hp Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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The probable cause is a system management error. A user has copied a journal file or a disk containing a journal file. RTR can now see both the original and the copy and does not know which to use.

To correct this, do one of the following:

(a) Check the log for the relevant filenames, and delete or move the duplicate journal file, or

(b) Reissue the CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command (in this case any recovery information in the old journal is lost).

%RTR-E-DUPLPARTNAME, Duplicate partition name

Explanation: Duplicate partition argument.
%RTR-E-DUPLRMNAME, Duplicate RM partition name

Explanation: Duplicate partition argument.
%RTR-E-DUPNODNAM, Duplicate node name, [A]

Explanation: The node name list specified with the /FRONTEND, /ROUTER or /BACKEND qualifiers on a CREATE FACILITY command contained the node name [A] more than once.
%RTR-E-DUPSPNAME, Duplicate ServiceProvider name, [A]

Explanation: The ServiceProvider name specified in a CREATE SERVICEPROVIDER command already exists on the system.
%RTR-E-EMPTYREQ, Request_info list is empty ...

Explanation: An empty list was supplied to rtr_request_info.
%RTR-I-ENABMOD, [A] mode enabled

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the mode that was enabled after issuing a SET MODE command.
%RTR-E-ENODNANAM, DECnet definition required, but not found for node [A]

Explanation: A node name was specified in a context that required a successful lookup for the DECnet address, but none was available. This can occur when DECnet is explicitly specified through use of a node name prefix ("dna."), or when DECnet is the only enabled network transport. Check the network node name database on the local node, and the network name server (DNS).
%RTR-E-ENOIPNAM, IP definition required, but no host definition found for [A]

Explanation: A host name was specified in a context that required a successful lookup for the IP address, but none was available. This can occur when TCP is explicitly specified through use of a node name prefix ("tcp."), or when IP networking is the only enabled network transport. Check the host name database on the local node, and the network name server (DNS).
%RTR-F-ENOTRANSPORTS, No network transports available

Explanation: No network transport are available. Most likely cause is the manipulation of the transport protocols allowed to RTR.
%RTR-F-ERRACCDIR, Directory [A], cannot be accessed or opened

Explanation: A directory cannot be accessed or opened.
%RTR-E-ERRACCFIL, Error accessing file [A]

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of a file that the RTR utility was unable to access.
%RTR-E-ERRACCMBX, Error accessing mailbox

Explanation: An error occurred whilst accessing a mailbox. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRACCNOD, Error accessing node [A]

Explanation: An error occurred whilst accessing node [A]. If you were using the /NODE or /CLUSTER qualifier to issue a remote command please check that you are able to execute simple non-RTR remote shell or DECnet commands on the remote node. RTR remote commands will not work unless remote shell software is installed and proxy and rhost settings are correctly configured. Also check that both nodes have the same RTR_PREF_PROT value on platforms that can use both DECnet and TCP/IP.
%RTR-E-ERRACCTAB, Error accessing tables

Explanation: The configuration tables could not be accessed. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRCREMBX, Error creating mailbox

Explanation: An error occurred whilst creating a mailbox. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRDELMBX, Error deleting mailbox

Explanation: An error occurred whilst deleting a mailbox. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRGETNOD, Error obtaining information for node [A]

Explanation: An error occurred whilst trying to look up node [A] in the DECnet database. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRINIACS, Unable to initialize tables

Explanation: The configuration tables could not be initialized. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-F-ERRJOUNAM, Error in journal file name -
CREATE JOURNAL/SUPERSEDE and submit prob. report

Explanation: An RTR journal file has been found which has an incorrect name format. This may be an RTR error, so submit a problem report. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.

Reissue the RTR CREATE JOURNAL command before restarting RTR. Use CREATE JOURNAL/SUPERSEDE.

%RTR-E-ERROPEFIL, Error opening file [A]

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of a file that the RTR utility was unable to open.
%RTR-F-ERROPEJOU, Error opening journal file

Explanation: An error occurred while opening a journal file.
%RTR-E-ERRSTAACP, Unable to start ACP

Explanation: The RTRACP process could not be started when a START RTR command was issued. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-ERRSTARCH, Unable to start remote client handler

Explanation: The RTR remote client handler process could not be started when a START REMOTE_CLIENT_HANDLER command was issued. The subsequent message gives more details.
%RTR-E-EVTNAMILL, Unknown event name, [A]

Explanation: The /EVENT qualifier on the SYS$DCL_TX_PRC command specified an out-of-range event number.
%RTR-W-EXCHANNELCNT, SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT too small for the requested number of processes and links

