HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security: OpenVMS Version 8.4 > Appendix A Assigning Privileges

VOLPRO Privilege (Objects)

The VOLPRO privilege lets the user's process:

  • Initialize a previously used volume with an owner UIC different from the user's own UIC

  • Override the expiration date on a tape or disk volume owned by another user

  • Use the /FOREIGN qualifier to mount a Files-11 volume owned by another user

  • Override the owner UIC protection of a volume

The VOLPRO privilege permits control only over volumes that the user's process can mount or initialize. Volumes mounted with the /SYSTEM qualifier are safe from a process with the VOLPRO privilege as long as the process does not also have the SYSNAM privilege.

Exercise extreme caution when granting the VOLPRO privilege. If unqualified users can override volume protection, the operating system and service to others can be disrupted. Such disruptions can include destruction of the database and exposure of confidential information.

The VOLPRO privilege lets a process perform the following tasks:

Task Interface

Dismount a volume


Initialize a volume


Mount foreign multivolume magnetic tape set


Override volume labels or accessibility


Initialize blank tape


Override access while initializing a magnetic tape after a file access error


Override write-locking of volume on errors


Override write protection of former shadow set member


Override volume expiration, protection, or ownership