DXmNstartSheetComment compound_string Null
DXmNsuppressOptionsMask integer DXmSUPPRESS_NONE
DXmNunmanageOnCancel boolean false
DXmNunmanageOnOk boolean false
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.7 DXmScrolledCSText

制御 条件
なし DXmNnoFontCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
DXmNbidirectionalCursor boolean False
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoShowCursorPosition boolean True
XmNbackground color dynamic
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color XtDefaultForeground
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNeditMode integer XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT
XmNfontList font_ table DXmDefaultFont
XmNforeground color XtDefaultForeground
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 6
XmNmarginWidth integer 6
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeHeight boolean False
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNrows integer 1
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNscrollHorizontal boolean False
XmNscrollLeftSide boolean False
XmNscrollTopSide boolean False
XmNscrollVertical boolean False
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_DEFAULT
XmNtopPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean True
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNwordWrap boolean False
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.8 DXmSvn

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット DXmSvnNattachToSourceCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
DXmSvnNcolumnLines boolean False
DXmSvnNdefaultSpacing integer 12
DXmSvnNdisplayMode integer DXmSvnKdisplayOutline
DXmSvnNexpectHighlighting boolean False
DXmSvnNfixedWidthEntries boolean True
DXmSvnNfontList font_table DXmDefaultFont
DXmSvnNfontListLevel0 font_table Null
DXmSvnNfontListLevel1 font_ table Null
DXmSvnNfontListLevel2 font_ table Null
DXmSvnNfontListLevel3 font_ table Null
DXmSvnNfontListLevel4 font_ table Null
DXmSvnNforceSeqGetEntry boolean False
DXmSvnNghostHeight integer 0
DXmSvnNghostPixmap pixmap Null
DXmSvnNghostWidth integer 0
DXmSvnNghostX integer 0
DXmSvnNghostY integer 0
DXmSvnNindentMargin integer 16
DXmSvnNliveScrolling boolean True
DXmSvnNmultipleSelections boolean True
DXmSvnNnavWindowTitle compound_string Null
DXmSvnNnumberOfEntries integer 0
DXmSvnNoutlineHScrollWidget widget_ref Null
DXmSvnNpaneWidget widget_ref Null
DXmSvnNprimaryPercentage integer 50
DXmSvnNprimaryWindowWidget widget_ref Null
DXmSvnNsecondaryBaseX integer 0
DXmSvnNsecondaryComponentsUnmapped boolean False
DXmSvnNsecondaryWindowWidget widget_ref Null
DXmSvnNselectionMode integer DXmSvnKselectEntry
DXmSvnNshowPathToRoot boolean True
DXmSvnNstartColumnComponent integer 0
DXmSvnNstartLocationCursor integer 1
DXmSvnNtreeArcWidth integer 15
DXmSvnNtreeCenteredComponents boolean False
DXmSvnNtreeEntryOutlines boolean True
DXmSvnNtreeEntryShadows boolean True
DXmSvnNtreeIndexAll boolean True
DXmSvnNtreeLevelSpacing integer 5
DXmSvnNtreePerpendicularLines boolean True
DXmSvnNtreeSiblingSpacing integer 5
DXmSvnNtreeStyle integer DXmSvnKoutlineTree
DXmSvnNtruncateText boolean False
DXmSvnNuseScrollButtons boolean True
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color XtExtdefaultforeground
XmNheight integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.9 XmArrowButton

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNarrowDirection integer XmDYNAMIC
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmultiClick integer XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.10 XmArrowButtonGadget

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNarrowDirection integer XmDYNAMIC
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNmultiClick integer XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.11 XmBulletinBoard

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.12 XmBulletinBoardDialog

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.13 XmCascadeButton

制御 条件
XmPulldownMenu MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcascadePixmap pixmap menu- cascade
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmappingDelay integer 100
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.14 XmCascadeButtonGadget

制御 条件
XmPulldownMenu MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNcascadePixmap pixmap menu- cascade
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappingDelay integer 100
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.15 XmCommand