Explanation: The value of the OpenVMS SYSGEN parameter
CHANNELCNT is too small to allow RTR to handle the requested number of application processes and links. RTR will start, but fewer application processes can be handled than specified. Review the values of the /PROCESS and /LINK qualifiers to the START RTR command. CHANNELCNT should be greater than 30 plus the number of links plus twice the number of processes specified.
%RTR-W-EXCMAXSIZ, Create/Modify Journal failed - maximum journal size should not exceed [A] Blocks

Explanation: The user cannot create or modify an RTR Journal using the CREATE/MODIFY JOURNAL command with a Journal Size that exceeds the maximum size allowed by RTR.
%RTR-W-EXFREEPAGE, Requested page file quota exceeds free space in page files

Explanation: The page file quota specified on OpenVMS for the RTRACP process exceeds the current free space in the page file. RTR will start, but may have access to fewer resources than desired. Review the sizing qualifiers to the START RTR command (including the defaults) - you may need to increase the size of the system page file(s).
%RTR-W-EXMAXPROCESSCNT, SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCNT too small for the requested number of processes

Explanation: The value of the OpenVMS SYSGEN parameter
MAXPROCESSCNT is too small to allow RTR to handle the requested number of application processes. RTR will start, but fewer application processes can be handled than specified. Review the value of the /PROCESS qualifier to the START RTR command. MAXPROCESSCNT should be greater than 50 plus the number of processes specified.
%RTR-F-EXPNAMEUSED, NAME [A] has already been used

Explanation: The REMEMBER EXPRESSION /NAME [A] has already been used. This REMEMBER EXPRESSION command has been ignored.
%RTR-E-EXPNAMILL, Expression name [A] contains illegal character "[A]"

Explanation: The expression name [A] specified by the REMEMBER EXPRESSION command contains the specified illegal character. Legal characters are letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), hyphen (-), and the underscore(_).
%RTR-W-EXPNAMNOTFOUND, EXPRESSION NAME [A] not declared - using default value "1" for SELECT clause

Explanation: The SELECT qualifier contains an expression name [A] that has not previously been declared.
%RTR-W-EXPNAMTRUNCATED, NAME truncated from [A] characters to [A] characters

Explanation: Data in a REMEMBER EXPRESSION /NAME qualifier is too long. The name has been truncated from [A] characters to [A] characters to fit in the appropriate space.
%RTR-E-EXPSYNILL, Expression has illegal syntax, [A] expected n/[A]/

Explanation: The expression is invalid because token [A] was expected but the given token was found.
%RTR-E-EXPTOOCOM, Expression too complex n[A]

Explanation: The expression [A] is too complex to evaluate. Please submit a Problem Report.
%RTR-W-EXWSMAX, Requested memory quotas exceed the system limit WSMAX

Explanation: The command qualifiers on the START RTR command specify a larger physical memory quota than is currently permitted by the operating system limits. RTR will start, but may have access to fewer resources than desired. Raise the system size limit.
%RTR-S-FACADDED, Facility [A] added

Explanation: Displays the name of the facility that was successfully created after issuing an CREATE FACILITY command.
%RTR-E-FACALREXI, Facility already exists, [A]

Explanation: The facility [A] specified with the CREATE FACILITY command already exists.
%RTR-S-FACCREATED, Facility [A] created

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the facility that was successfully created after issuing a CREATE FACILITY command.
%RTR-S-FACDELETE, Facility [A] deleted

Explanation: Displays the name of the facility that has been deleted after issuing a DELETE FACILITY command.
%RTR-S-FACEXTENDED, Facility [A] extended

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the facility that was successfully extended (or created) after issuing an EXTEND FACILITY command.
%RTR-E-FACNAMBLA, Facility name is blank

Explanation: An empty string was specified where a facility name was expected.
%RTR-E-FACNAMILL, Facility name [A] contains illegal character "[A]"

Explanation: The facility name [A] contains the identified illegal character. Legal characters are capital letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), dollar ($) and underscore (_).
%RTR-E-FACNAMLON, Facility name [A] is longer than 30 characters

Explanation: The facility name [A] is too long. The maximum length of a facility name is RTR_MAX_FACNAM_LEN (currently 31). However, 31 character facility names are not supported in recent versions of RTR.
%RTR-E-FACNAMSTA, Facility name [A] does not start with a letter

Explanation: The facility name [A] does not start with a capital letter (A to Z).
%RTR-E-FACNOTDEL, Facility [A] cannot be deleted while it has active partitions

