_______________________________________________________ September 2004 DEC/EDI Version V4.20 Release Notes This document provides supplemental information about DEC/EDI Version V4.20. This includes DEC/EDI Application Client and Server for Tru64 Unix and DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter for Tru64 Unix Servers. It includes notes on restrictions, and known problems. Software Version: DEC/EDI for Tru64 UNIX Version V4.20 Required Operating System: Tru64 UNIX Version V5.1 Oracle or 9.0.1 Optional Software: MAILbus 400 MTA version 2.0C MAILbus 400 MTA version 2.0B Optional Software: HP X.25 for Tru64 UNIX, V3.12 Hewlett-Packard ____________________________________________________________ September 2004 Possession, use or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from HP[TM] or an authorized sublicensor. While Hewlett-Packard believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. (c) 2004 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Company: AXP, DEC, Compaq, DECforms, DECnet, DECwindows, MAILbus, OpenVMS, Tru64, VMS, VMSmail. AT&T is a trademark of American Telephone & Telegraph Company. TYMNET is a registered trademark of TYMNET, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X/Open Company Ltd. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Microsoft is a registered trademark, and Windows is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation. CLEO, 3780Plus and SYNCcable+ are registered trademarks of CLEO Communications. Oracle is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of AdobeSystems Incorporated. Sun and Solaris are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Contents ____________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document Contents 1.2 New Users 1.3 Existing Users 1.4 New features/Enhancements 1.5 Problems Resolved 1.6 Known Problems ____________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 1.1 Document Content This document forms the release notes for the following products: o DEC/EDI for Tru64 Unix[TM], V4.20. This product contains both application client and server components for the Tru64 Unix platform. o DEC/EDI Cockpit, V4.20. This product contains the DEC/EDI Cockpit and Access Control Editor for use with DEC/EDI for Tru64 Unix,DEC/EDI for OpenVMS Alpha servers. o DEC/EDI CommandCenter, V4.20. This product contains the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter applications for use with DEC/EDI for Tru64 Unix and online documentation in Adobe[TM] Acrobat [TM] format. All information in this document applies equally to all of the above products unless specifically stated otherwise. __________________________________________________________ 1.2 New Users If you are a new user of DEC/EDI, you should follow the installation instructions for the product contained in DEC/EDI: Installation Manual. You are also recommended to read DEC/EDI: Introduction which gives an overview of DEC/EDI describing the main components of the system and explaining how the system processes business data. __________________________________________________________ 1.3 Existing Users If you are an existing user of DEC/EDI, you should follow the installation instructions for the product contained in DEC/EDI:Installation Manual. After the migration to DEC/EDI V4.20 if you need to use the existing maps, these must be re-compiled and copied back to the server. DEC/EDI V4.20 automatically stores the new DEC/EDI version information inside the maps. This is a mandatory step before issuing TRADE POST/FETCH commands. DEC/EDI for Tru64 Unix, V4.20 supports installation over previous Digital Unix versions of the product. Specifically it may be installed over: o DEC/EDI V3.2B o DEC/EDI V4.0 o DEC/EDI V4.0B 1.3.1 Migrating from previous versions If the previous version of DEC/EDI is lower than V40 or V40,execute the migration script decedi_v42_migrate.sh located in /var/adm/decedi in the installed machine, which would make the necessary database changes. For Migrationg from DEC/EDI V40B execute the following steps. Kindly modify the script to specify the roll back segment before executing the script. # su - oracle $ sqlplus / nolog SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> @/var/adm/decedi/decedi_migrate_ora_v40b_to_v42_db.sql ____________________________________________________________ 1.4 New features/Enhancements 1.4.1 Overiding "From-address" in PEDI gateway ---------------------------------------- In DEC/EDI V4.20 the sender address of a X400 message is configurable for a given partner. The sender address can be configured using communication editor of DEC/EDI V4.20 CommandCenter. The PEDI gateway connections can now be configured with additional fields in which different originator addresses can be specified. This is an optional feature and can be turned ON or OFF with using the check box provided in the connection details dialog box. Follow these steps to make use of this feature: 1. Start the "communications editor" tool from DEC/EDI V4.20 Command center. 