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcommand compound_string Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ COMMAND
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhistoryItemCount integer 0
XmNhistoryItems string_table Null
XmNhistoryMaxItems integer 100
XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNpromptString compound_string >
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.16 XmDrawingArea

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.17 XmDrawnButton

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_ string Null
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNmultiClick integer XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNpushButtonEnabled boolean False
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.18 XmErrorDialog

制御 条件
XmMessageBox MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.19 XmFileSelectionBox

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string フィルタ
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNdirListItemCount integer 0
XmNdirListItems string_table dynamic
XmNdirListLabelString compound_ string ディレクトリ
XmNdirMask compound_string *
XmNdirSearchProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNdirSpec compound_ string Null
XmNdirectory compound_string 現在のディレクトリ名
XmNfileListItemCount integer 0
XmNfileListItems string_table Null
XmNfileListLabelString compound_ string ファイル
XmNfileSearchProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNfileTypeMask integer XmFILE_REGULAR
XmNfilterLabelString compound_string 選択条件
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_string ファイル
XmNlistUpdated boolean True
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNnoMatchString compound_string [ ]
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNpattern compound_ string *
XmNqualifySearchDataProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.20 XmFileSelectionDialog

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string フィルタ
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNdirListItemCount integer 0
XmNdirListItems string_table dynamic
XmNdirListLabelString compound_ string ディレクトリ
XmNdirMask compound_string *
XmNdirSearchProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNdirSpec compound_ string Null
XmNdirectory compound_string 現在のディレクトリ名
XmNfileListItemCount integer 0
XmNfileListItems string_table Null
XmNfileListLabelString compound_ string ファイル
XmNfileSearchProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNfileTypeMask integer XmFILE_REGULAR
XmNfilterLabelString compound_string 選択条件
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_string ファイル
XmNlistUpdated boolean True
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNnoMatchString compound_string [ ]
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNpattern compound_ string *
XmNqualifySearchDataProc どのタイプも可 default
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.21 XmForm

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNbottomOffset integer 0
XmNbottomPosition integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbottomWidget widget_ref Null
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNfractionBase integer 100
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhorizontalSpacing integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNleftAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNleftOffset integer 0
XmNleftPosition integer 0
XmNleftWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizable boolean True
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNrightAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNrightOffset integer 0
XmNrightPosition integer 0
XmNrightWidget widget_ref Null
XmNrubberPositioning boolean False
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopAttachment integer XmATTACH_ NONE
XmNtopOffset integer 0
XmNtopPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtopWidget widget_ref Null
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverticalSpacing integer 0
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.22 XmFormDialog

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNbottomOffset integer 0
XmNbottomPosition integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbottomWidget widget_ref Null
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNfractionBase integer 100
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhorizontalSpacing integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNleftAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNleftOffset integer 0
XmNleftPosition integer 0
XmNleftWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNresizable boolean True
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNrightAttachment integer XmATTACH_NONE
XmNrightOffset integer 0
XmNrightPosition integer 0
XmNrightWidget widget_ref Null
XmNrubberPositioning boolean False
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopAttachment integer XmATTACH_ NONE
XmNtopOffset integer 0
XmNtopPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtopWidget widget_ref Null
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverticalSpacing integer 0
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.23 XmFrame

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 0
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer dynamic
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ ETCHED_IN
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.24 XmInformationDialog

制御 条件
XmMessageBox MrmNcreateCallback
XmPushButton XmNcancelCallback
ユーザ定義 XmNdestroyCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.25 XmLabel

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_ string Null
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.26 XmLabelGadget

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_string Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.27 XmList

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautomaticSelection boolean False
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdoubleClickInterval integer 250
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNitemCount integer 0
XmNitems string_table Null
XmNlistMarginHeight integer 0
XmNlistMarginWidth integer 0
XmNlistSizePolicy integer XmVARIABLE
XmNlistSpacing integer 0
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectedItemCount integer 0
XmNselectedItems string_table Null
XmNselectionPolicy integer XmBROWSE_SELECT
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtopItemPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvisibleItemCount integer 1
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.28 XmMainWindow