Explanation: The specified facility could net be deleted because it has at least one active partition. For a partition to be considered inactive it must either have no servers or be in standby state. Stop any servers running on partitions within the facility on the node where the facility is to be deleted.
%RTR-E-FACPRTREQ, Facility and partition name are required to set a transaction in pri_done state

Explanation: The transaction is in the pri_done state; to set it to another state, the user must supply both facility and partition names.
%RTR-I-FACROLEDEL, Node no longer configured for appropriate role

Explanation: This status can be returned as the reason status when a client channel is being shut down because the facility has been deleted or its configuration has been modified to exclude the appropriate role from the set of roles for this node.
%RTR-E-FACTABFUL, The FAC table is full

Explanation: This message is displayed when an CREATE FACILITY command is issued. It indicates that the maximum number of FACILITY to LINK relations has been reached.
%RTR-S-FACTRIMMED, Facility [A] trimmed

Explanation: Displays the name [A] of the facility that was successfully trimmed after issuing a TRIM FACILITY command.
%RTR-E-FDBTABFUL, The FDB table is full

Explanation: This message is displayed when an CREATE FACILITY command is issued. It indicates that the maximum number of facilities has already been reached.
%RTR-E-FENAMELONG, Frontend name string length greater than RTR_MAX_FE_NAM_LEN

Explanation: The supplied value for the frontend name string exceeded the permitted maximum of RTR_MAX_FE_NAM_LEN characters.
%RTR-E-FLDNFND, Field [A] not found

Explanation: Field not found in call to rtr_request_info.
%RTR-I-FORCEDEXI, Forcing RTR application exit, process [A], PID [A]

Explanation: Displays the name [A] and PID of the processes that were forced to exit due to the execution of a STOP RTR command.
%RTR-F-FUNCNOTSUP, Function not supported

Explanation: Function not supported.
%RTR-I-GRPMODCHG, Group changed from [A] to [A]

Explanation: RTR group changed from the first to the second named.
%RTR-E-GRPNAMILL, Group name [A] contains illegal character "[A]"

Explanation: The group name [A] contains the specified illegal character. Legal characters are letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), dollar ($), hyphen (-), and underscore (_).
%RTR-I-HIGBNDHEX, High bound is [A] (hex)

Explanation: Displays the high bound of the server key range.
%RTR-E-HLBNCPTBL, Format of help library [A] is unknown

Explanation: The specified help library has an unknown format.
%RTR-I-HLPNOTFND, No help available (help file [A] not found)

Explanation: The help file specified by the RTRHELP environment variable cannot be found or cannot be opened.
%RTR-E-ILLDEVTYP, Device [A] is unsuitable for journals

Explanation: RTR can only create its journal files on directory structured devices. Reissue the CREATE JOURNAL command specifying a suitable disk. Setting the environment variable RTR_SCAN_ALL may help to overcome this if you are certain that the device is in fact suitable.
%RTR-E-ILLPARTCHAR, Legal characters are alphanumeric, dollar and underscore

Explanation: The partition name contains one or more illegal characters.
%RTR-E-ILLREMDEV, Device [A] contains a node specification

Explanation: RTR cannot create its journal files on remote systems. Reissue the CREATE JOURNAL command specifying a local disk.
%RTR-E-INICTXFAIL, The ServiceProvider [A], failed to register initial context in JVM

Explanation: The ServiceProvider name specified in CREATE
SERVICEPROVIDER or MODIFY SERVICEPROVIDER failed to register its initial context in JVM, the Java Virtual Machine.
%RTR-E-INSUFPRIV, Insufficient privileges to run RTR

Explanation: More privileges required to run the RTR utility.
%RTR-F-INSVIRMEM, Insufficient virtual memory

Explanation: The application was unable to allocate additional virtual memory.
%RTR-F-INVCHANAM, Invalid chanam argument

Explanation: Invalid channel name (chanam) argument. The maximum length of a channel name is RTR_MAX_CHANAM_LEN (currently 31). Legal characters are alphanumeric, dollar and underscore.
%RTR-F-INVCHANNEL, Invalid channel argument

Explanation: Invalid channel specified.
%RTR-F-INVDEVNAM, Invalid device name length

Explanation: Invalid device name length.
%RTR-F-INVDSDEF, Msglen not consistent with len derived from msgfmt

Explanation: Invalid DSDEF format argument.
%RTR-F-INVEVTNUM, Invalid evtnum argument

Explanation: Invalid event number (evtnum) argument.
%RTR-F-INVEVTRAN, Invalid evtnum range

Explanation: Invalid event number range in the evtnum argument.
%RTR-E-INVFILNAM, Invalid file name, [A]