2. Double click on an existing PEDI connection (if no PEDI connections are configured, kindly follow the usual step to create a PEDI connection.) 3. To make use of this new feature, click on the "Over-ride originator address" check box. 4. Using the new tabs "Details 5" & "Details 6", specify the O/R address that should over-ride the originator address specified at the gateway level. 5. Click OK to save the changes. 6. To avoid this over-riding, uncheck the "Over-ride originator address" check box mentioned in step 3. 1.4.2 PEDI Address matching is not case sensitive ------------------------------------------- By default address matching in PEDI gateway of DEC/EDI V4.20 is case sensitive.When the environmental variable DECEDI_PEDI_IGNORE_CASE is defined the address matching in PEDI gateway is case insensitive. 1.4.3 Generation of CONTRL acknowledgment document -------------------------------------------- In DEC/EDI V40B, by default, CONTRL acknowledgment is generated only when there are errors in the incoming transmission file. In DEC/EDI V4.20 CONTRL acknowledgment is generated even when the incoming transmission file does not have any errors (Positive Acknowledgement).DEC/EDI V4.20 also generates CONTRL acknowledgment when the incoming transmission file has some errors(Negative Acknowledgment).Both Positive and Negative Acknowledgement is generated only if CONTRL document is configured. In DEC/EDI V4.20 Positive acknowledgement can be suppressed by defining an environment variable "DECEDI_SUPPRESS_POSTIVE_ACK". The environment variable DECEDI_SUPPRESS_POSTIVE_ACK can be used along with another environmental variable DECEDI_IGNORE_UNB0031. If the environmental variable DECEDI_IGNORE_UNB0031 is defined, the outgoing documents would not wait for acknowledgement from the trading partner. 1.4.4 Accessing of database by Trade Track minimized ------------------------------------------------ In DEC/EDI V4.20 Trade Track does not access the database when queries are related to live database. Trade Track will only access the memory queues to provide the necessary information. The reduction of database access results in higher performance of Trade Track. Trade Track will continue to access the database for queries related to archive database. ____________________________________________________________ 1.5 Bugs resolved. DEC/EDI V4.20 kit contains fixes for the following problmes. The following list contains the IPMT numbers and there problem discription. Sl No IPMTNo Problem Description 1. 103635 DECEDI_POST API call leaks memory, eventually causing application failure. 2. 103787 DEC/EDI fails to match against trading partner profile when UNB_S002_0008 in an inbound transmission is blank. 3. 103949 DEC/EDI corrupts the information when an Interchange Control Number of Document Control Number contains swedish accented characters. 4. 104164 Wrong Partner ID recorded for inbound OFTP transmission file. 5. 104352 Incorrect handling of mixed case in UNB/UNH. 6. 104381 Memory leaks in CSF process. 7. 105988 A restart of interrupted OFTP transmission causes DEC/EDI to hang. 8. 106372 Inbound batching feature fails when processing a large interchange. 9. 106473 Trade Track is slow. 10. 104373 MQS Gateway is slow. 11. 106822 MQS gateway process terminates in cluster. 12. 101093 UCD segment in KONTRL message has wrong element number. 13. 100727 CSF process crashes when fetching documents using inbound batching. 14. 100726 DEC/EDI sometimes fails to keep all documents in a batch together during fetching. 15. 100633 Documents send using OFTP gateway gets stuck in SENT status. 16. 100468 KONTRL acknowledgment not generated when too many subelements. 17. 100030 Wrong segment number in UCR segement when generating KONTRL acknowledgement. 18. 