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcommandWindow widget_ref Null
XmNcommandWindowLocation integer XmCOMMAND_ABOVE_WORKSPACE
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhorizontalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmainWindowMarginHeight integer 0
XmNmainWindowMarginWidth integer 0
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmenuBar widget_ref Null
XmNmessageWindow widget_ref Null
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy integer XmSTATIC
XmNscrollBarPlacement integer XmBOTTOM_RIGHT
XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight integer 0
XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth integer 0
XmNscrollingPolicy integer XmAPPLICATION_ DEFINED
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshowSeparator boolean False
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverticalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNvisualPolicy integer XmVARIABLE
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNworkWindow widget_ref Null
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.29 XmMenuBar

制御 条件
XmCascadeButton MrmNcreateCallback
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmNdestroyCallback
XmDrawnButton XmNentryCallback
XmLabel XmNhelpCallback
XmLabelGadget XmNmapCallback
XmPushButton XmNunmapCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.30 XmMessageBox

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.31 XmMessageDialog

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.32 XmOptionMenu

制御 条件
XmPulldownMenu MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.33 XmPanedWindow

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowResize boolean False
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 3
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpaneMaximum integer 1000
XmNpaneMinimum integer 1
XmNrefigureMode boolean True
XmNsashHeight integer 10
XmNsashIndent integer -10
XmNsashShadowThickness integer 2
XmNsashWidth integer 10
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNseparatorOn boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNskipAdjust boolean False
XmNspacing integer 8
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.34 XmPopupMenu

制御 条件
XmCascadeButton MrmNcreateCallback
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmNdestroyCallback
XmDrawnButton XmNentryCallback
XmLabel XmNhelpCallback
XmLabelGadget XmNmapCallback
XmPushButton XmNunmapCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.35 XmPromptDialog

制御 条件
XmPushButton MrmNcreateCallback
ユーザ定義 XmNapplyCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_ table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string 適用
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_ string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_ string Null
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_ string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.36 XmPulldownMenu

制御 条件
XmCascadeButton MrmNcreateCallback
XmCascadeButtonGadget XmNdestroyCallback
XmDrawnButton XmNentryCallback
XmLabel XmNhelpCallback
XmLabelGadget XmNmapCallback
XmPushButton XmNunmapCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.37 XmPushButton

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_ string Null
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNarmColor color dynamic
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness integer 0
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfillOnArm boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNmultiClick integer XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshowAsDefault integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.38 XmPushButtonGadget

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_string Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNarmColor color dynamic
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness integer 0
XmNfillOnArm boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNmultiClick integer XmMULTICLICK_DISCARD
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshowAsDefault integer 0
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.39 XmQuestionDialog

制御 条件
XmMessageBox MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.40 XmRadioBox

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.41 XmRowColumn

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.42 XmScale

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdecimalPoints integer 0
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmaximum integer 100
XmNminimum integer 0
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNorientation integer XmVERTICAL
XmNprocessingDirection integer XmMAX_ON_TOP
XmNscaleHeight integer 0
XmNscaleMultiple integer 1
XmNscaleWidth integer 0
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshowValue boolean False
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtitleString compound_string Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 0
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.43 XmScrollBar

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNincrement integer 1
XmNinitialDelay integer 250
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmaximum integer 0
XmNminimum integer 0
XmNnavigationType integer XmSTICKY_TAB_ GROUP
XmNorientation integer XmVERTICAL
XmNpageIncrement integer 10
XmNprocessingDirection integer XmMAX_ON_BOTTOM
XmNrepeatDelay integer 50
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNshowArrows boolean True
XmNsliderSize integer 10
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean dynamic
XmNtroughColor color dynamic
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.44 XmScrolledList