Explanation: The specified filename [A] is invalid.
%RTR-F-INVFL4CLI, Invalid flag for client channel

Explanation: Invalid flag for client channel.
%RTR-F-INVFL4SRV, Invalid flag for server channel

Explanation: Invalid flag for server channel.
%RTR-F-INVFLAGS, Invalid flags argument

Explanation: Invalid flags argument. An RTR API call was invoked with a combination of flags that had either insufficient, conflicting, or invalid flag bits set. If the RTR API call was made from the command line, then either supply additional qualifiers, or remove conflicting qualifiers.
%RTR-E-INVGETITMS, Invalid getitms argument

Explanation: The getitms argument given to rtr_request_info() was invalid.
%RTR-E-INVINFCLA, The given information class does not exist

Explanation: The information class passed to the API call rtr_request_info() does not exist.
%RTR-F-INVJOINTXID, Invalid join transaction argument

Explanation: If the RTR_F_OPE_FOREIGN_TM flag was specified in the call to rtr_open_channel, then the call to rtr_start_tx requires a join TX parameter. Also, the formatID field of the join TXID must be set to a valid value (not RTR_XID_FORMATID_NONE).
%RTR-F-INVKSLENGTH, Invalid ks_length argument

Explanation: Invalid key segment length (ks_length) argument. The length of a numeric key must be 1, 2, 4 or 8. The length may not be zero. The entire key must fit within the message.
%RTR-F-INVKSTYPE, Invalid ks_type argument

Explanation: Invalid key segment type (ks_type) argument.
%RTR-E-INVMONFILECMD, Command not allowed inside the monitor file n[A]

Explanation: The specified monitor file contained an invalid command [A]. This may be caused by omitting the continuation character (-) on the end of a line that is to be continued.
%RTR-F-INVMSGFMT, Invalid format argument

Explanation: Invalid message format (msgfmt) argument.

Possible reasons include the use of an invalid character or expression in the format string, or a mismatch in the number of bytes specified by the format string and the message length argument. The maximum length of a format string is RTR_MAX_MSGFMT_LEN (currently 8192).

%RTR-F-INVMSGLEN, Invalid msglen argument

Explanation: Invalid message length (msglen) argument. The maximum size of an RTR message is RTR_MAX_MSGLEN (64000). Zero length messages are permitted.
%RTR-E-INVMSGSIZE, Signed and unsigned data must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes

Explanation: The size of a numeric key segment must be 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
%RTR-F-INVNUMSEG, Invalid numseg argument

Explanation: Invalid number of key segments (numseg) argument. The maximum number of segments in key is RTR_MAX_NUMSEG (currently 20).
%RTR-E-INVOBJCT, Specified object type invalid for managed object request

Explanation: An invalid management object type was the target of an rtr_set_info() command. Check your program and the RTR C Application Programmer's Reference Manual for valid managed object types.
%RTR-F-INVOP4CLI, Invalid operation for client channel

Explanation: Invalid operation for client channel.
%RTR-F-INVOP4SRV, Invalid operation for server channel

Explanation: Invalid operation for server channel.
%RTR-F-INVPKEYSEG, Invalid pkeyseg argument

Explanation: Invalid key segment pointer (pkeyseg) argument.
%RTR-F-INVRCPNAM, Invalid rcpnam argument

Explanation: Invalid recipient name (rcpnam) argument. The maximum length of a broadcast recipient name is RTR_MAX_RCPNAM_LEN (currently 31). Some versions also tolerate 32 characters for compatibility with V2.
%RTR-F-INVREASON, Invalid reason argument

Explanation: Invalid reason argument.
%RTR-E-INVRMNAME, Invalid resource manager name

Explanation: Invalid resource manager name.
%RTR-E-INVSELITM, Invalid selitm argument

Explanation: An invalid character was found in the selitm argument given to rtr_request_info(), or selitm was of type OBJECT.
%RTR-E-INVSELLEN, Invalid sellen argument

Explanation: The sellen argument given to rtr_request_info() was invalid.
%RTR-E-INVSELVAL, Invalid selval argument

Explanation: The selval argument given to rtr_request_info() was invalid.
%RTR-E-INVSTATCHANGE, Invalid to change from current state to the specified state

Explanation: The SET TRANSACTION command cannot perform the required change.
%RTR-F-INVSVRCLIFLG, Either both /Client and /Server flags were supplied or they were missing

Explanation: Either /Client and /Server flags were both supplied or none were supplied. Please enter the desired flag for your command.
%RTR-F-INVWAKEUP, Invalid wakeup argument

