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Builds the body of a message.
MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Send context information to be passed to send routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains send context information returned by MAIL$SEND_BEGIN.in_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
See MAIL$SEND_BEGIN for a description of an input item descriptor.
MAIL$_SEND_DEFAULT_NAME specifies the default file specification of a text file to be opened. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_SEND_FID specifies the file identifier of the text file to be opened. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains the file identifier. To identify a file using a file identifier, you must also specify the device identifier for the file. Specify the device identifier using the MAIL$_SEND_DEFAULT_NAME item code. More information about using a file ID for specifying files can be found in OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual. Note that the MAIL$_SEND_FID item code and the MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME item code are mutually exclusive.MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME
MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME specifies the input file specification of the text file to be opened. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long. Note that the MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME item code and the MAIL$_SEND_FID item code are mutually exclusive.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$_SEND_RECORD specifies a descriptor of a text record to be added to the body of the message. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 998 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 998 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When creating a message, do not specify MAIL$_SEND_RECORD in the same call (or series of calls) to MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART with the following item codes:
Do not use the MAIL$_SEND_RECORD item code with the MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART routine called from a detached process. The routine creates a temporary file in SYS$SCRATCH that is inaccessible to the detached process. |
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
When you specify MAIL$_SEND_RESULTSPEC, MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART returns the resultant file specification identified with MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
You can use MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART to specify a file that contains the entire message or to add a single record to a message. If the message is contained in a file, you call MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART once, specifying the file name. If you want to add to the message record-by-record, you can call MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART repeatedly, specifying a different record each time until you complete the message.You cannot specify both a file name and a record for the same message. You can specify either MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME or MAIL$_SEND_FID once, or you can specify MAIL$_SEND_RECORD one or more times.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. MAIL$_CONITMCOD The specified item codes define conflicting operations. MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. MAIL$_OPENIN The required file is missing. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation.
Initiates processing to send a message to the users on the address list. You must call MAIL$SEND_BEGIN before you call any other send routine.
MAIL$SEND_BEGIN context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Send context information to be passed to other send routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains send context information.You should specify the value of this argument as 0 in the first of a sequence of calls to send routines. In subsequent calls, you should specify the send context value returned by this routine.
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
Note that you must specify only one of these item codes. An error is generated if you specify both item codes. MAIL$_SEND_PERS_NAME specifies the personal name text to be used in the message header. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 127 characters long.
MAIL$_SEND_NO_PERS_NAMESpecify a value from 0 to 127 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
The Boolean item code MAIL$_SEND_NO_PERS_NAME specifies that no personal name string be used during message construction.
Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
Note that you must specify only one of these item codes. An error is generated if you specify both item codes. MAIL$_SEND_SIGFILE specifies the full OpenVMS file specification of the signature file to be used in the message. The default file specification used for a signature file is the user mail directory specification and .SIG as the file type. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that contains a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
MAIL$_SEND_NO_SIGFILESpecify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
The Boolean item code MAIL$_SEND_NO_SIGFILE specifies that no signature file be used during message construction.
Specify the value 0 in the buffer length and buffer address fields of the item descriptor.
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_SEND_COPY_FORWARD, MAIL$SEND_BEGIN returns the value of the caller's copy forward flag as a longword value.MAIL$_SEND_COPY_SEND
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_SEND_COPY_SEND, MAIL$SEND_BEGIN returns the value of the caller's copy send flag as a longword value.MAIL$_SEND_COPY_REPLY
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_SEND_COPY_REPLY, MAIL$SEND_BEGIN returns the value of the caller's copy reply flag as a longword value.MAIL$_SEND_USER
When you specify MAIL$_SEND_USER, MAIL$SEND_BEGIN returns the process owner's user name. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
MAIL$SEND_BEGIN creates and initializes a send context for subsequent calls to send routines.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. MAIL$_CODERR Internal system error. MAIL$_CONITMCOD The specified item codes perform conflicting operations. MAIL$_ILLPERNAME The specified personal name string is illegal. MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition values returned by $GETJPIW, LIB$FREE_VM, and LIB$GET_VM.
Terminates send processing.
MAIL$SEND_END context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Send context information to be passed to send routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains send context information returned by MAIL$SEND_BEGIN.If send processing is successfully terminated, the value of the context argument is changed to 0.