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautomaticSelection boolean False
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdoubleClickInterval integer 250
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNhorizontalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNitemCount integer 0
XmNitems string_table Null
XmNlistMarginHeight integer 0
XmNlistMarginWidth integer 0
XmNlistSizePolicy integer XmVARIABLE
XmNlistSpacing integer 0
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy integer XmAS_NEEDED
XmNscrollBarPlacement integer XmBOTTOM_RIGHT
XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight integer 0
XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth integer 0
XmNselectedItemCount integer 0
XmNselectedItems string_table Null
XmNselectionPolicy integer XmBROWSE_SELECT
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtopItemPosition integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverticalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNvisibleItemCount integer 1
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.45 XmScrolledText

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoShowCursorPosition boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditMode integer XmSINGLE_ LINE_EDIT
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 3
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeHeight boolean False
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNrows integer 1
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight integer 0
XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth integer 0
XmNscrollHorizontal boolean True
XmNscrollLeftSide boolean True
XmNscrollTopSide boolean False
XmNscrollVertical boolean False
XmNselectionArrayCount integer 4
XmNselectThreshold integer 5
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNtopCharacter integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverifyBell boolean True
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNwordWrap boolean False
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.46 XmScrolledWindow

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhorizontalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy integer XmSTATIC
XmNscrollBarPlacement integer XmBOTTOM_RIGHT
XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight integer 0
XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth integer 0
XmNscrollingPolicy integer XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverticalScrollBar widget_ref Null
XmNvisualPolicy integer XmVARIABLE
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNworkWindow widget_ref Null
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.47 XmSelectionBox

制御 条件
XmPushButton MrmNcreateCallback
ユーザ定義 XmNapplyCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_ table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string 適用
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_ string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_ string Null
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_ string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.48 XmSelectionDialog

制御 条件
XmPushButton MrmNcreateCallback
ユーザ定義 XmNapplyCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_ table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNapplyLabelString compound_string 適用
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_ string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNlistItemCount integer 0
XmNlistItems string_table Null
XmNlistLabelString compound_ string Null
XmNlistVisibleItemCount integer 8
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNmustMatch boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_ string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectionLabelString compound_ string 選択
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtextAccelerators translation_table  
XmNtextColumns integer 20
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextString compound_string Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.49 XmSeparator

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmargin integer 0
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNorientation integer XmHORIZONTAL
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNseparatorType integer XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.50 XmSeparatorGadget

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNmargin integer 0
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNorientation integer XmHORIZONTAL
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNseparatorType integer XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.51 XmText

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoShowCursorPosition boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_ PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditMode integer XmSINGLE_ LINE_EDIT
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 3
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeHeight boolean False
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNrows integer 1
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectThreshold integer 5
XmNselectionArrayCount integer 4
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtopCharacter integer 0
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverifyBell boolean True
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNwordWrap boolean False
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.52 XmTextField

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNblinkRate integer 500
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNcolumns integer 20
XmNcursorPosition integer 0
XmNcursorPositionVisible boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNeditable boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 3
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmaxLength integer MAXINT
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_ GROUP
XmNpendingDelete boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean False
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectThreshold integer 5
XmNselectionArrayCount integer 4
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 2
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvalue どのタイプも可 Null
XmNverifyBell boolean True
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.53 XmToggleButton

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_ string Null
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNfillOnSelect boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNindicatorOn boolean True
XmNindicatorSize integer XmINVALID_DIMENSION
XmNindicatorType integer XmN_OF_MANY
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNselectColor color dynamic
XmNselectInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNselectPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNset boolean False
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvisibleWhenOff boolean True
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.54 XmToggleButtonGadget

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerator string Null
XmNacceleratorText compound_string Null
XmNalignment integer XmALIGNMENT_CENTER
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNfillOnSelect boolean True
XmNfontList font_table Fixed
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhighlightOnEnter boolean False
XmNhighlightThickness integer 0
XmNindicatorOn boolean True
XmNindicatorSize integer XmINVALID_DIMENSION
XmNindicatorType integer XmN_OF_MANY
XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNlabelString compound_ string Null
XmNlabelType integer XmSTRING
XmNmarginBottom integer 0
XmNmarginHeight integer 2
XmNmarginLeft integer 0
XmNmarginRight integer 0
XmNmarginTop integer 0
XmNmarginWidth integer 2
XmNmnemonic keysym Null
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer XmNONE
XmNrecomputeSize boolean True
XmNselectColor color dynamic
XmNselectInsensitivePixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNselectPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNset boolean False
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer 4
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNvisibleWhenOff boolean True
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.55 XmWarningDialog