100029 When generating KONTRL acknowledgement errors information are at wrong levels. 19. 99603 MQS Gateway leaves files in AWAIT_TRANS. 20. 99604 When fetching large inbound batch sometimes documents are stuck in available status. 21. 98101 $USERREF is truncated at 20 chars if set within mapping table. 22. 101986 Inbound X12 document fails with DECEDI__X12_ELEMTOOSHRT. X12 translator requirES 8 digit dates in the GS segment for the version that use 6 digit dates in GS. 23. 105008 X12 Transmission file Builder does not populate the connection specific data/ Error updating transmission file using TCL script with 3780 Gateway. 24. 106145 Edifact Translator does not generate CONTRL message when using private document. 25. 106618 CCID crashes if segment/element separateors are present within the data without a release character. 26. 100352 X12 documents are getting updated even after receiving Acknowledgment. 27. 99928 TFB generates invalid X12 stucture when having a trading partner profile with 2 application ids that are identical EXCEPT the Security Qualifiers and Authorization Qualifiers. 28. 99474 3780 gateway logs error stating that job '0' could not be found in the JDF table. 29. 97432 Pedi process leaks memory. 30. 96001 For inbound Edifact transmission file the routing addresses for sender/receiver are swapped when entered into DEC/EDI audit trail. 31. 94453 PEDI crashes for certain combination of incoming file. 32. 94285 Trade Track fails when used with space separated multiple selection list. 33. 92198 Extra characters inserted by IMPEXP gateway during importing of document. 34. 91146 CSG process logs "Unaligned access" error messages when Control Numbers dialogue in Document Details in DEC/EDI Trading Partner Editor is opened. 35. 91046 Using DECEDI_SEL_ALL selection item against the ARCHIVE database causes the track process to crash. 36. 90943 Trade post command fails when application id is specified in lower case. 37. 106472 Error compiling fbo file when the specified directory of the fbo file contains a dot. 38. 106108 Trading Partner Editor automatically fills the Trading Group field for Trading Partner specific documents 39. 105906 DEC/EDI Command Centre does not support Oracle 9i drivers. 40. 97476 Document transmission view does not work with since/before qualifiers. 41. 99104 DECEDI MTE, Syntax and unknown error on valid assignments. The problem occurs when the assignments are long. 41. 97708 Transmission file history not available from Command Centre. 42. 96132 Deletion of gateway details should be confirmed. 43. 94628 Failed docs cannot be cancelled from cockpit. 44. 90689 Cannot set the build interval when local is set to swedish. 45. 92691 PEDI crashed when processing a certain transmission file. 46. 92228 Elements S002_0007 and S003_0007 are swapped. 47. 89191 SEQ segments are lost in translation of incoming TRADACOMS message ____________________________________________________________ 1.6 Known Problems 1.6.1 Document level acknowledgement doesn't work ------------------------------------------- When message level acknowledgement is enabled for a trading partner profile, the acknowledgements are not generated. Only interchange level acknowledgements are generated. This problem occurs for only for X12 standard. 1.6.2 "Tracking Reference" qualifier doesn't work during trade fetch. --------------------------------------------------------------- When a "trade fetch" command is passed a "Tracking Reference" qualifier, all the documents that match the criteria are fetched regardless of Tracking Reference qualifier. 1.6.3 Trade Post of a X12 document (Inhouse) file requires Tracking Reference to be specified ----------------------------------------------------------------- Trade Post of X12 document requires Tracking Reference to be specified in the command line. The Post will fail if Tracking Reference is not specified. 1.6.4 3780 Gateway logs error when processing high priority documents. --------------------------------------------------- 3780 Gateway logs the following error when processing high priority EDIFACT documents. DECEDI__RNF (e), record not found DECEDI__JOBID (i), job id = 0 DECEDI__DBERRREAD (e), error reading row in database table JDF The Transmission file will be stuck in "Await Transmisison" state. The job has to be restarted to process the transmission file. __________________________________________________________________________