Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX

Installation Guide

Order Number: AA-Q66GK-TE

August 1997

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide describes how to install the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX (MMS) Run-time environment and the Developer's Kit on DEC 3000, Personal Workstations, and AlphaStations running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system.

Revision/Update Information:

This document supersedes the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide, Version 2.3.

Operating System:

DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2C and above, up to and including V4.0C

Software Product Version:

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX



Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, Massachusetts

August 1997

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This document is available on CD-ROM.


About this Guide

This guide describes how to install the Multimedia Services for the DIGITAL UNIX (MMS) run-time environment and the developer's kit on DEC 3000, Personal Workstations, and AlphaStations running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system.

Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX, if necessary.

Difference between MMS and MME — The three-letter acronym, MMS (Multimedia Services) is used in this guide as an abbreviation of the product name. MMS is also used in the developer's license PAK name. MME (Multimedia Extensions) is the prefix used in all product subset names.


Purpose and Audience

This guide is intended for system managers and others who install Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX. The release notes are intended for all users of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX. See Section 2.2 for more information about the release notes.

This guide's organization is listed below:

Chapter Description
Chapter 1 Quick Install
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation
Chapter 3 Installing MMS
Chapter 4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure
Chapter 5 Operating System Upgrade Warning
Chapter 6 Microsoft Sound Board Installation and Configuration Details
Chapter 7 Subset Listings
Chapter 8 Sample Listings
Chapter 9 Files Installed on Your System




This guide uses the following conventions:

Convention Explanation


The percent sign is the default user prompt.


The number sign is the default superuser prompt.

Boldface text

Boldface text indicates user input in interactive examples.


Monospaced typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, path name, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays.




The DIGITAL UNIX operating system is case sensitive, which means that it differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings that appear in text must be typed exactly as shown.


Brackets enclose the default response in a prompt. For example, [y] means that the default response is yes.
set -ld
The output of a command appears in Teal type, contained within a box.

Unless otherwise noted, press Return or Enter after entering commands or responses to command prompts.

Software Distribution

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX is distributed in several ways:

  • DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM (SPL)
  • DIGITAL UNIX System Integrated Products CD-ROM with the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System (DUAP)


Not all versions of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX are shipped with the DUAP CD-ROM. Refer to the DIGITAL UNIX documentation to find out which release of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX is shipped with the DUAP.

  • Factory Installed Software (FIS)

Use the bill of materials (BOM) to check the contents of your Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX software distribution kit.

In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes a:

  • CD-ROM optical disc for systems with optical disc drives
  • CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM "Read Before Using" letter

If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative.


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation

In addition to this guide, the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX documentation set includes:

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes
This document contains information which became available too late to be included in the offical product documentation. It is important to read this guide throughly before attempting to install or use MMS.

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Application User's Guide
This guide contains instructions for using the applications included in the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX run-time environment. The run-time environment is bundled at no charge with all Alpha workstations running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system.

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Programmer's Guide
This guide contains information about using the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX application programming interface (API) to develop applications that use multimedia features.

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description (SPD)
The Software Product Description is a synopsis of this product's features and functionality. It contains a complete listing of hardware requirements.

The following table lists all the MMS documentation and its location. Documentation availability might vary based on what subsets you have installed.

Table 1 — Complete Listing of MMS Documentation (Titles and Locations)

When MMERT240 is installed:
HTML Index: To view the online documentation with a web browser, you can load the file:


This file contain links to all of the files below that are installed.


When MMERELNOTES240 is installed:
Release Notes: /usr/opt/MME240/ascii_docs/release_notes.txt
Cover Letter: /usr/opt/MME240/ascii_docs/cover_letter.txt
SPD: /usr/opt/MME240/ascii_docs/spd.txt


When MMEDOC240 is installed:
Installation Guide: /usr/opt/MME240/ps_docs/
Application User's /usr/opt/MME240/ps_docs/
Guide: /usr/opt/MME240/html_docs/runtime_guide.html


When MMEDOCHW240 is installed:
Hardware Owner's /usr/opt/MME240/ps_docs/
Guides: /usr/opt/MME240/ps_docs/


When MMEDOCDEV240 is installed:
Programmer's Guide: /usr/opt/MME240/ps_docs/


When the Software Product Library CD is mounted on /cdrom:
Release Notes: /cdrom/mme240/documentation/


Installation Guide: /cdrom/mme240/documentation/
Cover Letter: /cdrom/mme240/documentation/
SPD: /cdrom/mme240/documentation/


When the Online Documentation Library CD is mounted on /cdrom:
Installation Guide:
Application User's Guide:
Programmer's Guide:
These three documents can be found on the Online Documentation Library CD. For more information on how to access these documents, refer to the User's Guide located in the /cdrom/readme directory on disc 1.


If the MMEMANRT subset is installed, online descriptions of the installed applet programs can be found in the DIGITAL UNIX Reference Pages, Section 1, using the man(1) command. For an overview of all the man pages in this subset, enter the following command:

% man mms

If the MMEMANDEV subset is installed, online descriptions of the function calls can be found in the DIGITAL UNIX Reference Pages, Section 3, using the man(1) command. For an overview of all the man pages in this subset, enter the following command:

% man mmsdev


How To Order Additional Documentation

Use the following table to order additional documentation or information. If you need help deciding which documentation meets your needs, call 800–DIGITAL (800–344–4825).

Telephone and Direct Mail Orders

Location Call/Fax Write
U.S.A. DECdirect
Digital Equipment Corporation
P.O. Box CS2008
Nashua, NH 03061
Puerto Rico 809–781–0505
Digital Equipment Caribbean, Inc.
3 Digital Plaza, 1st Street, Suite 200
P.O. Box 11038
Metro Office Park
San Jan, Puerto Rico 00910–2138
Canada 800–267–6215
Digital Equipment of Canada, Ltd.
Box 1300
100 Herzberg Road
Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K 2A6
Attn: DECdirect Sales
International Local DIGITAL subsidiary or approved distributor
Internal Orders DTN: 264–4446
U.S. Software Supply Business
Digital Eqipment Corporation
Nashua, NH 03063–1260