制御 条件
なし MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.56 XmWorkArea

制御 条件
すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット MrmNcreateCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNadjustLast boolean True
XmNadjustMargin boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 0
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNentryAlignment integer dynamic
XmNentryBorder integer dynamic
XmNentryClass class_rec_ name dynamic
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer dynamic
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNisAligned boolean True
XmNisHomogeneous boolean dynamic
XmNlabelString compound_string Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer dynamic
XmNmarginWidth integer 3
XmNmenuAccelerator string dynamic
XmNmenuHelpWidget widget_ref Null
XmNmenuHistory widget_ref Null
XmNmenuPost string Null
XmNmnemonic keysym dynamic
XmNmnemonicCharSet string dynamic
XmNnavigationType integer dynamic
XmNnumColumns integer dynamic
XmNorientation integer dynamic
XmNpacking integer dynamic
XmNpopupEnabled boolean True
XmNradioAlwaysOne boolean True
XmNradioBehavior boolean False
XmNresizeHeight boolean True
XmNresizeWidth boolean True
XmNrowColumnType integer XmWORK_AREA
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNspacing integer dynamic
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R
XmNsubMenuId widget_ref Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwhichButton integer dynamic
XmNwidth integer dynamic
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.57 XmWorkingDialog

制御 条件
XmPushButton MrmNcreateCallback
ユーザ定義 XmNcancelCallback

UIL引数名 引数タイプ 省略時の値(言語設定が日本語の場合)
XmNaccelerators translation_table Null
XmNallowOverlap boolean True
XmNancestorSensitive boolean True
XmNautoUnmanage boolean True
XmNbackground color White
XmNbackgroundPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderColor color Black
XmNborderPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNborderWidth integer 1
XmNbottomShadowColor color dynamic
XmNbottomShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNbuttonFontList font_table Null
XmNcancelButton widget_ref Null
XmNcancelLabelString compound_string 取消
XmNcolormap identifier dynamic
XmNdefaultButton widget_ref Null
XmNdefaultButtonType integer XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON
XmNdefaultPosition boolean True
XmNdepth identifier dynamic
XmNdialogStyle integer dynamic
XmNdialogTitle compound_string Null
XmNdialogType integer XmDIALOG_ MESSAGE
XmNforeground color dynamic
XmNheight integer 0
XmNhelpLabelString compound_ string ヘルプ
XmNhighlightColor color Black
XmNhighlightPixmap pixmap dynamic
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent boolean True
XmNinsertPosition identifier Null
XmNlabelFontList font_table Null
XmNmappedWhenManaged boolean True
XmNmarginHeight integer 10
XmNmarginWidth integer 10
XmNmessageAlignment integer XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING
XmNmessageString compound_ string Null
XmNminimizeButtons boolean False
XmNnavigationType integer XmTAB_GROUP
XmNnoResize boolean False
XmNokLabelString compound_string 了解
XmNresizePolicy integer XmRESIZE_ANY
XmNscreen identifier dynamic
XmNsensitive boolean True
XmNshadowThickness integer 0
XmNshadowType integer XmSHADOW_ OUT
XmNstringDirection integer XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_ R
XmNsymbolPixmap pixmap XmDEFAULT_PIXMAP
XmNtextFontList font_table Null
XmNtextTranslations translation_table Null
XmNtopShadowColor color dynamic
XmNtopShadowPixmap pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP
XmNtranslations translation_table Null
XmNtraversalOn boolean False
XmNunitType integer XmPIXELS
XmNuserData どのタイプも可 Null
XmNwidth integer 0
XmNx integer 0
XmNy integer 0

A.58 ユーザ定義

制御 条件

A.59 すべてのウィジェットおよびガジェット

A.60 すべてのウィジェット

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