Explanation: Invalid wakeup argument. The wakeup must be a void function with no arguments, or NULL.
%RTR-E-ITMALREXI, There is already something displayed at x = [A], y = [A]

Explanation: Invalid coordinates were specified on a DISPLAY command within a display file. There already is an item at point x,y.
%RTR-E-ITMLSTTOOBIG, Item-list got too big

Explanation: A MONITOR file is so complex that the item list is too big to pass to rtr_request_info.
%RTR-F-IVKEYW, Unrecognized keyword - check validity and spelling n [A]

Explanation: A keyword specified in a command is not valid for the command. The rejected portion of the command is displayed between backslashes.
%RTR-F-IVQUAL, Unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement n [A]

Explanation: An invalid qualifier is specified.
%RTR-F-IVVERB, Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling n [A]

Explanation: The first word in the command is not a valid CLI command or a name equated with a command. The rejected portion of the command is displayed between backslashes.
%RTR-E-JNDIINUSE, JNDI [A], is currently in use

Explanation: The JNDI name specified in a CREATE DATASOURCE /CONNECTIONPOOL or MODIFY DATASOURCE /CONNECTIONPOOL command is already associated with another DataSource/ConnectionPool.
%RTR-E-JNDIREGFAIL, [A] [A] failed to register with JNDI in JVM

Explanation: Error occurs while registering with JNDI in JVM.
%RTR-E-JOUACCDEN, No access to journal for attempted operation: permission denied

Explanation: Could not access journal file due to insufficient privileges.
%RTR-W-JOUALREXI, Journal already created

Explanation: A previously existing journal was found.

This status, returned by the CREATE JOURNAL command, indicates that you have issued an RTR CREATE JOURNAL command without deleting the previous journal.

To create a journal, do one of the following:

use the /SUPERSEDE qualifier with the CREATE JOURNAL command or delete the old journal with the DELETE JOURNAL command.

%RTR-E-JOUCDROM, CD-ROM is unwritable, not suitable for a journal

Explanation: RTR cannot create a journal on a device that is a Compact Disc Read Only Memory and therefore mounted read-only and not designed to be writable.
%RTR-S-JOUDELETE, Journal has been deleted

Explanation: Journal has been successfully deleted after issuing a DELETE JOURNAL command.
%RTR-E-JOUDEVICEUNKNOWN, Cannot determine the device type, no journal has been created

Explanation: RTR cannot tell if the specified device is suitable for a journal. Setting the environment variable RTR_SCAN_ALL may help to overcome this if you are certain that the device is in fact suitable.
%RTR-E-JOUDISKFULL, Disk is full, cannot create journal

Explanation: The disk or file system is full, or the disk space quota is exceeded.
%RTR-F-JOUFILMIS, RTR journal file missing - Find missing file or use CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE

Explanation: One of the previously initialized RTR journal files for a backend could not be found. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands.

Probable causes are:

(1) One of the disks being used for journalling is unavailable, or

(2) A user has inadvertently deleted an RTR journal file.

Corrective action, either:

(a) Bring the missing disk back on line, or

(b) Reissue the RTR CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command to create a new journal (in this case any recovery information in the old journal is lost).

%RTR-F-JOUFORCHA, Journal format has been changed - CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE

Explanation: The journal file(s) found have an out-of-date format. This status may be returned by the CREATE FACILITY and SHOW JOURNAL commands after a new version of RTR has been installed on a system.

Corrective action: Issue an RTR CREATE JOURNAL /SUPERSEDE command.

%RTR-W-JOUINUSE, Journal is locked by another user

Explanation: The journal is currently in use by another user.

This status may be returned by the CREATE JOURNAL, and DELETE JOURNAL commands.

Corrective action:

Wait for the other user to complete, then reissue the command.

%RTR-W-JOULOCKED, Journal locked - may interfere with standby recovery during dump

Explanation: The /LOCK qualifier locks the journal, making it unavailable to all RTR processes during the duration of dump execution. This may interfere with standby recovery if a standby node tries to open the journal.
%RTR-E-JOUNOTAVA, Error during recovery ([A]) from [A] journal

Explanation: The RTR transaction manager requested recovery from a remote journal, but the request could not be delivered to the node hosting the journal. In a non-clustered standby configuration, this indicates that local recovery after a server failure could not be completed. No user action is required, because the transaction manager will attempt to send the recovery query again, once it has detected that the remote journal has become available.
%RTR-F-JOUNOTFOU, Journal not found

Explanation: No RTR journal files can be found.

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