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. This routine does not use the in_item_list argument.out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword access: write only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying the information you want the routine to return. This routine does not use the out_item_list argument.
The MAIL$SEND_END routine deallocates the send context as well as any dynamic memory allocated by previous send routine calls.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition value returned by LIB$FREE_VM.
Begins the actual sending of the message after the message has been constructed.
MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Send context information to be passed to send routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains send context information returned by MAIL$SEND_BEGIN.in_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. The in_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies an option and provides the information needed to perform the operation.The item list is terminated by longword value of 0.
MAIL$_SEND_ERROR_ENTRY specifies the longword address of an entry point to process errors during a send operation. The descriptor of the recipient that failed, the address of the signal array, and the user-specified data are passed as input to the routine. Refer to the HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information about the signal array and its use by condition-handling routines.MAIL$_SEND_RECIP_FOLDER
MAIL$_SEND_RECIP_FOLDER specifies the descriptor of a recipients folder name. If you do not specify the MAIL$_SEND_RECIP_FOLDER item code, the mail will be sent to the default NEWMAIL folder. A valid folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length.MAIL$_SEND_SUCCESS_ENTRY
MAIL$_SEND_SUCCESS_ENTRY specifies the longword address of an entry point to process successes during a send operation. The descriptor of the recipient that succeeded, the address of the signal array, and the user-specified data are passed as input to the routine. Refer to the HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for more information about the signal array and its use by condition-handling routines.MAIL$_SEND_USER_DATA
MAIL$_SEND_USER_DATA specifies a longword that MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE passes to the SEND action routines.
OpenVMS usage: | itmlst_3 |
type: | longword |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE routine sends a message built with the MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART routine to every user on the address list. If you have not used MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART to construct a message, MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE sends only a message header.If MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE encounters errors sending to an addressee, it calls the routine specified by MAIL$_SEND_ERROR_ENTRY. Otherwise, it calls the routine specified by MAIL$_SEND_SUCCESS_ENTRY.
If either routine is not specified, MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE calls no other routines.
If you specify the MAIL$_SEND_RECIP_FOLDER item code, the mail is placed in the specified folder. Otherwise, the mail is sent to the default NEWMAIL folder.
MAIL$_INVITMCOD The specified item code is invalid. MAIL$_INVITMLEN The specified item length is invalid. MAIL$_MISREQITEM The required item is missing. SS$_ACCVIO Access violation. Any condition value returned by $CONNECT.
Initiates access to the Mail common user database. You must call MAIL$USER_BEGIN before you call any other user routines.
MAIL$USER_BEGIN context ,in_item_list ,out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. All utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that can be returned by this routine are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
User context information to be passed to other user routines. The context argument is the address of a longword that contains user context information.You should specify the value of this argument as 0 in the first of a sequence of calls to MAIL routines. In following calls, you should specify the user context value returned by the previous routine.
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying options for the routine. This routine does not use the in_item_list argument.out_item_list
OpenVMS usage: itmlst_3 type: longword access: write only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying the information you want the routine to return. The out_item_list argument is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which describes an item of information. The list of item descriptors is terminated by longword value of 0.
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_AUTO_PURGE, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the automatic purge mail flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_CAPTIVE
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_CAPTIVE, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the UAF CAPTIVE flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_CC_PROMPT
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_CC_PROMPT, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the cc prompt flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_COPY_FORWARD
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_COPY_FORWARD, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the copy self forward flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_COPY_REPLY
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_COPY_REPLY, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the copy self reply flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_COPY_SEND
When you specify the Boolean item code MAIL$_USER_COPY_SEND, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the value of the copy self send flag as a longword value.MAIL$_USER_FORWARDING
When you specify MAIL$_USER_FORWARDING, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the forwarding address string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_USER_FORM, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the default print form string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_USER_FULL_DIRECTORY, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns complete directory path of the MAIL subdirectory. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_USER_NEW_MESSAGES, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the new message count. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a word that receives the new message count.MAIL$_USER_PERSONAL_NAME
When you specify MAIL$_USER_PERSONAL_NAME, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the personal name string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 127 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 127 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_USER_QUEUE, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the default print queue name. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.Specify a value from 0 to 255 in the buffer length field of the item descriptor.
When you specify MAIL$_USER_RETURN_USERNAME, MAIL$USER_BEGIN returns the user name string. The buffer address field of the item descriptor points to a buffer that receives a character string 0 to 255 characters long.
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